Information and Reporting Services

VADIR Data Collection || VADIR Data Reports || School Safety and Accountability

Violent and Disruptive Incidents Report - for Previous Years

Press Releases
Summary Reports
School-Level Data

NOTE: the Excel files have a "frozen" column to make it easier to view the scrolling data.  To unfreeze the column, from your Excel menu bar select Window then Unfreeze Panes.

Explanation of Reporting for New York City Buildings Including Multiple Schools

Some buildings in New York City contain multiple registered schools.  Each building has a Building Code and each registered school has it own identification number or BEDS code. These codes are provided on the school-level data file.   The following is a link to a table containing a list of Building Codes associated with more than one school and the list of BEDS codes and school names within that building.

Last Updated: August 30, 2012