Facilities Planning

School District Long-Range Planning, School Maintenance and Repair

This is a reminder that since 1971 each public school district and BOCES is required to develop and keep on file a comprehensive long-range plan pertaining to educational facilities that must include an assessment of needed maintenance, repair and updating of buildings. This is pursuant to Section 155.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The plan shall be re-evaluated and made current at least annually.

Planning for the future is a continuous process which takes into consideration up-to-date data, appraisal of existing conditions and review of on-going programs.

Long-range building plans are particularly important because of the life expectancy of the educational facility. The district long-range plan must include a well designed maintenance plan.  The purpose of the Long-Range Maintenance Plan is to not only ensure the safety and welfare of pupils and staff, but also to maintain school district properties and insure that they remain in sound structural condition. A sound long-range plan will help reduce the extent to which districts routinely defer needed repair and maintenance projects. 

According to Section 155.1 of the Regulations, the long-range educational facility plan must include appraisal of the following:

  • The educational philosophy of the district, grade level patterns and program
  • Present and projected enrollments.
  • Special education pupil projections and classroom needs.
  • Space use and state rated pupil capacity of existing facilities.
  • Priority of need of maintenance, repair or modernization of existing facilities, including consideration of the obsolescence and retirement of certain facilities.
  • The provision of additional facilities.

When a school district decides to construct a new school, add to an existing school or substantially alter the educational spaces in an existing building, a Facilities Needs Assessment Summary is required to be prepared and submitted to the Office of Facilities Planning.  The requirements for the Facilities Needs Assessment Summary can be found on our web site at the following link:

Questions regarding the Long Range Plan or Facilities Needs Assessment Summary should be directed to the school district's project manager at (518) 474-3906.

Last Updated: September 5, 2017