Construction Project Status

Change Order Status



UPDATED: 12/06/24 at 08:55:11

District No.: 20-01-01-08
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Piseco Elementary:
94-1495   Additions and Alterations    0-001-004  08/21/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
09-0176   Reconstruction               0-001-005  10/28/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0984   Reconstruction               0-001-006  04/02/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01            5,175                  07/11/13   03/04/14    LaValley Brothers Construction, Inc.
                                                            1-02          -40,075                  01/08/14   01/31/14    Llavalley Brothers Construction, Inc
14-1184   Reconstruction               0-001-007  02/27/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-001         -27,347                  02/10/16   02/26/16    PTL Contracting Corp.               
15-1621   Reconstruction               0-001-008  05/10/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-001          14,844                  08/25/16   11/04/16    H.J. Brandeles                      
                                                            1-002           4,963                  10/27/16   11/04/16    H.J. Brandeles                      
                                                            1-003          -1,000                  11/18/16   11/28/16    H.J. Brandeles                      
                                                            1-004          -2,061                  04/03/17   06/05/17    H.J. Brandeles                      
16-0469   Reconstruction               0-001-009  07/05/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            1-01            1,157                  02/09/18   03/08/18    Beebe Construction Services         
                                                            1-02                0                  12/14/18   01/15/19    BEEBE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES         
16-1251   Reconstruction               0-001-010  02/18/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-0143   Reconstruction               0-001-011  10/05/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01            1,045                  03/14/18   03/20/18    Beebe Construction Services         
                                                            1-02            8,032                  07/10/18   08/06/18    BEEBE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES         
20-1515   Reconstruction               0-001-012  06/23/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01            8,172                  09/20/22   11/07/23    Whitton Const LLC                   
                                                            1-02           -5,000                  07/12/23   01/16/24    WHITTON CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            2-01            3,600                  07/12/23   01/16/24    THOMPSON BROTHERS                   
                                                            2-02           -1,000                  10/11/24   10/21/24    Thompson Brothers, Inc.             
                                                            3-01            3,637                  07/12/23   01/16/24    RICHARD E. ALEXANDER                

District No.: 20-04-01-04
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Indian Lake Central:
92-1438   Reconstruction               0-001-008  06/21/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-0138   Alterations                  0-001-009  12/31/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-1232   Reconstruction               0-001-010  05/17/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0369   Reconstruction               0-001-011  07/21/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1544   Additions and Alterations    0-001-012  06/11/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0105   Reconstruction               0-001-013  08/31/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            RC-1           13,545                  12/18/01   03/01/02    Monahan & Loughlin                  
                                                            RC-2           33,705                  12/27/01   02/28/02    Monahan & Loughlin                  
                                                            RC-3           -9,000                  01/25/02   03/18/02    Monahan & Loughlin                  
05-1139   Reconstruction               0-001-014  05/23/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001            -3,215                  10/19/07   10/26/07    ROZELL EAST, INC.                   
                                                            GC-001              0                  11/07/06   01/09/07    Mid State Industries                
09-0895   Reconstruction               0-001-015  05/25/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01           34,592                  09/20/10   11/19/10    B&D ENTERPRISES OF NNY              
                                                            1-01             -880                  03/31/11   04/21/11    B&D ENTERPRISES                     
                                                            1-02           -2,120                  02/14/11   02/28/11    B&D ENTERPRISES OF NNY              
10-0580   Additions and Alterations    0-001-016  05/03/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            1-01           15,099                  09/19/12   01/24/13    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            1-02           14,655                  09/27/12   01/25/13    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            1-03            7,866                  11/13/12   02/22/13    Murnane Building Contractors, Inc.  
