ADDISON 570101
ARKPORT 571901
AVOCA 570201
BATH 570302
CORNING 571000
HORNELL 571800

Construction Project Status

Change Order Status



UPDATED: 02/10/25 at 08:11:31

District No.: 57-01-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Valley Early Childhood School:
90-1900   Reconstruction               0-004-004  08/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0390   Reconstruction               0-004-005  02/13/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
90-1212   Reconstruction               0-004-006  05/10/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0872   Additions and Alterations    0-004-007  04/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
13-0433   Reconstruction               0-004-008  05/07/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            103-003         6,918                  02/05/15   02/06/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            105-001         2,767                  12/05/14   12/15/14    J & B Installations, Inc.           
                                                            107-001         1,941                  12/05/14   12/15/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            109-014        10,746                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
16-0209   Reconstruction               0-004-010  06/28/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1760   Reconstruction               0-004-011  10/09/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            102-003        12,500                  09/27/19   09/30/19    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-005        16,721                  09/27/19   10/21/19    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            108-001         5,295                  09/10/19   09/11/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-002         1,428                  09/10/19   09/11/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            109-001       216,000                  06/13/19   06/17/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-002       -21,500                  06/13/19   06/17/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-004       -64,790                  06/28/19   07/03/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-009        16,567                  03/04/20   06/29/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
19-1450   Reconstruction               0-004-012  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          High School:
90-1901   Reconstruction               0-005-005  08/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0391   Reconstruction               0-005-006  02/13/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0873   Reconstruction               0-005-007  04/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
13-0434   Reconstruction               0-005-008  05/07/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            101-001        33,798                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-002         7,938                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-003        13,649                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-004        17,606                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-005         8,312                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-008       134,286                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-009        19,611                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-010         9,046                  02/05/15   02/16/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-012        -4,553                  02/05/15   02/06/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-013         1,927                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-014         8,700                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Edger Enterpriss of Elmira, Inc.    
                                                            101-017        27,052                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-018        48,748                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-019        15,719                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-020        13,974                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-021         9,829                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-022        40,872                  10/29/15   12/02/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-024        33,250                  10/29/15   12/02/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-027         5,500                  12/15/15   01/15/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc..   
                                                            101-029        15,596                  12/18/15   01/29/16    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-032        18,003                  04/30/16   07/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-033        15,015                  03/30/16   07/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-036         4,547                  04/14/16   05/04/16    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            102-003         8,769                  10/23/15   01/25/16    Two Brothers Contracting            
                                                            103-001          -822                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-002         3,000                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-004        11,713                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-006         5,226                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-007        13,652                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-009        28,977                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Welliver McGure Inc.                
                                                            103-011         4,910                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-013         3,605                  06/03/15   06/17/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-014         3,443                  06/03/15   06/17/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-015        23,009                  07/13/15   08/14/15    Wellivier McGuire Inc.              
                                                            103-016        16,090                  07/13/15   08/14/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-017        18,193                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-018        18,182                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-020        14,449                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-021         8,508                  10/23/15   01/25/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-022        16,734                  10/23/15   01/25/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-028         3,887                  01/08/16   01/21/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-029        18,458                  04/11/16   08/22/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-030        12,282                  04/11/16   08/22/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-034        15,000                  05/11/16   05/19/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-035        16,035                  05/11/16   05/19/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-036        15,857                  05/11/16   05/19/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC                
                                                            103-037        16,359                  05/11/16   05/19/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC                
                                                            103-038         2,246                  05/11/16   05/19/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE ING                
                                                            103-039        19,561                  05/18/16   06/07/16    WELLIVER                            
                                                            105-002         1,018                  04/10/15   07/03/15    J & B Installations Inc             
                                                            105-003        -5,200                  12/15/15   01/15/16    J & B Installations Inc.            
                                                            105-004          -628                  04/14/16   08/22/16    J&B INSTALLATION INC                
                                                            107-002         8,301                  02/12/15   11/03/15    Michael A. Ferrauiulo Plumbing      
                                                            107-003       -10,261                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            107-004         3,998                  11/06/15   12/02/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            107-005         6,287                  04/14/16   05/04/16    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING        
                                                            107-006         2,261                  04/14/16   05/04/16    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING        
                                                            109-002       -16,300                  02/12/15   02/19/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-003        -5,587                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            109-007         2,715                  10/09/15   11/03/15    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            109-008         4,421                  10/09/15   11/03/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-011         3,444                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            109-012         1,220                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            109-013        21,426                  04/25/16   05/04/16    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-017         9,075                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
07-0945   Additions and Alterations    0-005-010  03/20/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            101-001        19,431                  10/06/08   01/30/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA         
                                                            101-002        39,736                  12/11/08   02/18/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC.    
                                                            101-003         4,450                  02/05/09   04/03/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC.    
                                                            101-004        10,399                  04/27/11   05/13/11    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-005        12,840                  06/10/09   07/14/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-006        -1,174                  10/15/09   11/17/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-007         5,120                  10/22/10   11/23/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-008        14,993                  05/26/11   07/15/11    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-009        -4,106                  07/05/11   09/09/11    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-010        -1,565                  11/17/11   02/03/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            101-011         3,784                  01/09/12   05/01/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            102-001        10,018                  10/06/08   01/30/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION           
                                                            102-002        13,677                  04/27/11   05/24/11    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-003       125,000                  02/05/09   04/03/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES, 
                                                            102-004         4,191                  02/19/09   04/23/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES, 
                                                            102-005         7,559                  04/03/09   07/28/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-006           900                  06/10/09   07/14/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-007        11,943                  08/28/09   09/17/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-008        11,652                  11/02/09   03/12/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-009        12,687                  12/10/09   01/21/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-010         1,393                  12/24/09   02/05/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-011         2,971                  03/15/10   04/29/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-012         5,249                  06/23/10   08/25/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-013       -41,404                  09/24/10   11/17/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-014         6,693                  04/27/11   05/13/11    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-015        14,050                  02/09/11   02/25/11    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            102-016         7,465                  07/05/11   09/09/11    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            103-001        27,652                  06/10/09   07/14/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-002         9,593                  06/10/09   07/14/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-003         1,215                  06/10/09   07/14/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-004        42,840                  08/06/09   09/03/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-005       222,411                  08/28/09   09/17/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-006        31,712                  08/28/09   09/17/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-007        13,927                  08/28/09   09/17/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-008        17,138                  11/02/09   03/12/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-009        -3,601                  11/12/09   04/02/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-010         2,699                  12/01/09   12/23/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-011        18,976                  12/01/09   12/23/09    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-012        13,852                  12/10/09   01/21/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-013         9,764                  01/07/10   02/25/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-014        16,349                  03/15/10   04/29/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-015         6,679                  03/15/10   04/29/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-016        11,429                  03/15/10   04/29/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-017        14,898                  04/29/10   07/21/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-018         3,928                  05/28/10   07/20/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-019         8,388                  05/28/10   07/20/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-020        26,794                  06/23/10   08/25/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-021         3,661                  07/08/10   08/19/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-022         9,250                  08/19/10   09/27/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-023        20,890                  09/02/10   09/24/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-024        16,867                  09/24/10   11/17/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-025        17,732                  09/24/10   11/17/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-026         1,388                  10/01/10   10/29/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-027         4,105                  10/22/10   11/23/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-028        10,593                  10/22/10   11/23/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-029        16,058                  11/29/10   12/28/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-030        14,373                  11/29/10   12/28/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-031        14,934                  11/29/10   12/28/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-032         2,356                  11/29/10   12/28/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-033        17,043                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-034        21,753                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-035        17,371                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-036         7,667                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-037       -10,814                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-038        18,677                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-039         9,236                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-040        19,367                  04/27/11   05/13/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-041         1,379                  01/24/11   03/18/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-042         7,868                  01/24/11   03/18/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-043        12,325                  02/09/11   02/25/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-044         2,514                  02/09/11   02/25/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-045         1,620                  03/04/11   03/25/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-046        10,132                  04/28/11   05/24/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-047         6,985                  04/28/11   05/24/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-048         2,770                  07/05/11   09/09/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-049        12,162                  10/28/11   01/06/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-050           831                  10/28/11   01/06/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-051         2,107                  01/09/12   05/01/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-052         3,120                  03/27/12   08/30/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            103-053        -7,524                  08/22/12   12/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            105-001       -14,000                  06/10/09   07/14/09    TOWER ROOFING CO. INC.              
                                                            105-004         1,467                  08/28/09   09/17/09    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
                                                            105-005         2,952                  12/10/09   01/21/10    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
                                                            105-006         3,326                  03/15/10   04/29/10    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
                                                            105-007         1,832                  01/24/11   03/18/11    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
                                                            105-008           970                  10/28/11   01/06/12    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
                                                            105-009        -7,450                  07/31/12   11/09/12    Tower Roofing Co. Inc.              
                                                            105-010        -1,900                  07/31/12   11/09/12    Tower Roofing Co. Inc.              
                                                            106-001        -9,850                  08/06/09   09/03/09    JOSEPH FLIHAN COMPANY               
                                                            106-002         1,894                  02/05/10   04/15/10    JOSEPH FILHAN COMPANY               
                                                            106-003        -5,000                  06/23/11   07/01/11    JOSEPH FILHAN COMPANY               
                                                            107-001         7,946                  06/10/09   07/16/09    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-002        11,715                  08/28/09   09/17/09    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-003         6,107                  05/28/10   07/20/10    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-004         2,926                  05/28/10   07/20/10    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-005           499                  05/28/10   07/21/10    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-006         2,907                  06/23/10   08/25/10    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-007         1,820                  09/24/10   11/17/10    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-008        -1,868                  08/28/12   12/14/12    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-009        19,815                  07/22/11   08/12/11    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING AND HEATING     
                                                            107-010         3,818                  01/09/12   05/08/12    SCHOONOVER PLUMBING & HEATING       
                                                            107-018        -1,725                  01/09/12   05/08/12    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108 - 20       16,277                  06/22/12   01/24/13    Frey & Campbell Company, Inc.       
                                                            108-001        12,798                  08/28/09   09/17/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-002         6,567                  11/02/09   03/12/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-003        -5,365                  12/24/09   02/05/10    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-004        11,960                  03/30/10   05/28/10    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-005         8,468                  04/15/10   06/24/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-006         6,318                  07/08/10   08/24/10    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-007         2,408                  07/08/10   08/19/10    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-008         1,198                  04/27/11   05/13/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-009        14,962                  11/29/10   12/28/10    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-010           728                  04/27/11   05/13/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-011         9,280                  02/09/11   02/25/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-012         9,943                  02/09/11   02/25/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-013        12,705                  04/27/11   05/13/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-014         9,601           6,307  03/04/11   03/25/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-015        18,350                  04/13/11   06/20/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-016         1,345                  05/16/11   06/03/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-017         3,184                  05/16/11   06/03/11    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-019        -2,865                  02/08/12   08/08/12    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-021        11,403                  05/18/12   07/16/13    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-022         1,119                  06/07/12   07/16/13    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-023        31,084                  10/23/12   07/29/13    Frey and Campbell Inc.              
                                                            108-024        15,821                  07/31/12   09/19/13    Frey and Campbell Inc.              
                                                            109-001         8,556                  05/12/09   07/29/09    G.O. WICK, INC.                     
                                                            109-002         2,326                  09/24/09   10/13/09    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-003        -1,853                  11/02/09   03/12/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-004        -5,047                  12/24/09   02/05/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-005        22,966                  12/24/09   02/05/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-006         3,715                  03/30/10   05/28/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-007         2,696                  03/30/10   05/28/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-008         5,761                  04/29/10   07/21/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-009         1,917                  05/28/10   07/21/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-010         6,001                  06/23/10   08/25/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-011           528                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-012         3,058                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-013           190                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-014         1,099                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-015        25,018                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-016        19,290                  07/22/10   11/18/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-017         9,319                  11/29/10   12/28/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-018         7,044                  11/29/10   12/28/10    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-019        10,473                  01/10/11   05/25/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-020         8,288                  05/16/11   06/03/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-021        -6,438                  06/23/11   07/01/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-022         2,356                  07/05/11   08/12/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-023         4,178                  11/09/11   02/22/12    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-024         2,297                  01/09/12   05/08/12    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-025        12,242                  01/09/12   05/08/12    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-026         8,830                  08/28/12   01/25/13    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-027           426                  03/27/12   01/25/13    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-028        10,665                  03/27/12   01/25/13    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            109-029        10,612                  03/27/12   01/25/13    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            110-001        -6,600                  08/06/09   09/03/09    POLYVISION CORPORATION              
                                                            110-002         2,095                  02/23/10   04/02/10    POLYVISION CORPORATION              
                                                            110-003        11,211                  10/22/10   11/23/10    POLYVISION CORPORATION              
                                                            110-004        -2,081                  02/09/11   02/25/11    POLYVISION CORPORATION              
                                                            110-005        -2,090                  11/07/12   03/08/13    POLYVISION CORPORATION              
13-0332   Reconstruction               0-005-014  04/16/14  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1919   Additions and Alterations    0-005-016  12/19/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-010        32,788                  09/30/20   02/09/21    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-013         4,625                  10/15/20   02/08/21    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            102-001      -120,000                  06/13/19   06/19/19    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-002        29,232                  09/27/19   12/12/19    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-003       321,000                  09/27/19   12/12/19    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-004       387,000                  09/27/19   12/12/19    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-007         4,988                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-012         3,150                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-015        14,238                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-017         1,424                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-019        12,159                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-022        -7,322                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-028        10,468                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-029         2,436                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-030         1,379                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-031         2,450                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-032         3,580                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-033         4,645                  07/10/20   09/18/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-043         4,200                  09/30/20   02/09/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-044         5,854                  09/30/20   02/09/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-046         7,212                  09/30/20   02/09/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-047         1,474                  10/09/20   02/05/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-049        18,922                  10/09/20   02/05/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-050         9,332                  10/09/20   02/05/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-051         2,574                  10/23/20   02/08/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-052        19,450                  10/23/20   02/08/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-055         6,417                  11/09/20   03/08/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-056         3,309                  11/19/20   02/22/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-057         2,103                  11/19/20   02/22/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-058        -7,000                  11/19/20   02/22/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            105-001        -4,503                  10/30/20   02/08/21    J&B INSTALLATIONS, INC.             
                                                            108-003        58,200                  09/27/19   10/04/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-006        21,196                  02/04/20   03/03/20    KINBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-007         4,922                  07/10/20   08/17/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-008        14,257                  07/10/20   08/17/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-009         5,195                  07/10/20   08/17/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-011        13,927                  09/03/20   11/05/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-012        10,740                  10/15/20   12/29/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-013         4,721                  10/15/20   12/29/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            109-010         1,422                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-011         1,471                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-013           893                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-014        13,902                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-015         3,536                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-018        16,864                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-022         2,300                  09/03/20   11/05/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-024        12,541                  11/09/20   01/27/21    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-025         7,000                  11/19/20   02/04/21    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
16-1492   Reconstruction               0-005-017  05/18/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1412   Reconstruction               0-005-018  03/26/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001             2,315                  12/10/18   03/12/19    TOWER ROOFING                       
17-1465   Reconstruction               0-005-019  12/13/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
18-1198   Reconstruction               0-005-020  06/06/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1451   Reconstruction               0-005-021  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1287   Reconstruction               0-005-022  03/12/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1579   Reconstruction               0-005-023  06/18/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-0104   Reconstruction               0-005-024  10/08/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            SC-001         -2,000                  02/21/23   12/15/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
22-0966   Reconstruction               0-005-025  02/17/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            103-001        34,955                  08/23/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            103-002        20,963                  08/23/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            103-003         7,329                  09/14/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-005        14,226                  10/11/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-006        18,556                  10/17/23   01/18/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-010        27,489                  12/27/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-013        12,380                  12/27/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-014         2,720                  12/27/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-015         2,236                  02/08/24   05/02/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-016         1,811                  02/08/24   05/02/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-021         5,155                  03/28/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction                
                                                            107-001         5,253                  08/23/23   12/18/23    FREY AND CAMPBELL, INC              
                                                            107-002         2,479                  08/23/23   12/18/23    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC                
                                                            107-003         4,462                  11/15/23   01/30/24    Frey and Cmapbell Inc               
                                                            107-004         2,672                  12/27/23   03/18/24    Frey and Campbell Inc               
                                                            107-009           477                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-010         1,940                  10/04/24   10/22/24    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            107-011         2,579                  10/28/24     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-012         3,131                  12/13/24     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-013        57,592                  12/13/24     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            108-001         2,858                  02/08/24   05/15/24    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            108-002         2,995                  03/28/24   05/15/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            108-009         3,715                  10/28/24     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            109-002        10,856                  02/08/24   05/15/24    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-005         8,378                  04/23/24   05/20/24    Blackmon-Farrell Electric           
                                                            109-006         6,250                  06/20/24   06/25/24    Blackmon-Farrell Electric           
                                                            109-007         2,385                  07/31/24   07/31/24    Blackmon-Farrell Electric Inc       
                                                            109-014         5,362                  12/13/24     /  /      Blackmon-Farrell Electric           
                                                            109-015           901                  01/21/25     /  /      Blackmon-Farrell Electric           
                                                            EC-019         12,077                  03/04/24     /  /      LeChase Constriction                
                                                            GC-025         23,146                  04/23/24   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-028         16,206                  06/20/24   06/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-029         18,751                  06/20/24   06/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-036          2,510                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-037          2,712                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-038         25,816                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-039         31,787                  09/18/24     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-041         16,405                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-042         28,073                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-045          6,571                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-049            811                  10/04/24   10/18/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-050         18,476                  10/04/24   10/18/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-051          1,456                  10/04/24   10/18/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-052         11,076                  10/04/24   10/18/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-053          1,458                  10/04/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-054          1,642                  10/04/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-058         -1,259                  12/13/24   12/27/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-061         -6,843                  01/21/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-063            345                  01/21/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-067          1,392                  02/05/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            MC-003            500                  06/20/24   06/25/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-004            399                  06/20/24   06/25/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-008          2,369                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Frey & Campbell                     
23-1349   Reconstruction               0-005-026  03/20/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-2453FP Reconstruction               0-005-FP1  09/08/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Tuscarora Elementary:
90-1902   Reconstruction               0-006-004  08/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0392   Reconstruction               0-006-005  02/13/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0874   Additions and Alterations    0-006-006  04/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0062   Reconstruction               0-006-007  01/10/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
04-0166   Reconstruction               0-006-008  05/05/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          6,759                  05/22/06     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
07-0946   Reconstruction               0-006-010  03/20/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            105-002       -14,000                  06/10/09   07/14/09    TOWER ROOFING CO. INC               
                                                            105-003         1,569                  08/06/09   09/03/09    TOWER ROOFING CO INC                
13-0435   Reconstruction               0-006-011  05/07/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            101-006        12,683                  12/05/14   12/15/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-007        17,764                  12/05/14   12/11/14    Edger Enterpirses of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-011        19,066                  02/05/15   02/06/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-015         5,612                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-016        19,376                  03/27/15   04/10/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-023        19,535                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-024        33,250                  11/12/15   12/02/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-024        33,250                  06/13/16   07/08/16    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA         
                                                            101-025        44,376                  11/09/15   11/25/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            101-026        47,500                  12/15/15   01/15/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-028        10,130                  12/15/15   01/15/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-030        34,659                  04/25/16   05/04/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-031        13,170                  03/22/16   03/31/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            101-034        18,219                  03/30/16   07/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira,Inc.    
                                                            101-035        10,635                  03/30/16   07/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            102-001       -25,100                  12/05/14   12/15/14    Two Brothers Contracting            
                                                            102-002        -7,000                  09/25/15   08/22/16    Two Brothers Contracting            
                                                            103-005        11,015                  03/13/15   03/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-008        33,508                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            103-010        16,088                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-012        15,708                  06/03/15   06/17/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-019        18,240                  09/25/15   11/25/15    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-023        13,878                  10/23/15   01/25/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-024        16,946                  01/08/16   01/21/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-025        17,393                  01/08/16   01/21/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-026        17,538                  01/08/16   01/21/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-027        10,439                  01/08/16   01/21/16    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-031         8,925                  04/11/16   08/23/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-032         1,789                  04/22/16   05/04/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-033        -1,640                  04/22/16   05/04/16    Welliver McGuire Inc.               
                                                            103-040         3,854                  05/18/16   06/07/16    WELLIVER                            
                                                            108-001         3,460                  04/14/16   05/04/16    FREY AND CAMPBELL INC               
                                                            109-001        19,782                  12/05/14   12/15/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-004        12,275                  05/07/15   06/10/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-005         9,010                  07/20/15   08/05/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            109-006        12,836                  07/20/15   08/05/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            109-009        22,402                  04/25/16   05/04/16    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            109-010         9,162                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            109-015        10,895                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            109-016        16,479                  04/14/16   05/04/16    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
14-0234   Reconstruction               0-006-012  04/28/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-0914   Reconstruction               0-006-013  05/13/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1920   Reconstruction               0-006-014  12/19/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001       -24,800                  07/12/19   07/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-002        -7,261                  07/12/19   07/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-003       -20,000                  07/12/19   07/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-004         4,680                  07/31/19   09/26/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA ny      
                                                            101-005        46,700                  07/10/20   09/17/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-006         5,588                  07/10/20   09/17/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-007        16,127                  07/10/20   09/17/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-008         1,431                  07/10/20   09/17/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-009         4,021                  09/30/20   02/09/21    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-011         8,947                  09/30/20   02/09/21    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            101-012         6,390                  10/15/20   02/08/21    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            102-002         1,750                  09/27/19   10/04/19    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES LLC   
                                                            102-004        34,662                  12/18/19   12/31/19    SESSKER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES LLC   
                                                            102-005         4,728                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            102-006       -20,000                  09/30/20   11/27/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-001      -335,000                  07/31/19   09/26/19    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-006      -330,000                  02/04/20   06/29/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE INC.               
                                                            103-008         3,528                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-009        27,831                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-010        14,863                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-011        14,863                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-013         2,524                  08/24/20   11/05/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-014         7,054                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-016         1,881                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-018        19,740                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-020         2,027                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-021         2,068                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-023        -8,678                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-024        10,757                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-025       -40,119                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-026       -31,312                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-027         2,793                  07/10/20   09/17/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-034         3,604                  07/22/20   09/21/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-035         7,320                  07/22/20   09/21/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-036         6,409                  07/22/20   09/21/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-037        19,113                  07/22/20   09/21/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-038         4,054                  07/22/20   09/21/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-039        22,965                  08/24/20   11/05/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-040        20,258                  08/24/20   11/05/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-041        25,861                  09/03/20   11/25/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-042         3,731                  09/03/20   11/24/20    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-045        22,397                  09/30/20   02/09/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-048         3,166                  10/09/20   02/05/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-053        15,403                  10/23/20   02/08/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            103-054        10,446                  10/30/20   02/08/21    WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC.              
                                                            107-001       -10,541                  02/04/21   03/26/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            108-004         3,681                  02/04/20   03/03/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-005         2,857                  02/04/20   03/03/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            108-010         3,435                  07/22/20   09/11/20    KUMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            109-003      -151,030                  06/28/19   07/03/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-005       -45,092                  07/09/19   07/10/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-006       -95,292                  07/09/19   07/10/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-007        28,660                  02/04/20   03/03/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-008         5,554                  03/04/20   06/29/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-012         2,725                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-016         2,914                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-017         6,473                  07/10/20   08/17/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-019         3,265                  07/22/20   09/11/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-020         2,567                  07/22/20   09/11/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-021         1,577                  07/22/20   09/11/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            109-023         5,544                  09/03/20   11/05/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
16-1493   Reconstruction               0-006-015  06/05/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001           980                  11/14/17   12/01/17    Schoonover Plumbing & Heating       
                                                            101-002          -265                  11/14/17   12/01/17    Schoonover Plumbing & Heating       
17-1411   Reconstruction               0-006-016  06/11/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1452   Reconstruction               0-006-017  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-2454FP Reconstruction               0-006-FP1  09/08/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

19-1453   Reconstruction               1-015-003  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-0967   Reconstruction               1-015-004  02/16/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            103-004         1,491                  10/11/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-048        13,756                  10/04/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       

          J Mose Fam Res Ctr-Old Tn PostOffice:
19-1454   Reconstruction               1-016-003  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Elem. Storage (New):
94-0198   New Construction             2-014-001  10/27/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Storage:
90-1903   Reconstruction               4-002-001  08/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0875   Reconstruction               4-002-003  04/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
90-1904   Reconstruction               5-001-003  08/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0876   Reconstruction               5-001-004  04/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0104   Reconstruction               5-001-007  01/11/13  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1455   Reconstruction               5-001-008  08/07/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-0968   Reconstruction               5-001-009  02/16/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001        11,530                  02/08/24   05/15/24    L&O PLUMBING AND HEATING            
                                                            101-003      -151,318                  09/18/24   11/18/24    L&O Plumbing & Heating              
                                                            103-055         2,551                  10/04/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            109-001         3,388                  11/15/23   01/30/24    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc       

          Transportation Facility:
22-0969   New Construction             5-019-001  02/16/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-002       -22,576                  07/02/24   07/16/24    L&O Plumbing & Heating              
                                                            101-004        -1,152                  10/04/24   10/22/24    DBA L&L Mechanical                  
                                                            103-004        14,777                  10/11/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-009        12,038                  11/15/23   02/27/24    LeChase Cosntructing Services LLC   
                                                            103-011         4,358                  12/27/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-012        34,870                  12/27/23   03/01/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-013        12,380                  12/27/23     /  /      LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            103-017         2,461                  03/04/24     /  /      LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-018         3,208                  03/04/24     /  /      LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-020         9,408                  03/04/24     /  /      LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-022        12,924                  04/10/24   05/08/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-023         3,514                  04/10/24   05/08/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-024         2,359                  04/10/24   05/08/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-026         6,601                  05/29/24   05/29/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-027         3,004                  05/29/24   05/29/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-030        25,195                  07/02/24   07/09/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-031         5,471                  07/02/24   07/09/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-032         5,432                  07/02/24     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-032         5,432                  07/02/24   07/09/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-035           371                  09/18/24   10/28/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-040         1,002                  09/18/24   11/18/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-043        16,694                  09/18/24   10/28/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-044         3,474                  09/18/24   10/28/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-046       -37,109                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-047         3,677                  09/18/24   10/21/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-056        10,580                  10/28/24   10/29/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-057         4,971                  12/13/24   12/27/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-059         1,122                  12/13/24   12/27/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-060             0                  12/13/24   12/27/24    LeChase Construction Services6769   
                                                            103-062         3,017                  01/21/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-064        -2,720                  01/21/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-065         1,252                  01/21/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            103-066         6,602                  02/05/25     /  /      LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            107-005         2,678                  04/23/24   05/20/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-006        23,253                  04/23/24   05/20/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-007         3,287                  07/31/24   07/31/24    Frey and Campbell Inc               
                                                            107-008         2,328                  07/31/24   07/31/24    Frey And Campbell Inc               
                                                            107-014         5,490                  01/21/25     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            107-015         4,620                  01/21/25     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            109-001         3,388                  11/29/23   03/05/24    BLACKMON- FARRELL ELECTRIC          
                                                            109-003         4,149                  03/28/24   05/13/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            109-004         3,429                  03/28/24   05/13/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            109-008        17,323                  07/31/24   07/31/24    Blackmon-Farrell Electric Inc       
                                                            109-009         1,345                  07/31/24   07/31/24    Blackmon-Farrell Electric Inc       
                                                            109-010         1,599                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            109-011           380                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            109-012         1,033                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            109-013           328                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Blackmon-Farrel Electric            
                                                            MC-005          1,887                  07/31/24   11/01/24    Frey And Campbell Inc               
                                                            MC-006           -328                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            MC-007         23,001                  09/18/24   11/18/24    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            MC-010          1,516                  02/05/25     /  /      Frey and Campbell                   

13-0436   New Construction             7-017-001  05/07/14  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XX10 Colwell Residence (Demo'd 2018):
17-1774   Reconstruction               7-018-001  05/02/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-02-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Main Building:
91-0424   Reconstruction               0-002-004  12/20/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-1380   Additions and Alterations    0-002-005  10/15/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AA-2           16,849                  12/04/02   01/03/03    Lambert's Asbestos Removal          
                                                            EC-1           30,361                  11/15/01   02/08/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-10           3,858                  11/27/02   01/03/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-11           3,408                  12/24/02   01/08/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-12           1,486                  01/29/03   02/11/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-2(rev        6,166                  04/24/02   05/07/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-3(rev       13,292                  04/24/02   05/07/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-4            8,502                  05/09/02   06/04/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-5            1,827                  07/30/02   08/28/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-6            2,121                  07/30/02   08/28/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            EC-7            2,536                  06/22/09     /  /      R.G. BURNS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-8           10,092                  06/22/09     /  /      R.G. BURNS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-9 rev       -2,663                  11/01/02     /  /      Burns Elec.                         
                                                            GC-1          -19,096                  11/28/01   03/01/02    Saucke Bros. Const.                 
                                                            GC-2            6,890                  11/28/01     /  /      Saucke Bros. Const.                 
                                                            GC-3           10,855                  11/28/01   02/28/02    Saucke Bros. Const.                 
                                                            GC-4           11,776                  01/28/02   03/08/02    Saucke Bros. Const.                 
                                                            HC-1            4,843                  12/07/01   04/23/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-2            9,957                  12/03/01   01/10/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-3           22,640                  01/18/02   03/25/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-4            8,083                  01/18/02   03/25/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-5            6,007                  05/30/02   08/28/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-6            1,454                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-7              566                  08/29/02   09/05/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            HC-8            6,917                  06/26/03   07/01/03    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            PC-1            4,284                  08/24/01   03/27/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-2              247                  06/22/09   09/25/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            PC-3            1,939                  01/28/02   03/08/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-4            3,063                  03/20/02   04/18/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-5            1,279                  04/18/02   04/18/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-6            3,530                  07/30/02   08/28/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-7            2,021                  07/30/02   08/28/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-8            5,112                  07/30/02   08/28/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-9          -27,365                  06/22/09   09/25/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            SC-1            4,100                  04/18/01   01/08/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-10           6,700                  01/02/03   01/10/03    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-11          25,924                  09/22/03   10/03/03    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-12          10,221                  12/12/03   12/24/03    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-2            3,200                  06/22/09   08/13/09    A.L. BLADES & SONS INC              
                                                            SC-3            3,700                  02/19/02   04/01/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-4            4,767                  06/22/09   08/13/09    A.L. BLADES & SONS INC              
                                                            SC-5           14,793                  01/18/02   03/25/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-6            2,536                  03/28/02   04/26/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-7           12,586                  07/30/02   08/28/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-7                0                  06/22/09     /  /      A.L. BLADES & SONS                  
                                                            SC-8           12,030                  08/13/02   09/05/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
                                                            SC-9           -5,509                  11/08/02   12/11/02    AL Blades & Sons                    
06-0158   Additions and Alterations    0-002-008  01/22/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            301-001         3,102                  10/22/07   10/26/07    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-002        12,420                  10/22/07   10/26/07    HORNING CONSTRUCTIONLLC             
                                                            301-004         2,774                  10/29/07   11/14/07    Horning Construction                
                                                            301-005         4,914                  10/29/07   11/14/07    Horning Construction                
                                                            301-007        12,353                  11/26/07   12/12/07    HORNING CONSTRUCTION INC.           
                                                            301-008         7,434                  11/26/07   02/23/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION INC.           
                                                            301-009         2,697                  01/03/08   01/23/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTIOL LLC            
                                                            301-010        16,198                  01/03/08   04/08/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-011        16,198                  01/03/08   04/08/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-012         4,853                  01/03/08   01/23/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-013         4,647                  01/03/08   01/23/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-014        10,422                  01/03/08   01/23/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-015        11,508                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction, LLC.          
                                                            301-016        10,059                  01/03/08   09/29/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-017         8,789                  01/03/08   01/24/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-018        12,334                  01/29/08   03/08/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-019         8,159                  01/29/08   08/05/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION INC.           
                                                            301-020         4,240                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction, LLC.          
                                                            301-021        11,163                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction LLC.           
                                                            301-022         5,234                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction, LLC           
                                                            301-023        12,127                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction, LLC           
                                                            301-024        14,397                  03/10/08   03/19/08    Horning Construction, LLC           
                                                            301-025        10,833                  03/10/08   04/11/08    Horning Construction, LLC           
                                                            301-026        15,504                  03/28/08   04/02/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC.           
                                                            301-027         6,880                  05/21/08   09/29/08    Horning Construction LLC            
                                                            301-028        18,817                  05/21/08   09/29/08    Horning Construction LLC            
                                                            301-029         4,548                  05/21/08   09/29/08    Horning Construction LLC            
                                                            301-030        14,066                  09/23/08   11/06/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-031        10,226                  06/18/08   08/26/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION INC.           
                                                            301-032          -458                  06/18/08   08/26/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            301-034        75,238                  02/24/09   04/03/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-036        14,896                  09/22/08   10/24/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTIN LLC             
                                                            301-037        15,352                  09/22/08   10/24/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION, LLC.          
                                                            301-039       -26,039                  11/05/08   12/02/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-040         2,760                  01/12/09   03/30/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-041        14,367                  01/12/09   06/16/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-042        13,142                  01/12/09   06/16/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-045        12,709                  01/16/09   04/03/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-046         1,489                  01/16/09   06/08/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-049        -1,282                  05/04/09   07/28/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            304 -004        2,236                  11/06/07   01/16/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            304-005         5,224                  05/21/08   05/11/09    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            304-006         2,513                  05/21/08   09/29/08    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            304-007         2,654                  05/21/08   05/11/09    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            304-008         8,515                  06/18/08   06/18/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            304-009         5,166                  11/05/08   03/02/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            304-01          1,716                  10/22/07   10/26/07    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            304-02         12,340                  10/22/07   10/26/07    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            305 -004       18,127                  01/03/08   08/05/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INCORPORATED        
                                                            305 -005        2,588                  01/03/08   08/05/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INCORPORATED        
                                                            305-001        11,832                  10/22/07   10/26/07    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            305-002         1,296                  10/22/07   01/28/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            305-003         5,509                  01/03/08   04/09/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            305-006         3,186                  04/18/08   01/27/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            305-007         1,912                  05/21/08   05/11/09    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            305-008        13,102                  05/21/08   03/02/09    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            305-009         1,694                  01/28/09   04/23/09    FREY CAMPBELL INC.                  
                                                            306 -006        1,403                  01/03/07   08/05/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED    
                                                            306 -007        3,131                  01/03/08   08/05/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED    
                                                            306-001         4,047                  10/22/07   01/28/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            306-003         6,094                  10/22/07   01/28/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC             
                                                            306-004         1,465                  10/22/07   01/17/08    BILLITER ELECTRIC .INC              
                                                            306-005         6,207                  10/29/07   03/06/09    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            306-005         6,207                  11/25/08   05/15/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-009         4,291                  03/10/08   03/15/08    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            306-010         4,643                  05/21/08   07/09/09    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            306-011         1,607                  05/21/08   03/02/09    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            306-012         2,398                  08/14/08   05/11/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-013         4,485                  08/14/08   08/04/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-014         7,058                  01/12/09   03/11/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-015         1,191                  01/28/09   05/11/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-019           490                  02/24/09   06/09/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-021         2,014                  05/04/09   07/31/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            307-001         4,600                  10/22/07   10/26/07    JUPITER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC  
                                                            308-001        16,100                  01/03/08   01/23/08    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            308-002        10,132                  01/03/08   03/19/08    NICKERSON CORP                      
                                                            308-003         2,814                  10/22/07   10/26/07    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            308-004         4,722                  08/14/08   08/26/08    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            308-005        15,533                  09/22/08   10/27/08    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            308-006        15,210                  08/14/08   08/26/08    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
07-1010   Additions and Alterations    0-002-009  04/17/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            401-001        12,161                  01/12/09   03/30/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-002         4,563                  01/12/09   04/17/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-003         3,466                  02/24/09   04/13/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-004         3,727                  02/24/09   04/13/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-005         2,899                  03/31/09   07/03/09    STREETER ASSOICATES                 
                                                            401-006        11,083                  05/04/09   07/28/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-007        14,659                  05/19/09   07/30/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-008       -46,266                  05/26/09   07/15/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            401-009         9,545                  07/22/09   08/24/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-010        16,013                  11/09/09   12/09/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-011        10,551                  11/12/09   12/08/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-012         7,812                  11/09/09   12/09/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-013        26,075                  11/09/09   12/08/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-014        55,437                  11/09/09   12/08/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-015        16,041                  11/09/09   12/08/09    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-016        34,913                  05/07/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-017         9,555                  05/07/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-018         5,937                  05/07/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-019         9,445                  05/21/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-020         2,842                  05/21/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-021        27,012                  05/21/10   08/04/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-022         8,202                  01/27/11   06/07/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-023         7,136                  04/01/11   05/16/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            401-024        -4,070                  04/01/11   05/13/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            404-001        -2,983                  11/05/08   12/12/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            404-002         1,113                  02/24/09   04/13/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            404-003         2,429                  11/09/09   12/08/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            404-004         4,242                  11/09/09   12/08/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            404-005           543                  05/21/10   08/04/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-001        10,495                  11/05/08   12/02/08    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            405-002         2,490                  01/28/09   04/03/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            405-003         5,288                  03/31/09   07/03/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            405-004         7,448                  05/04/09   08/05/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-005         4,582                  11/09/09   12/08/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-006        17,147                  01/06/10   02/16/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-006        17,147                  01/06/10     /  /      FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-007         4,222                  01/06/10   02/16/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-008         1,030                  01/06/10   02/16/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-009        10,929                  05/21/10   08/04/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-010           962                  05/21/10   08/04/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            405-011        14,600                  05/21/10   08/04/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            406-001         1,220                  12/02/08   06/16/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC.             
                                                            406-002         1,576                  01/16/09   02/26/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC.             
                                                            406-003        -2,453                  03/31/09   07/03/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            406-004         1,659                  04/20/09   08/04/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC.             
                                                            406-005       -29,689                  04/20/09   08/04/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC.             
                                                            406-006       -52,551                  05/19/09   08/07/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            406-007        10,844                  05/19/09   08/07/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            406-008        -5,492                  05/26/09   11/12/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            406-009        15,322                  07/22/09   11/12/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-010         2,753                  07/22/09   11/12/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-011         2,968                  11/09/09   12/09/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-012         6,882                  11/12/09   12/08/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-013         7,139                  11/09/09   12/08/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-014         5,485                  11/09/09   12/08/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-015        15,860                  01/06/10   02/16/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-016         9,292                  01/06/10   02/16/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            406-017        24,126                  05/21/10   08/04/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            407-001        -1,040                  01/28/09   04/03/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES, 
                                                            407-002         8,921                  05/19/09   07/22/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            407-003         3,415                  11/12/09   12/08/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            407-004        12,189                  11/09/09   12/08/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            407-005        26,894                  11/09/09   12/09/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            407-006        16,097                  11/12/09   12/08/09    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            407-007        -4,922                  01/06/10   02/25/10    ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION SERVICES  
                                                            501-001        26,669                  08/26/10   09/28/10    VJ GAUTIERI CONSTRUCTORS LLC        
                                                            501-002         8,267                  11/18/10   11/30/10    VJ GAUTIERI CONSTRUCTION LLC        
                                                            501-003         4,106                  01/27/11   02/28/11    VJ GAUTIERI CONSTRUCTORS LLC        
                                                            501-004           334                  01/27/11   02/28/11    VJ GAUTIERI CONSTRUCTORS LLC        
13-1190   Reconstruction               0-002-010  05/13/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-01           8,140                  07/27/15   08/14/15    LeChase Construction Serivces, Inc. 
                                                            GC-02           1,892                  09/10/15   10/28/15    LeChase Construction Services, Inc. 
15-1787   Reconstruction               0-002-011  05/25/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-0231   Reconstruction               0-002-012  02/05/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1                 900                  09/19/18   10/15/18    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
18-0413   Reconstruction               0-002-013  01/28/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         18,763                  12/18/19   12/31/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-003          1,485                  01/29/20   02/27/20    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-004          5,647                  01/29/20   02/27/20    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-006          2,986                  07/22/20   09/11/20    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-007          3,986                  09/09/22   05/31/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-008          7,552                  09/09/22   05/31/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-009            767                  09/09/22   05/31/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-010          8,876                  12/07/20   02/18/21    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-011         11,681                  12/18/20   03/08/21    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-012          8,569                  12/18/20   03/08/21    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-013          6,263                  12/18/20   03/08/21    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            EC-014          1,875                  12/18/20   03/08/21    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            GC-001         12,306                  08/26/19   09/20/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-002         27,564                  09/20/19   09/24/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-003         33,210                  09/20/19   09/24/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-004         23,230                  09/20/19   09/24/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-005         11,217                  07/22/20   10/28/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-006          1,091                  07/22/20   10/28/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-007         34,275                  07/22/20   10/28/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-008         15,729                  07/22/20   10/28/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-009         12,586                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-010          5,882                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-011         34,795                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-012          8,256                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-013          5,047                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structure Inc                
                                                            GC-014          2,526                  09/09/22   05/31/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-015          5,666                  12/28/20   03/16/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-017         10,249                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-018         11,159                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-019          4,709                  09/09/22   09/07/23    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-020          4,482                  12/07/20   02/16/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-021          5,419                  12/07/20   02/16/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-022         11,772                  12/18/20   03/01/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-023         12,339                  12/18/20   03/01/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-024         16,042                  12/18/20   03/01/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-025          2,184                  12/18/20   03/01/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-026         18,652                  12/18/20   03/01/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-027         19,161                  12/28/20   03/16/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-028          1,218                  12/28/20   03/16/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            HC-001         10,118                  09/09/22   05/31/23    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            HC-002         10,030                  12/07/20   02/18/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-003          1,103                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-004          4,251                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-005          4,561                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-006         15,457                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-007          4,288                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-001          1,035                  09/20/19   09/25/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-002          1,976                  12/07/20   02/18/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-004          7,930                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-005          8,076                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-006          1,060                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-007         32,888                  12/28/20   03/02/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
18-0953   Reconstruction               0-002-014  05/28/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
18-0414   Reconstruction               0-002-015  01/28/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            RC-001         11,296                  08/26/19   09/13/19    HALE CONTRACTING, INC.              
                                                            RC-002          1,806                  12/07/20   03/10/21    HALE CONTRACTING, INC.              
18-0954   Reconstruction               0-002-016  05/28/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001        -12,224                  12/18/20   03/08/21    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP.              
18-1793   Reconstruction               0-002-017  05/29/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-0947   Reconstruction               0-002-018  04/02/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1779   Reconstruction               0-002-019  07/01/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-01           3,800                  08/20/21   05/17/22    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP           
20-1679   Reconstruction               0-002-020  07/03/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1952   Reconstruction               0-002-021  08/03/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-1696FA Reconstruction               0-002-022  05/16/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-2267   Reconstruction               0-002-023  08/30/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-2268   Reconstruction               0-002-024  08/30/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-2048   Reconstruction               0-002-025  11/19/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-2049   Reconstruction               0-002-026  08/27/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXSouth Annex -demolished:
91-1563   Reconstruction               0-004-001  07/14/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Athletic Storage:
18-0415   Reconstruction               2-015-001  01/28/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-005          1,216                  07/22/20   09/11/20    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            PC-003          1,900                  12/18/20   03/08/21    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               

