School Governance, Policy, and Religious and Independent Schools

Areas Of Cost-Effectiveness Initiatives

Areas Of Cost-Effectiveness Initiatives Cited by School Districts
Areas Most Often Cited 1. Staff Development
2. Returning Spec. Ed. Students to Dist.
3. Shared Special Education Services
4. Use of Teachers’ Centers 5. Instructional Computer Networks
1. Purchasing/Bidding
2. Self-funded Workers’ Comp.
3. Health Insurance Consortium
4. Health/Safety Services
5. State Aid Planning Services
Where Districts Utilize BOCES 1. Staff Development
2. Shared Special Education Services
3. Library Automation
4. Instructional Computer Networks
5. School-to-Work Programs
1. Purchasing/Bidding
2. State Aid Planning Services
3. Health/Safety Services: In-Dist.
4. Health Insurance Consortium
5. Employee Relations
Districts With Other Districts and/or Municipalities 1. Teachers’ Centers
2. Consolidated Summer School
3. School-to-Work Programs 4. Summer Remedial/Enrichment Programs
5. Shared Special Education Services
1. Self-funded Workers’ Comp.
2. Health Insurance Consortium
3. Transportation Bidding/Routing
4. Vehicle Fueling/Maint. Facility
5. Co-op. Liability Insurance
Districts on Their Own

1. Returning Special Ed. Students to Dist.
2. Use of Volunteers
3. Use of Shared Decision-Making Councils
4. Site-Based Budgeting
5. Cooperative Learning

1. Restructuring Cent. Admin.
2. Health Insurance Buy-out 3. Combined Mgt./Supv. Position
4. In-House Pers. for Cap. Constr.
5. Investment  
QUESTION: In what areas does your district have cost-effective initiatives and is it a "shared" activity?
Last Updated: June 2, 2011