                                                            1-04            3,340                  12/28/12   03/08/13    Murnane Building Contractors        
                                                            1-05           12,305                  01/22/13   03/22/13    Murnane Building Contractors        
                                                            1-06            8,299                  02/05/13   04/26/13    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            102-001             0                  07/23/12   01/24/13    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            2                   0                  07/30/12     /  /      Harold R. Clune                     
                                                            2-01            3,889                  09/27/12   08/12/13    BROCKWAY MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC     
                                                            3-01           12,916                  11/02/12   08/16/13    HAROLD R CLUNE INC                  
                                                            3-02            5,633                  03/21/13   10/11/13    HAROLD R CLUNE INC                  
                                                            300-02              0                  07/31/13     /  /      Harold R. Clune                     
                                                            300-03              0                  07/31/12   07/16/13    Harold R. Clune                     
                                                            FO200-01            0                  07/23/12   08/02/13    BROCKWAY MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC     
                                                            FO300-01            0                  07/31/12   08/02/13    Harold R. Clune                     
12-0417   Reconstruction               0-001-017  09/25/12  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0604   Reconstruction               0-001-018  03/05/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01              272                  12/17/15   01/07/16    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS        
                                                            2-01           -6,908                  10/26/15   11/19/15    TMI Mechanical Contractors Inc.     
                                                            2-02            3,084                  11/14/16   11/22/16    TMI Mechanical Contractors, Inc.    
                                                            2-03            1,085                  05/31/16   06/06/16    TMI MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS          
                                                            3-01           -1,864                  10/26/15   11/19/15    Northern Pioneer Contractors, Inc.  
                                                            3-02           -1,022                  10/26/15   11/19/15    Northern Pioneer Contractors, Inc.  
15-0099   Reconstruction               0-001-019  04/23/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1914   Reconstruction               0-001-020  08/31/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-01          11,875                  06/21/21   04/07/22    NEP Glass Co., Ltd                  
                                                            GC-02          26,000                  06/21/21   04/07/22    NEP Glass Co                        
                                                            GC-03               0                  08/02/21   04/07/22    NEP GLASS CO., LTD                  
                                                            GC-04          41,242                  11/09/21   09/06/22    NEP Glass Co. Ltd                   
                                                            GC-05          11,771                  01/26/23   12/15/23    NEP GLASS CO LTD                    
                                                            RC-01           9,150                  09/02/21   05/24/22    WEATHERPROOFING TECHNOLOGIES, INC   
                                                            RC-02             -79                  09/21/21   12/01/22    Weatherproofing Tech, Inc           
                                                            RC-03          18,760                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Weatherproofing Tech, Inc           
22-0379   Reconstruction               0-001-021  02/07/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 20-05-01-08
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Inlet School:
24-0089   Reconstruction               0-002-003  10/25/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 20-06-01-04
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Lake Pleasant Central:
94-0377   Reconstruction               0-001-006  11/18/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Lake Pleasant School Main Bldg:
00-0015   New Construction             0-007-001  10/17/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00005           5,646                  01/10/02   03/26/02    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            00006           4,200                  01/10/02   03/26/02    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            00007               0                  06/03/02   06/05/02    Schenectady Steel                   
                                                            00008           1,150                  03/29/02   05/10/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00009          -1,650                  03/29/02   05/10/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00010               0                  06/03/02   06/05/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00011               0                  06/03/02   06/05/02    NEP Glass                           
                                                            00012               0                  06/03/02   06/05/02    HJ Brandeles                        
                                                            00013               0                  06/27/02   07/15/02    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            00014               0                  06/27/02   07/15/02    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            00015               0                  08/29/02   09/05/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00016           1,578                  10/30/02   12/02/02    HJ Brandeles                        
                                                            00017             700                  10/30/02   12/02/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00018            -750                  10/30/02   12/02/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00019             750                  10/30/02   12/02/02    Anthony Mion and Son                
                                                            00020           3,700                  10/30/02   12/02/02    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00021             295                  10/30/02   12/02/02    HJ Brandeles                        
