Student Support Services

Commissioner's Regulations 80.3

Current through March 31, 2010. Disclaimer

Teacher Certificates

80.3 Certificates valid for pupil personnel service (school attendance teacher, school counselor, school dental hygiene teacher, school nurse-teacher, school psychologist and school social worker). (Effective September 1, 1973)

  1. Preparation: To obtain a certificate in a pupil personnel service, a candidate shall meet the requirements set forth in either (1) or (2) below:
    1. Completion of an approved program registered by the department. A certificate will be issued upon completion of a program registered and/or approved by the Department for the preparation of one of the pupil personnel services. The form of the certificate (provisional-valid for five (5) years from date of issuance or permanent) to be recommended and issued, will be determined by the recommending institution upon approval of the department.
    2. Alternative completion of requirements
      A certificate will be issued upon evidence that the requirements noted below have been met.
      1. School attendance teacher
        1. Provisional certificate
          1. The candidate shall hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or from an institution approved by the Department and shall have completed in addition/or including six semester hours of professional education appropriate to the function of the school attendance teacher.
          2. Time validity: The provisional certificate shall be valid for five years from date of issuance.
        2. Permanent certificate
          1. The candidate shall have completed in addition to the requirements for the provisional certificate, two years of school experience in the field of pupil personnel services and a master's degree in the field of pupil personnel service.

NOTE: 2(ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) have been omitted.