          Bus Maintenance:
90-0943   Reconstruction               5-011-003  02/14/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-0301   Reconstruction               5-011-004  10/22/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-1381   Reconstruction               5-011-005  10/15/00  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0159   Additions and Alterations    5-011-006  01/22/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            301-003        12,420                  10/22/07   10/26/07    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-006        18,114                  11/26/07   12/12/07    Horning construction                
                                                            301-033        14,219                  08/14/08   08/26/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-035         8,688                  09/22/08   10/24/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTIN LLC             
                                                            301-038         4,251                  11/05/08   12/12/08    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-043        12,693                  01/12/09   06/16/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-044         8,125                  01/12/09   06/16/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            301-048        -1,250                  03/31/09   09/16/10    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            304-003         3,453                  10/22/07     /  /      FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            304-003         3,453                  06/06/08   12/16/08    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            304-010         1,532                  01/28/09   07/07/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC.                
                                                            304-011         4,602                  05/26/09   07/15/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            304-047         6,261                  02/24/09   04/03/09    HORNING CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            305-010           350                  05/04/09   07/31/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            305-011          -929                  11/09/09   12/08/09    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            306 -008        2,623                  01/03/08   08/05/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INCORPORATED    
                                                            306-002         2,105                  10/22/07   01/28/08    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC             
                                                            306-016         1,024                  01/28/09   07/07/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-017         9,222                  02/24/09   06/09/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-018         2,558                  02/24/09   06/09/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            306-020        -2,087                  02/24/09   06/09/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
18-0416   Reconstruction               5-011-007  01/28/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1794   Reconstruction               5-011-008  08/31/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-0948   Reconstruction               5-011-009  04/02/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Toilet Room Building:
18-0417   New Construction             7-018-001  01/28/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002          1,105                  12/18/19   12/31/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            

District No.: 57-03-02-06
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Dana L Lyon Elementary:
90-0636   Reconstruction               0-004-003  01/07/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0558   Reconstruction               0-004-004  03/23/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-0393   Reconstruction               0-004-005  11/24/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Jr/Sr High School:
90-0637   Reconstruction               0-006-006  01/07/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-1014   Reconstruction               0-006-007  04/16/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0594   Additions and Alterations    0-006-009  05/10/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-19            2,574                  01/24/02   03/04/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-22            7,990                  03/15/02   04/19/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-24           17,526                  03/15/02   04/19/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-25           17,334                  03/15/02   04/19/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-26            7,794                  04/12/02   04/25/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-27           15,611                  04/26/02   05/17/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-28           11,187                  04/26/02   05/17/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-29            4,088                  04/19/02   05/17/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-30           17,580                  05/23/02   07/15/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-32           17,446                  05/23/02   06/05/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-33           12,419                  05/23/02   06/04/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-34           12,893                  05/23/02   06/05/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-35           12,937                  06/19/02   07/12/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-36           10,709                  06/19/02   07/12/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-37            4,457                  07/03/02   07/15/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-38            1,519                  08/02/02   08/16/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-39           15,826                  08/27/02   09/06/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-40           16,887                  10/17/02   12/02/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-41           19,888                  11/20/02   01/02/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-42           18,289                  10/17/02   12/02/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-43           17,497                  10/17/02   12/02/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-44            6,426                  11/20/02   01/02/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-45           17,142                  11/20/02   01/02/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-46            2,527                  11/20/02   01/02/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-47            5,413                  11/20/02   01/02/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-48           18,666                  02/10/03   02/14/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-49            3,066                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-5            -3,116                  08/06/01   01/08/02    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-50            8,181                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-51           14,050                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-52            7,263                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-53           16,598                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-54           15,899                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-55           19,084                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-56           10,313                  09/09/03   09/19/03    LeChase Construction                
                                                            1-56           16,779                  03/05/04   03/17/04    LeChase Construction                
                                                            10-11          14,880                  03/15/02   04/19/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-12           4,008                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-13          10,167                  04/12/02   04/26/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-14          -2,266                  04/26/02   05/07/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-15          19,894                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-17           8,122                  07/03/02   07/15/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-18           9,571                  08/02/02   08/16/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-19           3,392                  08/27/02   09/05/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-20           6,871                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-21          10,018                  10/15/02   12/02/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-22           7,556                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-23          11,829                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-24          19,513                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-25          16,246                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-26          13,280                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-27REV        1,824                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-28          18,376                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-29           4,540                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-30           6,869                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-31           7,542                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-32          11,387                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-33          14,138                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-34          10,933                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-35           9,999                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-36          14,448                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-37           3,800                  04/23/04   04/28/04    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-38           3,716                  04/23/04   04/28/04    Cashette electric                   
                                                            10-4              496                  08/29/01   01/29/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            10-9            2,972                  01/24/02   03/04/02    Cashette Electric                   
                                                            11-1          -61,050                  02/10/03   02/14/03    Sound & Communications Div.         
                                                            11-2          -23,175                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Sound & Communications Div.         
                                                            12-10           2,902                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-11           8,886                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-12          19,312                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-13          18,798                  04/19/02   05/07/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-14          12,455                  07/03/02   07/15/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-15           3,575                  08/27/02   09/05/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-16          12,115                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-17          10,872                  10/17/02   12/02/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-18           3,391                  10/17/02   12/02/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-19          17,139                  03/10/03   03/19/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-20          15,286                  03/10/03   03/19/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-21           1,911                  03/10/03   03/19/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-22           1,200                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-23          10,960                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-24           5,349                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-25           4,316                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-5           17,247                  10/02/01   01/08/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-9            2,816                  03/15/02   04/19/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            13-1            3,290                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Patterson Stevens                   
                                                            13-2            9,950                  07/03/02   07/15/02    Patterson Stevens                   
                                                            13-3            3,167                  02/10/03   02/14/03    Patterson-Stevens                   
                                                            13-5            4,129                  07/01/03   07/07/03    Patterson Stevens                   
                                                            13-6            2,444                  04/23/04   04/30/04    Patterson Stevens                   
                                                            14-2           14,507                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-3           19,167                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-4           18,747                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-5           15,832                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-6           19,851                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-7           19,413                  02/18/03   02/25/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            14-8            9,570                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Kleen All of America                
                                                            16-1            5,754                  02/10/03   02/14/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            2-1             5,000                  03/15/02   04/19/02    Amthor Steel                        
                                                            2-14           -5,780                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Suite Kote Contracting              
                                                            2-2             5,606                  05/09/02   06/04/02    Amthor Steel                        
                                                            2-3             9,929                  08/02/02   08/16/02    Amthor Steel                        
                                                            2-5            18,813                  11/06/03   11/13/03    Amthor Steel                        
                                                            2-6            -1,500                  03/26/04   04/12/04    Amother Steel                       
                                                            3-10           11,228                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-11           19,900                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-12            7,521                  08/02/02   08/16/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-13           13,193                  08/27/02   09/05/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-14           19,505                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-15           19,893                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-16           19,961                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-18           16,146                  10/15/02   12/02/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-19          -13,589                  11/05/02   12/02/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-2            21,231                  10/02/01   01/08/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-20            4,042                  02/10/03   02/14/03    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-21            3,798                  09/09/03   09/19/03    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-22           -3,520                  04/23/04   04/28/04    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-3            24,439                  10/02/01   01/08/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-7             1,533                  03/15/02   04/19/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-8            15,929                  03/28/02   04/26/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-9             5,527                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            4-10            5,930                  04/29/03   05/05/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-11            3,097                  04/29/03   05/05/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-12            1,199                  08/11/03   09/05/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-13            2,357                  06/24/03   06/30/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-2              -529                  11/06/01   02/08/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-4            -4,254                  04/12/02   04/25/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-5             3,774                  06/19/02   07/12/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-6             4,510                  08/27/02   09/05/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-7            10,393                  10/15/02   12/02/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-8             7,981                  11/20/02   01/03/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-9            16,189                  02/18/03   02/26/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4693              959                  10/24/02     /  /      McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            5-3             3,240                  04/26/02   05/17/02    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-4             3,922                  07/03/02   07/15/02    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-5             3,439                  10/17/02   12/02/02    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-6             3,602                  10/24/02   12/02/02    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-7               850                  03/27/03   04/03/03    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-8               925                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-9            -3,000                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            6-1             9,062                  10/02/01   01/08/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-10            4,099                  11/20/02   01/03/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-11           19,135                  11/20/02   01/02/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-12           19,947                  11/20/02   01/02/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-13           10,187                  03/10/03   03/18/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-14           13,391                  03/10/03   03/18/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-15            1,106                  04/29/03   05/05/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-16            2,962                  04/29/03   05/05/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-17            8,072                  06/24/03   06/30/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-18           13,288                  06/24/03   06/30/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-19            9,083                  07/17/03   07/24/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-20            8,413                  09/09/03   11/04/03    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-5             3,986                  04/12/02   04/25/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-6            10,600                  05/09/02   06/04/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-7             7,703                  08/02/02   08/16/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-8             8,101                  10/17/02   12/02/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            6-9             8,945                  10/24/02   12/02/02    John C. Lowery                      
                                                            7-2             6,400                  12/21/01   03/25/02    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-4            13,620                  08/27/02   09/05/02    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-5             4,000                  10/17/02   12/02/02    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-6             6,312                  07/17/03   07/24/03    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-7             5,276                  09/09/03   09/19/03    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-8             2,700                  12/20/04   12/28/04    KSP Painting                        
                                                            8-1            18,600                  08/06/01   01/08/02    Jason Mfg.                          
                                                            8-2            -6,743                  05/09/02   06/04/02    Jason Mfg.                          
                                                            8-3             5,290                  11/20/02   01/03/03    Jason Mfg.                          
                                                            8-4             4,655                  03/27/03   04/03/03    Jason Mfg.                          
                                                            8-5                 0                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Jason Mfg.                          
                                                            9-10            3,153                  03/28/02   04/26/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-11            2,737                  04/12/02   04/25/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-12            7,526                  04/26/02   05/07/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-14            3,687                  07/03/02   07/15/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-15            9,962                  08/02/02   01/07/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-16           11,734                  08/27/02   09/05/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-17            9,046                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-20            5,078                  03/27/03   04/03/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-21             -575                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-22           10,218                  03/10/03   03/18/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-23            7,955                  04/29/03   05/05/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-24            7,511                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-25           17,892                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-26           10,259                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-27            7,428                  09/09/03   09/19/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-29            2,887                  11/06/03   11/13/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-8             4,314                  01/24/02   03/04/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-9             4,075                  03/15/02   04/19/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            E-001           1,598                  12/16/16     /  /      John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            H-002           1,719                  12/16/16   05/17/19    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
08-1467   Additions and Alterations    0-006-012  12/23/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         20,823                  03/07/11   03/28/11    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-002         24,678                  03/07/11   03/28/11    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-004          3,700                  05/14/12   06/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-006          4,368                  07/02/14   07/02/14    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-008        -27,500                  07/25/12   07/31/13    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-009        -13,908                  07/27/12   11/22/13    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-010          1,158                  07/27/12   11/22/13    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-011          3,700                  05/16/11   07/21/11    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-011         -6,790                  01/16/13   12/31/13    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            GC-001          1,158                  07/02/14   07/02/14    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            GC-003         16,535                  10/12/10   11/01/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-005         25,725                  11/03/10   11/09/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-007       -138,104                  11/03/10   11/09/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-008         -7,760                  07/02/14   07/02/14    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
                                                            GC-010          9,305                  05/25/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-011          9,678                  05/25/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-012          5,000                  04/18/14   05/22/14    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-013          2,418                  05/25/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-014         -1,015                  05/25/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-016          8,359                  06/24/11   07/27/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-017          3,480                  06/24/11   07/27/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-019         -4,250                  05/25/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-021          4,607                  02/29/12   08/31/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-022          5,910                  05/29/12   10/23/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-023          2,000                  07/27/12   01/24/13    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-18          15,521                  02/29/12   08/31/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            HVAC-001       -4,300                  04/20/11   05/13/11    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            HVAC-002        6,726                  08/12/11     /  /      LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            HVAC-003         -539                  08/12/11     /  /      LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            P-002           7,357                  07/27/12   11/22/13    UNIFIED MECHANICAL                  
                                                            P-003           8,384                  07/27/12   11/22/13    UNIFIED MECHANICAL                  
                                                            P-004          -9,777                  07/08/13   06/25/14    Unified Mechanical                  
                                                            P-005          -2,614                  03/25/13   06/25/14    UNIFIED MECHANICAL                  
                                                            RC-002         -6,000                  07/02/14   07/02/14    HALE CONTRACTING                    
                                                            RC-003         -3,073                  09/21/11   12/20/11    HALE CONTRACTING INC                
                                                            RC-004        -23,415                  09/21/11   12/20/11    HALE CONTRACTING INC                
                                                            RC-005        -20,200                  07/02/14   07/02/14    HALE CONTRACTING                    
11-1404   Reconstruction               0-006-014  07/17/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          1,622                  11/26/12   03/07/13    KUITEMS CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            S-001           7,734                  11/21/12   03/07/13    RUSTON PAVING COMPANY INC           
                                                            S-002           2,947                  06/12/12   07/26/13    RUSTON PAVING COMPANY INC           
                                                            S-003             500                  02/25/13   05/13/13    RUSTON PAVING COMPANY INC           
12-0284   Reconstruction               0-006-015  04/22/13  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0285   Reconstruction               0-006-016  04/22/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            AD-E-003            0                  12/08/14   12/15/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            AD-G2-05            0                  11/10/14   11/14/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            AD-G2-06            0                  11/10/14   11/14/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            AD-G2-08            0                  12/22/14   12/31/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            AD-M-001            0                  02/03/14   02/24/14    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            AD-P-001            0                  02/03/14   02/24/14    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            AD-P-04             0                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            AD-R-002            0                  12/08/14   12/15/14    J & B Installations, Inc.           
                                                            E-001          -1,510                  01/16/14   02/20/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            E-003           8,487                  12/08/14   12/15/14    Billiter Electric                   
                                                            FS-001         10,840                  02/24/14   03/20/14    Joseph Filhan Co.                   
                                                            G2-002          8,582                  11/09/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-003         12,197                  11/19/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-004          5,295                  11/19/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterpirses of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-005         16,604                  11/19/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-007         25,865                  01/12/15   01/21/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-008         13,896                  01/12/15   01/21/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            M-001            -928                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            M-002          -3,452                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            M-003             608                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            M-004          17,513                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            P-002           8,651                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            P-004          10,714                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            P-005             600                  04/13/15   04/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            R-001          34,130                  02/10/14   03/05/14    J & B Installations, Inc.           
                                                            R-002          -8,070                  12/08/14   12/18/14    J&B Installations, Inc.             
12-0286   Reconstruction               0-006-017  04/22/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AD-M-002            0                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            AD-P-002            0                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            E-004           7,796                  03/09/15   03/30/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            E-005           2,413                  03/09/15   03/30/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            P-006           1,601                  08/24/15   08/27/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
13-0502   Reconstruction               0-006-018  05/28/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           5,500                  12/22/14   01/13/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-002          18,933                  04/13/15   04/21/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-003          17,233                  04/13/15   06/19/19    John Mill Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-004           1,237                  04/13/15   04/21/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-008           6,507                  04/27/15   05/22/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-014           5,954                  08/19/15   09/01/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-018           5,405                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-020          15,924                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-001         15,822                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-003         19,103                  03/19/15   03/25/15    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
15-0997   Reconstruction               0-006-019  05/23/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            E-001           1,599                  12/16/16   01/10/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-002           1,696                  01/30/17   02/01/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-001          2,824                  01/30/17   02/01/17    Welliver, Inc.                      
                                                            GC-002          7,860                  02/17/17   02/24/17    Welliver, Inc.                      
                                                            GC-003         15,546                  11/14/16   11/22/16    Welliver, Inc.                      
                                                            GC-005          3,935                  12/16/16   12/22/16    Welliver, Inc.                      
                                                            H-001           9,345                  11/14/16   11/22/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
16-0873   Reconstruction               0-006-020  04/03/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          2,568                  10/02/17   10/13/17    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-003         24,245                  10/02/17   10/13/17    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-004         14,289                  11/17/17   12/01/17    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-005            479                  01/17/18   01/31/18    Billitier Electrical, Inc.          
                                                            EC-007          2,410                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-013          3,739                  05/14/18   06/01/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC             
                                                            EC-014          1,152                  09/20/18   10/15/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            EC010           7,485                  07/03/18   07/26/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-002          1,039                  08/10/17     /  /      Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-003         21,582                  08/10/17   10/17/17    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-004          4,877                  11/17/17   12/04/17    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-006         14,229                  12/14/17   01/31/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-007          1,196                  12/14/17   01/31/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-008          1,373                  12/14/17   01/31/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-013           -181                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-014          5,979                  11/15/18   01/16/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC.              
                                                            GC-015          3,638                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-017          3,837                  05/14/18   08/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC.              
                                                            GC-018          1,383                  07/03/18   08/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-019          4,680                  07/03/18   08/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-020              0                  07/31/18   08/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-021        -94,224                  07/31/18   08/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-022         -2,532                  11/15/18   01/16/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC.              
                                                            GC-023         -1,393                  12/12/18   03/12/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC.              
                                                            HC-002            762                  07/31/18   08/02/18    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            HC-003           -806                  11/15/18   01/16/19    KIMBLE INC.                         
                                                            PC-001           -180                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PP-001          2,651                  06/30/17   07/05/17    William L. Watson Co., Inc.         
                                                            PP-002         16,613                  06/30/17   07/05/17    William L. Watson Co., Inc.         
                                                            PP-003          3,957                  06/30/17   07/05/17    Wiliam l. Watson Co., Inc.          
                                                            PS-001          8,993                  10/02/17   10/13/17    Sensory Technologies                
                                                            PS-002            863                  11/17/17   12/01/17    Sensory Technologies                
                                                            PS-003          1,020                  01/17/18   01/31/18    SENSORY TECHNOLOGIES                
                                                            PS-005         13,063                  11/15/18   01/07/19    SENSORY TECHNOLOGIES                
                                                            SC-001         12,024                  10/02/17   10/31/17    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-002        202,500                  10/02/17   10/17/17    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-003          8,930                  11/17/17   12/01/17    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-004          7,843                  12/14/17   01/31/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-005          7,987                  12/14/17   01/31/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-006          8,460                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-007          9,083                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-008          1,018                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-009         24,986                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-010         25,634                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-011          4,710                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-012         11,134                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-013        120,848                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-014          7,234                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-015          3,113                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-016          1,383                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-017          2,282                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-018          1,563                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-019         21,408                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-020          6,127                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-021         21,829                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-022         26,735                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-023         18,959                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-024         34,968                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-025          5,430                  04/05/18   04/13/18    Edger Enterprises Inc.              
                                                            SC-026          1,651                  07/03/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-027         29,273                  07/03/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-028          9,167                  07/03/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-029        -48,190                  07/31/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-031          4,889                  09/07/18   11/28/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-032          6,380                  09/07/18   01/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-033       -200,120                  09/20/18   01/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-034       -123,748                  09/20/18   01/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            SC-035          3,237                  11/15/18   01/16/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-036         -1,187                  11/15/18   01/16/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-037          2,409                  11/15/18   01/16/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-038          1,828                  11/15/18   01/16/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-039         -5,999                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-040        -20,806                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-042         13,269                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-043         10,730                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-046          9,402                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
16-1078   Reconstruction               0-006-021  01/30/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-2025   Additions and Alterations    0-006-022  04/19/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-001         32,586                  05/24/19   06/06/19    KASCON, L.L.C. ENVIROMENTAL         
                                                            AC-002         24,766                  05/24/19   06/06/19    KASCON, L.L.C. ENVIROMENTAL         
                                                            AC-003          1,933                  06/13/19   06/17/19    KASCON,LLC                          
                                                            AC-004         22,758                  01/22/20   02/25/20    KASCON L.L.C. ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES 
                                                            AC-005         24,398                  01/22/20   02/25/20    KASCON L.L.C. ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES 
                                                            AC-006         24,313                  01/22/20   02/25/20    KASCON, L.L.C. ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES
                                                            AC-007         -2,550                  02/24/20   06/24/20    KASCON, LLC                         
                                                            EC-002         -5,433                  04/17/19   04/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003            344                  04/17/19   04/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006         -7,994                  05/24/19   05/30/19    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-008          3,051                  12/19/19   12/27/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-010          5,312                  12/19/19   12/27/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-011          4,249                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-012          9,790                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-015          1,685                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-017            176                  03/05/20   07/01/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-018          2,310                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-019          1,646                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-020          1,585                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-021          1,336                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-022             71                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-023          2,285                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-024          5,478                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-025          1,953                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-028         -9,122                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-029        -13,913                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            GC-004          1,642                  05/24/19   06/06/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-005         -1,107                  05/24/19   06/06/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-006         11,057                  07/12/19   07/17/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-007         17,830                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-008          2,276                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-010         20,013                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-011         34,825                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTIOBN SERVICES,LLC  
                                                            GC-012         29,650                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-013          4,300                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-015         20,348                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-016         17,051                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-017         13,247                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-019          2,528                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-020          7,128                  11/13/19   11/29/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-021          3,949                  12/06/19   12/20/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC+ 
                                                            GC-022          1,866                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-023          5,099                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-026          3,753                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-027            837                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-028          2,691                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-029          2,391                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-030          2,942                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-031          3,732                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-032         23,335                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-036         24,577                  02/24/20   06/15/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-040            147                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-048            552                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-049        -15,000                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-050          2,034                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-052            897                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-053          6,715                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-054            764                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-056          3,563                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-057         -7,075                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-058          5,997                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-059         13,519                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-061            592                  08/18/20   11/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-062          1,379                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-063            422                  09/09/20   11/12/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-37          19,511                  03/05/20   07/06/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-38          16,085                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-39          10,923                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-41          -5,196                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-45          -5,591                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-46           2,378                  08/18/20   11/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            HC-001         23,580                  12/12/18   01/22/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-004         20,455                  07/12/19   07/15/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-005         33,219                  07/18/19   07/19/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-006            838                  07/18/19   07/19/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-007         12,297                  07/18/19   07/19/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-008            731                  08/09/19   08/20/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-010          7,918                  10/21/19   10/23/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-011          2,744                  12/19/19   12/27/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-013          4,859                  01/22/20   02/25/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-014          2,382                  03/05/20   07/01/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-015          1,365                  03/05/20   07/01/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-016            696                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-019          7,993                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-020         10,107                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-021            848                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-023          7,081                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-026            978                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-027          5,868                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-028         24,704                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-029         22,213                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-002         10,370                  12/12/18   01/22/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-005          6,040                  12/06/19   12/20/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-006          4,858                  12/06/19   12/20/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-008          2,399                  01/22/20   02/25/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-010         -1,184                  02/24/20   06/24/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-011          2,005                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-012            697                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-013         -5,721                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-014          1,351                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-016          2,602                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            RC-001          1,377                  07/22/20   09/21/20    S&L ROOFING & SHEETMETAL, INC.      
                                                            SC-041          4,360                  12/12/18   01/22/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
17-0746   Reconstruction               0-006-023  02/08/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1031   Reconstruction               0-006-024  03/23/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         -7,889                  07/18/19   10/03/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            GC-002         12,738                  07/18/19   10/03/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            GC-003          3,034                  07/18/19   10/03/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            GC-005          1,623                  08/29/19   09/27/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
18-0298   Reconstruction               0-006-025  10/30/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          3,300                  06/13/19   07/02/19    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO.  
                                                            GC-002          2,372                  08/09/19   09/25/19    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO.  
                                                            GC-003         13,724                  08/09/19   09/25/19    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO.  
                                                            GC-004         34,802                  10/21/19   12/16/19    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION      
                                                            GC-005          1,950                  12/19/19   01/09/20    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION      
                                                            GC-006            350                  07/22/20   09/21/20    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO.  
                                                            GC-007          5,000                  07/22/20   09/21/20    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO.50
18-1123   Reconstruction               0-006-026  03/04/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1760   Reconstruction               0-006-027  06/26/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-0213   Reconstruction               0-006-028  08/28/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1591   Reconstruction               0-006-029  09/09/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1757   Reconstruction               0-006-030  02/02/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-1176   Reconstruction               0-006-031  04/10/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1013   Reconstruction               0-006-032  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-2075   Reconstruction               0-006-033  09/04/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-0757FP Reconstruction               0-006-FP1  12/02/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Wightman Primary:
99-0595   Additions and Alterations    0-007-004  05/10/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1               7,497                  04/30/01   02/06/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-10            1,044                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-11            2,374                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-12            3,847                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-13              802                  10/10/01   02/11/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-14              468                  11/15/01   02/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-15           10,942                  11/06/01   02/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-16            4,695                  12/04/01   01/13/03    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-17           16,296                  02/24/02   03/04/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-18            6,235                  02/24/02   03/04/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-20            5,014                  02/24/02   03/04/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-21            8,796                  02/19/02   04/01/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-23            6,723                  03/15/02   04/19/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-31           12,182                  05/23/02   06/04/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-40           16,887                  11/05/02   12/02/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-6            -6,600                  08/29/01   01/15/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-7               863                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-8             5,623                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            1-9             2,208                  10/02/01   01/08/02    LeChase Const.                      
                                                            10-10           9,894                  02/19/02   04/01/02    Cashette Elec.                      
                                                            10-16           9,539                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Cashette Elec.                      
                                                            10-2            4,544                  01/13/10   01/14/10    CASHETTE ELECTRIC                   
                                                            10-3            1,152                  01/13/10   01/14/10    CASHETTE ELECTRIC                   
                                                            10-5              570                  10/02/01   01/08/02    Cashette Elec.                      
                                                            10-6            2,578                  10/10/01   02/11/02    Cashette Elec.                      
                                                            10-7            1,051                  10/10/01   02/11/02    Cashette Elec.                      
                                                            12-1            2,328                  01/13/10   01/14/10    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            12-2            5,169                  01/13/10   01/14/10    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            12-3                0                  01/13/10     /  /                                          
                                                            12-3              595                  01/13/10     /  /      FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            12-4            3,948                  08/29/01   01/29/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-7           18,087                  11/06/01   02/08/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            12-8            1,580                  12/21/01   03/08/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            3-4             8,341                  01/13/10   01/14/10    HAKES CONSTRUCTION CO INC           
                                                            3-5            12,009                  11/15/01   02/08/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            3-6            10,470                  11/19/01   02/11/02    Hakes Const.                        
                                                            4               8,542                  01/13/10   01/14/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            4-1           -22,852                  11/06/01   02/08/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-14            7,543                  09/25/03   10/03/03    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            4-3             3,297                  02/19/02   04/01/02    McLaughlin Roofing                  
                                                            5-1             1,506                  08/29/01   01/15/02    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-10           -1,500                  06/24/03   06/30/03    Cortland Glass                      
                                                            5-2               453                  01/13/10   01/14/10    CORTLAND GLASS                      
                                                            6-2             1,765                  10/10/01   02/11/02    John Lowery                         
                                                            6-3             2,380                  01/13/10   01/14/10    JOHN C LOWERY INC                   
                                                            6-4             2,705                  01/24/02   03/04/02    John Lowery                         
                                                            7-1             3,400                  12/04/01   01/13/03    KSP Painting                        
                                                            7-3             8,800                  04/19/02   05/07/02    KSP Painting                        
                                                            9-13            2,743                  06/19/02   07/12/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-18           13,833                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-19            2,457                  11/20/02   01/02/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-2             1,445                  10/02/01   01/08/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-28              808                  09/09/03   09/19/03    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-3               891                  10/10/01   02/11/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-4             5,592                  01/13/10   01/14/10    FERRAUILO PLUMBING & HEATING        
                                                            9-5             9,213                  11/06/01   01/29/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-6             2,668                  11/19/01   02/11/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
                                                            9-7             2,381                  02/24/02   03/25/02    Ferrauilo Plumbing                  
08-1468   Additions and Alterations    0-007-006  12/23/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-004        -13,750                  04/20/11   05/13/11    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-005         12,319                  10/31/11   09/28/12    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-006          4,368                  09/22/11     /  /      SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-007          7,522                  05/29/12   06/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC INC           
                                                            EC-008        -27,500                  07/10/14   07/10/14    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, INC          
                                                            GC-002         26,845                  11/24/10   12/08/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-004         29,339                  11/03/10   11/09/10    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-009          9,144                  05/16/11   07/21/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-024         -2,000                  07/27/12   01/24/13    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-19           8,149                  02/29/12   08/31/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-20           1,556                  02/29/12   08/31/12    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            P-001           4,068                  07/27/12   11/22/13    UNIFIED MECHANICAL                  
09-0031   Reconstruction               0-007-008  10/14/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0287   Reconstruction               0-007-009  04/22/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            AD-E-001            0                  01/31/14   02/24/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            AD-E-002            0                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            AD-G2002            0                  03/05/14   03/20/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            AD-G2003            0                  03/05/14   04/11/14    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC    
                                                            AD-G2009            0                  11/19/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            AD-M-003            0                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            AD-M-004            0                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            AD-P-003            0                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            E-002           6,296                  01/16/14   02/20/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            G2-001         27,365                  03/05/14   04/11/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            G2-006          1,454                  11/19/14   11/21/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            P-001           5,569                  05/23/14   06/30/14    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            P-003           4,230                  02/13/15   02/17/15    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
13-0505   Reconstruction               0-007-010  05/05/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-006          23,404           2,500  04/13/15     /  /      John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-007          22,473          22,473  04/13/15   Disapproved John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-012           1,902                  08/19/15   09/01/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-013           1,011                  08/19/15   09/01/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-015           3,035                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-019           7,214                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-002          8,214                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
13-0506   Reconstruction               0-007-011  05/28/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-005          4,991                  09/30/15   11/17/15    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-006          2,683                  11/04/15   11/27/15    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
15-0998   Reconstruction               0-007-012  05/23/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-004            867                  12/16/16   12/22/16    Welliver, Inc.                      
16-0874   Reconstruction               0-007-013  04/03/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-006           -160                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-008            454                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-009          1,087                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-011          3,742                  07/03/18   07/26/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-015         -2,074                  09/20/18   10/15/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-001         34,998                  07/12/17   10/17/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-009         -4,107                  03/12/18   03/20/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-016         -7,960                  04/05/18   04/13/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            PS-004          1,148                  06/18/18   07/26/18    SENSORY TECHNOLOGIES                
                                                            RC-001          1,615                  06/30/17   07/05/17    Hale Roofing                        
                                                            RC-002         -1,884                  11/28/17   12/14/17    Hale Roofing                        
                                                            RC-005        -10,076                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Hale Roofing                        
                                                            RC-006           -224                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Hale Roofing                        
                                                            SC-030          1,805                  07/31/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
16-2026   Reconstruction               0-007-014  04/18/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-008         -7,160                  02/24/20   06/24/20    KASCON, LLC                         
                                                            EC-001           -614                  04/17/19   04/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-004         -1,146                  04/17/19   04/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005        -29,343                  04/17/19   04/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-007         29,434                  07/18/19   07/23/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-009         20,988                  12/19/19   12/27/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-013         24,501                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-014          1,186                  02/22/20   06/24/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-016          1,214                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            GC-001          9,245                  04/17/19   04/19/19    LECHASE CONSTRUTION SERVICES,LLC    
                                                            GC-002         31,624                  04/17/19   04/19/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-003         28,435                  04/17/19   04/19/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-009         29,943                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-014          3,830                  10/21/19   10/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-018          7,169                  11/04/19   11/08/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-024            738                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-025          1,530                  12/19/19   01/07/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-033          2,340                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-034          3,788                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-035          7,594                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CNSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC    
                                                            GC-060          8,432                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-42          34,520                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-43          22,264                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-44          34,959                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-47          27,926                  09/09/20   11/12/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-51            -812                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-55           2,133                  07/22/20   09/21/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            HC-002         -6,902                  04/17/19   04/18/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-003          1,153                  07/12/19   07/15/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-009         21,044                  10/21/19   10/23/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-012          1,203                  12/19/19   12/27/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-017          1,467                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-018          2,916                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-022            600                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-024          2,561                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-025            854                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-001         32,800                  12/12/18   01/22/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-003            304                  04/17/19   04/18/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-004          1,136                  07/12/19   07/15/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-007          1,299                  12/19/19   12/27/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-009           -584                  02/24/20   06/24/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-015        -10,273                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
17-1032   Reconstruction               0-007-015  02/26/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-004         -5,557                  08/09/19   10/04/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            GC-006            431                  08/29/19   09/27/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
                                                            GC-007          7,024                  01/22/20   02/28/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
20-0214   Reconstruction               0-007-016  08/28/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1772   Reconstruction               0-007-017  06/30/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1978   Reconstruction               0-007-018  10/06/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-2224   Reconstruction               0-007-020  10/12/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HCPC-001        1,965                  08/06/24   08/26/24    Frey & Campbell                     
23-0199   Reconstruction               0-007-021  01/29/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         29,727                  01/27/25     /  /      Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-002          5,378                  01/27/25     /  /      Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-003          2,565                  01/27/25     /  /      Elmira Structures                   
                                                            Sec-001         3,145                  11/14/24   12/04/24    Day Automation                      
                                                            Sec-002         5,852                  11/14/24   12/04/24    Day Automation                      
02-2202FP Reconstruction               0-007-FP1  08/06/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          District Office/Maint. (fmly 5-009):
15-0999   Reconstruction               1-009-001  05/23/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0875   Reconstruction               1-009-002  04/03/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-2027   Reconstruction               1-009-003  04/18/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-027         -5,000                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            RC-002            913                  08/18/20   11/18/20    S&L ROOFING & SHEETMETAL, INC.      
23-1014   Reconstruction               1-009-004  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          New Athletic Storage Building:
94-0217   New Construction             2-015-001  10/03/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage Maintenance:
00-0282   Reconstruction               5-009-001  01/30/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1-1             1,734                  10/10/01   02/26/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-10            8,282                  04/26/02   05/30/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-11           10,063                  05/15/02   05/24/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-12            1,432                  06/19/02   08/15/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-13            1,236                  06/19/02   08/15/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-16           13,887                  12/06/02   01/02/03    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-17            5,161                  10/17/02   11/07/02    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-18           10,401                  02/10/03   02/27/03    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            1-19           11,144                  02/10/03   02/27/03    R Hyland & Son                      
                                                            2-10           -2,757                  04/12/02   05/24/02    Suite Kote Contracting              
                                                            2-12           12,771                  12/06/02   01/02/03    Suite Kote Contracting              
                                                            2-13            5,406                  10/17/02   11/07/02    Suite Kote Contracting              
                                                            2-9             3,675                  03/28/02   05/24/02    Suite Kote Contracting              
                                                            4-10           11,007                  06/19/02   08/15/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            4-12           -3,079                  01/29/03   02/04/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            4-4             3,627                  10/10/01   01/10/03    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            4-7            16,946                  03/28/02   05/24/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            4-8             1,568                  05/15/02   05/24/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            4-9             4,424                  06/19/02   08/15/02    Burns Elec.                         
                                                            5-7             7,710                  06/19/02   08/15/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            5-8            16,652                  04/28/03   05/05/03    Frey & Campbell                     
08-1469   Reconstruction               5-009-002  12/23/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
13-0503   Reconstruction               5-009-003  05/28/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-005           3,830                  04/13/15   04/21/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-009           2,368                  04/27/15   05/22/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-011           1,541                  08/19/15   09/01/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-017           1,916                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           

          Bus Garage & Maintenance Facility:
12-0288   Reconstruction               5-017-003  04/22/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AD-G2-07            0                  11/10/14   11/14/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
13-0504   Reconstruction               5-017-004  05/28/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-010             860                  08/19/15   09/01/15    John Mills Electric Inc.            
                                                            E-016           4,800                  08/31/15   09/15/15    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-004            343                  03/19/15   03/25/15    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
15-0856   Reconstruction               5-017-005  11/25/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-1000   Reconstruction               5-017-006  05/23/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-006            867                  04/26/17   04/28/17    Welliver, Inc.                      
16-0876   Reconstruction               5-017-007  04/03/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002         25,100                  10/02/17   10/13/17    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-012         -2,101                  05/14/18   06/01/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            GC-005        -30,532                  11/28/17   12/14/17    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            GC-012          2,661                  04/05/18   04/13/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            HC-001          9,965                  01/17/18   01/31/18    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            SC-044            609                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
                                                            SC-045         -5,589                  12/12/18   03/12/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC.              
16-2028   Reconstruction               5-017-008  04/18/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-026         -3,500                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
18-2202   Reconstruction               5-017-009  08/09/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HC-001          4,138                  01/08/20   01/30/20    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
23-1015   Reconstruction               5-017-010  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Public Restroom Building:
08-1470   Reconstruction               7-003-001  12/23/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0877   Reconstruction               7-003-002  04/03/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1016   Reconstruction               7-003-003  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Soccer Concession:
08-1471   Reconstruction               7-011-002  12/23/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0878   Reconstruction               7-011-003  04/03/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-011          2,797                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            RC-003           -860                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Hale Roofing                        
23-1017   Reconstruction               7-011-004  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Soccer Field Press Box:
90-0688   New Construction             7-013-001  01/17/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0289   Reconstruction               7-013-003  04/22/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            ADG2-001            0                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
16-0879   Reconstruction               7-013-004  04/03/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1018   Reconstruction               7-013-005  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          House/site purchase 41 Robie Street:
99-0196   New Construction             7-018-001  11/09/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Concession Stand:
02-0051   New Construction             7-019-001  11/07/02  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0880   Reconstruction               7-019-002  04/03/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-010          9,518                  03/12/18   03/20/18    Elmira Structures Inc.              
                                                            RC-004           -430                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Hale Roofing                        
23-1019   Reconstruction               7-019-003  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Press Box @ Football Field:
08-1472   New Construction             7-021-001  12/23/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0881   Reconstruction               7-021-002  04/03/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1020   Reconstruction               7-021-003  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Baseball Dugout:
16-2029   New Construction             7-022-001  04/18/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Modified Soccer Dugout:
16-2030   New Construction             7-023-001  04/18/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Junior Varsity Soccer Dugout:
16-2031   New Construction             7-024-001  04/18/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Junior Varsity Soccer Pressbox:
16-2032   New Construction             7-025-001  04/18/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Varsity Soccer Dugout:
16-2037   New Construction             7-026-001  04/18/18  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          JV Softball Dugout:
23-1021   New Construction             7-027-001  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Softball Dugout:
23-1022   New Construction             7-028-001  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Softball Press Box:
23-1023   New Construction             7-030-001  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Baseball Press Box:
23-1024   New Construction             7-031-001  06/28/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-04-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

