RESCUE Health and Safety Committees & Project SAVE Safety Teams

Health and safety committees are required under Part 155.4(d) - the RESCUE regulation (Rebuilding Schools to Uphold Education).

Laws&Regs - 8NYCRR155,5,15,00
Articles - 155.5schooldistrictrequirements

The main purpose of the health and safety committee (comprised of district officials, parents, teachers and staff) is to assist in the investigation and disposition of health and safety related complaints - such as facility, indoor air quality, pest management, construction issues, etc.

The regulation further states that the committee must be expanded during a school construction project to actually monitor safety during the project. The expanded committee must then include the project architect, construction manager, and contractors.

Project SAVE (Schools Against Violence in Education) requires the creation of both district-wide and school-based safety teams. The scope and responsibilities of the teams required under Project SAVE are much different, although they may be comprised of some of the same individuals as the health and safety committee under RESCUE. Specifically, Project SAVE requires the designation of four teams:

(1) district-wide school safety team
(2) building-level school safety teams
(3) building-level emergency response teams
(4) building-level post-incident response teams.

Project SAVE §2801 Safety Planning Outline

 District-Wide School Safety Plan

School Emergency Response Plan

The district-wide school safety team shall develop the comprehensive district-wide school safety plan. The building-level school safety team shall develop a school emergency response plan.
The district-wide school safety team shall be appointed by the board of education or chancellor in NYC and shall include, but not be limited to:
  • Representatives of the school board
  • Representatives of student, teacher, administrator, and parent organizations
  • School safety personnel
  • Other school personnel
The building-level school safety team shall be appointed by the principal, in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the board of education or chancellor in NYC and shall include, but not be limited to:
  • Representatives of teacher, administrator, and parent organizations
  • School safety personnel
  • Other school personnel
  • Community members
  • Local law enforcement officials
  • Local ambulance and other emergency response agencies
  • Other representatives the board of education or chancellor in NYC deems appropriate.
Shall be reviewed by the appropriate school safety team on at least an annual basis and updated as needed. Shall be reviewed by the appropriate school safety team on at least an annual basis and updated as needed.
Shall be available for public comment at least 30-days prior to its adoption.  Shall be available for public comment at least 30-days prior to its adoption. Only a summary shall be available for public comment.


District-Wide School Safety Plan

School Emergency Response Plan
(Building-Level) Continued

At least 30-days prior to its adoption by the Board of Education or Chancellor of NYC Schools, at least one public hearing must be held that provides for school personnel, student, and public participation. At least 30-days prior to its adoption by the Board of Education or Chancellor of NYC Schools, at least one public hearing must be held that provides for school personnel, student, and public participation.
 A copy of the plan shall be filed with the SED Commissioner within 30-days of adoption, as well as all amendments within 30-days of their adoption.

The SED Commissioner may withhold district monies if the Board of Education or Chancellor of NYC fails to file the plan or adopt a code of conduct. Prior to withholding monies, the district shall have an opportunity to present evidence of extenuating circumstances to the Commissioner who may temporarily stay the withholding of funds.

A waiver of up to two years may be granted from the date of enactment for these requirements if a district has adopted a comprehensive school safety plan which is in substantial compliance with the requirements of this section.

A copy of the plan shall be filed with appropriate local law enforcement and the NYS Police within 30-days of adoption, as well as all amendments within 30-days of their adoption.


 The plan shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law.

The district-wide school safety plan shall include at a minimum:

The school emergency response plan (building level) shall include the following elements:

(* A serious violent incident means an incident of violent criminal conduct that is, or appears to be, life threatening and warrants the evacuation of students and/or staff.)

Emergency Response Team

Post-Incident Response Team

  • School personnel
  • Local law enforcement officials
  • Representatives from local, regional, and State emergency response agencies
  • Other appropriate incident response teams
  • Appropriate school personnel
  • Medical personnel
  • Mental health counselors
  • Others who can assist the school community in coping with the aftermath of a violent incident