
Prekindergarten through Grade 12 Education

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SEDREF Update Process

When there is a change in superintendent or principal in any public school district, regular public school, charter school, nonpublic school or BOCES, the NYSED's Office of Information and Reporting Services (I&RS) must be formally notified so that the SED Reference File (SEDREF) can be updated. Online accounts will not be generated unless a person appears appropriately on SEDREF. Notification of a change of superintendent or principal (CEO/CFO) should come on district or school letterhead, and it must include the schools BEDs code, email and phone number of the new individual, effective date of the change and it must be signed by the old or new superintendent or principal as follows:

  • For school districts and regular public schools: on district letterhead signed by the former or new superintendent and can be emailed or faxed
  • For charter schools: on school letterhead signed by the former or new principal and can be emailed or faxed
  • For BOCES: on BOCES letterhead signed by the former or new district superintendent and can be emailed or faxed
  • For nonpublic school Chief Financial Officer (CFO) changes must be captured on this CFO form Word (38.5 KB) or this CFO form in PDF PDF (37.8 KB) and faxed or emailed.
  • For all other contact info changes for the above types of Institutions, the change can be requested via emailed at datasupport@nysed.gov or faxed to 518-474-4351
  • All other questions regarding this process should be directed to datasupport@nysed.gov or phone (518) 474-7965

NOTE: SEDREF updates are processed nightly. The earliest a new account can be generated and accessed will be the day after the update information has been received by SED.

To check the current status of data on file in SEDREF:

  • Access the NYSED Portal at http://portal.nysed.gov/portal/page/pref/PortalApp
  • Click on "SEDREF Query," which appears under “Public Interest”
  • Enter search criteria, (part of the popular name, part of the BEDS code, etc. Use % as a wild card character.) and then click on FIND at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select the desired district or school from the list returned.
  • Scroll down the page to “Administrative Positions.” For a Public School District, the Chief Executive Officer is the Superintendent. In a school building, non-public school or charter school, the Chief Executive Officer is usually the Principal. The First Name and Last Name listed here MUST match the user ID that is being created for a new account if the person involved is a School Superintendent or Principal.
Last Updated: December 9, 2016