92-1340   Reconstruction               0-001-002  07/13/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0128   Additions and Alterations    0-001-003  11/16/99  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            5               2,268                  05/24/02   05/28/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            AV-1            9,250                  09/20/01   02/07/02    Delaware AV Dist.                   
                                                            AV-2            6,036                  09/20/01   02/07/02    Delaware AV Dist.                   
                                                            C-1               359                  05/24/02   05/28/02    O'Connell Elec.                     
                                                            C-2             2,646                  05/24/02   05/28/02    O'Connell Elec.                     
                                                            C-3             3,282                  05/24/02   05/28/02    O'Connell Elec.                     
                                                            E-18              849                  08/03/01   01/30/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            E-20           15,890                  05/24/02   05/28/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            E-20           15,890                  08/15/01   01/14/03    RC Daniel                           
                                                            E-21            4,000                  02/22/02   04/01/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            E-22            4,563                  05/24/02   05/28/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            E-7               639                  05/24/02   05/28/02    RC Daniel                           
                                                            G-1             2,599                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-2               693                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-3             2,181                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-4               842                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-8             2,523                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-9               742                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            H-1             6,610                  08/03/01   01/30/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            P-1             1,168                  05/24/02   05/28/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            P-2               750                  08/03/01   01/30/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            S-1             6,000                  05/24/02   05/28/02    RC Billings                         
00-0878   Additions and Alterations    0-001-005  07/17/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-1             3,120                  03/04/02   05/23/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-2             3,737                  03/04/02   05/23/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-3            13,585                  05/30/02   08/15/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-4             2,861                  06/13/02   11/04/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-5             6,895                  09/27/02   11/06/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-6             9,767                  07/17/03   07/24/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E-7               754                  07/17/03   07/24/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            GC-1          -61,100                  06/22/04   06/22/04    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-2            1,403                  02/22/02   03/29/02    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-4            3,873                  06/22/04   06/22/04    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-5           -4,426                  05/31/02   02/13/03    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-6           15,191                  06/13/02   11/04/02    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-7              564                  06/22/04   06/22/04    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-8            7,389                  06/27/02   07/03/02    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            GC-9           18,867                  09/16/02   01/08/03    Iversen Const.                      
                                                            H-1             1,002                  04/09/02   05/23/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            H-2             7,856                  10/24/02   11/07/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            P-1             5,782                  02/22/02   03/29/02    Postler and Jaeckle                 
                                                            P-2             1,157                  02/22/02   03/29/02    Postler and Jaeckle                 
                                                            P-3             1,054                  03/04/02   05/23/02    Postler and Jaeckle                 
                                                            P-4             6,213                  06/07/02   11/04/02    Postler and Jaeckle                 
                                                            S-1           -13,800                  12/11/01   03/21/02    Scott's Const.                      
07-0542   Reconstruction               0-001-006  03/10/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001         -10,959                  08/25/08   03/09/09    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            E-002          12,457                  10/27/08   04/14/09    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            E-003           9,846                  11/05/08   02/05/09    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            E-004           1,995                  04/24/09   07/22/09    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            E-005           4,786                  12/21/09   01/07/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            G-001         -50,938                  08/25/08   11/18/08    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-002            -584                  08/20/08   11/18/08    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-003          -1,432                  09/08/08   05/12/09    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-004            -950                  10/27/08   12/02/08    CONMAS,INC                          
                                                            G-006           5,187                  11/07/08   12/02/08    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-007          -7,942                  10/24/08   11/12/08    CONMAS INC                          
                                                            G-008          -1,620                  02/10/09   05/18/09    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-009           2,585                  02/10/09   05/18/09    CONMAS, INC.                        
                                                            G-010             754                  03/27/09   07/20/09    CONMAS INC.                         
                                                            G-011           2,806                  03/27/09   07/20/09    CON MAS INC.                        
                                                            G-012          15,608                  03/27/09   07/20/09    CONMAS INC.                         
                                                            G-013             359                  05/04/09   07/30/09    CONMAS INC                          
                                                            G-014           1,160                  06/22/09   08/13/09    CONMAS INC                          
                                                            M-001           4,750                  11/19/08   01/27/09    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            M-002           8,980                  12/08/09   02/05/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-001         -24,389                  07/28/08   01/30/09    FREU & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            P-002          -3,561                  07/28/08   01/30/09    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            P-003           1,819                  11/07/08   05/19/09    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            P-003           1,819                  11/14/08   05/18/09    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
10-0505   Additions and Alterations    0-001-007  05/04/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001        13,067                  10/27/11   01/06/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            101-003         6,003                  01/05/12   02/21/12    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            101-004        22,168                  02/21/12   08/07/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            101-005        25,503                  06/18/12   11/13/12    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            101-006         4,843                  06/19/12   01/25/13    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            101-008         8,920                  12/05/12   04/05/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            101-009         9,124                  12/05/12   04/05/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            101-010        25,840                  12/21/12   04/05/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            101-011        -1,940                  05/16/13   11/22/13    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            103-001         9,870                  02/21/12   08/07/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-002         2,195                  03/23/12   08/30/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-003         3,241                  04/05/12   08/30/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-004         5,363                  09/05/12   12/20/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-005         3,171                  03/27/13   11/22/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-006         2,019                  04/25/13   07/12/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            103-007          -288                  05/16/13   11/22/13    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            105-001           720                  04/05/12   08/30/12    ELMER W DAVIS INC                   
                                                            105-002        -5,127                  06/04/13   07/12/13    Elmer W. Davis Inc.                 
                                                            107 - 02        9,313                  10/16/12   08/12/13    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            107 - 03        4,974                  10/16/12   08/12/13    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            107-001         9,372                  05/04/12   07/15/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            107-005         2,550                  03/27/13   07/16/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            107-006           781                  05/16/13   07/15/13    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            108 - 04        8,641                  10/16/12   08/12/13    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            108-002         1,512                  03/23/12   01/25/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-003         4,331                  06/13/12   01/25/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-005         2,092                  03/27/13   07/16/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            108-006        -3,307                  05/16/13   07/15/13    Frey & Campbell Inc.                
                                                            109-002        10,123                  04/26/12   07/15/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-003         3,932                  07/18/12   08/02/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-004        10,308                  11/07/12   08/02/13    Blackmon - Farrell Elec Inc.        
                                                            109-005        24,377                  11/07/12   08/02/13    Blackmon-Farrell Elec Inc.          
                                                            109-006         5,076                  07/18/12   08/02/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-007        18,105                  11/07/12   08/02/13    Blackmon-Farrell Elec Inc.          
                                                            109-008         6,748                  11/07/12   08/02/13    Blackmon-Farrell Elec Inc.          
                                                            109-009         2,300                  03/28/13   07/16/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-010         6,765                  05/16/13   12/04/13    Blackmon-Farrell Elec Inc.          
17-0431   Reconstruction               0-001-009  02/01/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         -7,900                  04/18/18   05/02/18    Iversen Construction Corporation    
17-1676   Reconstruction               0-001-010  06/06/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MRC-001         4,466                  01/07/19   02/08/19    CHARLES T. DRISCOLL MASONRY RESTOR. 
                                                            MRC-002         8,866                  06/19/19   07/03/19    CHARLES T. DRISCOLL MASONRY RESTORAT
                                                            SC-001         24,237                  01/16/19   02/11/19    BOLANDS EXCAVATING & TOPSOIL INC    
                                                            SC-002         -6,105                  10/31/19   12/11/19    BOLAND'S EXCAVATING & TOPSOIL, INC. 
                                                            SC-003         26,976                  02/13/20   07/06/20    BOLAND'S EXCAVATING & TOPSOIL, INC. 
                                                            SC-004         10,329                  08/21/20   11/18/20    BOLAND'S EXCAVATING & TOPSOIL, INC. 
18-1004   Reconstruction               0-001-011  03/21/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          2,448                  09/23/19   09/25/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-001           -249                  07/22/20   09/11/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-002           -781                  12/09/20   02/23/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003          5,916                  12/09/20   02/23/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELETRIC CORP.          
                                                            EC-004         29,000                  01/13/21   03/16/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005         80,500                  01/13/21   03/16/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006         38,300                  01/13/21   03/16/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-007         10,500                  01/13/21   03/16/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            HC-001         -2,695                  12/16/19   12/26/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-001        -55,650                  07/22/20   09/11/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HC-002         -2,000                  09/15/20   11/25/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-001          6,297                  08/18/20   09/29/20    KUEHNE CONSTRUCTION                 
21-1901   Reconstruction               0-001-012  11/14/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-0085FP Reconstruction               0-001-FP1  10/14/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXBus Garage no longer exists:
92-1446   Reconstruction               5-002-003  07/13/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-0879   Additions and Alterations    5-002-004  07/17/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-3           15,928                  05/30/02   08/15/02    Iverson Const.                      

          Bus Garage / Maintenance Facility:
02-0302   New Construction             5-006-001  05/08/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           8,925                  09/16/03   09/23/03    Kaplan Schmidt                      
                                                            E-002           2,311                  10/15/04   10/25/04    Kaplan Schmidt                      
                                                            E-003          -2,000                  10/15/04   10/25/04    Kaplan Schmidt                      
                                                            E-004           2,538                  10/15/04   10/25/04    Kaplan Schmidt                      
                                                            E-005           1,508                  07/01/05   07/20/05    Kaplan Schmidt Electric             
                                                            G-001          -2,600                  11/17/03   11/21/03    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            G-002           4,599                  11/17/03   11/21/03    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            G-003           2,576                  11/17/03   11/21/03    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            G-004           6,923                  12/20/04   12/28/04    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            G-005           2,250                  12/20/04   12/28/04    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            G-007           2,018                  01/18/05   02/11/05    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            H-001          23,986                  09/16/03   09/23/03    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            P-001           4,734                  04/15/04   04/28/04    Finger Lakes Piping                 
10-0506   Reconstruction               5-006-002  05/04/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-002           500                  01/05/12   02/21/12    Edger Enterprise Inc.               
                                                            101-007         7,407                  01/15/13   04/05/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            108-001         1,294                  01/05/12   07/05/12    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            109-001         5,989                  01/05/12   10/24/12    Blackmon - Farrell Elec Inc.        
18-1005   Reconstruction               5-006-004  04/03/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1902   Reconstruction               5-006-005  11/14/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Concession Stand:
18-1006   New Construction             7-007-001  04/03/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002          7,400                  02/07/20   03/04/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003         -3,646                  02/13/20   03/20/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            GC-001         -5,920                  02/13/20   06/02/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            PC-002          1,175                  07/22/20   09/11/20    KUEHNE CONSTRUCTION                 

District No.: 57-06-03-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Campbell Jr/Sr HS (frmrly 6-12 sch):
92-1559   Reconstruction               0-001-001  08/12/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-1396   Additions and Alterations    0-001-002  09/13/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-1387   Reconstruction               0-001-004  06/25/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-0951   Additions and Alterations    0-001-005  04/30/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-0207   Reconstruction               0-001-007  01/11/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0317   Alterations                  0-001-008  03/02/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-2             3,427                  08/13/02   09/05/02    RG Burns, Inc                       
                                                            L-2            -2,522                  12/17/01   03/05/02    RC Billings                         
00-1518   Additions and Alterations    0-001-009  11/07/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1           10,610                  03/18/02   04/29/02    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-2            5,916                  12/24/02   02/14/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-7          -17,625                  09/30/03   10/06/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            GC-1          200,200                  03/13/02   04/29/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-2            8,999                  05/05/03   05/07/03    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-3          -32,181                  12/22/03   12/31/03    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            HC-1          124,300                  03/13/02   04/29/02    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            HC-2           16,767                  05/31/02   06/17/02    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            HC-3          -96,006                  11/01/02   02/05/03    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            HC-4          -25,635                  12/22/03   12/30/03    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            PC-1           16,000                  03/13/02   04/29/02    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            PC-2            8,513                  05/06/02   05/13/02    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            PC-3            3,787                  05/31/02   06/17/02    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            PC-4            5,252                  11/01/02   02/05/03    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            PC-6           -3,000                  12/22/03   12/30/03    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            SC-1           10,046                  08/13/02   10/28/02    Suite-Kote Contracting              
                                                            SC-2            4,556                  03/18/03   04/18/03    Suite-Kote Contracting              
                                                            SFC-1          14,000                  03/13/02   04/29/02    Suite-Kote Contracting              
                                                            SFC-2           5,506                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Suite-Kote Contracting              
                                                            SFC-3         -11,356                  08/06/03   08/26/03    Suite-Kote Contracting              
                                                            SFC-4           2,299                  11/06/03   11/20/03    Suit Kote Contracting               
                                                            TC-1                0                  03/20/02   04/29/02    Meson Network Services              
                                                            TC-2          -12,682                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Scientel Americal                   
02-1066   Reconstruction               0-001-010  05/20/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1           21,958                  02/02/04     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-2            3,528                  02/02/04   03/05/04    John Mills Electric                 
06-0966   Reconstruction               0-001-011  03/02/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            G-001           6,750                  06/06/07   07/17/07    Archie Donougher Sanding            
08-0081   Reconstruction               0-001-012  01/29/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          39,697                  04/06/12     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-002           1,758                  04/06/12   11/20/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-005           1,655                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-007           2,335                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-008           2,966                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-009             780                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-010           1,790                  03/26/10   02/09/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-015             831                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-016           2,072                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-018           2,381                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-020           5,885                  04/06/12   09/18/12    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-023           7,500                  04/11/11   05/10/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-024           4,652                  04/22/11   05/20/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            GC-003         24,282                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-005            893                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-011          3,080                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-012          3,871                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-020          5,827                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-024          5,328                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-027         11,115                  03/20/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-027         11,115                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-029         -1,210                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-031          1,926                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-032         33,287                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-034          3,204                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-037         10,398                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-040         -4,584                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-042         27,661                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-047            636                  04/06/12   08/31/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            H-001             288                  04/06/12   09/18/12    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-002           4,617                  04/06/12   07/03/13    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-004           6,238                  03/20/12   09/18/12    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            T-001           2,475                  04/06/12   09/18/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-003          14,232                  04/06/12   07/03/13    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-004          10,098                  04/06/12     /  /      STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-006           2,687                  03/04/10   02/09/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-007           4,594                  03/04/10   02/09/11    STRUCTURED CABLINB SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-008           7,442                  03/26/10   02/09/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-013           6,495                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-014           9,884                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-015           3,167                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-016           1,287                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-017           7,737                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-018           3,534                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-020           9,665                  04/06/12   10/05/12    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
07-2271   Reconstruction               0-001-013  06/23/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            S-001          11,850                  11/28/08   06/17/09    MORSCH PIPELINE INC.                
09-1182   Reconstruction               0-001-014  12/14/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           2,970                  08/18/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP.              
                                                            E-004           1,432                  09/09/11   12/21/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-007           2,547                  11/01/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-008           6,392                  01/13/12   07/16/12    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-009           1,332                  01/26/12   07/16/12    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            GC-002          3,739                  07/01/11   07/27/11    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-004          2,970                  09/01/11   09/23/11    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-007          3,823                  05/03/12     /  /      ELMIRA STRUCTRUES INC               
                                                            GC-009          8,929                  02/29/12   08/31/12    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            T-001           3,083                  11/14/11   01/30/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
11-0444   Additions and Alterations    0-001-015  02/24/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AA-001            585                  08/05/13   08/07/13    Sunshine Environmental Service      
                                                            AA-002         18,042                  08/15/13   11/25/13    Sunshine Environmental Serivce      
                                                            CW-004            898                  12/04/12   03/07/13    R.W. DAKE & CO INC                  
                                                            CW-005          1,909                  03/05/13   05/13/13    R.W. DRAKE & CO INC                 
                                                            CW-007          1,074                  05/28/13   07/19/13    R.W. Dake & Co., Inc.               
                                                            CW-008          1,529                  05/23/13   06/28/13    R.W. Dake & Co., Inc.               
                                                            CW-009          1,112                  07/25/13   07/26/13    R. W. Dake & Co., Inc.              
                                                            CW-010            375                  09/25/13   11/01/13    R.W. Dake & Co., Inc.               
                                                            E-001         -30,000                  07/19/12   08/07/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-003          11,197                  10/29/12   08/16/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-004           9,550                  12/06/12   08/29/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-007           4,293                  01/14/13   07/26/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-008           5,971                  02/07/13   09/19/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-010           6,824                  03/13/13   07/02/13    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-012          -2,256                  03/20/13   07/26/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-013           4,277                  04/18/13   12/04/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-014           7,962                  04/23/13   10/25/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-015           6,677                  05/28/13   10/25/13    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-016           6,369                  06/17/13   12/04/13    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-017           4,979                  07/25/13   01/27/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-018          13,207                  07/25/13   01/27/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-019           8,377                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-020           6,315                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-022           1,253                  12/23/13   01/30/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-023          13,485                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-024           5,232                  01/30/14   07/24/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-025           4,996                  06/27/14   09/19/14    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            E-028           7,250                  06/30/14   09/19/14    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            E-029           6,440                  06/30/14   09/19/14    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            E-030              45                  10/08/14   10/14/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            GC-003          7,066                  10/09/12   02/19/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-005         20,496                  11/21/12   03/07/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-006          4,119                  10/29/12   03/08/13    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-006         17,743                  12/12/12   04/26/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-009          9,219                  03/05/13   05/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-011          5,110                  04/23/13   07/12/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-013         -2,920                  07/25/13   07/26/13    Holdsworth Klimowski construction   
                                                            GC-014         11,778                  08/05/13   08/09/13    Holdsworh Klimowski Construction    
                                                            GC-015          8,016                  08/15/13   11/25/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-016         17,996                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-021         11,975                  10/15/13   11/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-022          6,445                  10/15/13   11/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-023          3,682                  11/05/13   12/04/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-024          1,107                  12/03/13   12/30/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-025          6,458                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-026          8,244                  12/18/13   06/27/14    Holdsworth Klimoswki Construction   
                                                            GC-027            918                  12/18/13   06/27/14    Holdsworth Klimoswki Construction   
                                                            GC-028          1,944                  01/15/14   11/20/14    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-029          5,937                  06/27/14   10/24/14    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-030         -1,295                  01/21/15   01/29/15    Holdsworty Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-12          13,302                  07/25/13   07/26/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-17          17,636                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            H-001          -2,566                  10/29/12   07/26/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-002           5,995                  12/04/12   08/16/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-003           6,816           1,363  12/12/12   08/16/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-004           1,926                  02/07/13   07/26/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-006           7,592                  02/06/13   09/19/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-007           9,172                  02/07/13     /  /      BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-008          18,938                  03/13/13   07/02/13    Bell Mechanical Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            H-010           5,447                  05/23/13   12/04/13    Bell Mechanical Constractors, Inc.  
                                                            H-011          12,092                  06/17/13   12/04/13    BeBell Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 
                                                            H-012          13,223                  06/17/13   12/04/13    Bell Mechanical Constractors, Inc.  
                                                            H-013          11,049                  07/25/13   01/27/14    Bell Mechanical Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            H-014           8,969                  08/15/13   02/03/14    Bell Mechancial Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            H-015           7,443                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Bell Mechanical Constractors, Inc.  
                                                            H-016           6,365                  12/18/13   02/14/14    Bell Mechanical Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            H-017         -17,186                  01/21/15   01/28/15    Bell Mechanical Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            P-003           6,494                  10/09/12   08/12/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-004           6,724                  10/09/12   08/12/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-009           2,755                  03/05/13   07/26/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-012           8,364                  03/05/13   09/19/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-014           2,116                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Nair Mechanical, Inc.               
                                                            P-015           1,790                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Nairy Mechanical, Inc.              
                                                            P-016           1,768                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            P-017           1,863                  12/18/13   01/30/14    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            RW-001         18,780                  12/18/13   06/27/14    Hale Contracting, Inc.              
                                                            RW-002         -6,116                  01/21/15     /  /      Hale Contracting, Inc.              
                                                            SW-002          9,206                  12/04/12   03/07/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-003         16,803                  12/12/12   04/26/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-004          3,076                  12/12/12   04/26/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-005          5,700                  08/15/13   11/25/13    Babcock Enterprises LTD             
                                                            SW-006         -7,530                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Babcock Enterprises LTD             
                                                            SW-007         26,200                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Babcok Enterprises LTD              
                                                            SW-009         15,273                  10/15/13   11/13/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-010         15,825                  10/15/13   11/13/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-011         11,573                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Babcok Enterprises LTD              
                                                            SW-012        -25,237                  06/27/14   10/24/14    Babcock Enterprises LTD             
                                                            TW-001         -1,515                  09/05/12   07/26/13    AV SOLUTIONS                        
                                                            TW-002          1,632                  12/12/12   04/26/13    AV SOLUTIONS                        
                                                            TW-003          1,474                  03/13/13   07/02/13    AV Solutions                        
11-0588   Reconstruction               0-001-016  02/27/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         -5,000                  03/05/13   05/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-002        -19,485                  01/16/14   11/05/14    Holdsworth Klimoswki Construction   
                                                            SC-042          7,722                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-043         12,812                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-044         18,956                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-045          2,460                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-046          1,379                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-047         29,875                  10/10/14   10/16/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
13-0227   Reconstruction               0-001-017  03/18/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            E-001           4,448                  10/08/14   10/14/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-004           2,536                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-005           1,996                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-008           1,516                  02/20/15   03/17/15    Billiter Electric Inc.              
                                                            GC-002         -9,172                  04/08/15   07/03/15    Iversen Construction Corp.          
                                                            M-001          17,822                  10/08/14   10/14/14    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            M-002           2,482                  10/08/14   10/14/14    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            M-003           6,861                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            M-005             588                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            M-006           4,780                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
14-1050   Reconstruction               0-001-018  04/30/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            P-001            -730                  10/19/15   01/28/16    Numarco, Inc.                       
                                                            P-002          -7,560                  12/04/15   01/05/16    NUMARCO,INC.                        
16-0450   Reconstruction               0-001-019  12/20/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001         -13,551                  08/10/17   08/11/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-003           1,175                  10/20/17   11/10/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-004           1,327                  12/05/17   12/19/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-005             -49                  01/26/18   02/13/18    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-006           4,201                  03/09/18   06/19/19    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-002          6,447                  11/20/17   12/05/17    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-003          3,598                  12/05/17   12/26/17    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-005         -8,552                  01/19/18   02/02/18    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-007            727                  01/26/18   02/21/18    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            PC-001         -3,615                  03/22/18   03/23/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            RC-001        -23,700                  09/27/17   10/04/17    Hale Contracting, Inc.              
                                                            TC-001         -1,125                  03/22/18   03/28/18    BMI Supply                          
16-0451   Reconstruction               0-001-020  06/23/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           8,130                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-003           4,567                  07/17/18   07/26/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-006          10,072                  11/14/18   01/25/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-010           1,447                  12/18/18   02/01/19    BILLITIER ELCTRIC, INC.             
                                                            E-013           5,505                  12/18/18   02/04/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-014           3,806                  12/18/18   02/01/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E002           11,068                  06/25/18   07/26/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-001          2,444                  03/09/18   03/22/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-003           -401                  03/25/19   04/25/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA,INC     
                                                            PC-001        -36,032                  01/16/19   02/25/19    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
17-0949   Reconstruction               0-001-021  05/10/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001            204                  06/25/18   08/06/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
18-0673   Reconstruction               0-001-022  01/10/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         -6,777                  07/22/20   09/11/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            HC-001        -17,939                  01/14/20   01/27/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-002           -415                  01/14/20   01/27/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
19-0506   Reconstruction               0-001-023  12/10/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1004   Reconstruction               0-001-024  04/27/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-003          6,037                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Mateo Elec Corp                     
                                                            EC-004          9,899                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Mateo Elec Corp                     
                                                            EC-OO7          3,876                  11/07/22   11/13/23    MAICO ELECTRIC                      
                                                            GC-004            194                  12/24/21   10/25/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-006          2,827                  01/10/22   01/04/23    Streeter Asssoc Inc                 
                                                            GC-007         23,910                  01/10/22   01/04/23    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-008         10,844                  01/10/22   01/04/23    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-009         10,146                  01/10/22   01/04/23    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-010         24,030                  09/15/22   10/03/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-014         18,952                  11/07/22   11/13/23    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            GC-015         18,674                  11/07/22   11/13/23    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            MC-004          5,801                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            MC-01          19,576                  06/06/22   05/01/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
21-0308   Reconstruction               0-001-025  02/07/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002         -5,958                  12/18/23   03/12/24    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
                                                            GC-001         13,738                  11/14/22   12/08/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-002         12,185                  01/06/23   12/07/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES              
                                                            GC-003         13,454                  01/06/23   12/07/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-004         15,206                  01/06/23   12/07/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-005         26,219                  01/06/23   12/07/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-006         34,134                  01/06/23   12/11/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-007         34,503                  01/06/23   12/11/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-008         26,680                  01/06/23   12/11/23    LECHASE CONST SERVICES LLC          
                                                            GC-010          4,378                  10/11/23   03/11/24    LeChase Construction                
                                                            MC-001            835                  12/18/23   03/12/24    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            MC-002         17,779                  12/18/23   03/12/24    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            MC-003         30,854                  12/18/23   03/12/24    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            MC-004          9,703                  12/18/23   03/12/24    KIMBLE INC                          
02-0792FP Reconstruction               0-001-FP1  12/24/02  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          K-5 Savona:
93-0089   Additions and Alterations    0-003-001  09/27/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-1560   Reconstruction               0-003-002  08/12/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0555   Reconstruction               0-003-003  02/10/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-1034   Reconstruction               0-003-004  04/25/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-1593   Reconstruction               0-003-006  06/25/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-0952   Reconstruction               0-003-008  04/30/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-0208   Reconstruction               0-003-009  01/11/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0318   Reconstruction               0-003-010  03/02/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-1               963                  02/04/02   03/25/02    RG Burns Elec.                      
00-1517   Additions and Alterations    0-003-011  11/07/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-3            7,845                  04/01/03   04/18/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-4            4,046                  05/05/03   05/07/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-5           14,774                  05/05/03   05/07/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-6            4,281                  05/29/03   06/04/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            PC-5            6,436                  04/01/03   04/18/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            SC-3            2,436                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Suite-Kote Contracting              
02-1067   Reconstruction               0-003-012  05/20/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            E-007           2,335                  03/23/10   05/12/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-008           2,966                  03/23/10   05/12/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-009             780                  03/23/10   05/12/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-015             831                  05/13/10   12/22/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-016           2,072                  05/13/10   12/22/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-018           2,381                  05/12/10   12/22/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-020           5,885                  11/10/10   12/01/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-021          -6,635                  04/27/11   05/13/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-3            1,888                  03/03/04     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-4           -1,606                  03/15/05   03/31/05    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            GC-011          3,080                  01/26/10   07/09/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-031          1,926                  05/27/10   08/27/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-032         33,287                  06/21/10   12/17/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-034          3,204                  05/27/10   08/27/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-037         10,398                  05/27/10   08/27/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-040         -4,584                  05/27/10   08/27/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-042         27,661                  05/27/10   08/27/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-047            636                  07/09/10   12/08/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            T-013           6,495                  04/19/10   01/07/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-014           9,884                  04/19/10   01/07/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-015           3,167                  04/19/10   01/07/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-016           1,287                  04/19/10   01/07/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-018           3,534                  05/26/11   07/21/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-020           9,665                  07/12/11   08/17/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
08-0082   Reconstruction               0-003-013  01/29/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AA-001          1,725                  07/17/09   08/14/09    AAC CONTRACTING INC                 
                                                            AA-002          8,300                  05/20/10   05/25/10    AAC CONTRACTING INC                 
                                                            E-001          39,697                  10/30/09   12/22/09    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-002           1,758                  01/08/10   02/26/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-003           1,365                  01/08/10   02/26/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-004           3,288                  01/15/10   02/19/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-005           1,655                  01/15/10     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-006           2,962                  03/04/10   04/21/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-011             261                  03/26/10   05/14/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-012           3,107                  05/18/10   07/28/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-013           2,529                  05/18/10   07/28/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-014             500                  05/18/10   07/28/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-017           1,935                  05/18/10     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-019           2,364                  05/11/10   07/21/10    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-022           1,760                  04/27/11   05/13/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            E-025           2,143                  04/11/11   05/10/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            GC-001         20,292                  10/14/09   11/06/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-002          1,473                  09/30/09   11/03/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-003         24,282                  09/22/09   10/26/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-004          2,996                  10/14/09   11/06/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-005            893                  10/26/09   11/20/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-006          1,745                  10/14/09   11/06/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-007          1,094                  10/14/09   11/06/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-008          9,595                  10/15/09   11/12/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-009         13,961                  10/15/09   11/12/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-010          4,559                  10/28/09   12/21/09    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-012          3,871                  12/11/09   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-013          3,715                  12/11/09   02/18/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-014          5,244                  12/11/09   02/18/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-015          6,503                  12/11/09   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-016          4,426                  12/11/09   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-017          4,361                  12/11/09   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-018          4,366                  12/11/09   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-019         21,705                  01/05/10     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-020          5,827                  01/05/10   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-021          8,561                  01/05/10   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-022         10,340                  01/05/10     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-023         17,038                  01/05/10   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-024          5,328                  01/05/10   02/12/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-025          2,121                  01/05/10   02/18/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-026         17,386                  01/05/10   02/18/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-029         -1,210                  01/15/10   02/19/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-030          2,079                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-033          6,069                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-035          8,345                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-036         14,508                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-038         22,980                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-039          2,440                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-041          3,916                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-043          4,972                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-044         12,211                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-045          8,773                  05/27/10   07/28/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-046         -2,188             770  06/21/10   08/19/10    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            H-001             288                  11/06/09   01/08/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-002           4,617                  01/15/10   03/18/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-003           1,349                  01/15/10   02/19/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-004           6,238           6,238  01/15/10   02/19/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-005           5,086                  01/15/10   02/19/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-006           1,721                  01/15/10   02/19/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            P-001           3,307                  01/15/10   02/19/10    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            T-001           2,475                  09/30/09   11/03/09    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-002           4,114                  09/30/09   11/03/09    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-003          14,232                  09/25/09   10/09/09    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-004          10,098                  09/30/09   11/03/09    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-005           2,980                  03/04/10   04/21/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-009           1,833                  03/26/10   05/14/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-010           8,418                  03/26/10   05/14/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-011           1,784                  04/12/10   05/28/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-012           3,825                  04/19/10   07/23/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-019           2,580                  05/20/11   07/21/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-021           2,845                  07/12/11   07/28/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
09-1183   Reconstruction               0-003-014  12/14/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002           2,095                  08/18/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-003             488                  08/18/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-005           5,404                  11/01/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            E-006             792                  11/01/11   12/29/11    CONCORD ELECTRIC CORP               
                                                            GC-001          1,064                  06/23/11   07/27/11    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-003         -4,320                  08/18/11   09/07/11    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-005         23,890                  10/06/11   04/05/12    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-006          3,110                  01/13/12   05/03/12    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-008          5,485                  02/29/12   08/31/12    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            H-004           1,184                  01/25/13   07/02/13    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
11-0203   Reconstruction               0-003-015  11/16/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            CW-001          2,400                  09/05/12   12/20/12    R.W. DAKE & CO INC                  
                                                            CW-002          5,317                  09/05/12   12/20/12    R.W. DAKE & CO INC                  
                                                            CW-003          1,410                  10/29/12   03/08/13    R.W. DRAKE & CO INC                 
                                                            E-002         -20,000                  09/05/12   07/23/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-005           6,290                  01/14/13   10/25/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-006           4,394                  01/14/13   07/23/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-009           3,533                  02/07/13   09/19/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-021           2,780                  12/23/13   01/30/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-026           1,369                  06/27/14   09/19/14    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            GC-001         16,111                  09/05/12   12/20/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-002         -1,054                  10/09/12   02/20/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-004          5,336                  10/09/12   02/22/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-008          5,208                  02/07/13   06/14/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-010          3,684                  03/05/13   05/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-018          4,202                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Holdswworth Klimowski Construction  
                                                            GC-019         11,491                  09/25/13   11/01/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            H-005           6,079                  02/07/13   09/19/13    BELL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC     
                                                            H-009           6,644                  05/23/13   12/04/13    Bell Mechanical Contractors, Inc.   
                                                            P-001           4,669                  09/05/12   08/06/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-005           6,336                  10/09/12   08/12/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-008             539                  01/14/13   07/23/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-011             456                  03/05/13   07/23/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            SW-001         -9,827                  10/29/12   03/08/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            SW-008         17,554                  09/25/13   11/08/13    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            TW-004         17,495                  01/15/14   11/05/14    AV Solutions                        
13-0228   Reconstruction               0-003-016  03/18/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002             500                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-006           6,130                  02/20/15   03/17/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-007             888                  02/20/15   03/17/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
16-0452   Reconstruction               0-003-017  12/20/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002           3,275                  10/20/17   11/10/17    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            E-007             970                  03/22/18   03/23/18    John Mills Electric, Inc.           
                                                            GC-001            477                  05/22/17   06/01/17    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            HC-001         -6,052                  06/04/18   01/23/19    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            RC-002        -14,941                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Hale Contracting, Inc.              
                                                            SC-002         27,500                  09/27/17   10/19/17    Nelson & Streeter Construction Co. I
                                                            SC-003         -3,650                  03/09/18   03/22/18    Nelson & Streeter Construction Co.  
16-0453   Reconstruction               0-003-018  06/23/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-004          16,389                  07/17/18   07/26/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-005           2,117                  10/03/18   11/15/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-007          16,172                  11/14/18   01/25/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-008           3,195                  11/14/18   01/25/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-009           8,468                  12/18/18   02/04/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-011           4,407                  12/18/18   02/01/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            E-012            -400                  12/18/18   02/01/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
                                                            GC-002          5,077                  11/14/18   01/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            H001           15,356                  06/25/18   07/26/18    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            HC-002          2,255                  11/14/18   01/25/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            HC-003           -430                  01/22/19   02/25/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            HC-004        -13,343                  01/22/19   02/25/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
18-0674   Reconstruction               0-003-019  01/10/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            PC-001            827                  01/14/20   01/27/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
20-0266   Reconstruction               0-003-020  10/16/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1005   Reconstruction               0-003-021  04/27/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001        -78,701                  12/03/21   09/20/22    Matco Electric Corp                 
                                                            EC-002          4,076                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Mateo Elec Corp                     
                                                            EC-005          1,483                  11/07/22   11/13/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            GC-001          7,433                  12/24/21   11/01/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-002         16,483                  12/24/21   11/01/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-003          4,097                  12/24/21   10/25/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-005          1,284                  12/24/21   11/01/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-012          8,016                  09/15/22   10/03/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-013          3,908                  09/15/22   10/03/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-016          6,511                  11/07/22   11/13/23    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            PC-001           -800                  12/08/22     /  /      AFT Mech                            
                                                            PC-002         -1,362                  11/07/22     /  /      AFT MECHANICAL                      
                                                            PC-01            -800                  06/06/22   05/01/23    AFT Mech                            
21-0074   Reconstruction               0-003-022  11/04/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-005          5,078                  04/05/24   05/02/24    Kimble Inc                          
21-0309   Reconstruction               0-003-023  02/07/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         -5,157                  12/18/23   03/12/24    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
                                                            MC-006          7,984                  04/05/24   05/08/24    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-007         -3,193                  06/13/24   06/25/24    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-008          8,274                  06/13/24   06/25/24    Kimble Inc                          
21-0310FA Reconstruction               0-003-024  02/07/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-0791FP Reconstruction               0-003-FP1  12/24/02  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Storage Garage - No Bldg Aid:
00-1519   Reconstruction               2-004-001  11/07/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0454   Reconstruction               2-004-002  12/20/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
18-0675   Reconstruction               2-004-003  01/10/19  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1006   Reconstruction               2-004-004  04/27/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Storage Building:
21-0311   New Construction             2-010-001  02/07/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-009         18,327                  10/11/23   04/01/24    LeChase Constrtuction               

          XXBus Garage (Removed/020819DistEmai:
92-0963   Reconstruction               5-002-001  04/28/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
97-0007   New Construction             5-006-002  08/01/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
11-0204   Reconstruction               5-006-003  11/16/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-011          10,064                  03/13/13   10/25/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-027         -10,188                  06/23/14   08/28/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            GC-007         12,551                  12/12/12   04/26/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-020         -1,718                  10/15/13   11/13/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            P-002           7,199                  10/09/12   08/12/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-010           2,533                  03/05/13   07/23/13    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
                                                            P-013           2,350                  01/15/14   11/05/14    Nair Mechanical, Inc.               
13-0229   Reconstruction               5-006-004  03/18/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-003             267                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Billiter Electric, Inc.             
                                                            GC-001         40,284                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Iversen Construction Corp.          
                                                            M-004             665                  11/28/14   02/06/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
16-0455   Reconstruction               5-006-005  12/20/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-004          4,707                  12/05/17   12/26/17    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-006          2,622                  01/26/18   02/21/18    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            SC-001         -3,700                  09/27/17   10/04/17    Nelson & Streeter Construction Co. I
18-0676   Reconstruction               5-006-006  01/10/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         -8,252                  11/13/19   11/22/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
                                                            RC-001        -25,000                  09/20/19   09/24/19    J&B INSTALLATIONS, INC.             
20-1007   Reconstruction               5-006-007  04/27/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-006          6,242                  11/07/22   11/13/23    MAICO ELECTRIC                      
                                                            MC-003          2,150                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
22-2420   Reconstruction               5-006-008  09/25/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-2180   Reconstruction               5-006-009  08/22/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Campbell Press Box:
00-1520   New Construction             7-007-001  11/07/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1008   Reconstruction               7-007-002  04/27/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-011            568                  09/15/22   10/03/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 

          New Concession Stand:
03-1051   New Construction             7-009-001  09/17/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1            1,340                  08/08/05   08/15/05    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            PC-01          -1,000                  01/05/06   03/14/06    GVE Inc                             
20-1009   Reconstruction               7-009-002  04/27/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-002          3,300                  09/15/22   10/31/23    Frey & Campbell Inc                 

          District Wide:
07-0983   Reconstruction               7-999-001  12/17/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            T-001           8,400                  09/12/08   02/23/09    STRUCTORED CABLING SYSTEMS, LLC     
                                                            T-003          11,000                  03/10/09   06/08/09    Structured Cabling System           
15-1984   Reconstruction               7-999-002  07/13/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
18-0314   Reconstruction               7-999-003  11/20/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001           -946                  07/05/19   07/10/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC, INC.            
22-0271   Reconstruction               7-999-004  11/16/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-07-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Junior Senior High School:
91-1148   Reconstruction               0-001-004  04/30/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0359   Reconstruction               0-001-005  12/09/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0936   Reconstruction               0-001-006  03/29/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-1147   Reconstruction               0-001-007  06/03/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1179   Reconstruction               0-001-008  11/21/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00001         -32,800                  09/26/02   02/26/03    Environ. Protection Roofing         
                                                            00001          -2,600                  09/26/02   11/01/02    RE Krug                             
                                                            00001         -62,800                  09/26/02   02/26/03    DeSprit Mosaic and Tile             
                                                            00001         -26,641                  09/26/02   02/26/03    Frey and Campbell                   
                                                            00001          -1,722                  09/26/02   02/26/03    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00001         -50,712                  09/26/02   02/26/03    Hey's Enterprises                   
                                                            00001         -14,825                  09/26/02   02/26/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00002           1,068                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Environ. Protection Roofing         
                                                            00002          -5,000                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Lamberts Asbestos Removal Service   
                                                            00003             714                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00003             529                  01/21/03   02/06/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00003          19,612                  04/23/04   04/28/04    Lamberts Asbestos Removal           
                                                            00004             282                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00004             957                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00004           2,007                  01/21/03   02/06/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00004         -22,577                  04/23/04   04/28/04    Hey's Enterprises                   
                                                            00005           1,042                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00005             907                  01/21/03   02/06/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00006           3,776                  12/23/02   01/08/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00007           6,214                  12/23/02   01/10/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00008             930                  12/23/02   01/10/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00009             219                  12/23/02   01/10/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00010             546                  12/23/02   01/10/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00012            -500                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00014          -2,450                  02/26/03   03/11/03    Javen Const.                        

