New York State Education Department

Parent Report

New York State Testing Program (NYSTP)

Your Child’s March 2006
Mathematics Results

For the parent or guardian of:

Student ID 987432108
Assessment Grade 4

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Beginning in 2005–06, students in grades 3 through 8 will take part in the annual New York State Testing Program (NYSTP) for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These tests are required by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and are used by schools as a measure of student progress in meeting NYS Learning Standards in English language arts and mathematics.

This report explains your child’s scores and lists resources available to you to support your child’s education. We encourage you to refer to this report when talking with teachers and other education providers. A strong partnership between parents and teachers is critically important to your child’s success. Use this report, along with the rich collection of work
your child has produced, to help you and your child’s teacher improve
your child’s achievement.

Richard P. Mills
Commissioner of Education

Your Child’s Score and Performance Level

Mathematics - Level 1: 485-621, Level 2: 622-649, Level 3: 650-701, Level 4: 702-800. Minimum for meeting standard:650. Your child's scale score: 642. Your child's performance: Level 2. Your child’s scale score: 642
Your child’s performance: Level 2

Your child partially demonstrated the knowledge and skills required by the Mathematics Learning Standard. Therefore, the school is required to provide academic intervention services for your child. For students scoring close to Level 3, monitoring the performance may be sufficient. Discuss the school’s plan for these services with your child’s teacher.

Your child’s scale score is an estimate of achievement based on one test. Discuss with the teacher how these test results compare with your child’s classroom performance on similar tasks.

  • Level 1, Not Meeting Learning Standards
    Student performance does not demonstrate an understanding of the mathematics content expected at this grade level.
  • Level 2, Partially Meeting Learning Standards
    Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the mathematics content expected at this grade level.
  • Level 3, Meeting Learning Standards
    Student performance demonstrates an understanding of the mathematics content expected at this grade level.
  • Level 4, Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction
    Student performance demonstrates a thorough understanding of the mathematics content expected at this grade level.

More about the Mathematics score for JOE A. STUDENT Student ID 987432108
Assessment Grade 4

Your Child’s Performance on This Test: Level 2, Partially Meeting Learning Standards

About mathematics content strands and your child’s results:

The information below is based on the New York State Learning Standards. These standards describe what your child should know and be able to do at this grade level. The Mathematics Learning Standard contains five content and five process strands. While the content strands focus on specific math skills, the process strands focus on how your child uses math skills. Your child’s performance on each content strand is presented as a Standard Performance Index (SPI).

The SPI estimates the number of questions your child would answer correctly if there were 100 items per strand. Your child’s performance on each strand is compared with the SPI target range. A student scoring within the target range demonstrates the expected understanding of the content strand. The target ranges vary across content strands because some strands may contain more difficult items than others.

Tested Content Strand Your
Target Range:
SPI is:
Number Sense and Operations Strand
Students understand numbers, multiple ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. They also understand meanings of operations
and procedures, and how they relate to one another. They compute accurately and
make reasonable estimates.
50 46–58 Within the Target Range
Algebra Strand
Students will represent and analyze algebraically a wide variety of problem solving
situations. They also perform algebraic procedures accurately and recognize, use,
and represent algebraically patterns, relations, and functions.
50 55–65 Below the Target Range
Geometry Strand
Students use visualization and spatial reasoning to analyze characteristics and properties of geometric shapes. They identify and justify geometric relationships, formally and informally and apply transformations and symmetry to analyze problem solving
situations. They also apply coordinate geometry to analyze problem solving situations.
80 69–75 Above the Target Range
Measurement Strand
Students determine what can be measured and how, using appropriate methods
and formulas. They use units to give meaning to measurements and understand that
all measurement contains error and are able to determine its significance. They also
develop strategies for estimating measurements.
45 49–62 Below the Target Range
Statistics and Probability Strand
Students collect, organize, display, and analyze data. They make predictions that
are based upon data analysis and understand and apply concepts of probability.

60 54–66 Within the Target Range
USING DATA THOUGHTFULLY Results by content strand should be used as a starting point to help you understand your child’s performance in mathematics. The scale score and performance level are better indicators than the SPIs of your child’s performance on the New York State Learning Standard for mathematics.

What’s Next?

To meet New York State Learning Standards, students need to perform at Level 3 or above.
Your child’s performance on this test: Level 2, Partially Meeting Learning Standards

Discuss your child’s test performance with the teacher.
To gain a complete and accurate picture of your child’s strengths and needs, review classroom work, other test results and progress reports with your child’s teacher. Also, discuss your child’s ability to apply mathematical skills to new problems
and situations.

Build a plan toward meeting the NYS Learning Standards.
Talk with your child and your child’s teacher about how to improve school performance. Take into account your child’s
strengths and needs as well as his or her interests and afterschool activities.

Visit www.NYSParents.com to find:

Use these tools to help your child learn and improve.