                                                            00022             350                  10/30/02   12/02/02    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00023               0                  12/04/02   01/03/03    Ed Knight Flooring                  
                                                            00024               0                  01/17/03   02/05/03    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00025               0                  01/17/03   02/05/03    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00026               0                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00027               0                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00028          -2,500                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Quaker Bay                          
                                                            00029          -1,580                  01/22/03   02/10/03    NEP Glass                           
                                                            00030          -2,500                  06/25/03   07/01/03    General Drywall                     
                                                            00031          -2,000                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Shaw Contract flooring              
                                                            00032          -2,000                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Anthony Mion & Son                  
                                                            00033          -1,010                  05/23/03   06/02/03    Ed Knight Flooring                  
                                                            00034          -8,127                  01/22/03   02/10/03    HJ Brandeles                        
                                                            00035          -9,647                  01/22/03   02/10/03    HJ Brandeles                        
                                                            00036          -1,501                  01/22/03   02/10/03    Gross Electrical                    
                                                            00037          -2,000                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Joseph Flihan Company               
                                                            00038               0                  03/19/03   03/28/03    Bast Hatfield                       
                                                            00041          -2,631                  04/06/04   04/13/04    Schenectady Steel                   
                                                            00042          39,000                  04/06/04   04/13/04    Schenectady Steel                   
                                                            1              -8,900                  12/20/01   03/25/02    Schenectady Steel                   
                                                            1A            -12,936                  11/05/04   11/24/04    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            1A-2          -12,767                  11/05/04   11/24/04    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            2               1,512                  12/20/01   03/25/02    Schenectady Steel                   
                                                            3               1,504                  12/20/01   03/25/02    Jim Jones Excavating                
                                                            4                -345                  12/24/01   03/08/02    HJ Brandeles                        
13-0019   Reconstruction               0-007-002  11/22/13  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1174   Reconstruction               0-007-003  04/14/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01          33,954                  01/16/24   01/19/24    SC SPENCER ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-02           7,245                  01/16/24   01/19/24    SC SPENCER ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            GC-01          -1,607                  08/07/23   12/22/23    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS        
                                                            GC-02          -1,401                  11/02/23   02/13/24    Murnane Building Contractors        
                                                            GC-03          -1,421                  12/19/23   04/24/24    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS        
                                                            GC-04         -56,871                  12/26/23   04/29/24    Murmana Building Contractors        
                                                            HC-01          27,388                  08/07/23     /  /      DAY AUTOMATION                      
                                                            HCC-01         27,388                  04/03/23   12/29/23    DAY AUTOMATION SYSTEMS              
                                                            HCC-02       -168,731                  09/29/23   02/27/24    Day Automation                      
                                                            MC-01          62,350                  04/03/23   12/21/23    STANTS CAPITAL COMBUSTION           
                                                            MC-02         -31,620                  01/05/24   03/13/24    Stants Capital Combustion LLC       
                                                            PC-01          -3,476                  10/25/23   02/09/24    STANTS CAPITAL COMBUSTION LLC       
                                                            PC-02         -24,840                  01/05/24   03/13/24    Stants Cpaital Combustion LLC       
21-0360   Reconstruction               0-007-004  01/11/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1175   Reconstruction               0-007-005  01/27/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            BC-001        -15,000                  12/16/22   11/27/23    Stants Capital Combustion           
22-2038FA Reconstruction               0-007-006  05/16/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Storage/Maintenance Building:
01-0167   Reconstruction               5-004-L02  08/20/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
10-1454   Reconstruction               5-004-L04  09/07/11  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 20-07-01-04
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Main Building K-12:
91-0425   Reconstruction               0-001-006  12/06/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-0384   Reconstruction               0-001-007  11/18/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0748   Reconstruction               0-001-008  02/06/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1446   Reconstruction               0-001-009  05/27/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-0246   Reconstruction               0-001-011  09/21/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            2R              5,715                  05/09/02   05/13/02    Northern Mech.                      