96-0358   Additions and Alterations    0-002-001  12/09/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-1148   Reconstruction               0-002-002  06/03/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1180   Reconstruction               0-002-003  11/21/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00001         -20,223                  11/29/02   01/03/03    Hey's Enterprises                   
                                                            00001         -14,200                  11/29/02   03/18/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00001          -9,900                  11/29/02   01/03/03    DeSprit Mosaic & Tile               
                                                            00001         -44,386                  11/29/02   02/26/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00001          -3,998                  11/29/02   02/26/03    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00002           4,270                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Hey's Enterprises                   
                                                            00002          -3,602                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00002          19,782                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00002          10,262                  01/21/03   02/06/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00003             480                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Hey's Enterprises                   
                                                            00003             805                  10/10/02   12/02/02    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00003           6,012                  05/21/03   06/03/03    Environ. Prot. Roofing              
                                                            00005         104,460                  01/21/03   02/06/03    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00011             230                  12/23/02   01/08/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00013           2,177                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00015          -2,095                  02/26/03   03/11/03    Javen Const.                        
03-1384FP Reconstruction               0-002-FP1  06/07/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Preston House:
00-1181   Reconstruction               0-003-001  11/21/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00001          -3,007                  11/29/02   05/22/03    Hey's Enterprises                   

          Maint. Bldg / High School:
00-1182   New Construction             3-018-001  11/21/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
95-1149   Reconstruction               5-004-003  06/03/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1185   Reconstruction               5-004-004  11/21/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00001           5,308                  09/26/02   11/01/02    Onsyr Inc                           
                                                            00001         -32,180                  11/29/02   05/22/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            00001         -15,899                  11/29/02   01/03/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            00001          -2,711                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            BG-01          -5,250                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Environmental Protection Roofing    
                                                            BG-01         -20,214                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Javen Const.                        

          Concession Stand:
99-1347   New Construction             7-015-001  06/29/00  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Press Box @ Elementary School:
00-1183   New Construction             7-016-001  11/21/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Concession/Restroom @ Elem.:
00-1184   New Construction             7-017-001  11/21/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            00001          -3,166                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Blackmon-Farrell Elec.              
                                                            00001         -12,262                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            CS-01          -6,300                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Environ. Protection Roofing         
                                                            CS-01         -62,000                  02/18/03   02/26/03    Javen Const.                        

District No.: 57-09-05-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Bus Garage See Reorg#
91-0471   Reconstruction               5-002-001  12/16/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-10-00-01
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Fred Carder Elementary:
90-1173   Reconstruction               0-005-004  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0889   Reconstruction               0-005-006  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0617   Reconstruction               0-005-007  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0432   Reconstruction               0-005-008  11/28/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1866   Reconstruction               0-005-009  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0956   Reconstruction               0-005-010  04/01/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-0596   Reconstruction               0-005-011  04/20/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1 rev       19,802                  05/14/02   06/04/02    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-2           15,221                  05/14/02   06/04/02    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            EC-4            3,542                  02/20/03   03/18/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            GC-05           8,760                  05/14/02   06/04/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            GC-3            6,207                  01/10/02   03/26/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            GC-4           49,401                  01/10/02   03/26/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            GC-6             -454                  01/14/03   02/06/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            HC-1            5,223                  11/18/02   11/19/02    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-1            5,443                  05/14/02   06/04/02    Postler and Jaeckle                 
99-0226   Reconstruction               0-005-013  12/21/99  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            2             -46,894                  06/24/02     /  /      Custom Energy                       
01-0814   Additions and Alterations    0-005-014  07/08/02  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-1466   Reconstruction               0-005-015  06/04/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
04-0840   Reconstruction               0-005-016  05/12/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-4            1,991                  05/19/06   06/23/06    Keuka Construction                  
05-0565   Reconstruction               0-005-017  06/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-1            3,821                  01/22/08   04/02/08    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            MC-2            3,206                  01/22/08   04/02/08    KIMBLE INC.                         
06-0444   Additions and Alterations    0-005-018  04/24/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1             -950                  12/10/10   01/20/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
07-2129   Reconstruction               0-005-019  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
10-1371   Reconstruction               0-005-021  07/26/11  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0794   Reconstruction               0-005-022  05/20/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-0910   Reconstruction               0-005-023  05/26/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-011          1,176                  11/15/18   01/23/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-012          3,045                  11/15/18   01/23/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-013            737                  11/15/18   01/23/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            GC-001         25,660                  03/10/17   03/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002         11,470                  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-003          5,116                  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-004          2,803                  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-005            -30                  07/12/17   07/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
16-0286   Additions and Alterations    0-005-024  06/01/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         -3,000                  07/24/17   07/27/17    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-001         12,142                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Schuler-Haas Electric, Corp.        
                                                            EC-002         23,787                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Schuler-Haas Electric, Corp.        
                                                            EC-003            772                  05/14/18   06/04/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-004         17,909                  02/28/19   03/15/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-005         11,064                  02/28/19   03/15/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC,CORP.         
                                                            EC-006          1,398                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-007         24,872                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-008          1,977                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-009            710                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-010            482                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-014          4,368                  02/07/19   03/05/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC,CORP.         
                                                            EC-015            874                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-016          1,156                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-017            967                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-018          3,537                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-020            854                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-021          1,506                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-022            576                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-023          2,010                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-024          8,795                  05/24/19   05/28/19    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-025          2,513                  05/24/19   05/28/19    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-026          2,329                  10/21/20   11/13/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-027           -121                  10/21/20   11/13/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-19           1,523                  03/19/19   03/21/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            FS-001         -2,000                  04/30/19   07/02/19    MAIN FORD GENERAL SUPPLY            
                                                            GC-001          5,121                  11/08/17     /  /      Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-001         26,280                  09/20/18   11/26/18    O.H. STRIPING INC                   
                                                            GC-001          3,740                  07/31/19   09/26/19    LECHASE CONSTRUSTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-002          6,861                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-002         30,316                  12/20/18   01/29/19    O.H. STRIPING, INC.                 
                                                            GC-002            568                  07/31/19   09/26/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-003          8,680                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-003           -863                  07/23/19   07/25/19    O.H. STRIPING, INC.                 
                                                            GC-003            -26                  07/31/19   09/26/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-004          7,091                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-005        -71,369                  11/08/17     /  /      Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-006         23,957                  11/15/17   12/05/17    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-007         30,782                  11/15/17   12/05/17    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-008         -2,680                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-009         -1,836                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-010         -1,254                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-011            -80                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Holdsworth Klimowski                
                                                            GC-012          3,173                  05/18/18   05/31/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-013          4,832                  05/18/18   05/31/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-014            735                  05/18/18   05/31/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-015          3,821                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-016          2,247                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KINWOSKI                 
                                                            GC-017          2,782                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-018          1,559                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-019          1,391                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-020          5,010                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-021          3,320                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-022          1,088                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-023          4,747                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-024         30,020                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-025        -10,424                  09/07/18   10/29/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-026          4,967                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-027          1,964                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-028          1,498                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLAMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-029            687                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-030          2,069                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-031         13,745                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-032          2,186                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-033            588                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-034          2,534                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-035           -974                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-036            812                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-037            318                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-038          3,156                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-039          1,363                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-040         13,224                  09/20/18   11/26/18    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-041          1,501                  11/15/18   01/23/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-042          5,400                  11/15/18   01/23/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-043          1,171                  11/15/18   01/07/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-044          9,821                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-045          2,790                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-046          1,219                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-047          1,865                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-048         19,633                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-049          1,043                  12/20/18   02/01/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-050          5,127                  12/20/18   02/08/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-051          5,889                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-052          5,008                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-053          1,870                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-054          1,194                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-055            477                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-056          1,435                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-057          5,855                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-058          3,888                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-059          1,794                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-060          1,011                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-061          5,925                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-062            676                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-063          3,986                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-064          2,595                  02/14/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-065          8,879                  02/28/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-066          2,467                  02/28/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-067          3,095                  02/28/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-068          1,732                  02/28/19   03/15/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-069          1,634                  07/31/19   09/26/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI                
                                                            GC-070           -361                  07/31/19   09/26/19    HOLDSWORTH KLIOWSKI                 
                                                            MC-001          4,106                  09/07/18   09/18/18    PICCIRILLI SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-002         16,350                  10/09/18   11/15/18    PICCIRILLI SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-003         17,673                  10/09/18   11/15/18    PICCIRILLI SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-004          7,156                  12/20/18   02/04/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-005          7,755                  12/20/18   02/04/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-006          3,499                  12/20/18   02/08/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-007          8,978                  03/19/19   03/21/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-008          3,403                  07/23/19   07/24/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-009         -1,412                  10/25/19   10/28/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            PC-001          4,112                  10/21/20   11/13/20    LOUIS N. PICCIANO                   
                                                            PC-002          2,679                  11/15/18   01/07/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
                                                            PC-003          3,963                  02/14/19   03/05/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
                                                            PC-004          5,090                  02/28/19   03/15/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
                                                            PC-005           -816                  02/28/19   03/15/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
21-1460   Reconstruction               0-005-025  10/31/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-2020   Additions and Alterations    0-005-026  10/28/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001            846                  01/16/24   01/19/24    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-002          5,116                  01/16/24   01/19/24    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-003         29,702                  02/02/24   06/06/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-004          5,075                  09/13/24   09/30/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-005          2,316                  09/13/24   10/31/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-006          8,259                  09/13/24   10/11/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-007            498                  09/13/24   10/02/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-008            654                  11/22/24   11/22/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-009            587                  11/22/24   11/22/24    Schuler Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-010          2,966                  11/22/24   11/22/24    Schuler Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-011          1,284                  11/22/24   11/22/24    Schuler Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-012          2,279                  11/22/24   11/22/24    Schuler Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-013            467                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-014            -90                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            GC-001         20,356                  10/23/23   02/13/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-002         -6,432                  10/23/23   02/13/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-003           -712                  11/10/23   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-004         -3,780                  11/10/23   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-005          4,510                  11/10/23   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-006         14,799                  11/10/23   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-007         15,546                  11/10/23   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-008         11,715                  12/19/23   04/24/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-009          6,508                  02/02/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-010         10,258                  02/02/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-012          8,505                  02/02/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-013          4,526                  02/02/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-014          1,393                  02/20/24   04/30/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-015          8,482                  06/10/24   10/25/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-017         21,790                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-018          2,520                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-019         20,785                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-020          8,010                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-021         12,890                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-022         29,906                  07/23/24   11/01/24    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-023         20,158                  09/10/24   10/18/24    Welliver                            
                                                            GC-024         -3,500                  09/10/24   10/18/24    Welliver                            
                                                            GC-025          3,236                  09/10/24   10/18/24    Welliver                            
                                                            GC-026          7,108                  11/22/24   11/26/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-027          4,132                  11/22/24   11/26/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-028        -57,000                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-029          1,362                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-030          7,093                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-031          5,957                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-032          4,297                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-033          8,262                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-034          2,631                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-035          1,321                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-036          6,033                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-037          2,389                  12/09/24   12/17/24    LeChase Constructio Services        
                                                            GC-038        -34,547                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-039          3,563                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-040            604                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-041         25,149                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-042          8,498                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-043          1,375                  12/23/24   01/07/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-044             -4                  01/02/25   01/09/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            MC-001         27,813                  11/10/23   05/31/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-002         18,854                  12/19/23   04/26/24    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-003          3,157                  12/19/23   05/07/24    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            MC-004          8,914                  02/20/24   05/10/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-005         24,128                  03/05/24   05/03/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-006         12,455                  03/05/24   05/03/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-007         18,385                  03/05/24   05/03/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-007         13,385                  03/05/24     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-008         18,907                  03/25/24   07/03/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-009            773                  09/13/24   09/30/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-010         12,716                  12/09/24   12/18/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-011            994                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-012            578                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-013          8,996                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-014          2,196                  12/23/24   12/30/24    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            PC-001          3,449                  06/10/24   10/25/24    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            PC-001         20,594                  09/05/24   10/25/24    Kuehne Construction, Inc.           
                                                            PC-002          1,611                  06/17/24   07/03/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-003          1,518                  06/17/24   07/03/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-004          1,032                  01/02/25   01/08/25    Kuehne Constructin                  
22-0010   Reconstruction               0-005-027  09/08/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1869FP Reconstruction               0-005-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXCorning Academy(sold 07/16/14):
90-1174   Reconstruction               0-007-007  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0890   Reconstruction               0-007-008  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0618   Reconstruction               0-007-009  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0433   Reconstruction               0-007-010  11/28/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1674   Reconstruction               0-007-011  06/20/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0957   Reconstruction               0-007-012  04/01/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0227   Reconstruction               0-007-015  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-1467   Reconstruction               0-007-018  06/04/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-01           2,199                  02/14/05   03/17/05    Massa construction Inc              
                                                            RC-2           13,608                  10/30/06   12/18/06    J and B Installations               
05-0566   Reconstruction               0-007-019  06/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-1            7,507                  01/22/08   04/04/08    STREETER ASSOCIATES                 
06-0445   Reconstruction               0-007-020  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2130   Reconstruction               0-007-021  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
11-0180   Alterations                  0-007-022  06/15/11  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1873FP Reconstruction               0-007-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Erwin Valley Elementary:
92-1179   Reconstruction               0-009-005  06/09/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0891   Reconstruction               0-009-006  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0619   Additions and Alterations    0-009-008  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1874   Reconstruction               0-009-010  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0228   Reconstruction               0-009-013  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0815   Additions and Alterations    0-009-014  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-02            1,584                  07/23/03   07/25/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-05            4,984                  10/31/03   01/08/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-07            2,844                  12/26/03   01/08/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-08              -81                  02/23/04   03/05/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-09            1,918                  02/23/04   03/05/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-10              -74                  04/20/04   04/23/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            G-11            1,855                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-13            7,942                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-23            1,516                  12/26/03   12/31/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-24            2,339                  02/06/04   02/20/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-25            4,565                  02/06/04   02/20/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-28           14,665                  02/23/04   03/02/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-30            2,053                  09/07/04   09/24/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-31            2,813                  10/15/04   10/26/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            H-03            1,420                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Postler and Jaeckle                 
03-1468   Reconstruction               0-009-015  06/04/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0446   Reconstruction               0-009-016  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2131   Reconstruction               0-009-017  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0221   Reconstruction               0-009-019  10/01/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           4,030                  06/12/15   07/09/15    Blackmon Farrell                    
                                                            E-002           9,266                  06/12/15   07/09/15    Blackmon Farrell                    
                                                            E-003           4,508                  06/12/15   07/09/15    Blackmon Farrell                    
14-0795   Reconstruction               0-009-020  05/20/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-0680   Additions and Alterations    0-009-021  04/05/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            CC-001         -5,814                  03/28/19   03/28/19    DaY AUTOMATION                      
                                                            EC-001        -18,166                  11/17/16   05/13/20    Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Su
                                                            EC-002         30,187                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-003         26,500                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-004          1,950                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-005          3,559                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-006          2,525                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-007          1,172                  03/29/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-008          7,977                  05/16/17   06/07/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-009          1,674                  05/16/17   06/07/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-010          4,176                  06/08/17   11/13/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-011          2,922                  06/08/17   11/13/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-012          4,417                  06/08/17   11/13/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-013          4,775                  06/08/17   11/13/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-014         33,400                  08/09/17   10/25/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-015          9,085                  08/09/17   10/25/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-016          9,628                  08/09/17   10/25/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-017          5,241                  10/02/17   10/25/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-018            288                  10/16/17   10/24/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-019            -64                  10/16/17   10/24/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-020          1,991                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-021          7,711                  11/29/17   06/01/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-022          3,242                  11/29/17   06/01/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-023            831                  11/29/17   06/01/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-024         16,930                  02/28/18   05/16/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-025            602                  02/28/18   06/01/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-026            992                  02/28/18   06/01/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-027          1,531                  06/18/18   07/26/18    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC               
                                                            EC-028            283                  06/18/18   07/26/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-029            268                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-030            400                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            GC-001         24,025                  11/16/16   11/22/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002        -98,000                  11/16/16   11/22/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-003          5,752                  11/23/16   12/12/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-004         12,524                  11/23/16   12/12/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-005          5,656                  11/23/16   12/12/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-006          6,607                  01/10/17   01/13/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-007          4,221                  01/10/17   01/13/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-008        -10,446                  01/10/17   01/13/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-009          4,178                  01/12/17   02/06/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-010           -602                  01/12/17   02/06/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-011          1,603                  02/08/17   07/17/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-012          6,920                  02/08/17   07/17/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-013          5,600                  02/08/17   07/17/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-014          2,793                  02/08/17   07/17/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-015          2,223                  02/08/17   07/17/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-016          1,416                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-017          6,705                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-018         13,890                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-019         14,490                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-020          2,101                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-021          5,191                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-022          7,421                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-023          3,697                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-024          2,057                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-025          9,539                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-026          4,695                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-027         18,870                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-028         11,360                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-029          4,361                  06/08/17   06/14/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-030         10,891                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-031            536                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-032         11,465                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-033          6,092                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-034          1,207                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-035          1,516                  11/03/17   11/21/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-036           -154                  11/03/17   11/21/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmiram Inc.   
                                                            GC-037          1,205                  11/29/17   02/14/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            GC-038          1,808                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-039          2,802                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-040            570                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-041          4,080                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-042         31,200                  10/09/18   10/26/18    EDGER ENTERPRISE OF ELMIRA INC      
                                                            HVAC-001       13,040                  11/23/16   02/06/17    Kimble, Inc                         
                                                            HVAC-002        3,116                  06/13/17   11/13/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            HVAC-003        8,499                  06/13/17   11/13/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            HVAC-004       -1,617                  10/09/18   11/28/18    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            PC-001          3,277                  04/28/17   06/06/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-002          6,143                  04/28/17   06/06/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-003          2,594                  04/28/17   06/06/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-004          4,165                  04/28/17   06/06/17    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-005            807                  04/28/17   06/06/17    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-006         12,338                  11/29/17   06/01/18    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-007           -751                  11/29/17   06/01/18    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            SC-001         14,996                  01/12/17   02/06/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-002          2,806                  01/12/17   02/06/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-003         14,753                  01/12/17   02/06/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-004          4,317                  04/12/17   05/11/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-005         23,295                  06/08/17   06/15/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-006            998                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-007            -49                  10/16/17   10/25/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-008          5,253                  11/29/17   02/14/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-009          2,461                  11/29/17   02/14/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-010          1,738                  02/28/18   03/07/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-011         14,472                  07/11/18   05/20/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            SC-012          2,351                  09/07/18   09/14/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
19-0335   Reconstruction               0-009-023  09/26/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HC-001          1,151                  01/31/20   03/20/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            HC-002        -10,200                  01/31/20   03/20/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            HC-003            441                  02/18/20   06/02/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
20-0986   Additions and Alterations    0-009-025  04/19/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001          1,095                  12/06/21   12/20/22    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-002          3,406                  12/06/21   12/20/22    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-003          9,223                  12/06/21   12/20/22    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-004          3,942                  12/13/21   01/13/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-005         17,195                  02/11/22   02/13/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-006          4,787                  05/09/22   03/13/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-007         15,336                  08/15/22   05/22/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-008          7,390                  08/15/22   05/22/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-009          1,009                  08/15/22   05/22/23    John Mills Elec                     
                                                            EC-010          1,882                  01/03/23   10/19/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-011         14,621                  01/03/23   10/19/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-012          1,943                  01/03/23   10/19/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-013           -539                  01/03/23   10/19/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            GC-001          5,337                  12/13/21   01/23/23    Edger Entr Inc                      
                                                            GC-002          2,970                  12/13/21   01/23/23    Edger Entrs Inc                     
                                                            GC-003          2,468                  12/13/21   01/23/23    Edger Entr Inc                      
                                                            GC-005          2,782                  01/26/22   01/31/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-009         12,075                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-010          1,452                  08/15/22   09/26/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-011         23,980                  08/15/22   09/26/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-012          3,261                  09/19/22   11/13/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-013          8,054                  09/19/22   11/13/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-014         15,361                  12/16/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-015         12,043                  12/16/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-016          2,000                  12/16/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-017         -3,784                  12/16/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-018          9,065                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-019          2,586                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-020          6,837                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-021          2,873                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-022         24,160                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-023          2,605                  12/21/22   12/06/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-024            -29                  01/03/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-025         12,609                  01/03/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-026         17,524                  01/03/23   10/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-027          4,178                  01/03/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-028          5,836                  01/03/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-029          4,230                  01/03/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-04           5,536                  01/26/22   01/31/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-06           2,809                  02/07/22   02/09/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-07           2,389                  02/07/22   02/09/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-08           4,847                  02/07/22   02/09/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            MC-001          3,811                  02/07/22   02/08/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-002          2,543                  09/19/22   10/31/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-003           -986                  01/03/23   10/19/23    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            PC-001          6,047                  07/11/22   04/04/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            PC-001          5,161                  01/03/23   10/19/23    THURSTON DUDEK LLC                  
                                                            PC-002          1,448                  08/15/22   05/22/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            PC-002         -1,825                  01/03/23   10/19/23    THURSTON DUDEK LLC                  
                                                            PC-003          3,272                  09/19/22   10/31/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            PC-004          8,977                  01/03/23   10/19/23    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            PC-005           -439                  01/03/23   10/19/23    KIMBLE INC                          
20-1208   Reconstruction               0-009-026  07/14/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Hugh W. Gregg Elementary:
90-1175   Reconstruction               0-010-006  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0888   Reconstruction               0-010-007  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0620   Reconstruction               0-010-008  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1867   Reconstruction               0-010-009  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1876   Reconstruction               0-010-010  09/08/98  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E2-2           38,993                  02/26/01   01/14/03    Bouille Elec.                       
                                                            E2-4           -3,828                  04/12/02   05/24/02    Bouille Elec.                       
                                                            EC-4           48,118                  01/09/01   01/14/03    J. Mills Elec.                      
00-0598   Reconstruction               0-010-011  04/20/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0229   Reconstruction               0-010-013  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0816   Additions and Alterations    0-010-014  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-03           -5,635                  08/19/03   09/09/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            G-17           -3,102                  09/09/03   09/16/03    Keuka Const.                        
04-0841   Reconstruction               0-010-015  05/12/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            Gc-1           -4,591                  05/15/06   06/23/06    Keuka Construction                  
05-0567   Reconstruction               0-010-016  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0447   Reconstruction               0-010-017  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2132   Reconstruction               0-010-018  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
13-0222   Reconstruction               0-010-020  11/21/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001            635                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-002         -3,172                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Elmira Structres, Inc.              
                                                            GC-003         10,200                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
14-0796   Reconstruction               0-010-021  05/20/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0157   Additions and Alterations    0-010-022  03/21/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001         19,352                  02/28/18   05/16/18    Schuler-Haas                        
                                                            EC-002         19,683                  02/28/18   05/16/18    Schuler-Haas                        
                                                            EC-003          7,795                  02/28/18   05/16/18    Schuler-Haas                        
                                                            EC-004          9,315                  02/28/18   05/16/18    Schuler-Haas                        
                                                            EC-005          9,091                  07/11/18   07/26/18    SCHULER-HAAS                        
                                                            EC-006          2,216                  07/11/18   08/01/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-007            888                  07/11/18   07/26/18    SCHULER-HAAS                        
                                                            EC-008          1,147                  07/11/18   07/26/18    SCHULER-HAAS                        
                                                            EC-009            702                  07/11/18   08/01/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-010            635                  07/11/18   08/01/18    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-011            534                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS                        
                                                            EC-012            -50                  09/07/18   09/18/18    SCHULER-HAAS                        
                                                            FS-001          3,000                  03/19/19   04/25/19    JOSEPH FLIHAN CO.                   
                                                            FS-002         -2,000                  03/28/19   03/28/19    JOSEPH FLIHAN CO.                   
                                                            GC-001          7,000                  07/12/17   07/14/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-002         25,000                  07/12/17   07/14/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-003         34,972                  09/20/17   10/13/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-004         30,493                  09/20/17   10/13/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-005         17,226                  09/20/17   10/13/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-006         26,281                  09/20/17   10/13/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-007         -4,396                  09/20/17   10/13/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-008         29,456                  10/16/17   10/31/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-009         10,092                  10/16/17   10/31/17    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-010         -2,895                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-011          6,323                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-012         12,760                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-013          4,965                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-014          9,834                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-015          1,841                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-016          1,703                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-017          9,039                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-018          7,550                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-019           -598                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-020          1,643                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-021          6,467                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-022          2,169                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-023          2,785                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-024         15,937                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-025          2,952                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-026          1,564                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-027         10,003                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-028          3,600                  06/08/18   07/24/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-029          1,283                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-030         27,833                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-031          4,314                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-032          3,397                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-033          5,282                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-034          2,728                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-035          6,462                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-036          6,826                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-037          2,646                  07/11/18   08/01/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-038          1,202                  08/09/18   09/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-038          1,207                  04/19/19   04/25/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-039          3,693                  08/13/18   01/02/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-040          1,452                  08/13/18   01/02/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-041         16,900                  08/13/18   01/02/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-042         18,496                  08/13/18   01/02/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-043          3,371                  04/19/19   04/25/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES,INC.              
                                                            GC-044           -693                  09/07/18   11/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-045            889                  09/07/18   11/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-046          2,113                  09/07/18   11/06/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-047          2,297                  12/20/18   02/08/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-048          1,207                  12/20/18   02/12/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-049          2,318                  01/22/19   02/11/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-050          2,140                  03/19/19   04/25/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURE, INC               
                                                            MC-001         -2,928                  09/07/18   09/18/18    PICCIRILLI SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-002          6,574                  04/19/19   04/19/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            PC-001           -239                  02/14/19   03/05/19    FREY & CAMPBELL,INC.                
                                                            PC-002         -1,477                  02/14/19   03/05/19    FREY & CAMPBELL,INC.                
                                                            PC-003         -2,140                  03/28/19   03/28/19    FREY & CAMPBELL,INC.                
19-1544   Reconstruction               0-010-023  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1461   Reconstruction               0-010-024  10/31/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1200   Reconstruction               0-010-025  06/14/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          8,228                  08/14/23   12/29/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-002        -19,022                  08/14/23   12/29/23    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-003         27,263                  10/18/23   02/09/24    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-004          2,382                  12/18/23     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC-005          1,450                  03/11/24   05/09/24    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-006          6,555                  04/19/24   05/17/24    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            GC-001        -72,492                  05/12/23   12/27/23    ELMIRA STRUCTURES                   
                                                            GC-002          4,045                  05/12/23     /  /      ELMIRA STRUCTURES                   
                                                            GC-003         10,232                  05/12/23   12/27/23    ELMIRA STRUCTURES                   
                                                            GC-004         -8,133                  05/12/23   12/27/23    ELMIRA STRUCTURES                   
                                                            GC-005            441                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-006          1,338                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-007          1,222                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-008          2,130                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-009         14,590                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-010         10,888                  10/18/23   02/13/24    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-011         18,391                  12/11/23   02/27/24    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-012         17,462                  12/11/23   02/27/24    Elmira Structures Inc               
                                                            GC-013          6,915                  12/18/23   04/05/24    ELMIRE STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-014          4,842                  01/19/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-015          8,020                  01/19/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-016          3,124                  01/19/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-017          1,273                  01/19/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-018          3,787                  01/19/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-019          2,657                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-020            642                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structurees                  
                                                            GC-021         12,578                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-022          8,291                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-023          1,084                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-024          4,845                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-025         11,885                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-026          3,108                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-027         28,328                  02/02/24   04/25/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-028          1,832                  03/11/24   06/17/24    Elmire Structures                   
                                                            GC-029         16,997                  03/11/24   06/17/24    Elmire Structures                   
                                                            GC-030         31,985                  03/11/24   06/17/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-031          2,367                  04/19/24   05/09/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-032          1,648                  04/19/24   05/09/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-033          6,775                  04/19/24   05/09/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-034        -20,334                  05/06/24   05/14/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            GC-035           -183                  05/06/24   05/14/24    Elmira Structures                   
                                                            MC-001         14,800                  07/14/23   12/28/23    Piccirilli Mechanical               
                                                            MC-002         14,982                  05/06/24   05/20/24    Piccirilli Mechanical               
                                                            MC-003           -624                  05/06/24   05/20/24    Piccirilli Mechanical               
                                                            PC-001          3,793                  04/19/24   05/17/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-002          8,075                  04/19/24   05/17/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-003          1,315                  04/19/24   05/17/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-004          2,930                  04/19/24   05/17/24    Kuehne Construction                 
                                                            PC-005           -640                  05/06/24   05/20/24    Kuehne Construction                 
02-1867FP Reconstruction               0-010-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXLindley-PreshoES(sold 04/06/2017):
90-1176   Reconstruction               0-011-006  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-1180   Reconstruction               0-011-007  06/09/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0892   Reconstruction               0-011-008  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0621   Reconstruction               0-011-009  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1870   Reconstruction               0-011-011  08/18/98  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-3           44,753                  01/09/01   01/14/03    John Mills Elec.                    
00-0597   Reconstruction               0-011-012  04/20/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HC-1              420                  11/18/02     /  /      Kimble, Inc.                        
99-0230   Reconstruction               0-011-014  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0817   Additions and Alterations    0-011-015  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            G-01            3,309                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-16            1,215                  08/19/03   09/02/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-21            1,857                  10/20/03   10/24/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-26            1,335                  02/06/04   02/20/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-29            1,418                  03/18/04   04/06/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            H-01           -2,214                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
05-0568   Reconstruction               0-011-017  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0448   Reconstruction               0-011-018  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2133   Reconstruction               0-011-019  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXNorthside Blodgett MS (sold 8/17):
93-0893   Reconstruction               0-013-007  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0622   Reconstruction               0-013-008  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0434   Reconstruction               0-013-009  11/28/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1677   Reconstruction               0-013-010  06/20/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-1261   Reconstruction               0-013-011  08/09/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0231   Reconstruction               0-013-014  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
05-0569   Reconstruction               0-013-017  06/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            PC-1            3,936                  01/22/08   04/02/08    FREY & COMBPELL                     
06-0449   Reconstruction               0-013-018  04/24/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            PC-1            2,547                  04/21/09   02/11/11    FREY & CAMPBELL,INC                 
07-2134   Reconstruction               0-013-019  03/23/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1871FP Reconstruction               0-013-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXPhillips Elementary - closed:
93-0894   Reconstruction               0-016-006  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0623   Reconstruction               0-016-007  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1868   Reconstruction               0-016-008  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1875   Reconstruction               0-016-009  09/08/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-0595   Reconstruction               0-016-010  04/20/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-3              598                  02/20/03   02/26/03    John Mills Electric                 
99-0232   Reconstruction               0-016-012  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0818   Additions and Alterations    0-016-013  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-01             -570                  07/23/03   07/25/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            G-02           15,202                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-07           -2,553                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-12            1,060                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-22            2,364                  12/26/03   12/31/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            H-02              -65                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Postler and Jaeckle                 
05-0570   Reconstruction               0-016-014  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0450   Reconstruction               0-016-015  04/27/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-2           30,000                  04/21/09   06/05/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
07-2135   Reconstruction               0-016-016  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1832FP Reconstruction               0-016-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXFrank Pierce ES (sold 04/18/14):
92-1181   Reconstruction               0-017-003  06/09/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0624   Reconstruction               0-017-004  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1869   Reconstruction               0-017-005  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-0543   Reconstruction               0-017-006  03/02/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-02           2,085                  08/10/04   09/23/04    Matco Elec.                         
99-0233   Reconstruction               0-017-008  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
05-0571   Reconstruction               0-017-009  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0451   Reconstruction               0-017-010  04/24/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            PC-2            2,994                  04/21/09   02/11/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
07-2136   Reconstruction               0-017-011  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          William Severn Elementary:
93-0895   Reconstruction               0-018-004  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0625   Additions and Alterations    0-018-005  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1871   Reconstruction               0-018-006  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-0544   Reconstruction               0-018-007  03/02/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-03           2,398                  08/10/04   09/23/04    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            EC-05          10,708                  06/13/05   07/08/05    matco Electric Corp                 
                                                            EC-08             252                  10/18/06   12/18/06    Matco Electric                      
                                                            GC-02          12,166                  12/08/04   12/24/04    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-03          12,732                  12/08/04   12/24/04    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-04          13,159                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-05          44,883                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-06           9,267                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-07          18,211                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-08          15,983                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-09           1,245                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-10           3,986                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-11           1,005                  01/11/05   01/24/05    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-12           6,389                  05/05/05   06/02/05    Keuka Construction Corp             
                                                            GC-13          37,100          37,100  06/30/05   10/05/06    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            HC-01           1,837                  01/28/05   05/02/05    Kimble Mechanical Contractors       
99-0234   Reconstruction               0-018-009  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
04-0843   Reconstruction               0-018-012  05/12/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01            -377                  08/14/08   05/11/09    BOUILLE ELETRIC INC.                
                                                            GC-3           -2,804                  05/19/06   06/23/06    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            MC-1           -2,774                  08/14/08   10/21/08    POSTLER AND JAECKLE CORP            
05-0572   Reconstruction               0-018-013  06/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-3            2,495                  01/22/08   04/02/08    KIMBLE                              
06-0452   Reconstruction               0-018-014  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2137   Reconstruction               0-018-015  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
10-0083   Reconstruction               0-018-017  08/17/10  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0797   Reconstruction               0-018-018  05/20/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-0483   Additions and Alterations    0-018-019  03/11/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            CC-001         -3,158                  03/28/19   03/28/19    DAY AUTOMATION                      
                                                            EC-001          3,028                  10/05/16     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-001a        11,331                  06/08/17   11/13/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-002         -7,862                  10/05/16     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-002         34,929                  07/12/17     /  /      Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-003         13,261                  07/12/17   06/17/19    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-003         -4,117                  12/14/17   06/05/18    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-004         30,844                  07/12/17     /  /      Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-005         24,470                  07/14/17   10/31/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-006          8,504                  07/14/17   10/31/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-007         30,169                  09/20/17   10/12/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-008          5,775                  10/16/17   10/24/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-009          5,336                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-010          2,919                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-011            822                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-012          1,833                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-013          8,413                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-014          1,873                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-015         33,960                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-016         -1,371                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-017            891                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-018            981                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-019          3,304                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-020            551                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-021          1,560                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-022          2,508                  02/28/18   05/17/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-023          2,077                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-024          1,034                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-025          2,575                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-026          2,868                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-027            895                  08/09/18   08/28/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-028          1,034                  08/09/18   08/28/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-028          1,034                  04/19/19   04/19/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-029            407                  08/09/18   08/28/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-030            777                  10/09/18   11/13/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-031          1,343                  10/09/18   11/13/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-032            394                  10/09/18   11/13/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-033            362                  02/14/19   03/05/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-034            642                  02/14/19   03/05/19    SCGULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-035            596                  02/14/19   03/05/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-036           -221                  02/14/19   03/05/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            FS-001          6,600                  12/01/17   12/15/17    Main Ford General Supply            
                                                            GC-001          6,742                  09/01/16   10/07/16    Edger Enterprises of elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002         24,333                  09/01/16   10/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002         34,596                  04/12/17     /  /      LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-003          3,182                  09/01/16   10/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-003          2,298                  08/21/17   08/24/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-004        -25,009                  09/01/16   10/07/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-004         -2,300                  09/20/17   10/13/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-005         11,887                  10/05/16   10/14/16    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-005          8,249                  09/20/17   10/13/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-006          1,590                  10/05/16     /  /      Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-006         15,518                  09/20/17   10/13/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-007        -14,800                  10/05/16     /  /      Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-007         15,531                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-008        148,103                  01/10/17   01/18/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-008          5,014                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-009          3,451                  03/22/17   03/24/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-009         12,371                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-01          33,105                  04/12/17     /  /      LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-010          4,747                  03/22/17   03/24/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-010         17,102                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-011         19,556                  03/22/17   03/24/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-011          6,192                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-012          3,371                  03/22/17   03/24/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-012         13,309                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLc  
                                                            GC-013          1,967                  03/22/17   03/24/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-013         10,522                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-014          6,345                  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-014         14,596                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-015         17,087             -16  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-015         -1,117                  10/16/17   10/31/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-016          3,845                  04/12/17   04/20/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-016         15,376                  11/15/17   12/05/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-017         55,517                  07/12/17   02/02/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-017          2,862                  12/14/17     /  /      LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-018         33,553                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-018           -752                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-019         31,048                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-019          4,043                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-020         32,415                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-020          5,778                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-021         19,526                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-021         11,770                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-022         25,577                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-022          4,411                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-023         77,999                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-023          1,106                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-024          5,818                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-024          9,853                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-024          9,863                  04/19/19   04/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-025          6,640                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-025         22,727                  02/28/18   03/06/18    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-026          6,439                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-026          6,816                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-027           -922                  07/11/18   08/01/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            GC-027          2,895                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-028          2,546                  09/07/18   10/29/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            GC-028          1,685                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-029         10,131                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-030            514                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-031          1,713                  09/07/18   11/06/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-032         12,442                  11/30/18   01/23/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-033         -1,367                  11/30/18   01/23/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-034         -1,825                  03/28/19   04/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-035          6,655                  03/28/19   04/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-036         34,935                  03/28/19   04/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            MC-001         -1,121                  09/20/17   10/12/17    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-002         11,606                  09/07/18   09/18/18    PICCIRILLI-SKAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-003          4,389                  09/07/18   09/18/18    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-004          7,212                  03/19/19   03/21/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-005         -2,446                  03/19/19   03/21/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            PC-001         12,251                  09/20/17   10/12/17    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-002           -899                  11/08/17   11/16/17    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-003         11,657                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-004          4,153                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-005          4,271                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-006          3,506                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Louis N. Picciano & SOn             
                                                            PC-007           -334                  04/05/18   05/31/18    Louis N. Picciano & Son             
                                                            PC-008         11,243                  08/09/18   08/28/18    LOUIS N PICCIANO & SON              
                                                            PC-009          3,427                  08/09/18   08/28/18    LOUIS N PICCIANO & SON              
                                                            PC-009          5,427                  04/19/19   04/19/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
                                                            PC-010           -802                  10/09/18   11/13/18    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON             
                                                            SC-006         23,655                  06/27/16   07/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
15-0510SR Additions and Alterations    0-018-019  03/11/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-0454   Reconstruction               0-018-020  06/21/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         60,976                  08/09/18     /  /      BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-001        -60,976                  08/09/18   08/15/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-001         -1,024                  02/19/19   02/25/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-002         -1,805                  09/07/18   09/14/18    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-003           -605                  02/19/19   02/25/19    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            GC-001        -36,000                  02/19/19   02/25/19    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-002         -4,050                  07/11/18   07/18/18    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            MC-001         -1,700                  02/19/19   02/25/19    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            MC-002         -3,500                  02/19/19   02/25/19    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            MC-003         -5,500                  02/19/09   02/25/19    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            MC-004         -1,145                  09/07/18   09/14/18    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
20-0967   Reconstruction               0-018-021  04/19/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         10,619                  01/26/22   01/25/23    Matco Elec Corp                     
                                                            EC-003          6,196                  06/27/22   04/27/23    Matco Elec Corp                     
                                                            EC-004          7,194                  01/03/23   10/19/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-005            712                  01/03/23   10/19/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-006          7,082                  01/03/23   10/19/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-007          3,024                  01/03/23   10/19/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-008         -1,226                  01/03/23   10/19/23    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-02          16,515                  02/07/22   12/01/22    Matco Elec Corp                     
                                                            GC-001         52,526                  09/07/21   05/24/22    LE CHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC 
                                                            GC-004         14,163                  02/11/22   12/01/22    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-009          1,815                  05/23/22   03/28/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-010        -21,128                  05/23/22   03/28/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-011         32,549                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-013          5,404                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-014          5,111                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-015          4,724                  06/13/22     /  /      LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-016        -26,513                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-017          1,879                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-018         22,458                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-019         10,730                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-02          10,575                  02/07/22   12/01/22    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-020         23,270                  09/19/22   11/13/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-021         32,310                  09/19/22   11/13/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-022         17,025                  09/19/22   11/13/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-023         18,054                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-024         32,231                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-025         16,961                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-026         27,490                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-027         16,204                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-028          7,551                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-03           8,273                  02/07/22   12/01/22    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-030         19,285                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-031         11,915                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-032           -329                  12/30/22   12/12/23    LECHASE CONST. SERVICES             
                                                            GC-05          14,520                  02/11/22   12/01/22    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-06           3,054                  02/11/22   02/16/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-07           3,129                  02/11/22   02/16/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-08           2,037                  02/11/22   02/16/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-12          14,047                  06/13/22   03/30/23    LeChase Const Servs LLC             
                                                            GC-29           2,422                  12/30/22   12/18/23    LECHASE CONST. SERVICES             
                                                            MC-001         26,790                  01/03/23   10/19/23    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            MC-002         -1,797                  01/03/23   10/19/23    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
20-1209   Reconstruction               0-018-022  07/14/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
24-0099   Reconstruction               0-018-023  12/02/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1870FP Reconstruction               0-018-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Calvin U Smith Elementary:
93-0896   Reconstruction               0-019-007  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0626   Reconstruction               0-019-008  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1872   Reconstruction               0-019-009  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-1260   Reconstruction               0-019-011  08/09/99  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            C-4               630                  06/20/02     /  /      Hakes Const.                        
                                                            EC-1 rev        9,863                  11/10/00   01/14/03    RG Burns Elec.                      
                                                            EC-2           39,924                  11/10/00   01/14/03    RG Burns Elec.                      
                                                            EC-3           22,141                  11/10/00   01/14/03    RG Burns Elec.                      
                                                            EC-4           23,687                  06/20/02     /  /      RG Burns Elec.                      
                                                            EC-5            2,711                  06/20/02     /  /      RG Burns Elec.                      
                                                            G-3(rev)       31,742                  06/20/02   10/23/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-5             5,262                  01/15/02   03/26/02    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            HC-1           30,469                  06/20/02   12/01/03    Kimble, Inc                         
                                                            HC-2           27,191                  11/10/00   01/14/03    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            HC-3            7,805                  06/14/01   01/10/02    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            JC-2           27,191                  06/20/02     /  /      Kimble, Inc                         
                                                            PC-1           -2,942                  06/14/01   01/10/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            SC-3           41,281                  06/20/02     /  /      Hakes Const.                        
                                                            SC-4              630                  12/07/01   04/05/02    Hakes Const.                        
99-0235   Reconstruction               0-019-013  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0819   Additions and Alterations    0-019-014  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-04            1,161                  08/19/03   09/02/03    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            E-11              318                  08/11/04   09/08/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            G-04            9,881                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-05            1,580                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-06              681                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-09            8,049                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-10           -2,485                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-14              920                  06/30/03   07/02/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-15            3,426                  07/23/03   07/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-18            8,055                  10/07/03   10/14/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-19            3,308                  10/20/03   10/24/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-20            2,594                  10/20/03   10/24/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-27            3,191                  02/06/04   02/20/04    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            H-04              753                  08/19/03   09/02/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
06-0453   Reconstruction               0-019-015  04/23/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2138   Reconstruction               0-019-016  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
09-0219   Reconstruction               0-019-017  11/17/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0798   Reconstruction               0-019-019  05/20/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001          7,569                  09/23/15   09/30/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-002         21,480                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-003          4,478                  03/02/16   03/11/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-004          4,479                  03/02/16   03/23/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-005          3,898                  05/19/16   05/27/16    BILLITIER                           
                                                            HVAC-001       -6,559                  04/21/16   05/10/16    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            SC-001         10,325                  02/26/16   03/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
                                                            SC-002         11,958                  02/26/16   03/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
                                                            SC-003          3,247                  02/26/16   03/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
                                                            SC-004          1,034                  02/26/16   03/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
                                                            SC-005          5,205                  02/26/16   03/07/16    LRS Companies, LLC                  
17-0162   Additions and Alterations    0-019-020  04/26/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          7,618                  10/09/18   11/15/18    SCHULER HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-002          7,986                  11/30/18   01/16/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003          3,151                  01/22/19   02/12/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-004          5,868                  01/22/19   02/12/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005          4,263                  01/22/19   02/12/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006          5,385                  03/19/19   03/20/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-007          2,222                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-008          8,460                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHUKER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-009            757                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-010            858                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SVHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-011          2,581                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-012            901                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-013          1,610                  04/30/19   04/30/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-014          3,510                  05/24/19   05/30/19    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-015            780                  05/24/19   05/30/19    SCHULER-HASS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-016          2,913                  07/23/19   07/24/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-017          7,455                  07/23/19   07/24/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-018         -1,366                  07/23/19   07/24/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-019          2,313                  07/31/19   08/01/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-020            855                  09/16/19   09/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-021          3,423                  09/16/19   09/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-022            894                  09/16/19   09/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-023          5,321                  09/16/19   09/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-024          9,026                  09/16/19   09/18/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-025          3,738                  12/06/19   12/20/19    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-026          4,967                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-027          6,495                  01/22/20   02/25/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-028           -118                  03/18/20   07/06/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            FS-001         -2,000                  11/13/19   11/21/19    MAIN FORD GENERAL SUPPLY            
                                                            GC-001         14,400                  12/20/18   02/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-002         -3,964                  12/20/18   02/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-003          6,459                  02/14/19   03/14/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-004          1,494                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-005          5,026                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-006          3,816                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-007         11,122                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-008          4,854                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-009         12,686                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-010         -4,504                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-011           -478                  02/14/19   03/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-012          8,829                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-013          7,574                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICE, LLC   
                                                            GC-014          7,764                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-015         14,213                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-016           -695                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-017        -11,198                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-018          7,181                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-019         13,154                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-020           -627                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-021          4,389                  03/19/19   03/21/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-022          4,301                  03/28/19   04/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-023          6,560                  03/28/19   04/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-024          6,382                  03/28/19   04/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-025         10,120                  03/28/19   04/01/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-026          5,641                  04/30/19   05/29/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-027          5,698                  04/30/19   05/29/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-028          4,572                  05/31/19   06/07/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-028          4,572                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-029          2,268                  05/31/19   06/07/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-029          2,268                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-030          1,336                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-031          1,432                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-032          6,257                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-033          4,107                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-034          4,370                  07/23/19   07/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-035          2,623                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-036          1,537                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-037          1,355                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-038          7,025                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-039          1,240                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-040         10,733                  09/06/19   09/30/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-041          1,199                  09/06/19   10/02/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-042            616                  09/06/19   10/08/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-043          2,048                  09/06/19   10/08/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-044          9,067                  09/06/19   10/08/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-045          4,064                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-046          4,563                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-047            492                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-048          7,869                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-049          2,270                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-050          2,903                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-051          5,344                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-052          5,291                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-053          9,347                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-054          6,232                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-055          2,046                  09/06/19   09/24/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-056          4,545                  09/16/19   09/18/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-057            670                  09/16/19   09/18/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            GC-058          4,561                  09/16/19   09/18/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-059          2,183                  11/13/19   11/20/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-060          1,423                  11/13/19   11/20/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-061          4,912                  11/13/19   11/20/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-062         13,065                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-063          6,065                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-064           -386                  03/18/20   07/10/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-065          1,615                  05/08/20   07/13/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            MC-001          5,770                  11/30/18   01/16/19    KIMBLE INC.                         
                                                            MC-001         31,800                  11/13/19   11/21/19    AFT MECHANICAL, LLC                 
                                                            MC-002          3,323                  11/30/18   01/16/19    KIMBLE INC.                         
                                                            MC-003         -5,290                  03/19/19   03/20/19    KIMBLE, INC                         
                                                            MC-004          5,221                  03/19/19   03/20/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-005           -959                  07/23/19   07/24/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-006          6,071                  07/23/19   07/24/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-007         19,292                  10/25/19   10/28/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-008            994                  10/25/19   10/28/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-009           -580                  01/22/20   02/25/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-001          7,735                  03/19/19   03/20/19    KIMBLE, INC                         
                                                            PC-002         -1,611                  03/19/19   03/20/19    KIMBLE, INC                         
                                                            PC-003          1,999                  07/23/19   07/24/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-004          4,617                  10/25/19   10/28/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-005          1,961                  10/25/19   10/28/19    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-006           -360                  03/18/20   07/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
22-2483   Reconstruction               0-019-022  08/22/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-0163   Reconstruction               0-019-023  01/22/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          3,853                  11/01/24   11/05/24    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-002          6,939                  12/23/24   01/02/25    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-003          9,567                  01/21/25     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-004          3,828                  01/21/25     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-005          1,031                  01/21/25     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            GC-001         30,242                  10/07/24   10/24/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-002         21,733                  10/07/24   10/24/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-003         29,517                  11/01/24   11/05/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-004         29,805                  11/01/24   11/05/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-005         24,493                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-006         23,830                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-007         51,226                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-008         13,472                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-009          4,671                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-010          2,368                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-011         29,964                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-012          2,397                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-013           -248                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-014          6,723                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-015         10,079                  12/09/24   12/17/24    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            MC-001          7,819                  05/21/24   06/10/24    Piccirilli Mechanical               
                                                            MC-002         15,177                  05/21/24   06/10/24    Piccirilli Mechanical               
                                                            PC-001         12,749                  12/23/24   01/02/25    NJ Garham                           
                                                            SC-001              0                  11/02/24   11/05/24    Day Automation Systems              

