The School District Organizational Meeting















Educational Management Services

Room 876 Education Building Annex

Albany, New York 12234

(518) 474-6541


June 1998





Type of District


Date of Annual Meeting

Date of Organizational Meeting



Legal Reference


Common Schools

Third Tuesday in May, unless it conflicts with a religious observation then it is the second Tuesday in May


None Required


2002, 2017


Union Free and Central Schools

Third Tuesday in May, unless it conflicts with a religious observation then it is the second Tuesday in May

First Tuesday in July unless it is a legal holiday, then it is the first Wednesday in July


Board may decide on any time during the first fifteen (15) days in July

1707, 1804, 2002

Central High Schools:

Nassau Suffolk


Second Tuesday in July

1904, 1906

City Schools:


Under 125,000





Over 125,000



New York City



City Schools



Community District (NYC)

















Election first Tuesday in May, every three years after 1977.



First week in July, date and time designated by the board


Second Tuesday in May at 4:00


First Tuesday in July


First week in July at 4:00


Not specified but would assume it would be first meeting in July



















Held in April

Not specified but would assume it would be first meeting in July

1950, 1951


___________________________________________________ School District




Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education






  1. Administration of Oath


    _____ a. Newly Elected Board Members; Administer Oath of Faithful Performance in Office to newly elected board members: New :York State Constitution, Article XIII-I; Public Officers Law 10, 30


  3. Election of Officers

    _____ a. President of the Board: Education Law 1701, 2504, 2563


    _____ b. Vice President: Education Law 1701, 2504


    _____ c. Administer Oath of Faithful Performance in Office to above: New York State Constitution, Article XIII-1; Public Officers Law 10, 30.


  5. Appointment of Officers

    _____ a. Clerk of the Board; Education Law 2114, 2130, 2503; Commissioner's Regulations 170.2


    _____ b. District Treasurer: Education Law 2114, 2130, 2503; Commissioner's Regulations 170.2


    _____ c. Deputy Treasurer; Education Law 1720


    _____ d. Tax Collector: Education Law 2101, 2114, 2130, 2506; Commissioner's Regulations 170.2; Town Law 37


    _____ e. Claims Auditor: Education Law 1709-20a, 2526; Commissioner's Regulations 170.2


     _____ f. Deputy Claims Auditor: Education Law 1709-20a, 2526


     _____ g. Administer Oath of Faithful Performance in Office to above: New York State Constitution, Article XIII-1; Public Officers Law 10, 30



  7. Other Appointments

    _____ a. School Physician: Education Law 902, 1709-21; Commissioner's Regulation 136.2


    _____ b. School Attorney


    _____ c. Census Enumerator: Education Law 3242 (discretionary)


    _____ d. Central Treasurer - Extraclassroom Activity Account: Education Law 2503; Commissioner's Regulation 173.4


    _____ e. Attendance Officer: Education Law 3213


    _____ f. School Dentist: Education Law 902


    _____ g. Independent Auditor: Education Law 2116-a; Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ h. Records Access Officer: Commissioner's Regulation 185.2(a)(1)


    _____ j. Asbestos (LEA) Designee: AHERA, Public Law 99-519


    _____ k. Purchasing Agent: Commissioner's Regulations 170.2


  9. Designations

    _____ a. Official Bank Depository, All Funds: Education Law 2129, 2130;

    Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ b. Regular Meetings: Education Law 1708 (at least once in each quarter), 2504


    _____ c. Official Newspapers: Education Law 2004; General Municipal Law 103


  11. Authorizations

    _____ a. To Certify Payrolls: Education Law 1720, 2523; Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ b. Conferences, Conventions, Workshops Attendance: General Municipal Law 77-b


    _____ c, To establish Petty Cash Funds: Education Law 1709-29; Commissioner's Regulation 170.4


    _____ d. Designation of Signatures on Checks: Education Law 1720, 2523


    _____ e. Budget Transfers on Chief School Officer's approval: Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ f. Superintendent to apply for Grants in Aid (State and Federal): Education Law 1711, 2508


