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RFQ #20-002: Questions and Answers

Teacher and Principal Evaluation: Qualifications for Assessments to Be Used by New York State School Districts and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) in Teacher and Principal Evaluations

Last Updated: January 22, 2020

Application Guidelines
  1. If we are already listed as an approved assessment under RFQ #15-001, do we need to reapply, or will we remain on the list without having to submit any additional paperwork?
  2. All assessments approved for use with Education Law §3012-d under RFQ #15-001 are available for use with Education Law §3012-d as amended by the Laws of 2019. Assessment providers seeking to have one or more assessments placed on the Approved Assessment List after the release of RFQ
    #20-002, either for use with a Student Learning Objective (SLO) or as a State-designed supplemental assessment, or assessment providers who wish to resubmit a previously approved assessment for expanded use, must apply to RFQ #20-002 in order to be approved for use under Education Law
    § 3012-d as amended by the Laws of 2019.

  3. Can assessments under development be considered for listing?

    Assessments submitted through this RFQ must be completely developed and ready for use in an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) plan.

  4. If an LEA has many assessments to submit, must we submit an application for each assessment, or can we submit an application for the framework that is common across all of the assessments?

    Section 3.4, Application Package Format, on page 15 of the RFQ addresses the submission of assessments for various grades and subjects:

    • Applicants seeking approval for more than one assessment to be used with an SLO or as a supplemental assessment should submit separate Forms B and C for each proposed assessment.

    Forms B and C require information that is specific to individual assessments, including the frequency and nature of the assessment, how the assessment is integrated into the curriculum of the grade level/course, and, in the case where the assessment is used for the Required Student Performance subcomponent (SLOs), how the baseline data are used and set in conjunction with the assessment to measure student growth

  5. If a vendor is planning to submit an assessment for both the “Required Student Performance Subcomponent” and the “Optional Student Performance Subcomponent,” is a separate application required for each model?

    Assessments submitted for approval as an Assessment to Be Used with an SLO and as a Supplemental Assessment may be submitted on the same application.

  1. If an assessment was approved under RFQ #15-001 for use in the Optional Student Performance subcomponent, and we want to use it for APPR purposes under Education Law §3012-d, as amended, must we use it with a corresponding growth model?
  2. Under Education Law §3012-d, as amended, LEAs must locally negotiate as to whether to utilize the optional subcomponent of the Student Performance Category and which of the allowable options will be utilized. The allowable options include:

    • a second SLO, provided that this SLO is different than that used in the required student performance subcomponent
    • a growth score based on a statistical growth model
    • a measure of student growth, other than an SLO
    • a performance index
    • an achievement benchmark
    • any other collectively bargained measure of student growth or achievement

    If approved under RFQ #15-001, the State-designed supplemental assessment was approved with a corresponding growth model and can be used in the Optional Student Performance category with the growth score based on a statistical growth model option only.

    Vendors and/or LEAs who wish to resubmit a previously approved assessment for use as a state-designed supplemental assessment for expanded use, must apply to RFQ #20-002 in order to be approved for use under Education Law §3012-d as amended by the Laws of 2019.

Last Updated: January 24, 2020 1:46 PM