          Winfield Elementary School:
90-1177   Reconstruction               0-021-003  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0897   Reconstruction               0-021-004  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0627   Reconstruction               0-021-005  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0431   Reconstruction               0-021-006  11/28/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1873   Reconstruction               0-021-007  08/18/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-0599   Reconstruction               0-021-008  04/20/01  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0236   Reconstruction               0-021-010  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0820   Additions and Alterations    0-021-011  07/08/02  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-06            2,165                  12/26/03   01/08/04    John Mills Elec.                    
                                                            G-03            5,114                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
                                                            G-08            3,346                  06/04/03   06/25/03    Keuka Const.                        
05-0573   Reconstruction               0-021-013  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0454   Reconstruction               0-021-014  04/24/07  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
07-2139   Reconstruction               0-021-015  03/25/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0068   Reconstruction               0-021-017  01/11/13  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0799   Reconstruction               0-021-018  05/20/15  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-0770   Reconstruction               0-021-019  12/09/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            CL-001          1,874                  05/16/16   05/27/16    RONCO SPECIALIZED SYSTEMS           
                                                            E-001             698                  06/23/16   07/08/16    Blackmon-Farrell                    
17-0403   Additions and Alterations    0-021-020  05/02/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         -1,062                  02/14/19   03/04/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-002          6,013                  02/14/19   03/04/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-003         12,531                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-004          1,047                  03/19/19     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-005            803                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-006          1,956                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-007          4,130                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-008         13,254                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-009          7,461                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-010          3,194                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-011          2,332                  03/19/19   03/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-012         -1,575                  03/28/19   03/28/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-013          2,924                  04/30/19   05/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-014          8,637                  04/30/19   05/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-015         11,047                  07/18/19   07/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-016          3,942                  07/18/19   07/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-017          2,404                  07/18/19   07/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-018            881                  07/18/19   07/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-019          1,480                  07/18/19   07/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-020          1,321                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-021            993                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-022          1,936                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-023          4,358                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-024            662                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-025            575                  07/31/19   08/01/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-026          4,083                  09/06/19   09/06/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-027          2,466                  09/16/19   09/18/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-028          2,054                  10/25/19   10/28/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-029         12,821                  10/25/19   10/28/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-030          1,130                  01/10/20   01/28/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-031         14,884                  01/10/20   01/28/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-032          8,756                  01/10/20   01/28/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-033          1,638                  01/10/20   01/28/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-034          3,231                  02/18/20   06/02/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-035         13,080                  03/18/20   07/06/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-036          1,144                  03/18/20   07/06/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-037           -175                  03/18/20   07/06/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            FS-001          1,192                  07/23/19   07/24/19    JOSEPH FLIHAN CO.                   
                                                            FS-002           -747                  09/16/19   09/18/19    JOSEPH FLIHAN CO.                   
                                                            GC-001          8,006                  09/20/18   10/15/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            GC-002          3,999                  03/28/19   04/01/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-003         14,192                  11/30/18   01/16/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-004         10,553                  12/20/18   01/29/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-005          3,640                  03/19/19   03/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-006          8,734                  03/19/19   03/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC    
                                                            GC-007         16,666                  03/19/19   03/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-008         11,009                  03/19/19   03/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-009          5,201                  04/30/19   05/29/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-010          2,394                  04/30/19   05/29/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-011         28,382                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-012         16,830                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES POF ELMIRA, INC.  
                                                            GC-013          3,404                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-014          2,999                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-015          3,749                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-016          1,605                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-017          5,828                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-018          1,064                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-019          2,261                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-020            521                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-021            903                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-022         12,622                  07/23/19   07/24/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-023         14,538                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-024          1,215                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-025            700                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-026         18,372                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-027          8,897                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-028          3,942                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-029          1,040                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-030            856                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-031          6,273                  07/31/19   08/23/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA NY      
                                                            GC-032          9,250                  09/16/19   09/18/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-033          6,705                  09/16/19   09/18/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-034          3,930                  09/16/19   09/18/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-035          1,498                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-036          6,972                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-037         14,436                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-038          6,171                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-039         24,960                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-040          3,355                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-041          3,611                  11/13/19   11/20/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-042          2,504                  12/06/19   12/27/19    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-043         14,105                  01/10/20   01/27/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-044          3,337                  01/10/20   01/27/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-045          6,475                  01/10/20   01/27/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-046          4,949                  02/18/20   06/08/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-047          1,762                  02/18/20   06/08/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-048         11,014                  05/08/20   07/13/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-049         14,885                  05/08/20   07/13/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-050         21,312                  06/03/20   07/07/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-051          4,976                  06/03/20   07/07/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-052            -32                  06/03/20   07/07/20    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            MC-001          8,486                  03/19/19   03/20/19    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            MC-002        -12,091                  05/08/20   07/02/20    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            PC-001         -1,653                  06/03/20   07/07/20    FREY & CAMPBELL. INC.               
23-0286   Reconstruction               0-021-021  02/22/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         30,476                  09/23/24   10/18/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            MC-001          9,561                  09/23/24   10/31/24    Kimble Inc.                         

          East High School:
91-0773   Reconstruction               0-023-007  03/27/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0831   Reconstruction               0-023-008  04/08/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-0162   Reconstruction               0-023-009  08/25/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-1233   Reconstruction               0-023-010  05/14/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0898   Reconstruction               0-023-012  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-1020   Additions and Alterations    0-023-013  04/17/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-0769   Reconstruction               0-023-014  02/17/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0628   Reconstruction               0-023-015  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1676   Reconstruction               0-023-017  06/20/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0954   Reconstruction               0-023-018  04/01/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-1259   Reconstruction               0-023-019  08/09/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-1521   Reconstruction               0-023-020  08/22/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1           -8,930                  05/14/02   06/04/02    GVE, Inc                            
                                                            SC-3           -3,139                  05/14/02   06/04/02    AL Blades and Sons                  
                                                            SC-4           -3,337                  05/14/02   06/04/02    AL Blades and Sons                  
00-0594   Reconstruction               0-023-021  04/20/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HC-1            3,805                  11/18/02     /  /      Kimble, Inc.                        
99-0237   Reconstruction               0-023-022  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-1469   Reconstruction               0-023-025  06/04/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
05-0574   Reconstruction               0-023-026  06/13/06  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1            5,330                  01/22/08   04/02/08    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            PC-2            3,597                  01/22/08   04/02/08    FREY & COMBELL                      
06-0455   Reconstruction               0-023-027  04/24/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-2           -7,109                  12/10/10   01/20/11    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC INC             
                                                            EC2-1            -994                  04/21/09   02/11/11    BOUILLE ELECTRIC INC                
                                                            GC-1           51,146                  04/21/09   06/05/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-4          -42,050                  12/10/10   01/20/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            MC2-1          -9,174                  04/21/09   02/11/11    KIMBLE INC                          
07-2140   Reconstruction               0-023-028  03/25/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-1          -17,098                  12/10/10   01/12/11    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            GC-1           -8,507                  12/10/10   03/18/11    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            RC-1           -4,500                  12/10/10   01/12/11    CFE INC                             
                                                            RC-2           -3,558                  12/10/10   01/12/11    CFE INC                             
09-0220   Reconstruction               0-023-030  11/17/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
11-0587SR Additions and Alterations    0-023-031  03/21/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
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11-1389   Additions and Alterations    0-023-031  03/21/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
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                                                            CC-01          -1,899                  09/27/13   10/15/13    Nickerson Corporaiton               
                                                            CC-010         -6,642                  10/10/14   10/20/14    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-011          1,117                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-012          2,759                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Nickerson Corporaiton               
                                                            CC-013          4,766                  11/25/14     /  /      Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-014          3,356                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-015            567                  03/30/15     /  /      Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-016            574                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-017         -3,085                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-018          1,356                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-019            278                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-02          12,609                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-020          1,604                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-021          1,562                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-022         -3,072                  09/28/15   10/07/15    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-03           4,169                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-04          37,484                  10/07/13   11/15/13    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            CC-05          -2,878                  10/07/13   11/15/13    NICKERSON CORPORATION               
                                                            CC-06          21,042                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-07             540                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-08             489                  08/20/14   09/09/14    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            CC-09           6,143                  08/27/14   09/03/14    Nickerson Corporation               
                                                            EC-001         -1,019                  04/13/16   05/06/16    Johns Mills Electric, Inc.          
                                                            EC-002          1,398                  01/18/13   05/30/13    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-01             500                  05/20/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-02               0                  05/23/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-03           3,800                  05/20/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-04           6,425                  05/20/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-05          -2,550                  05/20/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-06          -6,809                  05/20/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-07          64,821                  09/05/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-08          10,999                  10/07/13   07/03/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-09          33,409                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-10           1,587                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-11          13,797                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-12          12,149                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-13           1,353                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-14           2,193                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-15           3,824                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-16           3,232             484  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-17           4,253                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-18           2,858             428  12/16/13   07/03/14    Billtier Electric                   
                                                            EC-19           2,330                  12/13/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-20           1,377                  12/13/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-21           2,658                  12/13/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-22           2,563                  12/13/13   01/27/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-23           3,216                  12/13/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-24           8,433                  12/13/13   07/03/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-25           3,969                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-26           6,153                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-27          10,933                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-28           3,470                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-29           5,594                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-29           5,594                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-30           4,175                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-31          10,247                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-32           2,571                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-33           2,051                  03/12/14     /  /      Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-34          44,009                  03/12/14   04/04/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-35          22,580                  05/13/14   05/21/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-36           5,391                  05/13/14   05/21/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-37           6,247                  05/13/14   05/21/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-38           5,192                  05/13/14   05/21/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-39           2,238                  05/13/14   05/30/14    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-40           2,558                  05/19/14   05/30/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-41           8,439                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-42           5,970                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-43           5,373                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-44           5,998                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-45           2,691                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-46           9,327                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-47          16,949                  08/18/14   09/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-48          16,232                  08/18/14   09/09/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-49          17,540                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-50           6,558                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-51           2,846                  11/25/14   01/12/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-52           2,880                  11/25/14     /  /      Billiter Electric                   
                                                            EC-52           2,880                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-53           8,865                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-54          13,993                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billiter Electric                   
                                                            EC-55             357                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-56          20,550                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Billiter Electric                   
                                                            EC-57          23,414                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-58          15,106                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-59          22,222                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-60           1,486                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-61           3,342                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-62           1,741                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-63           3,305                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-64           1,187                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-65           3,971                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-66           7,531                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-67           1,643                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-68           2,634                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-69          12,111                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-70             482                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-71           1,530                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            FP-01             493                  07/16/15   08/11/15    SRI Fire Sprinkler LLC              
                                                            FS-01          21,441                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Main-Ford General Supply            
                                                            FS-02          -1,244                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Main-Ford General Supply            
                                                            FS-03          -3,636                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Main Ford General Supply            
                                                            FS-04            -250                  09/28/15   10/07/15    Main-Ford General Supply            
                                                            GC-001         -1,772                  10/29/12   05/30/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-003          4,400                  12/07/12   05/30/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-004         -4,089                  12/07/12   05/30/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-005         -6,055                  12/07/12   05/30/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-007         -6,781                  03/08/13   06/20/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-008         22,831                  03/08/13   06/20/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-009        -10,782                  04/24/13   07/09/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-01          16,000                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini                   
                                                            GC-010        -11,502                  04/24/13   07/09/13    POOLER ENTERPRISES                  
                                                            GC-02          65,600                  07/26/13     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-03           2,500                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-04          24,000                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-05          -1,827                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-06           9,027                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-07          21,503                  06/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-08          22,399                  09/13/13   10/15/13    Andrew R. Mancini Associates        
                                                            GC-09         136,255                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-10          -3,347                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-100         16,486                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-101         14,792                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-102        -13,755                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-103          1,680                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-104          3,405                  01/12/16   02/19/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates        
                                                            GC-105          3,072                  01/12/16   02/08/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates        
                                                            GC-106          2,620                  02/03/16   02/08/16    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES INC     
                                                            GC-107         22,827                  04/13/16   05/06/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GC-108          3,990                  04/13/16   05/06/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GC-109            252                  04/13/16   05/06/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GC-11            -977                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Andrew R. Manccini Assoc.           
                                                            GC-110            -79                  11/15/17   12/14/17    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GC-12          32,261                  11/01/13   11/25/13    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GC-13          11,791                  11/01/13   11/25/13    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GC-14           5,200                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Andrew R. Manici Assoc.             
                                                            GC-15           3,985                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-16          10,332                  03/11/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-17          -1,361                  02/19/14   03/21/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-18          29,836                  02/04/14   03/31/14    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GC-19          -1,404                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-20           9,863                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-21          -3,800                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-22           2,611                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-23           9,691                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-24           5,938                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-25           6,417                  03/12/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-26           8,303                  04/14/14   04/30/14    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GC-27           8,695                  04/14/14   04/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Associates        
                                                            GC-28           5,679                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-29           3,184                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-30           2,987                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-31          29,746                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-32           5,089                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-33           3,386                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-34           1,434                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-35           2,088                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-36          18,020                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-37           2,375                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-38          10,801                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-39           5,447                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-40          11,145                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-41           4,564                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-42           3,395                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-43          14,283                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-44           3,039                  08/20/14   09/09/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-45             654                  08/20/14   09/09/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-46           5,779                  08/20/14   09/09/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-47           4,846                  08/20/14   09/09/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-48           7,987                  08/20/14   09/03/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-49           3,923                  08/18/14   09/03/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-50           7,560                  08/18/14   09/08/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-51          55,058                  08/18/14   09/08/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-52          29,999                  10/16/14   11/05/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-53          19,585                  10/16/14   11/17/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-54             625                  10/16/14   11/05/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-55           5,821                  10/16/14   11/05/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-56             912                  10/16/14   11/05/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-57           1,354                  10/16/14   11/05/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-58           9,102                  10/16/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-58           9,102                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-59          22,718                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-60          19,152                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-61           2,895                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-62           4,488                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-63           1,479                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-64           2,556                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-65          14,730                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-66          15,971                  11/25/14   01/13/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-67           7,997                  11/25/14   01/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-68           4,623                  11/25/14   01/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-69         109,491                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-70          28,939                  12/16/14   12/22/14    ANdrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-71          13,624                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-72           1,931                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-73           3,015                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-74          11,971                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-75             981                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-76           4,940                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-77           5,835                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-78           5,750                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-79           5,859                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-80           1,965                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-81           9,744                  03/31/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-82             969                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-83          11,096                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-84          21,005                  04/28/15   05/22/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-85          24,635                  04/28/15   05/22/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-86          23,355                  04/28/15   05/22/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-87           5,124                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-88           2,092                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-89           2,307                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-90          20,889                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-91           1,952                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-92           1,463                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-93          20,196                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrw R. Mancini Assoc.             
                                                            GC-94          10,244                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Associates        
                                                            GC-95           4,249                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-96           5,581                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-97           2,219                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrw R. Mancini Assoc.             
                                                            GC-98           2,778                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GC-99           1,471                  06/04/15   06/17/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-01          4,000                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-010         9,612                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Andrew R. Manicni Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-011        12,589                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-011        12,589                  11/25/14     /  /      Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-012        19,259                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-013        15,157                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-014        24,366                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-016        13,080                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-017        13,522                  03/30/15   04/28/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-018        10,255                  03/30/15   04/28/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-019         6,116                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-02          1,500                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-020         4,266                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-021         7,103                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-022        11,501                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-023         1,380                  07/16/15   08/11/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-024         2,473                  07/16/15   08/12/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-025         2,480                  04/13/16   05/06/16    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GWB-026        18,532                  01/10/17   01/25/17    Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.  
                                                            GWB-03          1,500                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-04         10,982                  07/26/13   07/31/13    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-05         12,760                  11/01/13   11/25/13    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GWB-06         18,998                  12/09/13   01/31/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-07          5,703                  05/13/14   05/21/14    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GWB-08         11,278                  05/13/14   08/11/14    ANDREW R MANCINI ASSOCIATES         
                                                            GWB-09          3,711                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            GWB-15          7,657                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Andrew R. Mancini Assoc.            
                                                            HVAC-01        15,000                  06/12/13   07/03/14    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            HVAC-02       213,000                  06/12/13   07/03/14    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            HVAC-023       10,112                  10/10/14   10/20/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-03        15,000                  06/12/13   07/03/14    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            HVAC-04        51,613                  08/30/13   07/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-05        51,821                  08/30/13   07/03/14    Piccirlli-Slavik & Vincent          
                                                            HVAC-06        -3,624                  09/13/13   07/03/14    Piccirillo-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-07          -536                  09/13/13   07/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-08        28,640                  09/13/13   07/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-09         3,347                  10/07/13   07/03/14    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            HVAC-10        15,718                  11/01/13   07/03/14    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT         
                                                            HVAC-11        -4,272                  12/16/13   07/03/14    Piccirlli-Slavik & Vincent          
                                                            HVAC-12        -1,001                  01/17/14   03/20/14    Piccirilli - Slavik & Vincent       
                                                            HVAC-13         3,308                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-14         8,789                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-15         3,790                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-16         6,939                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-17         5,985                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-18        12,085                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-19        13,249                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-20         1,606                  07/11/14   08/29/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-21         3,586                  07/24/14   08/27/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-22         1,837                  08/27/14   09/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-24        27,696                  10/10/14   10/20/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-25        26,228                  10/10/14   10/20/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-26        27,210                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-27        15,323                  02/10/15   02/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-28           678                  04/21/15   05/11/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-29         4,716                  04/21/15   05/11/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-30           953                  04/21/15   05/11/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-31         1,440                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            HVAC-32         2,800                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-01           6,900                  06/12/13   07/26/13    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONSTRUCTION         
                                                            MC-02          32,000                  06/12/13   07/26/13    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONSTRUCTION         
                                                            MC-025           -536                  02/03/16   02/08/16    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONSTRUCTION CO      
                                                            MC-03          14,700                  06/12/13   07/03/14    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONSTRUCTION         
                                                            MC-04          18,400                  06/12/13   07/03/14    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONSTRUCTION         
                                                            MC-05          -1,263                  07/26/13   08/08/13    Jospeh Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-06          -1,710                  09/13/13   10/15/13    Jospeh Baldwin construction         
                                                            MC-07          14,185                  09/13/13   10/15/13    JOSEPH BALDWIN CONST                
                                                            MC-08          23,967                  09/27/13   10/16/13    Jospeh Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-09         -12,236                  11/22/13   01/31/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-10          -4,154                  03/12/14     /  /      Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-11          11,353                  03/12/14     /  /      Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-12            -759                  05/13/14   05/30/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-13           6,683                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-14           8,538                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-15           3,965                  11/25/14   01/07/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-16          11,516                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-17          10,132                  12/16/14   11/17/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-18          12,438                  12/16/14   12/22/14    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-19         -16,429                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-20           1,335                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-21           3,093                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-22           3,116                  04/28/15   05/12/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-23           8,414                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            MC-24          -3,405                  09/28/15   10/07/15    Joseph Baldwin Construction         
                                                            PC-01          42,000                  06/12/13   07/03/14    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS              
                                                            PC-013          2,923                  03/30/15     /  /      Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-02           2,643                  07/26/13   08/08/13    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-03          14,121                  09/13/13   07/03/14    HMI Mechanical Systems, Inc.        
                                                            PC-04            -225                  09/13/13   07/03/14    HMI Mechanical Systems, Inc.        
                                                            PC-05           6,772                  11/01/13   07/14/14    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS              
                                                            PC-06           9,540                  01/24/14   02/20/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-07           1,234                  01/24/14   02/20/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-08           1,577                  01/24/14   02/20/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-09           1,869                  01/24/14   02/20/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-10           4,572                  01/24/14   02/20/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-11           3,090                  03/12/14     /  /      HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-12           4,890                  03/12/14     /  /      HMI Mechanicals Systems             
                                                            PC-13           1,286                  04/13/16   05/06/16    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-14          10,939                  06/11/14   08/01/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-15          16,020                  07/24/14   08/27/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-16           5,210                  08/27/14   10/08/14    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-17           7,784                  11/25/14   01/12/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-18             996                  11/25/14   01/12/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-19           4,667                  11/25/14   01/12/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-20             841                  11/25/14   01/12/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-21           2,797                  05/01/15   05/13/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-22           2,547                  05/18/15   05/26/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-23           1,744                  07/16/15   08/11/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-24           9,574                  07/16/15   08/11/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-25             664                  07/16/15   08/11/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            PC-26          16,653                  07/16/15   08/11/15    HMI Mechanical Systems              
                                                            RC-01          33,042                  12/23/13   01/22/14    Tower Roofing                       
                                                            RC-02         -36,100                  01/24/14   02/20/14    Tower Roofing                       
                                                            RC-03           5,302                  09/23/15   09/25/15    Tower Roofing                       
                                                            RC-04            -117                  09/23/15   09/25/15    Tower Roofing                       
                                                            SC-01         394,400                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excavation                      
                                                            SC-02          48,700                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excvation                       
                                                            SC-021          1,588                  01/17/14   02/20/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-022         12,705                  01/17/14   02/20/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-023          6,388                  05/13/14   05/30/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-024         26,957                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-025         11,112                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-026          6,952                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-027         10,963                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-028          1,389                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-029         11,434                  06/11/14   07/31/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-03          22,608                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-030          2,783                  06/11/14   08/01/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-032          2,178                  07/11/14   08/29/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-033         24,078                  08/20/14   09/09/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-035        -11,000                  08/20/14   09/09/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-037          7,574                  08/20/14   09/09/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-038         17,319                  08/20/14   09/24/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-039          9,882                  08/27/14   09/03/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-040          4,303                  08/26/14   09/03/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-041         96,736                  08/27/14   10/25/18    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-042          7,722                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-043         12,812                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-044         18,956                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-045          2,450                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-046          1,379                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-047         29,875                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-049        -21,559                  04/13/16   05/06/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-05          30,459                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-051         18,760                  11/25/14   12/08/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-052          9,645                  11/25/14   12/08/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-053         12,627          12,627  11/25/14   12/04/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-055          5,690                  04/20/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-056         12,837                  04/21/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-057            775                  04/21/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-060         22,035                  04/21/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-062         22,745                  07/16/15   08/11/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-064         16,397                  02/03/16   02/08/16    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-065          4,979                  10/11/16   11/04/16    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-066         25,228                  04/26/17   05/22/17    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-07          58,019                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-09          32,604                  07/26/13   07/31/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-10        -133,000                  09/13/13   10/24/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-12          18,158                  08/30/13   09/09/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-54          28,137                  03/30/15   04/24/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SS-01           9,000                  06/12/13   07/26/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-02           2,000                  06/12/13   07/26/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-03            -539                  06/26/13   07/31/13    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-04            -296                  06/26/13   07/31/13    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-05          10,756                  08/30/13   09/09/13    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-06             860                  08/30/13   09/09/13    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-07           6,558                  09/13/13   10/15/13    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-08          47,519                  10/07/13   11/15/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-09           3,409                  11/01/13   11/25/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-10           8,172                  11/01/13   11/25/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-11           3,037                  11/01/13   11/25/13    KINSLEY MANUFACTURING               
                                                            SS-12          28,166                  12/16/13   01/22/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-13           9,859                  03/21/14   04/10/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-14           6,463                  03/21/14   04/10/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-15           4,700                  03/21/14   04/10/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-16           3,153                  03/21/14   04/10/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-17           2,082                  03/21/14   04/10/14    Kinsley Manufactring                
                                                            SS-18           2,814                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-19           4,803                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-20             822                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-21          33,440                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-22           5,257                  05/22/14   06/16/14    Kinsley Manufactruing               
                                                            SS-23           4,596                  07/10/14   08/29/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-24           1,284                  07/10/14   08/29/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-25          20,695                  07/10/14   08/29/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-26           4,257                  07/10/14   08/29/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-27          21,790                  10/10/14   10/20/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-28           4,692                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-29          29,805                  10/16/14   11/03/14    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            SS-30           3,867                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Kinsley Manifacturing               
                                                            SS-31          -1,680                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Kinsley Manufacturing               
                                                            Sound-01       16,705                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Brown Sound Equipment Corp.         
                                                            TC-001         -9,420                  05/18/15   05/26/15    Janson Industries                   
11-0224   Reconstruction               0-023-032  10/28/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001           -174                  02/17/12   06/06/12    G.O. WICK INC                       
                                                            HVAC-001        4,983                  03/19/12   08/06/12    POSTLER & JAECKLE CORP              
12-0915   Reconstruction               0-023-033  01/23/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-002        220,154                  12/07/12   06/28/13    Pooler Enterprises                  
                                                            GC-006        509,300                  12/14/12   06/28/13    Pooler Enterprises                  
                                                            SC-034         21,494                  08/20/14   09/09/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-036            733                  08/20/14   09/09/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-04           2,142                  07/12/13   07/26/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-048          4,596                  11/25/14   12/08/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-049         21,559                  11/25/14   12/08/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-050         66,965                  12/16/14   01/12/15    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-058         20,800                  04/21/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-059         29,706                  04/21/15   05/11/15    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-06          30,465                  07/12/13   07/24/13    LRS Excavating                      
                                                            SC-061          8,432                  05/01/15   05/18/15    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-063        100,450                  02/03/16   02/12/16    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-067         15,336                  04/26/17   06/05/17    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-068         12,768                  04/26/17   06/05/17    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-069          3,487                  08/21/17   10/04/17    LRS Excavating Inc.                 
                                                            SC-070          3,209                  08/09/18   08/28/18    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-071          2,826                  08/09/18   08/28/18    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-08          47,406                  07/12/13   07/26/13    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-11         133,000                  09/13/13   08/26/24    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-13         185,137                  09/13/13   08/26/24    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-14         167,242                  09/13/13   08/26/24    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-15         156,238                  10/07/13   10/31/13    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-16          86,116                  10/07/13   10/31/13    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-17         139,014                  10/07/13   10/31/13    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-18          25,021                  10/07/13   10/31/13    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-19          26,531                  10/07/13   10/31/13    LRS EXCAVATING INC                  
                                                            SC-20          86,987                  11/22/13   08/26/24    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
                                                            SC-31          19,349                  06/11/14   07/31/14    LRS Excavating, Inc.                
13-1693   Reconstruction               0-023-034  12/03/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001          4,025                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            EC-004          7,740                  08/24/15   08/27/15    Matco Electric Corporation          
                                                            EC-005         11,260                  08/24/15   08/27/15    Matco Electric Corporation          
                                                            EC-006          3,900                  09/28/15   11/24/15    Matco Electric Corporation          
                                                            EC-009          3,760                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            EC-010          3,512                  02/03/16   02/12/16    MATCO ELECTRIC CORP                 
                                                            EC-011          2,575                  08/19/16   10/06/16    Matco Electric Corp                 
                                                            EC-012           -639                  10/11/16   10/26/16    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            EC-02          19,125                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Matco Electric Corporation          
                                                            EC-03          21,425                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Matco Electric Corporation          
                                                            EC-07           9,415                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            EC-08           4,470                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            GC-001          2,270                  05/01/15   05/13/15    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-002          9,564                  05/01/15   05/13/15    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-003          2,638                  07/16/15   08/14/15    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-004          2,827                  07/16/15   08/14/15    Keuka Contracting Corp.             
                                                            GC-005         13,926                  08/24/15     /  /      Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-006         17,910                  08/24/15   08/27/15    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-007         10,906                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-008          5,341                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-009          1,858                  02/03/16   02/12/16    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION                  
                                                            GC-012          6,330                  04/13/16   10/05/16    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-014            630                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-015         -6,330                  03/10/17   03/30/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-016         11,703                  03/10/17   03/30/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-017         16,123                  03/10/17   03/30/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-018          3,674                  06/08/17   06/23/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-019          4,803                  09/08/17   10/10/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-10           5,539                  02/03/16   02/12/16    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION                  
                                                            GC-11             537                  02/03/16   02/12/16    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION                  
                                                            GC-13           2,021                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            HVAC-002        3,408                  09/28/15   11/24/15    Kimble Mechanical                   
                                                            HVAC-003       19,529                  09/28/15   11/24/15    Kimble Mechanical                   
                                                            HVAC-004        5,624                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            HVAC-005       10,787                  02/03/16   02/12/16    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            HVAC-006        4,128                  02/26/16   03/07/16    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            HVAC-007         -692                  04/13/16   10/05/16    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            HVAC-1         20,681                  05/18/15   06/17/15    Kimble Mechanical                   
                                                            PC-002          1,372                  02/03/16   02/12/16    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC          
                                                            PC-003          2,182                  02/03/16   02/12/16    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC          
                                                            PC-004         -1,000                  03/31/16   04/12/16    HMI Mechanical Systems, Inc. HMI Mec
                                                            PC-01           1,387                  08/06/15   08/26/15    HMI Mechanical Systems Inc.         
14-0496   Reconstruction               0-023-035  11/17/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            GC-001          3,392                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Bacon & Seiler Constructors, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002          2,075                  07/16/15   08/14/15    Bacon & Seiler Construction Inc.    
                                                            GC-003            -86                  07/16/15   08/14/15    Bacon & Seiler Construction Inc.    
14-1313   Reconstruction               0-023-036  06/17/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-006          3,124                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-07             589                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Billiter Electric                   
                                                            GC-008         15,309                  05/19/16     /  /      EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            GC-009         21,800                  05/19/16   05/27/16    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            HVAC-001       -5,000                  10/28/16     /  /      Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-001          2,130                  03/02/16   03/11/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-003          3,537                  03/02/16   03/11/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
16-0156   Reconstruction               0-023-037  06/16/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          3,171                  08/07/20   10/06/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP.        
                                                            EC-002          3,565                  02/11/21   04/08/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003          8,797                  02/11/21   04/08/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-004          2,420                  02/11/21   04/09/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005           -225                  02/11/21   04/09/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            GC-001          4,645                  03/18/20   07/06/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-001         19,959                  08/07/20   09/25/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-002        -11,300                  08/07/20   09/25/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-003         32,606                  08/07/20   09/25/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-004         13,508                  08/07/20   09/25/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-005          4,737                  09/16/20   11/13/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-006          4,110                  09/16/20   11/13/20    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-008         15,577                  11/23/20   02/19/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-009          4,500                  11/23/20   02/19/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-010          4,871                  02/11/21   04/08/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-011            873                  02/11/21   04/08/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-012         18,312                  02/11/21   04/08/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            GC-013            -84                  02/11/21   04/08/21    ELMIRA STRUCTURES, INC.             
                                                            MC-001         10,151                  08/07/20   10/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-002          7,680                  08/07/20   10/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-003          1,922                  08/07/20   10/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-004           -530                  02/11/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-001          3,279                  08/07/20   10/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-002          3,329                  08/07/20   10/06/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-003          3,068                  08/26/20   10/30/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-004          2,820                  11/23/20   02/05/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-005          1,922                  02/11/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-006            684                  02/11/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-007            -28                  02/11/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            POOL-001       11,626                  05/08/20   07/21/20    PATTERSON-STEVENS, INC.             
                                                            POOL-002       34,539                  06/09/20   08/04/20    PATTERSON-STEVENS, INC.             
                                                            POOL-003       26,078                  02/11/21   04/08/21    PATTERSON-STEVENS, INC.             
                                                            POOL-004       -2,437                  02/11/21   04/08/21    PATTERSON-STEVENS, INC.             
                                                            RC-001          8,895                  08/07/20   09/25/20    J&B INSTALLATIONS, INC.             
                                                            RC-003         -1,296                  02/11/21   04/08/21    J&B INSTTALLATIONS, INC.            
                                                            SOUND-01       -5,000                  12/21/20   03/08/21    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
19-0149   Additions and Alterations    0-023-038  11/05/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          1,772                  08/07/20   10/06/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-002          5,081                  02/05/21   03/30/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003          9,048                  03/22/21   05/20/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-004            624                  03/22/21   05/20/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005            467                  04/22/21   06/30/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006            789                  08/13/21   04/20/22    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            GC-001          4,706                  06/09/20   08/04/20    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-002          6,384                  06/17/20   08/07/20    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-003          4,359                  08/07/20   09/25/20    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-004          1,088                  12/14/20   05/14/21    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-005          1,374                  03/22/21   06/22/21    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-006          5,636                  03/22/21   06/22/21    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-007            407                  03/22/21   06/22/21    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-008            -60                  04/27/21   08/12/21    MARCHUSKA BROTHERS                  
                                                            GC-009            451                  07/12/21   04/01/22    Marchuska Brothers                  
                                                            MC-001          3,870                  03/25/21   05/25/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            MC-002         -1,000                  04/27/21   07/22/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-001          2,882                  06/09/20   07/13/20    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-002          9,485                  04/27/21   07/22/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-003         -1,000                  04/27/21   07/22/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
19-1545   Reconstruction               0-023-039  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-1462   Reconstruction               0-023-040  10/31/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
21-0646   Reconstruction               0-023-041  03/18/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001         13,548                  02/27/23   12/05/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELEC CORP              
                                                            EC-002          9,262                  04/24/23   12/27/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-003          8,613                  04/24/23   12/27/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-004          4,365                  06/12/23   01/02/24    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-005          1,450                  06/12/23   12/28/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-007            527                  06/12/23   12/28/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-009          1,813                  10/18/23   02/09/24    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-010            176                  12/19/23   05/07/24    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            GC-001          5,722                  09/19/22   11/13/23    Edger Entrps Inc                    
                                                            GC-002         56,092                  11/09/22   11/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES, INC.             
                                                            GC-003         10,976                  01/13/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-004         16,655                  01/13/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-005          7,438                  01/13/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-006         22,141                  01/13/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-007         12,266                  01/13/23   09/19/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-011          6,715                  02/27/23     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-012          8,701                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-013         -2,832                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-015          7,940                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-016         10,916                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-017          7,922                  04/24/23   01/02/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-019         20,439                  04/24/23   01/02/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-020          4,238                  04/24/23   01/08/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-021         14,675                  04/24/23   01/08/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-022         33,170                  04/24/23   01/08/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-023          1,835                  04/24/23     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-024        137,405                  04/24/23   01/18/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-025         14,842                  05/04/23   12/28/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-026          1,587                  05/03/23   12/28/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-028          8,841                  06/12/23   02/21/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-030            875                  06/20/23   12/22/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-031          7,313                  12/22/23   12/22/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-032          7,263                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-033         -4,568                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-034         29,135                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-035          7,404                  11/13/23   05/09/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-038          9,193                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-039         13,311                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-040          7,009                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-041          5,350                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-042            770                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-043          1,063                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterpriss Inc                
                                                            GC-044          3,338                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises LLC               
                                                            GC-045         10,667                  12/19/23   04/24/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-046         10,291                  12/26/23   04/29/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-047           -122                  12/26/23   04/29/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            MC-001          3,968                  09/19/22   10/31/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-010          7,155                  12/19/23   05/07/24    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            PC-002          3,805                  01/13/23   11/16/23    NJ GRAHAM INC                       
                                                            PC-003         12,497                  01/13/23   11/16/23    NJ GRAHAM INC                       
                                                            PC-004          3,756                  07/20/23   12/27/23    NJ Graham INC                       
                                                            PC-005          4,692                  06/20/23   12/27/23    NJ GRAHAM                           
                                                            PC-006            698                  08/14/23   01/03/24    NJ GRAHAM                           
                                                            SBD-001         1,052                  06/12/23   02/21/24    TOTHS SPORTS                        
                                                            SC-001          4,038                  10/18/23   02/09/24    EDWARD SIMON & CO                   
                                                            TC-001          7,020                  10/18/23   02/09/24    DAY AUTOMATION                      
23-1088   Reconstruction               0-023-042  07/01/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1868FP Reconstruction               0-023-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Middle School (frmly West HS):
90-1023   Reconstruction               0-024-006  03/12/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
90-1521   Reconstruction               0-024-007  06/19/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
90-1259   Reconstruction               0-024-008  04/25/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-0330   Reconstruction               0-024-009  10/11/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
92-0601   Additions and Alterations    0-024-010  03/19/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0899   Reconstruction               0-024-011  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0629   Reconstruction               0-024-012  02/27/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
95-0435   Reconstruction               0-024-013  11/28/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1675   Reconstruction               0-024-014  06/20/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0955   Reconstruction               0-024-015  04/01/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-0545   Reconstruction               0-024-016  03/02/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-01          44,158                  08/10/04   09/23/04    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            EC-04          60,443                  08/19/04   07/17/07    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            EC-06          -2,318                  06/30/05   07/21/05    Matco Electric Corp                 
                                                            EC-07           5,802                  10/18/06   03/23/07    Matco electric                      
                                                            HC-02             108                  02/14/05   03/17/05    Kimble Mechanical Contractors       
98-1258   Reconstruction               0-024-017  08/09/99  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            Ec-4           23,688                  03/09/01   01/14/03    RG Burns Elec.                      
99-0238   Reconstruction               0-024-019  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
01-0171   Reconstruction               0-024-021  10/02/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            RC-1           19,268                  03/18/03   03/20/03    J&B Installation                    
03-1470   Reconstruction               0-024-022  06/04/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
05-0575   Reconstruction               0-024-023  06/13/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0456   Reconstruction               0-024-024  04/24/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-3          -21,093                  12/10/10   01/20/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            MC-1           21,463                  04/21/09   02/11/11    KIMBLE INC                          
07-2141   Reconstruction               0-024-025  03/25/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
09-0221   Reconstruction               0-024-027  11/17/09  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
12-0262   Additions and Alterations    0-024-028  04/05/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001        100,675                  12/23/13     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-002         14,364                  01/17/14   02/20/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-003         25,976                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-004         -7,403                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-005          9,901                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-006           -661                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-007          3,884                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-008          8,815                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-009          2,611                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-010          1,083                  03/11/14   04/11/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-011          3,224                  04/04/14   04/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-012          2,137                  04/04/14   04/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-013          1,179                  04/04/14   04/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-014          3,433                  04/04/14   04/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-015          6,092                  04/14/14   05/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-016          3,041                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-017          3,408                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-018          5,458                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-019          6,488                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-020         -1,025                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-021          4,633                  04/14/14   05/08/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-022         -3,656                  05/22/14   06/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-023         19,084                  05/22/14   06/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-024          4,686                  05/22/14   06/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-025         10,616                  05/22/14   06/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-026          1,989                  06/26/14   09/19/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-027          3,274                  06/26/14   09/19/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-028            811                  06/26/14   09/19/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-029         61,120                  06/26/14     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-030          2,551                  11/25/14   12/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-031          3,413                  02/10/15   02/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-035          4,396                  04/21/15   05/12/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-039         13,896                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-045          2,073                  07/16/15   08/14/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-32          10,009                  02/10/15   02/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-33           3,142                  02/10/15   02/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-34           4,042                  02/10/15   02/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-36           2,168                  04/21/15   05/12/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-37           9,644                  04/21/15   05/12/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-38           4,535                  04/21/15   05/12/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-40           4,600                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-41           4,224                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-42           2,862                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-43           3,510                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-44             539                  05/01/15   05/13/15    John Mill Electric                  
                                                            FC-001            -83                  03/05/15   03/05/15    11400 Inc.                          
                                                            GC-001         -2,200                  09/05/13   09/19/13    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-002          6,032                  09/05/13   09/19/13    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-003         -2,500                  01/17/14     /  /      Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-004        141,255                  12/16/13   01/10/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-005           -537                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-006           -509                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-007         -3,325                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-008          7,248                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-009          2,458                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-010          2,917                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-011         -3,614                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-012         18,704                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-013         28,031                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-014           -303                  08/27/14   09/03/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-015          3,663                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-016          5,410                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-017          5,440                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-018          9,874                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-019          3,116                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-020          2,382                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Assocates Inc.             
                                                            GC-021          6,836                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-022         27,737                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-023          1,163                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-024         27,250                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-025         63,788                  12/16/14   12/30/14    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-042          2,002                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-043          2,913                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-044          3,694                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-045          1,081                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-046          2,543                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-047         -1,522                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-048          4,687                  05/18/15   06/01/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-050        -10,000                  12/10/15   01/04/16    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-26          12,843               3  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-27           5,039                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-28          15,450                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-29          13,917                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-30           5,600                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-31          11,474                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-32           2,498                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-33           7,579                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-34           1,143                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-35           2,499                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-36           5,475                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-37           6,568                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Assocaites Inc.            
                                                            GC-38           2,940                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-39           5,851                  04/21/15   05/12/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-40           2,653                  04/21/15   05/12/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            GC-41           3,116                  04/21/15   05/12/15    Streeter Associates Inc.            
                                                            MC-001         10,414                  11/22/13   02/14/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-002          6,764                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-003          6,761                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-004         -1,610                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-005          6,095                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-006          9,899                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirlli-Slavik & Vincent          
                                                            MC-007         17,770                  06/18/14   08/01/14    Piccirlli-Slavik & Vincent          
                                                            MC-008        -23,065                  08/27/14   09/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-009          3,891                  08/27/14   09/03/14    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-010          1,225                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-011          4,574                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-012          2,488                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-013          1,187                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-014          6,217                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-015          3,358                  02/10/15   02/11/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-016         32,679                  03/30/15   04/02/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-018          1,112                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            MC-019          8,087                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Piccirilli Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            PC-001            321                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-002          1,793                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-003          1,372                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-004          2,323                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-005          1,296                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-006          1,821                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-007            515                  01/17/14   02/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-008          2,578                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-009            685                  05/22/14   06/30/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-010          2,465                  07/30/14   08/20/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-011          1,646                  11/05/14   11/12/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-012          5,130                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-013          2,923                  03/30/15   04/24/15    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc              
                                                            PC-014          4,128                  03/30/15   04/07/15    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-015          3,836                  03/30/15   04/07/15    Ackerman Plumbing, Inc.             
                                                            PC-017          3,379                  05/01/15   05/13/15    Ackerman Plumbing Inc.              
                                                            PC-018         -1,112                  08/06/15   08/26/15    Ackerman Plumbing Inc.              
                                                            PC-019          8,928                  11/19/15   12/23/15    Ackerman Plumbing                   
                                                            PC-020          1,916                  11/19/15   12/23/15    Ackerman Plumbing                   
                                                            PC-16          -3,832                  05/01/15   05/13/15    Ackerman Plumbing Inc.              
                                                            SC-001        106,914                  09/05/13     /  /      Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-002        125,611                  09/05/13   09/19/13    Edger Enterprises Of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-003          4,666                  09/05/13   12/04/13    Edger Enterprises Of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-004         10,184                  09/05/13   09/19/13    Edger Enterprises Of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-005         -5,092                  03/11/14   04/11/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-006         53,876                  03/11/14   04/11/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-007         16,387                  06/26/14   09/02/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-008           -513                  06/26/14   09/02/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-009          1,337                  06/26/14   09/02/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-010          2,258                  06/26/14   09/02/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-011          3,616                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-012          1,017                  11/25/14   12/08/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-013         16,152                  12/18/14   12/30/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-014         20,568                  12/18/14   12/30/14    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            SC-015         13,244                  03/30/15     /  /      Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            SC-016          2,171                  06/04/15   06/10/15    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
11-0225   Reconstruction               0-024-029  10/28/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HVAC-002        4,744                  03/19/12   08/06/12    POSTLER & JAECKLE CORP              
14-1314   Reconstruction               0-024-030  06/17/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001         -8,283                  11/24/15   12/23/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-002          6,719                  11/24/15   12/23/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-003          2,525                  11/24/15   12/23/15    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-004         -2,031                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EC-005          3,124                  06/27/16   10/05/16    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            GC-001          9,938           9,938  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excacvation           
                                                            GC-002         10,092                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            GC-003            823                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            GC-004          5,208                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            GC-005          2,985                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            GC-006          3,500                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            GC-007         11,051                  03/21/16   03/29/16    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            HVAC-001       -5,000                  10/28/16   11/17/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-002          3,960                  03/02/16   03/23/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-004           -275                  10/28/16   11/17/16    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
15-0145   Reconstruction               0-024-031  12/01/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001            258                  04/13/16   03/02/17    Matco Electric Corp.                
                                                            GC-001         -4,147                  04/21/17   03/01/17    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-002        -10,000                  10/11/16   03/01/17    Keuka Construction Corp.            
                                                            GC-049         14,224                  07/16/15   03/01/17    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            HVAC-001         -959                  04/13/16   03/02/17    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            MC-017         29,820                  06/04/15   03/01/17    Piccirilli-Slavik & Vincent         
                                                            PC-001          1,328                  01/12/17   03/02/17    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-002          4,057                  01/12/17   03/02/17    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-003           -214                  01/12/16   03/02/17    Kimble, Inc.                        
15-1554   Reconstruction               0-024-032  09/27/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
15-1517   Reconstruction               0-024-033  06/20/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            C-001         -21,809                  07/21/17   10/25/17    Day Automation                      
                                                            C-002          27,144                  07/21/17   10/25/17    Day Automation                      
15-1555   Reconstruction               0-024-034  09/30/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002         -6,800                  05/14/18   06/01/18    BLACKMON FARRELL                    
                                                            EC001          13,339                  06/08/18   07/03/18    BLACKMON FARRELL                    
                                                            GC-001          2,700                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-002        -30,000                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-003          8,400                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-004         10,063                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-005            873                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-006         19,887                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-007          2,292                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-008          1,905                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-009            977                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-010          5,767                  06/13/17   06/23/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-011          6,939                  11/29/17   12/15/17    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc.    
                                                            GC-012          4,633                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-013          3,095                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-014          2,359                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-015         19,174                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-016          2,249                  02/28/18   03/06/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-017          2,259                  04/05/18   04/12/18    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc.   
                                                            GC-018           -225                  07/11/18   08/01/18    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
17-0203   Reconstruction               0-024-036  11/01/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-001        -10,800                  04/06/18   04/09/18    Louis N. Picciano and Son, Inc.     
                                                            MC-002          3,300                  04/06/18     /  /      Louis N. Picciano and Son, Inc.     
18-0047   Reconstruction               0-024-037  07/26/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            HC-001          2,058                  06/03/19   06/04/19    LOUIS N. PICCIANO & SON, INC.       
19-1546   Reconstruction               0-024-038  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1923   Reconstruction               0-024-039  08/25/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-0761   Reconstruction               0-024-040  02/21/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001          2,024                  08/30/21   11/25/22    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC, CORP         
                                                            EC-002         14,230                  05/09/22   03/13/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-003          5,421                  08/29/22   04/20/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-004          1,924                  08/29/22   04/20/23    SChuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-005          2,147                  08/29/22   04/20/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-006          1,458                  08/29/22   04/20/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-007          4,222                  08/29/22   04/20/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-009         12,382                  11/15/23   01/30/24    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-010            897                  11/15/23   01/30/24    Schuker-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-011             39                  11/15/23   01/30/24    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            GC-001          9,759                  10/18/21   08/02/22    LeChase Const Services, LLC         
                                                            GC-002          6,448                  12/17/21   01/24/23    LECHASE                             
                                                            GC-003          2,899                  12/17/21   01/24/23    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-004         13,257                  12/17/21   01/24/23    LECHASE                             
                                                            GC-005          1,279                  10/18/21   12/05/22    Frey & Campbell, Inc                
                                                            GC-005          1,251                  12/17/21   01/24/23    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-006          4,238                  12/17/21   01/23/23    LECHASE                             
                                                            GC-007          4,060                  12/17/21   01/23/23    LECHASE                             
                                                            GC-008          3,498                  12/17/22   01/09/23    LECHASE                             
                                                            GC-011         16,411                  05/09/22   05/09/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-012         16,883                  05/09/22   05/09/23    LeChse Const Servs                  
                                                            GC-013         14,181                  09/08/22   08/22/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-014         15,480                  09/08/22   08/22/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-015         23,540                  09/08/22   08/22/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-016         10,389                  11/22/22   09/12/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-017          2,616                  11/22/22   09/12/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-018         -9,943                  11/22/22   09/12/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-019         25,532                  11/22/22   09/12/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-020          8,870                  06/12/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-021         34,184                  06/12/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-022         36,832                  06/12/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-023          5,204                  06/12/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            GC-025         26,987                  09/29/23   07/22/24    LeChase Const                       
                                                            GC-026          1,695                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-027         26,600                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-028          9,439                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-029         10,568                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-030          8,209                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-031           -108                  11/06/23   05/14/24    LeChase Construction Services LLC   
                                                            GC-09           8,752                  03/14/22   02/17/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-10          16,521                  03/14/22   02/22/23    LeChase Const Servs                 
                                                            GC-24           2,765                  06/12/23   12/18/23    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES       
                                                            MC-001            325                  10/06/21   11/22/22    Frey&Campbell, LLC                  
                                                            MC-003          2,288                  12/17/21   01/09/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-004            447                  12/17/21   01/09/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-005          3,015                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-006          4,306                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-007         22,544                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-008          2,806                  02/14/22   02/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-010          4,665                  02/14/22   02/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-013          3,538                  09/08/22   05/31/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-014          4,849                  09/08/22   05/31/23    Frey & Campbell Inc                 
                                                            MC-015          5,545                  05/12/23   12/29/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-016         16,275                  05/12/23   12/29/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-017          4,594                  05/12/23   12/29/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-018         20,378                  06/12/23   12/28/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-019         23,755                  06/12/23   12/28/23    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-020          9,234                  06/12/23   12/28/23    FREY AND CAMPBELL                   
                                                            MC-021          3,545                  11/21/23   03/05/24    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-022          2,238                  11/21/23   03/05/24    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            MC-023           -962                  11/21/23   11/22/24    FREY AND CAMPBELL                   
                                                            MC-09           3,324                  02/14/22   02/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-11          10,102                  02/14/22   02/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-12           3,015                  02/14/22   02/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            PC-001         -1,422                  10/28/21   12/08/22    Thurston & Dudek, LLC               
                                                            PC-002            423                  12/17/21   01/09/23    THURSTON & DUDEK                    
                                                            PC-005          8,421                  05/09/22   03/13/23    Thurston&Dudek LLC                  
                                                            PC-006         30,841                  09/23/22   10/31/23    Thurston & Dudek LLC                
                                                            PC-007          2,332                  08/04/23   12/29/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            PC-007              0                  08/04/23   12/29/23    THURSTON & DUDEK                    
                                                            PC-03           1,124                  03/14/22   02/17/23    Thurston&Dudek LLC                  
                                                            PC-04             429                  03/14/22   02/17/23    Thurston&Dudek LLC                  
                                                            RC-001        -57,241                  10/21/21   12/06/22    Titan Roofing Inc                   
                                                            RC-002          2,451                  11/15/23   05/10/24    Titan Roofing Inc                   
                                                            RC-003          9,406                  11/15/23   05/10/24    Titan Roofing Inc                   
                                                            RC-004           -656                  11/15/23   05/10/24    Titan Roofing inc                   
20-1210   Reconstruction               0-024-041  07/14/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1653   Reconstruction               0-024-042  07/13/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1189   Reconstruction               0-024-043  07/31/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001           -741                  01/21/25   01/29/25    Matco Electric                      
                                                            EC-002          1,913                  01/21/25   01/29/25    Matco Electric                      
                                                            GC-001         25,063                  01/21/25   01/24/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-002          8,597                  01/21/25   01/24/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-003          1,549                  01/21/25   01/24/25    LeChase Construction Services       
                                                            GC-004              0                  01/21/25   01/24/25    LeChase Construction Services5122   
                                                            GC-005           -548                  01/21/25   01/24/25    LeChase Construction Services       
02-1872FP Reconstruction               0-024-FP1  05/30/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Administration Building:
99-0239   Reconstruction               1-001-004  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-1465   Reconstruction               1-001-005  06/04/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            RC-1           20,051                  02/17/05   04/28/05    J and B Installations               
                                                            RC-3           -1,000                  10/30/06   12/18/06    J and B Installation                
19-0950   Reconstruction               1-001-008  03/12/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         21,622                  10/29/20   02/09/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-002         14,416                  10/29/20   02/09/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-003         11,150                  10/29/20   02/09/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-004         14,231                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-005         11,390                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-006          5,619                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-007          3,750                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-008          1,256                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-009         16,735                  02/25/21   04/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-010           -672                  02/25/21   04/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-011          3,296                  07/12/21   04/01/22    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-012          1,992                  07/12/21   12/30/21    Streeter Associates Inc             
                                                            RC-001          7,115                  12/21/20   03/31/21    HALE CONTRACTING, INC.              
                                                            RC-002          2,416                  12/21/20   03/31/21    HALE CONTRACTING, INC.              
                                                            RC-003           -886                  02/18/21   04/07/21    HALE CONTRACTING, INC.              
19-1547   Reconstruction               1-001-009  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1211   Reconstruction               1-001-010  07/14/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-1427   Reconstruction               1-001-011  05/26/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            MC-001          9,165                  02/07/22   02/08/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-002         -3,216                  02/07/22   02/08/23    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            MC-003          3,715                  06/27/22   04/27/23    Kimble Inc                          

