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Office of Facilities Planning
Newsletter #27 – May 2002


Getting to Know us Better:

You probably already know him or have heard his name, but if not, meet Tom Robert (that’s Robert, not Roberts). He has been an architect in our office for 13 years, but actually has 35 years of experience in the building construction business. Those 35 years were almost equally divided between architectural design, field engineering and supervision, and code enforcement.

Tom has a birthday coming up this month (May) and says that even though it will make him eligible to retire, he has only 16 years of State service so he will be around for several more years! (The office, especially Carl, is happy to hear him say that!!)

Tom has two beautiful adult daughters, two adorable little granddaughters, and there are two grandsons on the way!

As a hobby, Tom is an avid car and motorcycle enthusiast and, in fact, at one point he actually earned a professional motorcycle racing license.

In addition to all of that, Tom is a dedicated employee of this office and a great coworker.

Certificates of Substantial Completion (FP-CSC 97):

For projects involving new buildings or additions, a completed Certification of Substantial Completion (CSC) form must be submitted to Facilities Planning before the new building space may be partially or fully occupied and before Building Aid may be paid on that project. It is important to note that this form was developed to be consistent with Education Department’s laws and regulations, and may not be altered or changed in any way.

This form should be submitted to Facilities Planning as soon as the new building or addition, or part of a new building, is "substantially complete" and occupancy is desired. The CSC form must be submitted with a completed Public School Fire Safety Report having no non-conformities before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the Department. The CSC form may be submitted for all or part of a building that is "substantially complete" when it meets all required regulations, fire, and building codes. If the form is submitted for occupying part of a building, those portions of the building that are not substantially complete must be clearly indicated on the form. The form should not be submitted if there are outstanding change orders, punch list items, or litigation issues that need to be finished before the building will fully comply with regulations, fire or building codes necessary for occupancy.

The receipt of a final CSC form also "starts the clock" in regard to when a Final Building Project Report is due in Facilities Planning. Failure to submit a final cost report before the deadline will result in the loss of all Building Aid for the project. The schedule for determining the due date for Final Building Project Reports is available on our web site at: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/What'sNewItems/FCR_DueDates.PDF. Those projects with final cost reports due in June 2002 are listed at: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/fmis/fcrdue.html. The site only lists those projects for which a final CSC form has been submitted. Projects missing a date of substantial completion are also listed at the site noted above. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as litigation, the school district or BOCES may receive an extension of up to one year from Facilities Planning for the required date of filing the final cost report. Please contact Gary Yorkshire at gyorkshi@mail.nysed.gov if you have any questions related to your final cost report.

The Certification of Substantial Completion form is now available in a printable PDF format on our web site at: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/forms/FP-CSC.97.PDF. For additional information you can also consult our Certificate of Occupancy Guide at:

https://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/articles/B08_certificate_of_occupancy_referen.html. If you have any

additional questions on filing the form, please contact Dave Clapp at: dclapp@mail.nysed.gov.

Buildings 50 Years or Older - SHPO and SEQRA:

Please be aware that when you are completing your SEQRA forms you must assure that the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has been consulted regarding any proposed construction so as to protect New York's historic buildings and archeological sites. If any portion of the building you are working in is 50 years or older, SHPO will be looking at that project even when the work you are proposing is in a newer part of the building or is an addition.

We find that many Scope of Proposed Project forms (FP-SP-2001) submitted to our office indicate the Type of Project (#7) as "None of the Above" when the project really does involve a building 50 years or older. At the same time, the Evaluation of Existing Building form (EEB) provided as part of the final submission often indicates that the original date of construction for the same facility is pre-1951. Obviously something is wrong when these two forms do not agree. The information submitted on all forms should be consistent and correct.

Retirement Party Invitation:

Barb Boardman is retiring

After more than thirty years with the Education Department, Barb Boardman - project manager extraordinaire- is retiring. We will be having a reception to wish her a bon voyage, here in the Department on June 26th. Click the link above to check out the details of the send-off. We hope to see you there!


If you would like to have this Update sent directly to you by e-mail, please send your e-mail address to Joe Levy at jlevy@mail.nysed.gov

Please continue to send in your comments and requests. If you have a subject you would like addressed, feedback on the material you read, input or general comments we are happy to hear from you.