01-1402   Reconstruction               0-001-012  06/07/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1               4,300                  10/20/03   11/06/03    Lupini Const.                       
02-1300   Reconstruction               0-001-013  08/08/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            2               6,005                  09/24/04   10/01/04    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            2-01              545                  11/19/04   11/24/04    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            2-02            1,512                  10/21/04   10/27/04    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            2-03           -4,725                  11/19/04   11/24/04    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            2-04            2,362                  01/04/05   01/10/05    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            2-05             -360                  02/16/05   03/14/05    skelly Contracotors                 
                                                            3              -3,391                  10/27/04   11/03/04    Ritchie brothers                    
03-0511   Reconstruction               0-001-014  12/31/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1               6,292                  09/16/04   07/20/06    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            1               6,292                  07/07/06   08/09/06    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            3-01            3,414                  12/15/04   12/23/04    Dow Electric                        
                                                            3-02            1,608                  12/15/04   12/23/04    Dow Electric                        
                                                            3-03           -1,096                  12/15/04   12/23/04    Dow Electric                        
                                                            3-03           -7,500                  03/03/05   03/17/05    dow electric                        
04-0815   Additions and Alterations    0-001-015  05/31/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            BD-001           -909                  05/21/07   06/22/07    B and D Enterprises                 
                                                            MBC-001         6,077                  07/11/07   07/17/07    Murnane Building                    
                                                            NM-001          2,957                  04/05/07     /  /      Northern mechanical                 
05-0157   Reconstruction               0-001-016  09/02/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-02           -2,500                  04/12/06   06/30/06    B and D Enterprises                 
05-0436   Reconstruction               0-001-017  04/14/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01          -54,600                  08/17/06   08/30/06    Murnane Building                    
                                                            1-01           -2,500                  10/11/07   11/09/07    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            1-02           -1,408                  01/26/07   03/14/07    Murnane Building                    
                                                            1-02           -1,026                  10/11/07   11/09/07    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            1-03            2,158                  10/25/07   01/23/08    RITCHIE BROTHERS, INC.              
                                                            2-01         -140,270                  08/17/06   01/12/07    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            2-01           16,797                  11/16/07   01/28/08    Northern Mechanicals                
07-1669   Reconstruction               0-001-018  04/23/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01             -220                  04/23/09   08/07/09    SKELLY CONTRACTORS INC              
08-1499   Reconstruction               0-001-019  07/08/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01           -1,999                  11/05/10   11/10/10    SKELLY CONTRACTING INC              
                                                            1-02           10,874                  11/08/10   11/12/10    SKELLY CONTRACTING INC              
                                                            1-03              950                  01/14/11   02/07/11    SKELLY CONTRACTING INC              
                                                            1-04             -698                  04/06/11   04/21/11    SKELLY CONTRACTING INC              
10-1445   Reconstruction               0-001-020  09/13/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01                0                  06/21/12   11/21/12    Skelly Contractors                  
                                                            1-02             -852                  11/07/12   07/17/13    SKELLY CONTRACTORS                  
                                                            100-01         -1,648                  06/15/12   11/21/12    SKELLY CONTRACTORS INC              
14-0568   Reconstruction               0-001-021  01/13/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01            -254                  11/16/15   12/23/15    Harold R. Clune, Inc.               
                                                            GC-01          -5,658                  12/10/15   01/04/16    NEP Glass Co., Ltd.                 
                                                            GC-02            -763                  04/01/16   04/12/16    NEP Glass Co., Ltd.                 