  13. Official Undertakings (Bonds)

    _____ a. District Clerk: Education Law 2527, City Districts with no auditor


    _____ b. District Treasurer: Education Law 2122, 2130, 2527; Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ c. Deputy Treasurer: Education Law 1720


    _____ d. District Tax Collector: Education Law 2124, 2527; Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ e. Central Treasurer Activity Funds: Commissioner's Regulation 172.5


    _____ f. Internal Claims Auditor: Education Law 2527; Commissioner's Regulation 170.2


    _____ g. All persons and positions required by law or regulation to be bonded: Public Officers Law, Section 11 and Commissioner's Regulation 170.2 permit use of a Faithful Performance Blanket Bond in lieu of specific official undertakings; virtually all school districts and BOCES take this approach


  15. Other Items


_____ a. Re-adoption of all Policies and Code of Ethics in effect during previous year: Implied in Education Law 1709, 2503


_____ b. Establish Mileage Reimbursement Rate: Education Law 2118


_____ c. _________________________________________________________


_____ d. _________________________________________________________


_____ e. _________________________________________________________



Organizational Meeting

Do's and Don'ts




  1. Check the oath to insure it conforms to Article XIII-1
  2. Make certain the person administering the oath countersigns it
  3. Make certain all board officers as well as newly elected members of the board take an oath each year
  4. Appoint a deputy treasurer
  5. Include the stipend, if any, in the appointing motions
  6. Include in the appointing motion for the treasurer, deputy treasurer, tax collector, extraclassroom activity fund treasurer, claims auditor and deputy claims auditor, the amount of bond they are to obtain
  7. Make certain someone is authorized to certify payrolls
  8. Designate a purchasing agent
  9. Indicate the person responsible and the amount when establishing a petty cash fund
  10. Designate the signature of the treasurer on all school district checks
  11. Re-adopt all previous policies
  12. Establish the mileage reimbursement rate for use during the fiscal year when appropriate staff use their own vehicles on official business
  13. Authorize the superintendent to make budget transfers
  14. Authorize the superintendent to approve the attendance of staff to conferences
  15. Properly label this meeting as the "Organizational Meeting"
  16. Set the meeting dates for regular meetings throughout the year
  17. Designate the bank or banks where the treasurer will deposit district monies for the fiscal year
  18. Designate the official newspaper or newspapers where official district notices will be published for the fiscal year




  1. Don't hold the organizational meeting before July 1 or after July 15 (unless you are a city district of over 125,000)
  2. Don't allow newly elected board members to vote until they have taken their oath
  3. Don't close the organizational meeting and then open a regular meeting immediately following - it is all one meeting
  4. Don't use titles for board officers which are not in law or regulation (e.g., alternate treasurer or substitute internal claims auditor
  5. Don't forget to add the words "with expenses" when recording a motion authorizing members of the board to attend conferences and conventions
  6. Don't organize the minutes from back to front - they should read like a book
  7. Don't forget that law and regulations are constantly changing which may change the format of the organizational meeting - check


Suggested Resolutions For Use at the

Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education


Upon motion made by _________, seconded by________ the following resolution was offered:


Resolved, that _______ be elected President of the Board

of Education of this District for the 19____, _____ fiscal year.


Vote on the foregoing resolution was:


Ayes _____ Motion Carried _____


Nays _____ Motion Defeated _____









Upon motion made by _________, seconded by __________, the following resolution was offered:


Resolved, that __________ be and is hereby appointed

Treasurer of this District to serve at the pleasure of the Board

of Education during the school year 19___ - ____ at an annual

salary of ______ and is directed to procure an official undertaking in the amount of __________ and deliver it to the board.

Vote on the foregoing resolution was:


Ayes _____ Motion Carried _____


Nays _____ Motion Defeated _____







District Treasurer



Upon motion made by _________, seconded by __________, the following resolution was offered:


Resolved, that the following Banks and/or Trustee Companies be and are hereby designated as the official Depositories for the funds shown during the school year 19___ - ____.

Bank or Trust Company Fund


___________________ ___________________


___________________ ___________________


Vote on the foregoing resolution was:


Ayes _____ Motion Carried _____


Nays _____ Motion Defeated _____








