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College and Career Readiness

Potential Revision of High School Graduation Requirements

In recent months, members of the Regents College and Career Readiness Working Group and others on the Board have begun discussions regarding New York's high school graduation requirements in terms of how effective they are, both as a mechanism for maximizing all students' educational potential and as a signal to higher education institutions and employers that New York's high school graduates are college- and career-ready. The New York State Board of Regents has been a leader in developing high school graduation requirements that reflect the best thinking of the times, and much has been learned from the experience of the last decade that can inform a reexamination of current policy.

The Regents College and Career Readiness Working Group discussed potential revisions to the New York State graduation requirements at its December 2010 meeting. The Working Group considered what knowledge, skills, and dispositions should students have when they graduate from high school; whether our expectations be the same for all students; various possible directions for the State's high school graduation requirements; and how to prepare the next generation of New York's students for college and careers.

For more information, please see the Regents item on the Potential Revision of High School Graduation Requirements.

Regents Regional Forums

Regents Regional Forums Presentation PDF icon (287KB)

Commissioner David Steiner, Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch, Vice Chancellor Milton Cofield, and Regent Wade Norwood held the first in a series of Graduation Requirements Forums at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES on January 19. These regional forums are being conducted throughout the state. Commissioner Steiner's opening remarks at the forum offer a concise overview of the options under consideration by the Board of Regents.

Watch the video of Commissioner Steiner's opening remarks external link icon

Regents Regional Forums video screenshot

College and Career Readiness Survey

The Board of Regents has collected your feedback on a College and Career Readiness Survey, which focused on three topics: College and Career Readiness Frameworks, Necessary Skills and Knowledge for College and Workforce Success, and New York State Graduation Requirements.

The survey was one aspect of a series of meetings, presentations, and data collection processes conducted by the Board of Regents' College and Career Readiness Working Group. Results of the survey will be shared with the Board of Regents at its March 2011 meeting.

Last Updated: March 1, 2011