19-0924   Reconstruction               0-001-023  03/26/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01          -8,958                  03/29/22   02/13/23    S&L Elec Inc                        
                                                            EC-02          -9,421                  08/03/22   05/22/23    S&L Elec Inc                        
                                                            GC-01          19,658                  05/04/21   08/05/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-02          24,602                  07/27/21   04/26/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-03          30,956                  07/27/21   04/07/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC   
                                                            GC-04          23,217                  07/27/21   04/07/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-05          23,217                  07/27/21   04/07/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-06          23,149                  08/10/21   04/19/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-07          16,424                  08/10/21   04/19/22    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-08          36,682                  10/07/21   07/26/22    LeChase Const Services, LLC         
                                                            GC-09           3,030                  10/07/21   07/26/22    LeChase Const Services, LLC         
                                                            GC-10           1,850                  03/29/22     /  /      LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            NC-01          -7,444                  12/02/22   06/01/23    ConvergeOne Inc                     
                                                            NC-02          -4,710                  10/05/22   07/27/23    ConvergeOne Inc                     
                                                            PC-01          34,495                  09/02/21   05/24/22    PIPELINE MECHANICAL OF PLATTSBURGH  
                                                            PC-02           5,248                  03/03/22   12/29/22    Pipeline Mech of Plattsburgh LLC    
                                                            PC-03            -797                  03/03/22   12/29/22    Piple Mech of Plattsburgh LLC       
                                                            TC-01          10,440                  01/28/22   01/25/23    Cornalli Group Inc                  
                                                            TC-02             276                  03/03/22   12/29/22    Comalli Group Inc                   
                                                            TC-03          -4,710                  07/22/22   03/23/23    Comalli Group Inc                   
21-1498   Reconstruction               0-001-024  06/16/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01          -5,000                  01/08/24   03/18/24    Harold R. Clune                     
                                                            GC-01          -7,476                  12/14/23   04/30/24    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            GC-01          -7,476                  12/20/23   05/07/24    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS INC    
                                                            GC-02         -11,042                  12/20/23   05/07/24    MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS        
                                                            MC-01          -2,500                  12/14/23   03/07/24    PIPELINE MECHANICAL OF PLATTSBURGH L
                                                            MC-01          -2,500                  12/20/23   03/12/24    PIPELINE MECHANICAL OF PLATTSBURGH L

District No.: 20-07-02-02
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Main Building:
03-0153   Reconstruction               0-001-001  01/08/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001            -1,000                  11/19/04   11/24/04    Scott Hull Construction             
                                                            001            -2,573                  01/13/04   04/01/05    Stephen Miller General Contractors  
05-1330   Reconstruction               0-001-002  09/21/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01            1,500                  01/10/07   03/23/07    Ritchie Brothers                    
                                                            1-02              421                  08/23/07   08/23/07    Ritchie Brothers                    
20-1221   Reconstruction               0-001-003  02/17/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01           -1,352                  02/26/21   04/15/21    AMP ELECTRIC R.S., LLC              
                                                            101-01              0                  02/26/21   04/15/21    AMP ELECTRIC, R.S., LLC             
20-1425   Reconstruction               0-001-004  05/24/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-01                0                  05/26/22   01/30/23    Beebe Const Servs Inc               
                                                            1-02            2,253                  12/15/22   12/05/23    Beebe Const Servs Inc               
                                                            101-01          4,593                  12/08/23   03/29/24    Beebe Construction Services Inc     
                                                            101-02            306                  12/08/23   03/29/24    Beebe Construction Services Inc     

District No.: 20-09-01-04
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor
96-0337   Reconstruction               0-004-001  11/13/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0998   Reconstruction               0-004-003  04/15/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-1033   Reconstruction               0-004-004  06/30/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
05-0248   Reconstruction               0-004-006  01/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-01          10,718                  03/15/07   04/03/07    JUpiter Environmental               
                                                            AC-02          -4,000                  03/22/07   04/03/07    Jupiter Environmental               
                                                            AC-03          -4,735                  12/28/06   01/23/07    Jupiter Envrionemental              
                                                            EC-01           4,559                  11/14/06   01/30/07    Gross Electric                      
                                                            EC-02           5,253                  10/06/06   12/18/06    Gross electric                      
                                                            EC-03           4,092                  11/22/06   01/30/07    Gross Electric                      
                                                            EC-04           2,084                  11/22/06   01/30/07    Gross Electric                      
                                                            EC-05            -565                  05/13/08   08/12/08    GROSS ELECTRIC, INC.                
