Student Support Services

School Safety Is Everybody’s Business

Seven Steps for Schools to Take to Ensure Positive School Climate and a
Safer Learning Environment for all!

  • Develop and equitably enforce a Code of Conduct for the district and building. (Education Law– Chapter 16, Title ll, Article 55 § 2801. Codes of conduct on school property)

  • Develop district safety plans and building emergency response plans to deal with serious situations and conduct drills, tabletops and functional exercises to increase the level of preparedness.

  • Personalize the school environment.

  • Analyze Violent And Disruptive Incident Reports (VADIR) and other student conduct data to provide information regarding pockets of concern that require attention and program strengths that could be replicated.

  • Implement programs and activities that have a proven record of achieving positive results; Evaluate programs periodically for their effectiveness and potential improvement.

  • Actively involve and engage parents and other community members in addressing issues and concerns.

  • Make sure students, teachers, parents, administrators, and other school staff are aware of warning signs of violence and the need to communicate to others.
Last Updated: December 29, 2010