          Goff Road Building:
23-1748   Reconstruction               1-088-002  01/16/25  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXBus Garage Shed-Demolition 090520:
19-1717   Reconstruction               2-025-001  05/18/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXPE Eqpmnt Strge-Pierce (sold 2015):
98-0323   Reconstruction               2-040-001  12/16/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXHead Start Strg-Pierce (sold 2015):
98-0324   Reconstruction               2-043-001  01/07/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Storage Building - Demolition:
21-0647   Reconstruction               2-083-001  03/18/22  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          HS Storage Building:
21-0648   New Construction             2-084-001  03/18/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-006          4,740                  06/12/23   12/28/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            EC-008            213                  06/12/23   12/28/23    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP          
                                                            GC-008         27,179                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-009          5,652                  02/27/23     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-010         12,163                  02/27/23   12/13/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-014          1,852                  02/27/23   12/05/23    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-018              0                  04/24/23   01/02/24    WELLIVER                            
                                                            GC-027           -700                  06/12/23   02/21/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-029          7,163                  06/12/23   02/21/24    EDGER ENTERPRISES                   
                                                            GC-036          3,058                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            GC-037         10,111                  11/13/23   02/16/24    Edger Enterprises Inc               
                                                            PC-001         11,811                  01/13/23   11/16/23    NJ GRAHAM INC                       

          Goff Road Storage Building:
23-1749   New Construction             2-089-001  01/16/25  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
92-1188   Reconstruction               5-015-001  06/09/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0900   Reconstruction               5-015-002  04/19/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
97-1877   Reconstruction               5-015-003  09/08/98  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0240   Reconstruction               5-015-004  12/21/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
04-0845   Reconstruction               5-015-005  05/12/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-2            5,404                  05/19/06   06/23/06    Keuka Construction                  
15-0388   Reconstruction               5-015-007  09/11/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          3,911                  03/31/16   04/12/16    Filltrec Corporation                
                                                            GC-002         -1,000                  01/10/17   01/20/17    Filtrec Corporation                 
19-1182   Reconstruction               5-015-008  05/18/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         20,273                  11/02/20   01/22/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-002          1,955                  11/02/20   01/22/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-003          4,456                  02/11/21   04/08/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-004          2,576                  02/11/21   04/08/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005           -482                  03/25/21   05/25/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006          2,963                  03/25/21   05/25/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-007          1,252                  03/25/21   05/25/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-008          7,818                  04/22/21   06/30/21    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            GC-001         33,428                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-002         23,838                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-003         21,817                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-004          9,663                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-005          7,189                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-006          1,969                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTIOM SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-007          1,909                  01/06/21   04/21/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-008          5,618                  01/06/21   03/19/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-009          4,129                  02/11/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-010          5,964                  02/11/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-011         -1,313                  02/11/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-012          2,807                  02/11/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-013          1,859                  02/11/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-014            559                  02/11/21   05/18/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-015          1,450                  02/18/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-016            168                  02/18/21   04/28/21    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            PC-001          4,087                  02/18/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-002           -390                  02/18/21   04/09/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-003          9,401                  04/27/21   08/03/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-004          1,881                  04/27/21   08/03/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
                                                            PC-005          1,728                  04/27/21   08/03/21    KIMBLE, INC.                        
19-1548   Reconstruction               5-015-009  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXPump House - Demolition 090520:
19-1716   Reconstruction               7-022-001  05/18/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          E.H.S. Stadium:
90-1178   Reconstruction               7-026-003  05/01/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
03-1471   Reconstruction               7-026-005  06/04/04  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-0497   Reconstruction               7-026-006  11/20/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          7,480                  09/28/15   11/24/15    A-Turf                              
                                                            GC-002         -2,940                  12/10/15   01/04/16    A-Turf                              
                                                            GC-003         -4,000                  04/13/16   10/05/16    A-Turf                              
14-1185   Reconstruction               7-026-007  03/08/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          6,743                  01/18/17   01/20/17    Bouille Electric, Inc.              
                                                            EC-002         19,587                  01/18/17   01/20/17    Bouille Electric, Inc.              
                                                            EC-003          2,224                  05/16/17   06/19/19    Bouille Electric, Inc.              
                                                            EC-004         13,120                  11/29/17   02/14/18    Bouille Electric, Inc.              
                                                            EC-005         24,601                  07/11/18   08/01/18    BOUILLE ELECTRIC INC                
                                                            GC-001         22,617                  02/08/17   02/21/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-001          6,503                  06/23/17   07/05/17    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-002            692                  01/20/17   01/27/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-002        -12,004                  06/23/17   07/05/17    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-003          1,736                  06/23/17   07/05/17    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-004          2,203                  11/29/17   12/19/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-004          3,696                  11/29/17   12/19/17    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC-005           -673                  11/29/17   12/19/17    Keuka Construction                  
                                                            GC-005           -160                  02/28/18   03/23/18    Streeter Associates                 
                                                            GC003             888                  06/08/18   06/29/18    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION                  
                                                            HVAC-001        4,696                  03/29/17   04/04/17    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            HVAC-002        6,871                  03/29/17   04/04/17    Frey & Campbell, Inc                
                                                            HVAC-003       -2,116                  10/16/17   10/19/17    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-001          2,000                  11/03/17   11/16/17    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
19-1549   Reconstruction               7-026-008  05/27/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Stadium Visitor Toilet Rooms:
14-1186   New Construction             7-066-001  03/08/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Baseball Dugout Storage:
23-1190   New Construction             7-086-001  07/31/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Softball Dugout Storage:
23-1191   New Construction             7-087-001  07/31/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

03-1472   Reconstruction               7-999-002  06/04/04  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            1             -19,969                  02/11/08   04/08/08    Ronco Communications & electronics  
12-0230   Reconstruction               7-999-003  01/15/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001         -1,764                  11/01/13   03/04/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-002         22,400                  11/01/13   03/04/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-003         14,920                  12/13/13   03/04/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-004         20,459                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-005          1,345                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-006          1,533                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-007          5,884                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-008          1,083                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-009         12,285                  06/05/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-010          3,206                  06/04/14   06/18/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-011          3,559                  07/30/14   08/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-012          6,982                  07/30/14   08/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-013          1,615                  07/30/14   08/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-014          2,839                  07/30/14   08/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-015          4,189                  07/30/14   08/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-016          4,871                  06/30/14   08/27/14    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-017          1,831                  09/26/14   10/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-018          2,912                  09/26/14   10/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-019            512                  09/26/14   10/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-020         11,454                  09/26/14   10/08/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-021          1,336                  09/26/14   10/08/14    Jon Mills Electric                  
                                                            EC-022          5,914                  11/05/14   11/24/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-023          4,034                  11/05/14   11/24/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-024            715                  11/05/14   11/24/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-038          2,868                  03/30/15   04/28/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-039            658                  03/30/15   04/28/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-045          4,608                  05/18/15   05/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-046          4,265                  05/18/15   05/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-047         11,371                  06/16/15   07/22/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-048         28,351                  06/16/15   07/22/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-049         26,147                  06/16/15   07/22/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-050          1,582                  06/16/15   07/22/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-25           9,319                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-26          14,244                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-27             849                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-28           5,114                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-29           2,170                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-30           2,072                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-31             598                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-32             629                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-33             567                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-34             879                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-35           3,069                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-36           4,383                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-37           2,114                  02/10/15   02/26/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-40           2,539                  04/21/15   05/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-41             257                  04/21/15   05/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-42           2,654                  04/21/15   05/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-43             280                  04/21/15   05/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-44           8,774                  04/21/15   05/11/15    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            PCC-001       -37,640                  09/26/14   10/08/14    Presentation Concepts Corp.         
                                                            PCC-002         2,857                  11/05/14   11/24/14    Presentation Concept Corp.          
                                                            PCC-003         4,550                  01/28/15   02/03/15    Prsentation Concepts Corp.          
                                                            WAP-001       -23,497                  01/28/15   02/26/15    Matco Electric Corp.                
11-0703   Reconstruction               7-999-004  06/06/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001           -291                  11/01/13   12/04/13    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC                 
                                                            EC-002          1,803                  12/13/13   01/27/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-003          1,881                  12/16/13   01/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-004          1,568                  12/16/13   01/30/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            EC-005          1,109                  01/17/14   02/20/14    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            GC-001         18,039                  09/06/12   12/20/12    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-002          1,553                  12/21/12   04/05/13    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-003          3,125                  02/13/13   05/13/13    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-004          9,125                  10/07/13   11/08/13    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-005          6,475                  12/13/13   06/27/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-006          3,502                  12/13/13   06/27/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-007            700                  12/16/13   06/27/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-008          2,985                  01/17/14   07/24/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            HVAC-001       -4,778                  04/18/14   05/16/14    KIMBLE INC                          
19-1739   Reconstruction               7-999-006  07/14/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-15-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Main Building:
94-0293   Reconstruction               0-001-004  11/14/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-1482   Reconstruction               0-001-005  06/26/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1672   Additions and Alterations    0-001-006  07/22/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-0284   Additions and Alterations    0-001-007  06/24/03  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            003             2,852                  03/22/05   03/31/05    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            004             2,769                  03/22/05   03/31/05    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            005             4,638                  03/22/05   03/31/05    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            E-001          -2,196                  02/14/05   03/02/05    Blackmon Farrell Electric           
                                                            E-002             321                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Blackmon Farrell electric           
                                                            E-003          -2,500                  03/30/06   07/21/06    Blackmon Farrell Electric           
                                                            G-001             787                  06/18/04   06/22/04    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            G-002             630                  10/18/04   10/26/04    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            G-006          13,790                  03/22/05   03/31/05    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            G-007         -10,000                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            G-008          -2,217                  04/10/06   06/26/06    Lobar Inc                           
                                                            H-001           3,919                  10/18/04   10/26/04    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            H-002           4,169                  10/18/04   10/26/04    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            H-003          -4,355                  06/06/05   07/19/05    Kimble Inc                          
                                                            P-001           3,386                  10/06/04   10/18/04    Nairy Mech.                         
                                                            P-002          -2,500                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Nairy Mechanical                    
04-0508   Additions and Alterations    0-001-008  02/15/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           1,461                  06/23/05   07/21/05    GVE Inc                             
                                                            E-002          -1,939                  03/10/06   06/30/06    GVE Inc                             
                                                            E-003          -3,000                  04/10/06   05/26/06    GVE Inc                             
                                                            GC-001         -1,014                  10/24/05   11/08/05    Lobar inc                           
                                                            P-001          -1,000                  10/13/05   10/25/05    Frey Campbell inc                   
03-0027FP Reconstruction               0-001-FP1  09/18/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
94-0294   Reconstruction               5-002-002  11/14/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-15-02-06
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Junior Senior High School:
07-0953   Reconstruction               0-001-002  06/27/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           4,921                  09/03/09   09/18/09    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-014              36                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-017           7,779                  10/08/10   11/12/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            G-001          23,944                  09/03/09   09/18/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-007           5,049                  10/01/09   11/16/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-013           3,032                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-014           4,662                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-019           5,133                  04/12/10   09/14/11    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-022            -586                  10/28/10   11/12/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            M-002          -4,173                  09/03/09   09/18/09    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P&H INC 
                                                            P-002           1,507                  03/29/10   05/26/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   
                                                            P-005           6,645                  03/24/10   05/10/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   
                                                            T-001           7,715                  09/03/09   09/18/09    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-006          11,545                  11/25/09   02/05/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-011           8,197                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-012           6,514                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-013           6,039                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
09-0768   Reconstruction               0-001-003  06/09/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         -3,000                  05/18/11   07/21/11    NELSON & STREETER CONSTRUCTION CO   
                                                            M-001          20,726                  12/10/10   02/18/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING
                                                            M-002           2,997                  02/14/11   03/01/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING
                                                            P-002          16,188                  05/20/11   07/21/11    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
09-0769   Reconstruction               0-001-004  06/09/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            M-004           2,861                  05/27/11   07/21/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING
13-0062   Reconstruction               0-001-006  01/22/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            001                 0                  10/24/14     /  /      D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            001                 0                  10/24/14     /  /      D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            008                 0                  11/19/14   11/24/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            008                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            010                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billiter Electric, Inc.             
                                                            011                 0                  09/12/14   10/28/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            011                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            101-002         8,714                  06/19/14   07/23/14    D'AGOSTINO GENERAL CONTRACTORS,INC  
                                                            101-003        -1,760                  06/19/14   07/23/14    D'AGOSTINO GENERAL CONTRACTORS,INC  
                                                            101-006        11,175                  07/18/14   08/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            101-007         1,547                  07/18/14   08/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            103 002             0                  10/14/14   10/16/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            103 003          -176                  10/14/14   10/16/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            103-002             0                  09/25/14   10/03/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing Heat  
                                                            CG-14               0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            EC-005          8,021                  03/16/15   03/26/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-006          2,027                  04/13/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            EC-007         -6,989                  06/15/15   07/09/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-008         23,853                  07/01/15   10/29/15    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            EC-010          1,762                  07/01/15   10/29/15    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            EC-011           -536                  09/16/15   10/07/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-001              0                  09/25/14   10/28/14    Billitier Electric                  
                                                            EW-002              0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-004              0                  11/14/14   11/24/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-005              0                  11/14/14   11/24/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-006              0                  11/14/14   11/24/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-013              0                  01/08/15   01/29/15    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EW-17               0                  04/13/15   04/24/15    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            GC-004              0                  09/25/14   10/28/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            GC-005              0                  08/08/14   10/28/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-008              0                  08/18/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-011         99,733                  09/25/14   10/03/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-012           -972                  11/07/14   11/17/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-014           -385                  11/07/14   11/14/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-015         -1,800                  01/12/15   01/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-016          2,850                  02/09/15   03/25/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-017          3,794                  02/09/15   03/25/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-018              0                  03/27/15   04/13/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-019          3,419                  04/13/15   04/23/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc. 
                                                            GC-020          5,487                  04/13/15   04/23/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc. 
                                                            GC-021          8,348                  04/13/15   04/24/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc. 
                                                            GC-022         36,446                  06/01/15   06/10/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-023          2,149                  06/01/15   06/10/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-024          2,516                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-026          5,684                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-027          3,511                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-028          1,509                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-029          1,163                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-032         26,040                  07/01/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc  
                                                            GC-034          1,856                  10/01/15   11/03/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-035        -19,622                  11/16/15   01/05/16    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-10               0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-100              0                  09/04/14     /  /      D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-12               0                  09/25/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-13               0                  09/25/14   10/28/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-15               0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-3                0                  08/08/14   10/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-3                0                  08/08/14   10/28/14    D'Agostion general contractors,inc. 
                                                            GC-4                0                  08/08/14   10/28/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-6                0                  08/08/14   10/28/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-023             0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-025             0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-031             0                  01/12/15   01/21/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-037             0                  06/01/15   06/10/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-041             0                  06/01/15     /  /      D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-042             0                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-044             0                  11/16/15   01/05/16    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-17              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-18              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-19              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-21              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-22              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-28              0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-43              0                  08/20/15   09/01/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc. 
                                                            HVAC-001            0                  07/24/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-002            0                  07/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            HVAC-002            0                  09/04/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            HVAC-004            0                  09/25/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-004         -715                  03/16/15   03/26/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            HVAC-005            0                  09/25/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-005       -5,600                  07/27/15   08/14/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            HVAC-006          951                  07/27/15   08/14/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            HVAC-007         -481                  11/16/15   01/05/16    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-11             0                  04/13/15   04/24/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing Heat  
                                                            HVAC1-09            0                  01/20/15   01/28/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC1-12            0                  06/01/15   06/10/15    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            HVAC1006            0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            PC-001          3,487                  03/16/15   03/26/15    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-002          1,038                  04/30/15   05/18/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-003          3,424                  04/30/15   05/18/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-004              0                  01/08/15   01/29/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-004         21,335                  06/01/15   06/10/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-005              0                  01/12/15   01/29/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-005         46,957                  06/08/15   06/17/15    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-006              0                  01/12/15   01/29/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-006          2,285                  06/24/15   10/29/15    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-007              0                  04/30/15   05/18/15    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-008          5,598                  07/27/15   08/14/15    Kimble Inc.                         
18-1572   Reconstruction               0-001-007  08/01/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-003         15,989                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Sessler Environ Servs LLC           
                                                            AC-05          -2,709                  06/01/22   01/26/23    Sessler Environ Servs LLC           
                                                            AC2-002        20,141                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Sessler Environ Servs LLC           
                                                            AC2-004        23,281                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Sessler Environ Servs LLC           
                                                            AC2-06          8,562                  06/01/22   01/26/23    Sessler Envirn Servs LLC            
                                                            EC-001          2,381                  06/26/20   08/03/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-002            833                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-003            664                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-004            255                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-005            731                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-006            660                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-007          5,089                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Hass Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-007          5,089                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-008          6,827                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-009            771                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-01          17,621                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-010          8,527                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-011          3,058                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-012          3,232                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-013         20,482                  08/21/20   10/29/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-013          7,198                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-014         15,429                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-015          5,827                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-016         11,412                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-017          2,318                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-018          6,975                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-018         11,634                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-019          2,945                  03/30/22   03/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-020            764                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-021            231                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-022          1,585                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-023            953                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-023          1,582                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-024            675                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-024           -531                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-025         17,405                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-025          8,131                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-026          1,640                  01/11/22   04/10/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-026          3,021                  06/01/22   07/31/24    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-027          2,239                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-027          1,664                  06/01/22   07/31/24    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-032         16,999                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            GC-001         -4,835                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-004          5,630                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-006         10,382                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-007          5,360                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-007          2,218                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-008          2,910                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-009          1,104                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-010            808                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-012         13,351                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-013         27,072                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-013            986                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Steeter Assocs Inc                  
                                                            GC-014          6,427                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-015            311                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-016          8,161                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-017            754                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-018            653                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-020         29,209                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-021          3,533                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-022          5,440                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-023            339                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-024            834                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-025          1,644                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-027          8,106                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-028         22,483                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-029            737                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-031          1,340                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-032           -133                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-033          4,664                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-033          4,159                  05/09/22   05/09/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-035          4,117                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-036            650                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-039          2,071                  04/05/21   05/17/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-046          4,676                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-050            399                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-057            860                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-058          8,155                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Associates Inc             
                                                            GC-061           -317                  03/07/22   03/06/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-11          12,051                  03/30/22   02/13/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-14          30,030                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-19             155                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-23           3,888                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-26           4,090                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-30          14,052                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-31             619                  03/30/22   07/31/24    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            MC-007          1,526                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-008          2,092                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-008          2,092                  03/07/22   07/31/24    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-009         -5,113                  03/07/22   07/31/24    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC2-003          -416                  05/09/22   03/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC2-004        16,570                  05/09/22   03/13/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            PC-013          2,058                  09/10/21   07/31/24    Frey & Campbell, Inc                
                                                            PC2-01         -1,837                  06/01/22   04/10/23    Frey&Cambell Inc                    
                                                            RC-003        -19,613                  03/07/22   03/06/23    Elmer Davis Inc                     
                                                            RC-01          -8,164                  06/01/22   01/26/23    Elmer Davis Inc                     
18-2121   Reconstruction               0-001-008  10/31/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-001         27,448                  03/30/22   04/20/23    Sessler Environ Servs LLC           
                                                            AC-002            505                  07/29/20   10/27/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            AC-003         26,272                  10/05/20   12/02/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            AC-004          8,021                  10/05/20   12/02/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            GC-001          6,314                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-002            825                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-003         -4,095                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-004         48,594                  02/10/22   02/13/23    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-005          4,866                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            MC-004          5,712                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC2-001         1,929                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC2-002        92,754                  02/10/22   02/13/23    Frey &Campbell Inc                  
23-0366   Reconstruction               0-001-009  11/16/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Elementary School:
07-0954   Reconstruction               0-002-001  06/27/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002           1,630                  09/03/09   09/18/09    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-005           4,230                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-006          10,461                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-007           4,450                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-008           2,377                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-009           4,879                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-015          -3,618                  10/08/10   11/12/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            G-002         -17,090                  09/03/09   09/18/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-006          46,682                  10/01/09   11/16/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-009           4,023                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-016           2,257                  04/12/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            M-003           1,473                  10/01/09   11/16/09    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H INC 
                                                            M-005           2,307                  03/19/10   05/26/10    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H INC 
                                                            P-003           8,423                  03/24/10   05/10/10    LANDRY MECHANCIAL                   
                                                            T-003           9,276                  09/03/09   09/18/09    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-005          11,545                  11/25/09   02/05/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-007           5,128                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-008           5,314                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
09-0770   Reconstruction               0-002-002  06/09/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           2,709                  02/14/11   03/01/11    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-002          -2,751                  08/19/11   12/14/11    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            M-006            -209                  05/27/11   07/21/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING
                                                            P-001           1,684                  02/14/11   03/01/11    NAIRY MECHANICAL LLC                
13-0063   Reconstruction               0-002-004  01/22/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            002                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            003                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            007                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            008                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            009                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            012                 0                  12/11/14   12/22/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            101-001         2,474                  06/19/14   07/23/14    D'AGOSTINO GENERAL CONTRACTORS,INC  
                                                            101-005        -3,685                  07/11/14   11/06/14    D'Agostono General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            101-009          -689                  09/12/14   09/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            104-001        31,250                  05/27/14   06/27/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            104-002          -481                  07/11/14   11/06/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            104-003        -1,716                  07/18/14   08/29/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            EC-009         24,161                  07/01/15   10/29/15    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            EW-003              0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            GC-007              0                  08/18/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-010           -252                  09/04/14   09/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-013         -1,098                  11/07/14   11/14/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-025          1,627                  06/24/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-030        236,969                  07/01/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc  
                                                            GC-031        196,481                  07/01/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors Inc  
                                                            GC-033         32,000                  07/27/15   10/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-16               0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-026             0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-029             0                  01/08/15   01/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-030             0                  01/12/15   01/29/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-033             0                  01/20/15   08/14/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-038             0                  06/01/15   06/10/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-20              0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-27              0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            HVAC-001         -342                  08/18/14   10/09/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-003            0                  09/12/14   11/05/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC-007            0                  11/07/14   11/17/14    Michael A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heat
                                                            HVAC1-02            0                  06/01/15   06/10/15    Michael F. Ferrauilo Plumbing       
                                                            PC-001              0                  09/12/14   11/05/14    Kimble, Inc.                        
                                                            PC-007          2,023                  06/24/15   10/29/15    Kimble Inc.                         
                                                            PC-009            890                  07/27/15   08/14/15    Kimble Inc.                         
18-1573   Reconstruction               0-002-006  08/01/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AC-005          9,252                  10/05/20   12/02/20    SESSLER ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            EC-002         19,603                  06/26/20   08/03/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-005          2,847                  07/29/20   10/27/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-006           -285                  07/29/20   10/27/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-007            521                  07/29/20   10/27/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-008            813                  07/29/20   10/27/20    SVHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-009          1,973                  09/10/21   11/25/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-010          3,005                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-012         20,623                  08/21/20   10/29/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-014          5,837                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-015          3,077                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-016            688                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-028          2,054                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-029          4,158                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-030          1,682                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-031            974                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-033          2,244                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-034          8,385                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schuler-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            EC-035           -151                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Schular-Haas Elec Corp              
                                                            GC-009          2,396                  08/21/20   10/30/20    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-010          2,244                  10/15/20   12/31/20    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-011          1,406                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-015          1,733                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-016          1,592                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-017          2,537                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-018          2,109                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-019          3,134                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-021          4,981                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-022          7,924                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-024          1,064                  12/11/20   02/25/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-027          2,958                  12/11/20   02/25/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-028          4,002                  12/11/20   02/25/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-029            981                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-030          1,382                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-032         -6,543                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-038          1,142                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-041          1,681                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-042          1,865                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-045          2,007                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-048          6,259                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-049          1,516                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-052            362                  09/10/21   09/10/21    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-053          5,123                  01/05/22   12/27/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-055         -2,900                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-056          6,042                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-059          6,211                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Associates Inc             
                                                            MC-001         19,248                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-002         19,248                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Frey&Campbell                       
                                                            MC-003         10,135                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            MC-005         21,800                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            MC-006         22,964                  03/07/22   03/27/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            PC-001           -561                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-007          2,610                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-008         16,735                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-012            679                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Frey&Campbell Inc                   
                                                            PC-014            722                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Frey&Campbell                       
                                                            RC-001            450                  07/29/20   10/26/20    ELMER W. DAVIS, INC.                
                                                            RC-002          1,142                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Elmer W. Davis Inc.                 

          Greenwood Middle Sch.(frmrly Main):
07-0955   Reconstruction               0-020-002  06/27/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-010           4,290                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-011           3,522                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-012          10,182                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-013           1,826                  03/29/10   05/26/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-016           3,445                  10/14/10   11/12/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            G-005           4,944                  09/03/09   09/18/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-008          54,037                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-010           4,215                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-011           9,388                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-012           3,962                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-017           2,066                  04/12/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-018           6,228                  04/12/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-021          10,538                  10/08/10   11/12/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-023            -396                  10/28/10   11/12/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-024           3,494                  10/28/10   11/12/10    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            M-001           5,355                  09/03/09   04/15/11    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H     
                                                            M-004           2,941                  10/01/09   11/16/09    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H INC 
                                                            M-006           7,353                  03/19/10   05/26/10    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H INC 
                                                            P-001           5,301                  03/29/10   05/26/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   
                                                            P-004           4,219                  03/24/10   05/10/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   
                                                            T-002           2,766                  09/03/09   09/18/09    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-009           3,578                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-010           6,075                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-015             517                  06/23/10   12/15/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
09-0771   Reconstruction               0-020-003  06/09/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            M-003             756                  02/14/11   03/01/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING
                                                            M-005           9,039                  05/27/11   07/21/11    MICHAEL A FERRAUILO PLUMBING/HEATING

          New Storage Building:
05-1243   New Construction             2-025-001  09/25/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
07-0956   Reconstruction               5-004-001  06/27/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-003           3,629                  09/03/09   09/18/09    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-018           6,066                  10/08/10   11/12/10    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-019           3,192                  10/08/10   11/12/10    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            G-003          16,050                  09/03/09   10/02/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-015           2,875                  02/01/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            G-020           1,215                  04/12/10   05/28/10    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-034          8,352                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-054            465                  09/10/21   11/29/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            M-007             545                  03/19/10   05/26/10    PICCIRILLI-SLAVIK & VINCENT P/H INC 
                                                            P-006           1,252                  03/24/10   05/10/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   
                                                            T-004             273                  09/03/09   09/18/09    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
                                                            T-014           2,058                  03/29/10   05/26/10    O'CONNELL ELECTRIC                  
09-0772   Reconstruction               5-004-002  06/09/10  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
13-0064   Reconstruction               5-004-003  01/22/14  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            101-004        -1,074                  07/11/14   09/29/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            101-008             0                  08/08/14   09/19/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            104-004        -1,613                  08/08/14   09/19/14    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            GC-009              0                  08/18/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-1                0                  07/24/14     /  /      D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC-32               0                  01/20/15   01/28/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-024             0                  10/24/14   11/05/14    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
                                                            GC1-039             0                  06/15/15   07/09/15    D'Agostino General Contractors, Inc.
18-1574   Additions and Alterations    5-004-004  08/01/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-003          2,778                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-004            942                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-011          6,692                  10/09/20   12/08/20    SCHULER-HAAS ELECTRIC CORP.         
                                                            EC-017            434                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-019            885                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-020            638                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-021            731                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            EC-022            372                  10/07/21   07/26/22    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp          
                                                            GC-002            495                  06/26/20   08/06/20    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-005         12,088                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-006         10,518                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-012          1,474                  11/23/20   01/29/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-020          3,266                  11/23/20   02/19/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-025          3,319                  12/11/20   03/10/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-026          8,686                  12/11/20   03/10/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-037          1,886                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-040            911                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-047          1,251                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-053         24,831                  01/05/22   12/27/22    Streeter Assocs Inc                 
                                                            GC-060         48,578                  02/10/22   02/13/23    Streeter Associates, INC.           
                                                            PC-002          2,487                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-004          3,525                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-005          4,054                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-006          2,006                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-009         34,243                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-010         28,977                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-011          1,477                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-015          2,455                  01/05/22   01/30/23    Frey& Campbell Inc                  
                                                            PC-017            683                  09/10/21   11/30/22    Frey & Campbell, Inc                
                                                            PC-018           -405                  01/11/22   11/03/22    Frey &Campbell Inc                  
07-0957   Reconstruction               5-021-001  06/27/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-004             482                  09/03/09   09/18/09    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            G-004          15,562                  09/03/09   09/18/09    HOLDSWORTH-KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            P-007           3,176                  03/24/10   05/10/10    LANDRY MECHANICAL                   

          Concession Stand:
18-1575   Additions and Alterations    7-015-001  08/01/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            CO-003          2,944                  11/18/21   12/09/22    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GC-003          4,944                  11/18/21   11/29/22    Streeter Assoc Inc                  
                                                            GC-008          2,996                  09/10/21   11/28/22    Streeter Associates, Inc            
                                                            GC-043         14,379                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            GC-044          3,281                  03/05/21   05/04/21    STREETER ASSOCIATES, INC.           
                                                            PC-003          1,782                  10/15/20   12/29/20    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            PC-016          1,867                  09/10/21   11/25/22    Frey & Campbell, Inc                

          Middle SChool Baseball Dugouts:
10-0044   New Construction             7-026-001  08/31/10  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-18-00-01
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Intermediate School:
91-1382   Reconstruction               0-003-005  07/02/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-1047   Reconstruction               0-003-008  03/11/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1200   Reconstruction               0-003-009  04/24/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1254   Reconstruction               0-003-010  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001            16,067                  08/20/02   11/01/02    Pettit and Pettit                   
                                                            002             8,646                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Javen Construction                  
                                                            006             4,221                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            006             3,342                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            007             8,582                  01/07/05   03/11/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            009             1,268                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            009             2,647                  08/26/03   10/23/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            009               231                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Finger Lake Roofing                 
                                                            010             1,390                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            010             5,542                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            012            10,537                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            012             2,462                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            014             2,834                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            016            20,825                  09/24/03   12/09/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            019             2,435                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            021             4,755                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            18            -20,718                  06/26/08   08/27/08    Javen Construction                  
                                                            20             85,867                  06/26/08   08/27/08    Javen Construction                  
                                                            3               1,705                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Javen Construction                  
                                                            ACM-001           437                  02/03/03   02/27/03    S&S Environmental                   
                                                            ACM-002           231                  02/03/03   02/27/03    S&S Environmental                   
                                                            E-21            7,339                  07/02/03   07/09/03    Matco Electric                      
                                                            E21-006         2,720                  02/03/03   02/27/03    Matco Electric                      
                                                            H21-005         2,808                  02/03/03   02/27/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            W21-003        -1,470                  06/23/05   07/20/05    John Cadwallder inc                 
06-1641   Reconstruction               0-003-011  07/03/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            P-001          -9,900                  09/10/07   10/18/07    WILLIAM L. WATSON CO., INC.         
10-0389   Reconstruction               0-003-012  03/01/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          10,438                  02/13/12   01/25/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-002          18,468                  02/13/12     /  /      BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-003           1,928                  02/13/12   09/18/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-004           5,947                  02/13/12   09/18/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-005           2,438                  02/13/12   09/18/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-006           8,698                  02/13/12   09/18/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-007           1,323                  02/09/12   01/25/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-008           6,008                  02/21/12   07/03/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-009           2,482                  02/21/12   07/03/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-010          10,952                  02/21/12   07/03/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-011           2,876                  04/20/12   09/12/12    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-012           9,660                  05/14/12     /  /      BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-013           2,906                  05/14/12   01/11/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-014           4,010                  08/13/12   01/11/13    Billitier Electric, Inc.            
                                                            E-015           6,639                  09/14/12   01/10/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-016          34,984                  09/14/12   01/10/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-017          10,331                  02/15/13   09/19/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-018           4,397                  02/15/13   09/19/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-019          12,077                  02/15/13   09/19/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-020             676                  04/15/13   07/15/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-021         -20,000                  04/15/13   07/15/13    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-III-01        6,149                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-III-02        1,774                  10/03/13   10/16/13    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            GC - 017        3,118                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC - 018        5,597                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC - 019        5,411                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC - 020       -2,683                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC - 021        4,904                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC - 022       12,459                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-001         11,314                  02/13/12   05/23/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-001         17,493                  01/14/13   04/05/13    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-001         22,758                  10/03/13   11/25/13    Apple Roofing Corp.                 
                                                            GC-002         16,030                  02/13/12   05/23/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-002          1,856                  01/14/13   04/05/13    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-002         19,972                  10/03/13   11/25/13    Apple Roofing Corp.                 
                                                            GC-003          4,727                  02/13/12   05/23/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-004         81,115                  02/13/12   05/23/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-005         19,236                  02/13/12   05/23/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-006          4,716                  09/12/13   06/13/14    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-007         14,205                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-008         13,714                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-009         29,756                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-010          4,043                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-011          8,507                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-012         11,627                  12/12/11   07/13/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-013          3,966                  02/21/12   08/07/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-014          6,240                  05/14/12   09/14/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-015          2,698                  05/14/12   09/14/12    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-016          8,607                  08/13/12   11/16/12    Edger Enterprises, Inc.             
                                                            GC-023         10,226                  03/18/13   06/06/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-024         11,310                  03/18/13   06/06/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-025         -5,801                  03/18/13   06/06/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GC-026          1,174                  03/18/13   06/06/13    EDGER ENTERPRISES INC               
                                                            GCIII-04        8,532                  10/03/13   11/25/13    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GCIII001        6,074                  05/20/13   11/22/13    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GCIII002        2,840                  05/20/13   11/22/13    Streeter Associates, Inc.           
                                                            GCIII003        2,474                  06/27/13   08/12/13    STREETER ASSOCIATES INC             
                                                            H-001             507                  09/12/13   09/19/13    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            H-002           5,264                  09/12/13   02/03/14    Landry Mechancial Contractors       
                                                            H-003          12,640                  09/12/13   02/03/14    Landry Mechanical Cotractors        
                                                            H-004          17,421                  02/21/12   01/25/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-005          27,463                  02/21/12   01/25/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-006           4,300                  02/21/12   07/03/12    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-007           2,914                  05/14/12   07/15/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-008          12,946                  09/14/12   01/10/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-009         -19,147                  01/14/13   08/29/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-010          -1,496                  01/14/13   07/16/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            H-011         -11,275                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            H-012         -15,746                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            H-III-01        3,846                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            P-001           2,807                  09/12/13   09/19/13    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            P-002           2,312                  09/12/13   09/19/13    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            P-003          31,618                  02/21/12   01/25/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            P-004            -737                  02/15/13   07/15/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            P-005          -8,917                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            SW-001          1,364                  02/18/14   03/14/14    Austin Construction LLC             
09-0667   Reconstruction               0-003-013  03/30/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          1,448                  07/15/10   08/17/10    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-002          2,378                  07/15/10   08/17/10    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
15-0434   Reconstruction               0-003-015  05/24/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          6,997                  03/31/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-002          9,419                  03/31/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-003              0                  03/31/17     /  /      Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-003          9,380                  03/31/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-004          9,170                  03/31/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-005         13,806                  03/31/17   06/05/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-006         10,297                  05/12/17   06/06/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-007          1,950                  10/06/17   10/24/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            EC-008          1,181                  10/06/17   11/16/17    Schuler-Haas Electric Corp.         
                                                            GC-001            883                  12/12/16   12/15/16    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-002          5,427                  01/05/17   01/09/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-003          3,756                  01/05/17   01/09/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-004          9,691                  01/05/17   01/09/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-005          3,921                  05/12/17   05/18/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-006          5,466                  06/02/17   06/23/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-007          2,349                  06/02/17   06/23/17    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            HC-001            625                  03/02/17   06/06/17    Lawman Heating & Cooling            
                                                            HC-002          9,616                  03/02/17   06/06/17    Lawman Heating & Cooling            
                                                            HC-003          3,160                  05/12/17   06/06/17    Lawman Heating & Cooling            
                                                            HC-004          5,887                  11/20/17   06/05/18    Lawman Heating & Cooling            
                                                            PC-001          2,933                  04/17/17   04/20/17    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            PP-001         15,025                  12/12/16   12/15/16    William J. Watson Co., Inc.         
                                                            PP-002          7,800                  01/05/17   01/09/17    William J. Watson Co., Inc.         
                                                            PP-003            599                  05/12/17   06/06/17    William J. Watson Co., Inc.         
                                                            PP-004          4,656                  11/20/17   06/05/18    William J. Watson Co., Inc.         
15-1325   Reconstruction               0-003-016  06/01/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0330   Reconstruction               0-003-017  12/21/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1700   Reconstruction               0-003-018  09/04/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-004          6,546                  05/17/19   05/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            EC-006           -645                  07/19/19   03/06/20    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            EC-009          4,680                  07/19/19   07/22/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            GC-001           -387                  02/19/19   07/15/19    IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-003            424                  03/08/19   03/14/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-005          5,166                  10/17/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-008            910                  03/29/19   04/01/19    IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-009          3,647                  04/11/19   04/15/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-012        -15,586                  05/17/19   05/28/19    IVERDEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-013          9,397                  07/19/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-015         12,601                  07/19/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-017          4,057                  07/19/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            HC-001          1,682                  03/29/19   03/29/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            HC-002          1,302                  03/29/19   03/29/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            HC-003          5,954                  05/17/19   05/20/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
23-0593   Additions and Alterations    0-003-020  05/10/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         12,565                  10/30/24   12/04/24    Kyle R Lawerence Electric           
                                                            EC-002          4,500                  10/30/24     /  /      Kyle R Lawerence Electric           
                                                            EC-003          4,773                  12/30/24   01/08/25    Kyle R Lawrence Electric            
                                                            GC-001            678                  10/30/24   10/31/24    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-002          5,493                  01/21/25   01/24/25    Holdsworth Klimwoski Construction   
                                                            GC-003         27,661                  01/21/25   01/24/25    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            PC-001          2,000                  10/30/24     /  /      Kimble                              
                                                            PC-002          5,028                  01/21/25   02/05/25    Kimble                              
                                                            PC-003          3,080                  01/21/25   02/05/25    Kimble                              
02-1417FP Reconstruction               0-003-FP1  03/14/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          XXBryant Elementary - sold 6/29/2022:
92-0666   Reconstruction               0-007-005  04/27/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1255   Reconstruction               0-007-007  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            003             6,235                  04/11/03   04/21/03    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            006            13,088                  07/02/03   07/09/03    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            007             2,905                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            007            12,973                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            007               870                  05/20/04   05/27/04    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            008            18,202                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            010             2,647                  08/26/03   10/23/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            010B           21,339                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            012A           16,892                  10/15/03   10/23/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            012B            4,074                  10/15/03   10/23/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            013            19,454                  10/15/03   10/23/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            014            12,617                  09/24/03   12/09/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            014             2,192                  03/30/04   04/26/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            015             2,637                  09/24/03   12/09/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            017            18,706                  09/24/03   12/09/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            ACM-21         -4,840                  11/21/05   02/13/06    S and S Environmental               
                                                            H-21            1,134                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            H-21            5,730                  12/07/05   08/09/06    Postler Jaeckle                     
                                                            H21-008           574                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            H21-024           565                  03/04/05   03/24/05    Postler Jaeckle Corp                
                                                            bcif-017       -4,756                  06/26/08   12/03/08    JAVEN CONSTRUCTION                  
08-0463   Reconstruction               0-007-008  04/01/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           4,612                  10/26/09   12/04/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-002           5,245                  10/26/09   12/04/09    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-003             455                  11/19/09   02/04/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-004           5,007                  11/19/09   02/04/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-005           3,094                  11/19/09   01/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-006           3,249                  02/01/10   04/14/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-007           1,319                  02/01/10   04/14/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-008           1,287                  03/05/10   04/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-009             673                  03/05/10   04/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-010             361                  03/05/10   04/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-011           2,298                  03/05/10   04/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-001         10,054                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-002         52,829                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-003         33,706                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-004         -2,920                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-005          2,325                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-006          1,418                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-007          2,163                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-008          9,009                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-009          5,313                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-010          6,234                  10/26/09   12/04/09    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-011          4,189                  11/19/09   01/29/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-012          7,096                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-013          3,545                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-014          7,435                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-015          1,672                  11/19/09   01/29/10    LeChase Construction Svcs           
                                                            GC-016          6,604                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-017          6,677                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-018            758                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-019          3,922                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-020          1,108                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-021          3,902                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-022          3,569                  12/21/09   01/13/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-023          6,854                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-024          9,286                  11/19/09   01/29/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-025            992                  11/19/09   01/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-026          2,320                  12/21/09   01/13/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-027         17,184                  12/21/09   01/12/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-028         13,600                  02/01/10   05/11/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-029          2,123                  02/01/10   04/14/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-030          3,212                  02/01/10   04/14/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-031         -1,500                  03/05/10   04/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-032          1,664                  05/26/10   07/21/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-033         -1,664                  09/07/10   09/30/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            H-001           5,674                  11/19/09   01/28/10    JOHN W DANFORTH COMPANY             
                                                            H-002            -820                  02/01/10   04/14/10    JOHN W DANFORTH COMPANY             
                                                            H-003           2,346                  03/05/10   04/28/10    JOHN W DANFORTH COMPANY             
                                                            H-004           4,671                  03/05/10   04/28/10    JOHN W DANFORTH COMPANY             
                                                            P-001           2,412                  11/19/09   02/04/10    ACKERMAN PLUMBING                   
                                                            P-002           3,453                  12/21/09   01/13/10    ACKERMAN PLUMBING                   
                                                            P-003             559                  12/21/09   01/13/10    ACKERMAN PLUMBING                   
12-0520   Reconstruction               0-007-009  09/03/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            E-001           7,715                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-002           4,081                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            E-003          27,301                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Billitier Electric Inc.             
                                                            GC-001         11,338                  08/15/14   09/03/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-002         10,575                  08/15/14   09/03/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-003          3,606                  08/15/14   09/03/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-004          4,414                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-005          4,835                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-006            545                  02/25/15   03/26/15    Elmira Structures, Inc.             
                                                            GC-007            422                  02/25/15   03/26/15    Elmira Structres, Inc.              
                                                            H-001          13,249                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Lawman Heating & Cooling, Inc.      
                                                            H-002           5,388                  03/09/15   05/08/15    Lawman Heating & Cooling, Inc.      
                                                            P-001           3,971                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            P-002           5,614                  09/24/14   10/03/14    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
16-0331   Reconstruction               0-007-010  12/21/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-2145   Reconstruction               0-007-011  04/09/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-004            671                  04/01/19   04/02/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            HC-001          1,263                  05/16/19   05/20/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-003         18,908                  06/19/19   06/20/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      

          North Hornell Elementary:
00-1256   Additions and Alterations    0-012-004  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001             5,000                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Javen Const.                        
                                                            001               900                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            001             2,333                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            001             4,300                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            002           -86,800                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            002            -4,210                  12/31/02   08/01/06    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            003            35,000                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            003           140,000                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            003            -8,937                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            004            14,928                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            004             4,930                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            004             1,252                  04/28/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            005             2,069                  09/20/02   10/24/02    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            005               810                  03/18/04   04/07/04    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            006             7,204                  01/07/05   03/11/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            009            13,623                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            011             4,308                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            011             2,224                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            012             3,749                  03/18/04   04/28/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            015            13,408                  08/26/03   10/23/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            017             7,612                  09/24/03   12/09/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            19             -9,053                  06/26/08   10/07/08    Javen Construction                  
                                                            H-21 026          430                  04/26/05   06/10/05    Postler Jaeckle                     
                                                            H21-004         2,220                  02/03/03   02/27/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            P21-003         1,411                  02/03/03   02/27/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            R-21            1,580                  03/30/04   04/07/04    Finger Lakes Roofing                
11-0433   Reconstruction               0-012-005  02/10/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            E-II-001       10,393                  09/24/14   09/26/14    Hewitt Young Electric, LLC          
                                                            E-II-002        8,869                  09/24/14   09/26/14    Hewitt Young Electric, LLC          
                                                            E-II-04          -436                  03/06/15   03/30/15    Hewitt Young Electric, LLC          
                                                            EII003          5,134                  03/09/15   03/30/15    Hewitt Young Electric LLC           
                                                            GC-001         13,664                  11/30/12   02/22/13    Kinley Corporation                  
                                                            GC-II-01        8,288                  09/24/14   09/26/14    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-II-02       22,968                  09/24/14   09/26/14    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-II-03        2,905                  09/24/14   09/26/14    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-II-04       30,830                  09/24/14   09/26/14    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-II-07        1,178                  03/06/15   03/30/15    LeChase Constructoin Services, LLC  
                                                            GCII005         2,818                  03/09/15   03/30/15    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GCII006         1,896                  03/09/15   03/30/15    LeChase Construction Services,LLC   
                                                            HC-II-01       -7,391                  03/06/15   03/30/15    Lawman Heating & Cooling, Inc.      
                                                            P-II-001        7,974                  09/24/14     /  /      Thurston Dudek LLC                  
14-0422   Reconstruction               0-012-006  12/21/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001           -674                  03/02/17   07/14/17    Kuitems Construction, Inc.          
                                                            HC-001          5,284                  04/17/17   04/20/17    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            HC-002         -1,250                  04/17/17   04/20/17    Nairy Mechanical LLC                
                                                            PC-001         -6,014                  03/02/17   03/07/17    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            PC-002          3,909                  03/02/17   03/07/17    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
13-1667   Reconstruction               0-012-007  07/17/14  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-0332   Reconstruction               0-012-008  12/21/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-2146   Reconstruction               0-012-009  04/12/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-006         -2,454                  05/16/19   05/20/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            EC-007            710                  05/16/19   05/20/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
18-1900   Reconstruction               0-012-011  06/04/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001           -655                  12/18/19   01/10/20    J&B INSTALLATIONS, INC.             
                                                            GC-002        -11,698                  01/29/20   06/30/20    J&B INSTALLATION, INC.              
                                                            GC-003         -4,024                  03/18/20   07/06/20    J&B INSTALLATIONS, INC.             
20-1443   Additions and Alterations    0-012-012  05/10/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          6,796                  11/12/21   12/09/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            EC-001          6,796                  11/15/21   12/12/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            EC-005            459                  06/27/22     /  /      Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-005            459                  11/16/22   08/10/23    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            EC-007         -1,724                  04/17/23   12/27/23    BILLITIER ELECTRIC                  
                                                            EC-007         -1,724                  08/25/23   06/13/24    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            GC-003         18,463                  11/12/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-003         18,463                  11/15/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-004          2,615                  11/12/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-004          2,615                  11/15/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-010            394                  04/08/22   05/09/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-010            394                  04/15/22   04/25/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-016          4,326                  06/15/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-016          4,326                  06/27/22   04/03/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-018         -1,371                  06/27/22   12/06/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-018         -1,371                  11/16/22     /  /      IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-021          6,147                  11/16/22   12/06/23    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-021          6,147                  10/11/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-022         -1,095                  11/16/22   12/06/23    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-022         -1,095                  10/11/22   12/06/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            HC-002          1,627                  03/25/22   01/31/23    HMI Mech Sys Inc                    
                                                            HC-004           -350                  11/07/22   05/25/23    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC          
                                                            HC-004           -350                  11/16/22   08/10/23    HMI MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC.         
                                                            HC-02           1,627                  03/31/22   02/22/23    HMI Mech System Inc                 
                                                            PC-001          1,423                  11/12/21   12/12/22    Landry Mech Contractors             
                                                            PC-001          1,423                  11/15/21   12/12/22    Landry Mech Contr                   
                                                            PC-002          1,090                  11/12/21   12/13/22    Landry Mech Contractors             
                                                            PC-002          1,090                  11/15/21   12/12/22    Landry Mech Contr                   
                                                            PC-003          7,255                  06/15/22   05/01/23    Landry Mech Contrs                  
                                                            PC-03           7,255                  06/06/22   05/04/23    Landdry Mech Contrs                 
20-1518FA Reconstruction               0-012-013  05/25/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-002          2,221                  11/12/21   12/12/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            EC-002          2,221                  11/15/21   12/12/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            EC-003          7,642                  01/24/22   01/25/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-004          4,580                  03/25/22   01/31/23    Billitier Elec                      
                                                            EC-006          4,062                  06/27/22   04/27/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            EC-006          4,062                  11/16/22   08/10/23    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            EC-04           4,580                  03/31/22   04/27/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            GC-001         28,172                  11/12/21   09/06/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-001         28,172                  11/15/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-002         11,518                  11/12/21   09/06/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-002         11,518                  11/15/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-005          1,431                  11/12/21   09/06/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-005          1,431                  11/15/21   12/09/22    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-006         18,344                  02/14/22   02/14/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-006         18,344                  02/22/22   02/21/23    IVERSEM CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-007          3,503                  02/14/22   02/14/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-007          3,503                  02/22/22     /  /      IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-008          2,781                  03/25/22   04/19/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-008          2,781                  03/31/22   03/07/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-009         14,462                  04/15/22   04/25/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-009         14,462                  04/15/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-011         19,807                  05/06/22   05/04/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-011         19,807                  05/09/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-012         15,771                  05/06/22   05/04/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-012         15,771                  05/09/22   05/22/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-013          5,165                  05/25/22   05/15/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-013          5,165                  06/06/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-014          1,743                  06/15/22   04/03/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-014          1,743                  06/27/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-015          2,822                  06/15/22   04/03/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-015          2,822                  06/27/22     /  /      Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-017         25,404                  07/29/22   09/26/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-017         25,404                  07/29/22   09/26/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-019          1,198                  06/27/22   12/06/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-019          1,198                  11/16/22     /  /      IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-020          1,643                  06/27/22   04/05/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            GC-020          1,643                  11/16/22     /  /      IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-09          14,462                  04/08/22   05/09/23    Iversen Const Corp                  
                                                            HC-01           2,004                  03/25/22   01/31/23    HMI Mech Sys Inc                    
                                                            HC-01           2,004                  03/31/22     /  /      HMI Mech Systems Inc                
                                                            HC-03           2,180                  05/25/22   04/04/23    HMI Mech Systems Inc                
                                                            HC-03           2,180                  06/06/22   05/01/23    HMI Mech Systems Inc                
                                                            PC-004          2,792                  06/27/22   04/27/23    Landry Mech Contrs                  
                                                            PC-004          2,792                  11/16/22   08/10/23    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
24-0159   Reconstruction               0-012-014  12/16/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
24-0160   Reconstruction               0-012-015  12/16/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1686   Reconstruction               0-012-016  08/14/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1415FP Reconstruction               0-012-FP1  03/14/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Jr/Sr High School:
92-0667   Reconstruction               0-013-004  04/27/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
94-1048   Reconstruction               0-013-005  03/11/95  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-1201   Reconstruction               0-013-006  04/24/97  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1257   Additions and Alterations    0-013-007  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            001             8,475                  10/17/02   11/07/02    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            001            -8,015                  12/20/04   12/30/04    John Cadwallder                     
                                                            003            10,980                  12/04/03   03/15/04    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            004             7,180                  04/11/03   04/21/03    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            004            10,820                  07/30/03   08/01/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            004             1,136                  03/18/04   04/07/04    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            005             9,350                  07/30/03   08/01/03    Javen Const.                        
                                                            007             8,256                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            007            16,145                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            008            12,600                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            008             6,521                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            008              -222                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Finger Lakes Roofing                
                                                            008            19,180                  02/04/05   03/14/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            009             6,182                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            009             8,346                  07/02/03   07/09/03    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            009            15,029                  02/04/05   03/14/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            010            12,617                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            010           -29,235                  12/07/05   05/25/06    Pettit and Pettit                   
                                                            010a            2,737                  03/10/05   03/23/05    Javen Construction                  
                                                            011             7,088                  07/02/03   07/09/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            011             1,135                  03/18/04   04/28/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            011            28,962                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            011             3,199                  12/07/05   05/25/06    Pettit and Pettit                   
                                                            012            12,602                  05/20/04   05/27/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            013             8,198                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            013             3,710                  03/30/04   04/26/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            013             5,909                  12/20/04   12/30/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            014             1,952                  08/31/04   09/23/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            015               839                  07/12/04   07/19/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            015             6,087                  12/20/04   12/30/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            016            19,427                  12/20/04   12/30/04    S&S Environ.                        
                                                            016A            9,775                  10/15/03   10/23/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            016B           11,207                  10/15/03   10/23/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            018            10,539                  08/31/04   09/23/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            018           -14,301                  04/26/06   05/24/06    MATCO ELECTRIC CORPORATION          
                                                            019            -2,992                  01/05/06   05/01/06    S&S ENVIROMENTAL                    
                                                            020            54,621                  08/31/04   09/23/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            023             3,973                  12/20/04   12/30/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            16             -7,077                  06/26/08   08/27/08    Javen Construction                  
                                                            2               1,100                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            511-006         3,250                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            511-008        10,700                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            ACM-21         -2,992                  11/21/05   02/13/06    S and S Ennvironmental              
                                                            ACM-21         -1,438                  11/21/05   11/23/05    S and S Enviornmental               
                                                            E21-005         5,165                  12/31/02   01/16/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            E21-007         8,447                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Matco Elec.                         
                                                            H-21              887                  04/26/05   06/10/05    Postler Jaeckle                     
                                                            P21-002        15,394                  02/03/03   02/27/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            P21-005         1,415                  04/24/03   05/05/03    Postler & Jaeckle                   
                                                            S-11-002        3,225                  08/28/02   10/29/02    Pettit & Pettit                     
                                                            W-21 002         -384                  06/23/05   07/20/05    John Cadwallder Inc                 
09-0178   Additions and Alterations    0-013-008  02/24/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           9,782                  09/07/10   09/28/10    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-002           6,312                  09/07/10   09/28/10    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-003           6,417                  09/07/10   09/28/10    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-004           8,726                  12/02/10   12/28/10    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-005           4,195                  01/26/11   02/24/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-006           6,660                  01/26/11   02/24/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-007           6,462                  04/13/11   05/10/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-008          19,332                  09/26/11   11/08/11    KAPLAN SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-009           5,617                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-010           7,353                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-011           9,340                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-012           9,002                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-013           8,520                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-014           9,574                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-015          29,897                  06/06/11   07/13/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-016             835                  08/25/11   11/08/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-017           8,307                  09/26/11   11/08/11    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-018          15,183                  02/13/12   01/25/13    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-019           2,739                  02/09/12   01/25/13    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-020           7,703                  02/09/12   01/25/13    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            E-021           1,049                  02/09/12   01/25/13    KAPLAN-SCHMIDT ELECTRIC             
                                                            GC-001          1,448                  05/26/10   07/21/10    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-001          7,266                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-002          2,378                  06/21/10   08/18/10    ELMIRA STRUCTURES INC               
                                                            GC-002          4,008                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-003          2,615                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-004         15,109                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-005         11,729                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-006         11,641                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-007         14,024                  09/07/10   09/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-008         13,527                  01/26/11   02/24/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-009          6,501                  12/02/10   12/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-010         12,179                  12/02/10   12/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-011         31,552          31,552  12/02/10   12/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-012          3,978                  12/02/10   12/28/10    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-013         17,205                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-014         13,197                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-015         11,105                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-016         18,463                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-017         13,406                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-018         10,537                  08/05/11   09/02/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-019         15,961                  04/13/11   05/10/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-020         13,782                  08/05/11   09/02/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-021          5,377                  08/25/11   09/07/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-022          5,155                  09/26/11   11/01/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-023         10,130                  09/26/11   11/01/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-024         11,432                  11/07/11   01/24/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-025          7,309                  09/26/11   11/01/11    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-026          9,739                  11/07/11   01/24/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-027          7,568                  11/07/11   01/24/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-028          7,764                  02/21/12   08/31/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-029         20,522                  04/20/12   08/31/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-030          8,393                  08/13/12   11/28/12    Christa Construction, LLC           
                                                            GC-031         -3,189                  05/14/12   10/23/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-032          7,903                  05/14/12   10/23/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-033         17,203                  05/14/12   10/23/12    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-034          5,435                  02/15/13   05/03/13    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-035          4,470                  02/15/13   05/03/13    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-036          5,622                  02/15/13   05/03/13    CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC            
                                                            GC-037            515                  06/24/14   08/28/14    Christa Construction, LLC           
                                                            H-001           1,262                  07/21/10   08/18/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-002           1,894                  09/07/10   08/13/14    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-003           1,200                  01/26/11   02/24/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-004           7,486                  02/25/11   03/18/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-005           9,003                  02/25/11   03/18/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-006          15,249                  04/13/11   05/10/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-007          19,555                  06/24/11   07/27/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-008           4,981                  06/24/11   07/27/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-009           5,275                  06/24/11   07/27/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-010           1,497                  08/25/11     /  /      FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-011           9,677                  03/14/12   08/24/12    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-012           5,096                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-013          13,394           1,498  09/14/12   06/17/14    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-014           5,827                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-015          34,562                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-016           6,998                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            H-017           2,952                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-001           8,057                  09/07/10   09/28/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-002           3,906                  09/07/10   09/28/10    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-003           9,142                  08/25/11   11/08/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-004           8,847                  08/25/11   01/31/14    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-005           4,834                  08/25/11   01/31/14    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            P-006             424                  02/21/12   07/03/12    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-007           3,436                  03/14/12   08/13/12    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-008          11,668                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-009           1,621                  09/14/12   01/10/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            SC-001          9,400                  08/25/11   11/08/11    PLATINUM SOUND & COMMUNICATION      
                                                            SC-002          5,850                  06/11/14   06/11/14    PLATINUM SOUND & COMMUNICATION      
                                                            TC-001          7,475                  08/25/11   09/07/11    JANSON INDUSTRIES                   
08-0255   Reconstruction               0-013-009  09/08/08  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
09-1567   Reconstruction               0-013-010  12/09/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          61,690                  02/13/12   01/25/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-002           6,696                  04/20/12   09/14/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-003           3,653                  05/14/12   11/21/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-004           4,994                  08/13/12   12/17/12    Blackmon - Farell Electric Inc.     
                                                            E-005           5,335                  08/10/12   01/17/13    Blackmon - Farrell Electric Inc.    
                                                            E-006          13,816                  08/10/12   01/17/13    Blackmon - Farrell Electric Inc.    
                                                            E-007          16,931                  10/29/12   06/20/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-008           3,522                  10/29/12   03/21/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-009          11,364                  10/29/12   03/21/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-010           2,769                  10/29/12   07/16/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-011           8,354                  02/15/13   09/19/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-012           3,457                  02/15/13   09/19/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-013           6,759                  06/27/13   07/26/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-014           2,638                  06/27/13   08/06/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-015           6,344                  10/03/13   02/20/14    Blackmon-Farrell Electric, Inc.     
                                                            E-016          -2,769                  10/03/13   10/16/13    Blackmon-Farrell Electric, Inc.     
                                                            GC - 032        9,940                  11/30/12   02/28/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-001          2,315                  10/03/11   11/21/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-002        140,287                  09/26/11   11/04/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-003         28,480                  09/26/11   11/04/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-004          9,074                  09/26/11   11/04/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-005         68,272                  09/26/11   11/04/11    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-006         19,862                  04/15/13   05/31/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-007         88,592                  04/15/13   05/31/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-008            860                  04/15/13   05/31/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-009          2,738                  04/15/13   05/31/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-010         32,402                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-011          4,474                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-012          6,299                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-013          4,136                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-014          6,053                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-015          1,124                  02/09/12   05/29/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-016          8,460                  02/21/12   07/12/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-017          3,997                  03/14/12   08/07/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-018          3,190                  03/14/12   08/07/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-019          2,651                  03/14/12   08/07/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-020          3,595                  03/14/12   08/07/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-025          1,437                  05/14/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-026          3,992                  05/14/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-027        -18,162                  06/15/12   08/07/12    Holdsworht Klimoswski Construction  
                                                            GC-028          2,082                  08/13/12   01/17/13    Holdsworth Klimowski Construction   
                                                            GC-029          9,660                  10/29/12   02/28/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-030          1,520                  10/29/12   02/28/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-031          1,124                  10/29/12   02/28/13    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-21          12,703                  05/02/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-22          10,250                  05/07/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-23           2,602                  05/07/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-24           4,712                  05/02/12   09/14/12    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            H-001          29,683                  10/24/11   10/24/12    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-002             317                  02/09/12   02/05/13    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-003           5,294                  02/09/12   01/25/13    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-004           2,553                  04/20/12   09/12/12    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-005             975                  05/14/12   11/21/12    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-006           7,502                  10/29/12   08/16/13    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            H-007           2,081                  02/15/13   07/16/13    KIMBLE INC                          
                                                            P-001             395                  02/09/12   05/17/12    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-002           9,885                  02/15/13   09/19/13    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
10-1053   Reconstruction               0-013-011  12/15/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001        371,967                  07/23/12   03/06/13    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-002         17,823                  09/14/12   01/24/13    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-003         34,567                  10/29/12   03/08/13    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-004          4,752                  10/29/12   03/08/13    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-005            520                  11/30/12   02/22/13    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
12-0617   Reconstruction               0-013-012  03/13/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         22,758                  03/20/14   07/03/14    Apple Roofing Corp.                 
                                                            GC-002         19,972                  03/20/14   07/03/14    Apple Roofing Corp.                 
                                                            GC-003         -1,768                  06/11/14   06/11/14    APPLE ROOFING                       
                                                            GC-004         -5,500                  12/16/13   06/27/14    Apple Roofing Corp.                 
13-1332   Reconstruction               0-013-013  10/17/14  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
14-1418   Reconstruction               0-013-014  08/24/15  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          2,956                  09/01/16   10/04/16    Kuitems Construction, Inc.          
                                                            GC-002            749                  09/01/16   10/04/16    Kuitems Construction Inc.           
                                                            GC-003          1,137                  09/01/16     /  /      Kuitems Construction Inc.           
                                                            GC-004         19,707                  09/01/16   10/04/16    Kuitems Construction Inc.           
15-1967   Reconstruction               0-013-015  03/10/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002           9,374                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-003          -1,964                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-004           8,979                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-005               0                  02/26/18     /  /                                          
                                                            E-005           8,358                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-006           5,845                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-007           1,908                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-008             923                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-009          13,197                  02/26/18   03/01/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            E-014          -2,677                  07/09/18   07/25/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-016           4,920                  07/09/18   07/25/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-017           1,832                  07/13/18   07/25/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELCTRIC INC        
                                                            E-018           2,074                  08/28/18   09/07/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-019          30,162                  08/28/18   09/07/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-020             837                  08/28/18   09/07/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-021           4,518                  10/11/18   10/23/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-022          13,339                  10/26/18   11/28/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-022          13,339                  10/26/18     /  /      BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            EC-001         31,680                  10/06/17   11/24/17    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            EC-010          5,875                  05/11/18   05/15/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            EC-011          4,284                  05/11/18   05/15/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric, Inc.     
                                                            EC-012         10,798                  05/11/18   05/15/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            EC-013          4,767                  05/11/18   05/15/18    Blackmon Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            EC-015          2,163                  07/09/18   07/25/18    BLACKMON fARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            EC-023          2,978                  11/26/18   01/09/19    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC.      
                                                            EC-024         13,735                  11/26/18   01/09/19    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC.      
                                                            EC-025         12,433                  12/18/18   01/28/19    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC.      
                                                            EC-026          3,817                  12/18/18   01/28/19    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            GC-001          6,204                  07/28/17   08/22/17    LeChase Construction Services, LLC  
                                                            GC-002         24,103                  02/26/18   03/07/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-003          4,752                  02/26/18   03/07/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-004          5,625                  02/26/18   03/07/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-005         12,113                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-006            973                  02/26/18   03/07/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-007          4,685                  02/26/18   03/07/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-008            950                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-009         -3,457                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-010          2,225                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-011         14,495                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-012         12,817                  03/22/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-013          2,945                  04/12/18   04/18/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-014          8,903                  05/11/18   05/31/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-015          2,139                  05/11/18   05/31/18    LeChase Construction                
                                                            GC-016         10,833                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-017         -1,472                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-018         22,588                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-019          5,397                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-021         52,657                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-022          2,410                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-023          7,918                  10/26/18   11/09/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-024          2,040                  10/26/18   11/09/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-025         17,839                  08/28/18   09/12/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-026          7,829                  08/28/18   09/12/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-027         24,435                  08/28/18   09/12/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-028         12,536                  08/28/18   09/12/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-029         33,239                  08/28/18   09/19/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-030         18,221                  08/28/18   09/12/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-031         -2,501                  09/07/18   09/19/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-032          3,287                  10/26/18   11/09/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-033          2,284                  10/26/18   11/09/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-034         31,330                  01/18/19   02/11/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-035         25,988                  01/18/19   02/11/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-036          7,641                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-037            597                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC-038         13,834                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            GC020          44,791                  07/09/18   07/25/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION                
                                                            H-001           3,275                  01/16/18   01/31/18    Lawman Heating & Cooling, Inc.      
                                                            H-003           6,198                  05/31/18   06/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING            
                                                            H-004          24,547                  05/31/18   06/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING            
                                                            H-005          13,672                  05/31/18   06/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLONG            
                                                            H-006           7,000                  05/31/18   06/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING            
                                                            H-008          34,407                  08/28/18   09/07/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            HC-007          4,408                  07/13/18   07/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            HC-009          1,692                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-010          1,925                  01/18/19   02/11/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-011          3,314                  01/18/19   02/11/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-012         15,101                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-013         23,459                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            HC-014         21,962                  12/18/18   01/28/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            P-001           1,538                  01/16/18   01/31/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            P-007           2,120                  05/31/18   06/25/18    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            P-008           6,497                  07/13/18   07/25/18    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-009           4,881                  08/28/18   09/07/18    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            P-010          33,610                  08/28/18   09/07/18    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            PC-002          3,726                  03/22/18   03/28/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-003          1,151                  03/22/18   03/28/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-004          1,639                  03/22/18   03/28/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-005          4,182                  03/22/18   03/30/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-006         11,493                  05/11/18   05/15/18    Frey & Campbell, Inc.               
                                                            PC-011          5,264                  10/26/18   11/28/18    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            SC-001         34,564                  09/01/17   11/27/17    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-002          7,071                  09/14/17   11/27/17    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-003         28,140                  10/06/17   11/27/17    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-004         34,890                  10/06/17   11/27/17    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-005          9,847                  10/06/17   11/24/17    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-006         16,988                  01/16/18   01/31/18    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-007         27,167                  04/12/18   04/18/18    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-008         17,694                  03/22/18   04/18/18    DiFiore Construction Inc.           
                                                            SC-009          6,063                  10/17/18   11/09/18    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            h-002           1,974                  05/31/18   06/25/18    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING            
16-0333   Reconstruction               0-013-016  12/21/16  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
16-1720   Reconstruction               0-013-017  08/23/17  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            GC-001            417                  02/26/18   03/07/18    Willett Builders                    
                                                            GC-002         43,997                  02/26/18   03/07/18    Willett Builders                    
                                                            GC-003           -594                  03/22/18   04/18/18    Willett Builders                    
                                                            GC-004          1,074                  03/22/18   04/18/18    Willett Builders                    
                                                            GC-005          5,500                  04/12/18   04/18/18    Willett Builders                    
17-0691   Reconstruction               0-013-019  11/02/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
17-1165   Reconstruction               0-013-020  04/12/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         -1,059                  02/11/19   03/01/19    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
                                                            EC-002         -2,184                  02/11/19   02/28/19    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
                                                            EC-003          9,165                  02/11/19   03/01/19    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
                                                            EC-004          7,388                  02/11/19   03/01/19    NELCORP ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING      
17-1699   Reconstruction               0-013-021  08/30/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001            717                  03/29/19   03/29/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC,INC.            
                                                            EC-002          4,471                  05/17/19   05/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            EC-003          1,366                  05/17/19   05/20/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            EC-005          1,534                  06/17/19   06/19/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC , INC.          
                                                            EC-007          1,952                  07/19/19   07/22/19    JOHM MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            EC-008         -1,798                  07/19/19   07/22/19    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            GC-002         -2,800                  02/19/19   07/15/19    IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP           
                                                            GC-004          6,565                  03/08/19   03/14/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-006         -7,011                  03/29/19   04/01/19    IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-007          1,397                  03/29/19   04/01/19    IVERSON CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-008            910                  10/17/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-010          1,040                  04/11/19   04/12/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-011            215                  05/17/19   05/28/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-014            166                  07/19/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-016          3,969                  07/19/19   10/22/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-018         11,723                  08/08/19   08/13/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-019         10,371                  11/18/19   11/29/19    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            GC-020         -3,540                  12/27/19   01/22/20    IVERSEN CONSTRUCTION CORP.          
                                                            HC-004          5,218                  05/17/19   05/20/19    DRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS          
                                                            HC-005          1,182                  06/17/19   06/19/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            HC-006          2,231                  07/19/19   07/22/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
                                                            HC-007          8,503                  08/08/19   08/20/19    LANDRY ,ECHANICAL CONTRACTORS       
19-1698   Reconstruction               0-013-022  06/18/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001        -25,169                  12/07/20   03/09/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-003          2,158                  12/28/20   04/02/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-004         18,252                  01/13/21   06/17/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-006        136,600                  02/17/21   04/07/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-007          6,604                  02/17/21   04/07/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-008         14,751                  04/22/21   08/05/21    KINLEY CORP OF NY                   
                                                            GC-010           -725                  04/22/21   08/05/21    KINLEY CORP OF NY                   
                                                            GC-012         -2,281                  04/29/21   08/12/21    KINLEY CORP OF NY                   
19-1702   Reconstruction               0-013-023  05/04/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          1,424                  09/15/20   11/17/20    WILLETT BUILDERS, INC.              
                                                            GC-002          1,290                  12/18/20   03/05/21    WILLETT BUILDERS, INC.              
21-1646   Reconstruction               0-013-025  07/22/22  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          5,815                  06/21/23   12/27/23    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC           
                                                            EC-002            299                  06/21/23   12/27/23    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC           
                                                            EC-003          3,070                  06/23/23   01/02/24    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC           
                                                            GC-001         10,135                  02/24/23   12/18/23    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONST LLC      
                                                            GC-002          2,537                  03/10/23   12/18/23    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONST LLC      
                                                            GC-003         15,006                  03/10/23   12/18/23    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONST LLC      
                                                            GC-004          1,854                  04/27/23   01/08/24    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-005          6,670                  04/27/23   01/08/24    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-006         10,414                  06/07/23   01/02/24    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            GC-007         -1,029                  06/07/23   01/02/24    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONST.         
                                                            GC-008           -299                  06/21/23   12/26/23    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONST          
                                                            GC-009            405                  07/21/23   12/18/23    HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION   
                                                            HC-001          1,800                  02/24/23   12/18/23    T BELL CONST CORP                   
                                                            HC-002          7,658                  03/31/23   12/21/23    T.BELL CONSTRUCTION CORP            
                                                            HC-003         -1,486                  06/07/23   12/27/23    T.BELL CONSTRUCTION CORP            
                                                            PC-001          6,045                  06/07/23   12/27/23    AMERING & JOHNSON                   
22-2076   Reconstruction               0-013-026  07/19/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001          1,328                  02/14/24   05/03/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-002          5,840                  02/14/24   05/03/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-003          9,945                  02/14/24   05/03/24    Schular-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-004         -2,418                  03/13/24   05/02/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-005           -755                  03/13/24   05/02/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-006            642                  03/13/24   05/02/24    Shculer-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-007         -4,645                  05/07/24   05/20/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            EC-008          1,270                  05/07/24   05/20/24    Schuler-Haas Electric               
                                                            GC-002          3,243                  02/01/24   04/26/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-005          3,024                  04/04/24   07/03/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-007         -7,500                  04/04/24   07/03/24    DiFiore Consruction                 
                                                            GC-008         66,000                  04/04/24   07/03/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-009          4,932                  05/07/24   06/21/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-010          4,500                  05/07/24   06/21/24    DiFiore Construction                
22-2077   Reconstruction               0-013-027  07/19/23  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001        179,055                  01/26/24   02/09/24    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-003          3,782                  02/01/24   04/26/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-004          1,946                  04/04/24   05/02/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-006          1,470                  04/04/24   05/02/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-011       -112,480                  05/22/24   06/13/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-012         -1,471                  06/26/24   06/27/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-013          7,396                  07/19/24   07/24/24    DiFiore Construction                
                                                            GC-014         10,784                  10/01/24   10/16/24    DiFiore Construction                
23-1687   Reconstruction               0-013-028  08/14/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
24-0161   Reconstruction               0-013-029  12/16/24  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
02-1416FP Reconstruction               0-013-FP1  03/14/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Columbian Elementary-leased to BOCEs:
00-1253   Reconstruction               0-015-004  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            005             1,094                  04/11/03   04/21/03    S&S Environmental                   
                                                            016             2,210                  07/12/04   07/19/04    Postler & Jaeckle                   
09-1288   Reconstruction               0-015-005  01/19/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          13,075                  08/25/11   06/20/19    STEO ELECTRIC INC                   
                                                            E-002           3,959                  05/07/12   10/07/13    STEO ELECTRIC                       
                                                            GC-001        111,125                  08/25/11   07/20/12    JAVEN CONSTRUCTION CO INC           
                                                            GC-002          1,908                  10/03/11   11/21/11    JAVEN CONSTRUCTION CO INC           
                                                            GC-003         20,361                  02/21/12   07/12/12    JAVEN CONSTRUCTION CO INC           
                                                            GC-004          8,885                  05/14/12   09/14/12    JAVEN CONSTRUCTION CO INC           
                                                            GC-005          4,664                  06/15/12     /  /      Javen Construction Co. Inc.         
                                                            H-001             761                  06/04/12   10/07/13    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING INC        
                                                            H-002           1,675                  02/21/12   02/08/13    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING            
                                                            P-001           1,486                  10/24/11   08/23/12    DANIEL J D'AMICO PLUMBING & HEATING 
                                                            P-002           2,039                  02/09/12   02/08/13    DANIEL J D'AMICO PLUMBING & HEATING 
                                                            P-003             635                  02/09/12   02/08/13    DANIEL J D'AMICO PLUMBING & HEATING 
16-0334   Reconstruction               0-015-007  12/21/16  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001             51                  05/12/17   05/18/17    Blackmon-Farrell Electric, Inc.     
                                                            GC-002         -2,540                  06/12/17   06/23/17    Blackmon-Farrell Electric, Inc.     
                                                            GC-003          2,450                  06/26/17   07/05/17    Blackmon-Farrell Electric, Inc.     
17-0659   Reconstruction               0-015-009  10/19/17  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
19-1691   Reconstruction               0-015-011  06/04/20  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-002         -1,524                  12/18/20   03/05/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-005         -8,946                  01/13/21   04/21/21    KINLEY CORP. OF NY                  
                                                            GC-009         -1,500                  04/22/21   03/16/22    KINLEY CORP OF NY                   
                                                            GC-011         -1,520                  04/29/21   03/16/22    KINLEY CORP OF NY                   
                                                            HC-001          3,283                  12/07/20   02/18/21    LLOYD MECHANICAL CO., LLC           
                                                            HC-002          3,133                  01/07/21   03/15/21    LLOYD MECHANICAL CO., LLC           

          Bldgs And Grounds Building:
91-0118   Reconstruction               3-004-002  08/27/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
10-0390   Reconstruction               3-004-003  03/01/11  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Bus Garage:
91-1383   Reconstruction               5-002-003  06/23/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
00-1252   Additions and Alterations    5-002-004  10/18/01  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            011             3,001                  06/16/03   07/11/03    Postler&Jaeckle                     
16-2148   Reconstruction               5-002-006  04/09/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                                                0                    /  /       /  /                                          
                                                            EC-001         -7,815                  10/09/18   11/28/18    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            EC-001         -7,815                  04/01/19   04/02/19    KRL KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            EC-002          5,781                  04/01/19   04/02/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            EC-003          3,636                  04/01/19   04/02/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            EC-005         17,552                  04/01/19   04/02/19    KEL-KUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC  
                                                            HC-002          9,859                  05/16/19   05/20/19    LAWMAN HEATING & COOLING, INC.      
                                                            SC-001          1,440                  03/26/19   04/25/19    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION, INC.          
                                                            SC-002         49,552                  03/26/19   04/25/19    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION, INC.          
                                                            SC-003            436                  03/26/19   04/25/19    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION, INC.          
                                                            SC-004         21,676                  03/26/19   04/25/19    DIFIORE CONSTRUCTION, INC.          

          District Wide:
08-0762   Reconstruction               7-999-001  12/19/08  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           1,046                  10/26/09   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-002             853                  11/19/09   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-003          11,951                  02/01/10   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-004             -82                  03/05/10   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-001          9,754                  10/26/09   06/15/10    KUITEMS CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            H-001             762                  10/26/09   06/15/10    JOHN W. DANFORTH COMPANY            
                                                            H-002           2,789                  10/26/09   06/15/10    JOHN W. DANFORTH COMPANY            
                                                            T-001             162                  10/26/09   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            T-002           1,007                  10/26/09   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            T-003           2,421                  10/26/09   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            T-004             -51                  03/05/10   06/15/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            T-005            -432                  07/21/10   08/18/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            T2-001         10,179                  02/01/10   06/15/10    LOGICAL CHOICE TECHNOLOGIES         
09-0307   Reconstruction               7-999-002  05/19/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           8,340                  10/24/11   05/14/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-002          10,362                  10/06/11   03/22/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-003           8,613                  10/06/11   03/22/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-004           2,846                  10/06/11   03/22/12    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            GC-001         11,145                  12/02/10   12/28/10    KUITEMS CONSTRUCTION INC            
09-1519   Reconstruction               7-999-003  01/20/11  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          10,949                  10/29/12   07/01/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-002          14,994                  10/29/12   07/01/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-003          11,815                  10/29/12   07/01/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-004           4,264                  02/15/13   07/01/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-005           1,115                  02/15/13   07/01/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-006         -14,398                  06/27/13   08/15/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            E-007           5,646                  10/03/13   03/04/14    Blackmon-Farrell Electric Inc.      
                                                            GC-001          3,693                  10/24/11   12/22/11    KUITEMS CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            GC-002          1,080                  02/09/12   07/16/12    KUITEMS CONSTRUCTION INC            
                                                            T-001           4,882                  09/14/12   08/15/13    FINGER LAKES TECHNOLOGIES GROUP INC 
                                                            T-002             345                  09/14/12   08/15/13    FINGER LAKES TECHNOLOGIES GROUP INC 

District No.: 57-19-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Central School:
91-0812   Reconstruction               0-001-004  03/26/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-0258   Additions and Alterations    0-001-005  11/30/93  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0257   Reconstruction               0-001-006  12/03/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
98-1161   Additions and Alterations    0-001-007  06/25/99  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-03              912                  06/03/03   06/03/03    Connors Haas                        
                                                            E-04            3,303                  06/03/03   06/03/03    Connors Haas                        
                                                            E-24            1,042                  05/06/01   02/06/02    Connors-Haas                        
                                                            E-25            6,282                  05/15/01   01/29/02    Connors-Haas                        
                                                            GC-06           8,926                  06/03/03   06/03/03    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-30           1,480                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-31           8,715                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-32             761                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-33             790                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-34               0                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-35           1,216                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-36           1,266                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-37           4,242                  04/27/01   01/10/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-38         -12,340                  05/15/01   01/29/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            GC-40          -9,593                  05/29/01   01/14/02    Welliver McGuire                    
                                                            M-08            4,577                  06/03/03   06/03/03    Amering & Johnston                  
                                                            P-04            6,484                  06/03/03   06/03/03    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            P-11              345                  05/12/01   02/06/02    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            P-12           -5,305                  03/18/02   05/24/02    Frey & Campbell                     
09-0095   Reconstruction               0-001-009  01/21/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001          13,444                  08/26/10   09/13/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-003          10,187                  10/29/10   11/09/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-004           3,083                  12/06/10   12/28/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-005          25,384                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-006          22,667                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-007           5,410                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-008           4,125                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-009           3,954                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-010           4,604                  01/26/11   02/24/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-012           1,510                  03/28/11   04/22/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-001          4,500                  05/07/10   08/05/10    LeCHASE CONSTRUCTION SVCS           
                                                            GC-002         15,702                  06/14/10   09/02/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-004          1,587                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-005          1,579                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-006          5,872                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-007          1,587                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-008          5,272                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-009            985                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-010            943                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-011         -2,850                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-012         25,507                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-013          6,829                  07/30/10   09/03/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-016          3,495                  09/17/10   09/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-017          7,383                  09/24/10   10/29/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-018          4,878                  11/03/10   11/09/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-019          7,433                  11/03/10   11/09/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-021          2,230                  12/16/10   12/31/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVCES LLC    
                                                            GC-022          4,150                  01/10/11   02/11/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-023          4,154                  01/10/11   02/11/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-024          4,997                  01/10/11   02/11/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-025          4,400                  01/21/11   02/24/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-027          3,035                  01/21/11   02/24/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-028          4,700                  01/21/11   02/24/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-029          3,579                  01/21/11   02/24/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-030          1,462                  01/21/11   09/02/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            M-001           2,562                  10/08/10   10/29/10    AMERING & JOHNSTON INC              
                                                            M-002           4,155                  01/18/11   02/11/11    AMERING & JOHNSTON, INC             
                                                            M-003           3,051                  01/18/11   02/11/11    AMERING & JOHNSTON INC              
                                                            P-001           8,326                  05/13/11   07/21/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            S-001             703                  06/04/10   07/28/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-002           6,488                  07/06/10   08/20/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-003           1,016                  07/15/10   08/25/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-004          26,804                  08/26/10   09/13/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-005           3,704                  08/26/10   09/13/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-006           1,197                  04/04/11   04/29/11    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-007          17,594                  04/04/11   04/29/11    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-008          10,127                  12/16/10   12/31/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-009          13,903                  11/12/10   11/16/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-016         -11,107                  06/06/13   07/26/13    Babcock Enterprises, Ltd.           
                                                            T-001           1,482                  09/03/10   09/24/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-002           6,390                  05/23/11   07/21/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-003           6,991                  12/06/10   12/28/10    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-005           4,835                  01/18/11   02/11/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
                                                            T-006           2,450                  05/12/11   07/21/11    STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS LLC      
08-0432   Reconstruction               0-001-010  01/27/09  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            R-001           8,000                  10/28/09   12/21/09    J&B INSTALLATIONS INC               
                                                            R-002           5,045                  01/07/10   02/19/10    J&B INSTALLATIONS INC               
11-0125   Reconstruction               0-001-011  02/16/12  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-001           1,557                  04/18/13   12/04/13    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC           
                                                            GC-001          8,430                  06/15/12   11/13/12    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            GC-002          6,933                  09/14/12   01/24/13    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            GC-003          6,120                  09/14/12   01/24/13    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            GC-004          5,212                  09/14/12   01/24/13    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            GC-005           -500                  10/09/12   02/22/13    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            GC-006         -9,000                  12/19/12   03/14/13    FRANK J MARIANACCI INC              
                                                            H-001           1,411                  02/11/13   07/23/13    AMERING & JOHNSTON INC              
                                                            P-001             400                  11/05/12   07/23/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC   
                                                            P-002             552                  04/29/13   07/23/13    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC   
                                                            P-003             592                  05/06/13   07/23/13    Landry Mechancial Constractors Inc. 
12-0832   Reconstruction               0-001-012  04/03/13  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001          7,466                  07/18/13   07/26/13    Frontier Glass, Inc.                
                                                            GC-002         33,446                  07/15/13   07/26/13    Frontier Glass, Inc.                
                                                            GC-003         -5,000                  01/16/14   02/20/14    Frontier Glass, Inc.                
17-0199   Reconstruction               0-001-013  02/12/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001        -7,400                  08/06/18   08/15/18    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING INC      
                                                            101-002        13,244                  11/16/18   01/16/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-003         2,960                  11/08/18   01/16/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-004           800                  12/17/18   01/16/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-005         2,016                  12/17/18   01/16/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-006        12,836                  06/27/19   10/03/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-007        13,801                  08/07/19   10/04/19    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-008         7,387                  01/09/20   02/18/20    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-009         4,118                  01/09/20   02/18/20    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            101-010        35,000                  04/20/20   07/22/20    HIGHLAND ACRES LANDSCAPING, INC.    
                                                            103-001       -13,200                  09/26/18   01/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-002        -5,095                  09/26/18   01/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-004        -9,348                  09/26/18   01/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-006         2,652                  10/05/18   01/25/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-007         8,268                  11/08/18   01/16/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-008        12,080                  11/08/18   01/16/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-010           516                  11/08/18   01/16/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-011         5,918                  11/08/18   01/16/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-012         2,812                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-013        -2,360                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-014         8,414                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-015         3,511                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-016       -12,542                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-017            96                  12/07/18   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-018        -4,657                  01/16/19   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-019        -4,668                  01/16/19   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SSERVICES, LLC 
                                                            103-020         2,397                  01/30/19   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-021        -3,643                  01/30/19   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-022        10,937                  01/30/19   03/12/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-023        27,400                  05/08/19   10/04/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            103-026        24,764                  07/25/19   08/13/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICVES LLC  
                                                            103-027       -27,400                  07/08/19   10/03/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            103-028        34,500                  07/08/19   10/03/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-029         7,088                  07/08/19   10/03/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-030         6,841                  08/07/19   10/04/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            103-031         9,615                  11/18/19   01/16/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-032        -5,694                  11/18/19   01/16/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-033        -1,048                  01/09/20   02/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-034         2,729                  01/09/20   02/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-035          -801                  01/09/20   02/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-036         6,965                  01/09/20   02/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-039         2,063                  02/12/20   03/18/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC   
                                                            103-040`        4,347                  03/19/20   07/22/20    LeChase                             
                                                            103-043       -11,000                  07/09/20   10/20/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            105-002       -20,000                  01/22/20   02/28/20    ELMER W. DAVIS, INC.                
                                                            107-002        13,572                  06/27/19   07/02/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-003        15,379                  06/27/19   07/02/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CPNTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-004        -8,398                  01/09/20   01/28/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-005         1,958                  01/09/20   01/28/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-008         1,821                  01/09/20   01/28/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-001        -1,000                  09/26/18   10/22/18    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC   
                                                            108-003         3,153                  11/08/18   12/03/18    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC   
                                                            108-005         8,532                  08/23/19   08/23/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-007         1,001                  08/23/19   08/23/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            109-001       -42,000                  10/05/18   10/25/18    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-002         1,226                  08/05/19   08/06/19    BLACKMON-FARELL ELECTRIC, INC.      
                                                            109-003        -5,000                  10/05/18   10/25/18    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-004        42,569                  11/16/18   12/03/18    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-005           833                  11/16/18   12/03/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-006          -669                  11/16/18   12/03/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-008         3,342                  08/05/19   08/06/19    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            109-010         1,300                  12/07/18   01/22/19    BLACKMON-FERRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            109-013           354                  02/12/20   03/13/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            109-014           875                  02/12/20   03/13/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            109-015         2,852                  03/20/20   07/03/20    Blackmon-Farrell Electric           
17-0253   Reconstruction               0-001-015  03/23/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            108-002          -867                  12/17/18   01/11/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
17-0200   Reconstruction               0-001-016  04/09/18  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            103-003       -13,521                  09/26/18   10/22/18    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-005        14,693                  10/05/18   10/15/18    LECAHSE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-009         5,454                  11/08/18   01/16/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-024        40,500                  05/08/19   05/29/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-025         5,215                  07/25/19   08/13/19    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            103-037           -95                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-038        -2,353                  01/22/20   02/19/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            103-041         7,210                  03/20/20   07/22/20    LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-042         6,385                  03/20/20   07/22/20    LeChase Construction                
                                                            103-044         1,294                  07/09/20   10/20/20    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC  
                                                            105-001        -3,675                  10/21/19   10/25/19    ELMER W. DAVIS, INC.                
                                                            107-001        19,285                  05/31/19   06/04/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-006         1,453                  01/09/20   01/28/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            107-007         1,377                  01/09/20   01/28/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-004        -9,938                  08/07/19   08/20/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-006         1,932                  08/23/19   08/23/19    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-008       -20,000                  01/31/20   02/27/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-009            95                  01/31/20   02/27/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-010         6,287                  02/12/20   03/20/20    LANDRY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 
                                                            108-011           545                  03/20/20   07/03/20    Landry Mechanical Contractors       
                                                            109-007         6,547                  11/16/18   12/03/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INCC      
                                                            109-009           -82                  11/16/18   12/03/18    BLACKMON FARRELL ELECTRIC INC       
                                                            109-011         2,050                  05/31/19   06/04/19    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            109-012        -1,114                  01/31/20   02/27/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
18-0996   Reconstruction               0-001-018  02/04/19  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            EC-001         16,200                  02/18/20   06/09/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
                                                            EC-002          4,900                  02/18/20   06/09/20    BLACKMON-FARRELL ELECTRIC, INC.     
20-0312   Reconstruction               0-001-021  02/09/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            101-001         6,350                  07/15/21   12/30/21    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            101-001         6,350                  09/02/21   05/24/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-002         7,700                  08/13/21   05/10/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-002         7,700                  09/02/21   05/24/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-003         1,180                  08/13/21   05/10/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-003         1,180                  09/02/21   05/24/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-004        14,350                  08/13/21   05/10/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-004        14,350                  09/02/21   05/24/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-005        10,950                  08/13/21   05/10/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-005        10,950                  09/02/21   05/24/22    EVINGHAM SITE EXCAVATION            
                                                            101-006        12,500                  10/08/21   07/26/22    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            101-007       -20,000                  10/19/21   12/06/22    Evingham Site Excavation            
                                                            103-001         5,334                  08/13/21   05/10/22    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA INC     
                                                            103-002       -48,000                  11/02/21   12/07/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira         
                                                            103-003         5,272                  09/22/21   12/01/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc     
                                                            103-004        24,604                  09/22/21   12/01/22    Edger Enterprise of Elmira Inc      
                                                            103-005         2,580                  09/22/21   12/01/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira, Inc    
                                                            103-006        27,600                  09/22/21   03/08/23    Edger Enterprses of Elmira In       
                                                            103-007        15,251                  09/22/21   03/08/23    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc     
                                                            103-008        22,839                  09/22/21   03/08/23    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc     
                                                            103-009        20,538                  10/08/21   07/26/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc     
                                                            103-010        16,072                  10/19/21   08/02/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Inc     
                                                            103-011         5,361                  12/16/21   10/11/22    Edger Entrs of Elmira               
                                                            103-012        24,715                  12/16/21   10/11/22    Edger Entr of Elmira Inc            
                                                            103-013         9,592                  12/16/21   10/11/22    Edger Enterprises of Elmira         
                                                            103-014        11,717                  01/10/22   01/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-015         9,805                  01/10/22   01/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-016        14,635                  01/10/22   01/05/23    Edger Entrps Elmira                 
                                                            103-017         1,148                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-018         2,310                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-019        13,667                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-020        19,634                  03/09/22     /  /      Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-021         1,186                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-022        10,000                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-023        18,236                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-024         2,435                  03/09/22     /  /      Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-025        27,583                  03/09/22   03/06/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-026         4,067                  03/23/22   04/19/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-030         9,467                  04/12/22   04/25/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-031         3,621                  05/04/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-032         3,655                  05/04/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-033        27,931                  07/18/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-034         2,771                  07/18/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-035         2,661                  07/18/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-036        18,169                  07/18/22   04/25/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-037         9,270                  07/18/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-039        14,731                  08/08/22   12/22/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-040         9,000                  08/25/22   09/07/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira              
                                                            103-041         8,999                  12/14/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-042        20,135                  12/14/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-043         4,732                  12/14/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-044        33,856                  12/14/22   12/05/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-27         16,696                  03/23/22   04/19/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-28          1,767                  03/23/22   04/19/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            103-29          1,555                  03/23/22   04/19/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
                                                            107-001         9,509                  10/08/21   07/19/22    Amering&Johnston, Inc               
                                                            107-002         3,995                  10/08/21   07/26/22    Amering & Johnston, Inc             
                                                            107-003        21,660                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-004         3,187                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-005         4,872                  02/10/22   11/30/22    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-006         4,159                  02/10/22   11/30/22    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-007         3,004                  02/10/22   11/30/22    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-008         3,722                  03/09/22   02/27/23    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-009         2,152                  03/09/22   02/27/23    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-010         1,360                  03/09/22   02/27/23    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-011         6,383                  04/12/22   03/08/23    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-012         4,530                  05/04/22   02/14/23    Amering&Johnston Inc                
                                                            107-013           473                  09/06/22   05/31/23    Amering& Johnston Inc               
                                                            108-001        12,650                  10/19/21   12/06/22    T Bell Const Corp                   
                                                            108-002        13,020                  10/19/21   12/06/22    T Bell Const Corp                   
                                                            108-003        22,621                  03/09/22   02/27/23    T.Bell Const Corp                   
                                                            108-004        20,847                  03/09/22   02/27/23    T Bell Const Corp                   
                                                            108-005        13,507                  03/09/22   11/02/23    T.Bell Const Corp                   
                                                            108-006        19,304                  04/12/22     /  /      TBell Const Corp                    
                                                            108-007        21,187                  04/12/22     /  /      TBell Const Corp                    
                                                            108-008         6,792                  04/12/22     /  /      TBell Const Corp                    
                                                            108-009         1,194                  07/18/22   05/22/23    TBell Const Corp                    
                                                            109-001         6,435                  07/15/21   12/14/21    Billitier Electric Inc              
                                                            109-001         6,435                  09/22/21   11/30/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            109-002         2,622                  10/08/21   07/26/22    Billitier Electtric, Inc            
                                                            109-003         3,163                  10/08/21   07/26/22    Billitier Electric, Inc             
                                                            109-004        17,760                  12/16/21   09/27/22    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            109-004        17,760                  12/16/21     /  /      Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            109-005        11,592                  12/16/21   09/27/22    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            109-006         4,380                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            109-007        10,339                  01/10/22   11/08/22    Billitier Elec Inc                  
                                                            109-008         5,903                  12/14/22   11/27/23    Billitier Elec Inc                  
20-1269   Reconstruction               0-001-022  03/12/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
20-0894   Reconstruction               0-001-023  03/02/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
22-1295   Reconstruction               0-001-024  02/16/23  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
23-1425   Reconstruction               0-001-025  05/01/24  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            GC-001         12,276                  02/04/25     /  /      Kircher Construction                
                                                            GC-002         26,022                  02/04/25     /  /      Kircher Construction                
02-1414FP Reconstruction               0-001-FP1  03/10/03  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          New Bus Garage:
09-0096   New Construction             5-009-001  01/21/10  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-002           4,674                  09/07/10   09/24/10    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-011           3,150                  03/14/11   04/01/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            E-013             988                  05/27/11   07/21/11    BILLITIER ELECTRIC INC              
                                                            GC-014          4,269                  08/06/10   09/14/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-015            321                  08/06/10   09/14/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-020          4,173                  12/06/10   12/28/10    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            GC-026          1,006                  01/21/11   02/24/11    LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LLC   
                                                            P-002             291                  05/02/11   05/20/11    FREY & CAMPBELL INC                 
                                                            S-010           6,424                  12/06/10   12/28/10    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
                                                            S-011           5,856                  01/18/11   02/11/11    BABCOCK ENTERPRISES LTD             
20-0313   Reconstruction               5-009-002  02/09/21  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            103-038        16,011                  07/18/22   05/09/23    Edger Entrps of Elmira Inc          
20-0895   Reconstruction               5-009-003  03/02/21  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

          Athletic Field Stor. Bldg.:
98-1615   New Construction             7-006-001  06/25/99  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

19-0314   Reconstruction               7-999-001  06/23/20  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE

District No.: 57-23-01-04
last updated on 02/10/25
REVIEW    BUILDING NAME/               BLDG./       SED     C. O.          C.O.        Disallowed  C. O.      C. O.                
No.       PROJECT SCOPE                PROJ. NO.  APPROVAL  Number         Amount      Amount      Received   Approved    Contractor

          Main Building:
90-0519   Additions and Alterations    0-001-002  01/10/91  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
91-1182   Reconstruction               0-001-003  05/11/92  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
93-1648   Reconstruction               0-001-004  08/04/94  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
96-0367   Reconstruction               0-001-005  12/06/96  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
99-0283   Additions and Alterations    0-001-006  03/22/00  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            AA-1            4,100                  09/12/03   09/16/03    Lambert's Asbestos Removal          
                                                            AA-2            9,688                  12/04/01   02/20/02    Lambert's Asbestos Removal          
                                                            E-10           12,494                  10/03/01   04/16/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-11            4,827                  12/04/01   02/20/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-12           10,582                  01/29/02   03/25/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-13              395                  03/19/02   04/19/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-14           10,447                  04/08/02   04/26/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-15            7,250                  06/27/02   07/15/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-16              799                  05/07/03   05/21/03    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-17            1,013                  09/10/03   09/16/03    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-2            23,945                  11/10/00   01/17/03    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-6            45,453                  05/02/01   01/14/03    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-7            21,210                  06/28/01   01/08/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-8            32,969                  09/12/03   09/16/03    RG Burns                            
                                                            E-9            18,319                  08/17/01   01/14/02    RG Burns                            
                                                            GC-10          45,543                  01/29/02   03/25/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-11           6,911                  03/19/02   02/14/03    Streeter Assoc,                     
                                                            GC-12           3,060                  08/16/02   09/05/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-13          11,404                  10/15/02   12/02/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-14           1,152                  10/06/03   11/05/03    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC-9            1,040                  11/30/01   01/28/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            GC2 rev.       53,251                  03/19/02   04/19/02    Streeter Assoc.                     
                                                            H-2             6,046                  03/23/01   01/14/03    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            H-4             1,944                  06/19/01   01/08/02    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            H-5            12,365                  08/17/01   01/14/02    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            H-6            45,923                  12/04/01   01/13/03    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            H-7            10,253                  04/08/02   04/26/02    Finger Lakes Piping                 
                                                            P-5            10,652                  02/13/02   03/25/02    Faulks Plumbing                     
                                                            WT-1              262                  09/17/02   10/30/02    Home Comfort                        
                                                            WT-2            1,486                  11/08/02   12/12/02    Home Comfort                        
                                                            WT-3            1,456                  03/06/03   03/19/03    Home Comfort                        
04-0390   Additions and Alterations    0-001-007  02/07/05  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            A-1             1,950                  08/24/05   09/01/05    Lamberts Asbestos Removal Services  
                                                            A-2             8,688                  11/23/05   02/13/06    Lamberts Asbestos Removal           
                                                            E-01            9,035                  11/15/05     /  /      John Mills Electric                 
                                                            E-01            9,035                  02/29/08   04/15/08    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC            
                                                            E-01            9,035                  03/03/08   04/15/08    JOHN MILLS ELECTRC, INC.            
                                                            E-02           12,775                  08/04/06   06/04/09    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            GC-2            9,321                  08/24/05   09/01/05    Edger Enterprises of Elmira         
                                                            GC-3           33,800                  11/15/05   12/02/05    Edger Enterprises of Elmira Co      
                                                            GC-5           12,316                  02/09/06   04/15/08    Edger Enterprises of Elmira         
                                                            GC-5           12,316                  02/29/08     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC    
                                                            GC-5           12,317                  03/03/08   04/15/08    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-6            2,664                  02/09/06   03/15/08    Edger Enterprises                   
                                                            GC-6            2,665                  02/29/08     /  /      EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC    
                                                            GC-6            2,665                  03/03/08   03/15/08    EDGER ENTERPRISES OF ELMIRA, INC.   
                                                            GC-7           -1,500                  03/22/06   06/23/06    Edger Enterprises of Elmira         
                                                            HVAC-1          2,613                  11/15/05     /  /      Frey Campbell                       
                                                            HVAC-1          2,613                  02/29/08   04/15/08    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC                
                                                            HVAC-1          2,613                  03/03/08   04/15/08    FREY & CAMPBELL, INC.               
                                                            HVAC2           2,482                  09/11/06   01/09/07    Frey Campbell                       
                                                            LR-1           -1,558                  08/24/05   09/01/05    E and B Equipement                  
                                                            P-1              -920                  12/21/05   12/29/05    Frey Campbell                       
                                                            P-2             8,400                  10/03/06   06/04/09    Frey Campbell                       
05-0337   Reconstruction               0-001-008  03/01/06  NO CHANGE ORDERS ON ELECTRONIC FILE
06-0836   Reconstruction               0-001-009  05/23/07  *CO No.*       Amount      Disallowed  Received   Approved    Contractor
                                                            E-10            7,156                  02/09/09   04/10/09    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-10            7,156                  02/09/09     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-11              523                  05/06/09   07/28/09    HOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-2             6,332                  10/30/07   01/16/08    John Mills Electric                 
                                                            E-3             4,371                  04/10/08   01/30/09    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-4               625                  04/10/08     /  /      JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            E-7            10,419                  11/03/08   02/27/09    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC            
                                                            E-8            12,030                  11/24/08   05/19/09    JOHN MILLS ELECTRIC, INC.           
                                                            GC-10             276                  10/30/08   01/22/09    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION      
                                                            GC-12           3,583                  10/30/08   01/22/09    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION      
                                                            GC-2            6,618                  10/30/07   11/14/07    Keuka Construction Corp             
                                                            GC-5           23,248                  01/09/08   01/23/08    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORP             
                                                            GC-6            9,154                  02/06/08     /  /      KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORP             
                                                            GC-6            9,154                  02/06/08     /  /      KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION      
                                                            GC-7           25,315                  04/10/08   08/07/08    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION      
                                                            GC-8           16,711                  06/20/08   10/07/08    KEUKA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION      
                                                            HVAC-1          3,484                  10/30/07   01/16/08    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            HVAC-3          1,327                  01/09/08   04/09/08    FREY&CAMPBELL,INC                   
                                                            HVAC-4            565                  06/20/08   05/11/09    Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            P-1             9,275                  10/30/07     /  /      Frey & Campbell                     
                                                            P-3            10,408                  01/09/08   03/19/08    FREY & CAMPBELL                     
                                                            P-5             4,312                  06/20/08   05/11/09    Frey & Campbell                     
08-1024   Reconstruction               0-001-010  06/01/09  *CO No.*       Amount