                                                            GC-01          50,964                  03/22/07   04/03/07    Stephen Miller                      
                                                            GC-02           3,956                  05/06/08   08/04/08    STEPHEN MILLER GENERAL CONTRACTORS  
                                                            GC-03          11,564                  03/15/07   04/03/07    Stephen Miller                      
                                                            GC-04          11,815                  03/15/07   04/03/07    Stephen Miller                      
                                                            GC-05           4,699                  09/11/06   12/18/06    Stephen Miller General              
                                                            GC-06          11,123                  10/03/06   12/19/06    Stephen Miller General              
                                                            GC-07          -5,424                  10/03/06   12/19/06    stephen Miller General              
                                                            GC-08           9,989                  10/03/06   10/24/06    stephen Miller General              
                                                            HC-01            -319                  11/22/06   01/30/07    Campito Plumbing                    
07-2168   Reconstruction               0-004-007  06/02/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            RC-01          -3,000                  10/24/08   03/10/09    DAVID JABLONSKI CONSTRUCTION CORP.  
13-0928   Reconstruction               0-004-009  06/03/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01           1,900                  01/08/15   01/29/15    Harold R. Clune, Inc.               
                                                            GC-01           1,115                  03/05/15   03/25/15    Murnane Building Contractors, Inc.  
                                                            GC-02            -300                  02/24/15   02/22/16    Murnane Building Contractors, Inc.  
                                                            MC-01          -1,713                  01/08/15   02/22/16    Tri Valley Plumbing and Heating, Inc
18-1406   Reconstruction               0-004-010  06/19/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-01          70,312                  01/19/21   03/18/21    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            AC-02          71,900                  01/19/21   03/18/21    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            EC-01           4,243                  01/27/21   03/24/21    HEWITT YOUNG ELECTRIC, LLC          
                                                            EC-02           3,000                  09/25/20   11/10/20    HEWITT YOUNG ELECTRIC, LLC          
                                                            EC-03          -4,535                  12/16/20   03/04/21    HEWITT YOUNG ELECTRIC, LLC          
                                                            EC-04            -145                  12/16/20   03/04/21    HEWITT YOUNG ELECTRIC, LLC          
                                                            GC-01            -592                  08/26/20   11/05/20    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            GC-02          31,815                  08/26/20   11/05/20    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            GC-03          23,050                  08/26/20   11/05/20    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            GC-04          -5,474                  09/25/20   02/10/21    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            GC-05           4,559                  12/11/20   03/10/21    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            GC-06          -5,670                  12/16/20   04/06/21    AKTOR CORP.                         
                                                            MC-01         -16,230                  01/27/21   03/24/21    R.F. GORDON MECHANICAL, INC.        
                                                            PC-01           5,178                  08/24/20   10/29/20    TRI-VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 
                                                            PC-02           3,723                  08/24/20   10/30/20    TRI-VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 
                                                            PC-03            -172                  11/10/20   01/27/21    TRI-VALLEY PLUMBING AND HEATING,INC.
                                                            RC-01             -75                  12/11/20   03/10/21    TITAN ROOFING, INC.                 
23-1094   Reconstruction               0-004-011  07/16/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Barn:
18-1407   Reconstruction               4-002-001  06/19/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 20-90-00-00
last updated on 12/06/24
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Classroom Building:
96-1543   Reconstruction               0-003-001  06/11/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Lower Bldg. Shops:
92-1493   Reconstruction               0-004-001  07/29/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1544   Reconstruction               0-004-002  06/11/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          New Education Bldg @ Comm Coll:
06-0229   New Construction             0-015-001  04/17/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-1270   Reconstruction               0-015-003  05/03/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE