2006 Mathematics
Performance by Grade Level in the Big 5 Cities
New York City had the fewest students showing serious academic  problems. In Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, at least one in three students in grades 5-8 scored in Level 1.

Percentage of Students Scoring at Level 1

	New York City	Buffalo	Rochester	Syracuse	Yonkers
Grade 3	9.1%		28.6%	16.4%		26.0%		7.9%
Grade 4	10.3%		22.9%	18.9%		26.8%		9.2%
Grade 5	13.3%		40.5%	34.7%		37.4%		13.9%
Grade 6	18.0%		38.2%	32.2%		37.8%		23.9%
Grade 7	18.8%		34.5%	43.1%		40.8%		26.2%
Grade 8	24.1%		35.1%	37.7%		37.2%		28.4%