Student Support Services

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

Information Regarding Implementation of Public Access Defibrillation in Schools

Reminder - Part of the legislation (Public Health Law Section 3000) requires certification of staff through an approved provider. The duration of this certification varies from provider to provider and is generally one or two years.  It is important that you check the certification expiration date(s) for your staff and arrange for recertification, when indicated.  In addition, it is important that your equipment and supplies be checked periodically to ensure that your units will function properly, if needed. Please alert the appropriate person of these requirements, if other than you.

Commissioner's Regulations CR 136.4

Public Health Law  Article 30 - Emergency Medical Services - Section 3000 - link to NYS Department of Health website.

Emergency medical treatment - Good SamaritanExternal Link

Automated External Defibrillators: Public Access ProvidersExternal Link

Other Resources

NYS Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Bureau HomepageExternal Link 

Regional EMS Councils in NYSExternal Link- schools must contact the Regional EMS Council that serves their county to obtain required forms and other materials.

Last Updated: February 8, 2017