Facilities Planning

Welcome to the Facilities Planning website!

Facilities Planning is seeking to hire the following (07-31-2024)

Please visit the flyer announcement at the links above.

Preserving Privacy in All-Gender Multi-User and Public Single-User Toilet Facilities (6-7-2024)

Multi-User toilet facilities designed for use by all regardless of sex:
OFP has seen several recent applications for multi-user toilet facilities designed for use by all persons regardless of sex (aka all-gender; gender-neutral; gender-inclusive; etc.). OFP’s review of these facilities is limited to their conformance with code and regulations; as such, any approval by OFP should not be construed as an endorsement of this model.

Additionally, OFP, in consultation with the Office of Counsel and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will require that such designs preserve one’s right to privacy for use of the water closet/urinal AND for use of the lavatory (sink) due to a range of privacy needs that students may have related to the use of a sink/washing area. Often times, these plans feature individual stalls with full-height walls and doors; each stall must contain the water closet and the lavatory. Such designs must provide visual privacy; accessibility; ventilation; fire alarm visual notification; emergency lighting; fire rating if required; and required accessories (such as soap dispensers and drying facilities, free menstrual products required by law, and waste receptacles).

Public Single-User toilet rooms:
OFP will require public single-user toilet rooms to have a door privacy lockset to preserve one's right to privacy for use of the water closet/urinal AND for use of the lavatory (sink). These toilet rooms are commonly the public single-user accessible toilet room(s) in a school building.

2025-2029 BUILDING CONDITION SURVEY (05-17-2024)

Please reference the website, Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection:


Submitting Building Condition Survey - refer to the Building Condition Survey webpage under the tab ‘Forms and Manuals’.

Battery Energy Storage Systems and Energy Performance Contracts (4/29/2024)

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) do not “…improve the energy efficiency of, or produce energy in connection with, a building or facility…” in accordance with the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Part 155.20(b) (1), hence do not qualify as a valid energy performance contract (EPC) measure. To be fair, a BESS included in an EPC prior to the date of this posting will be considered. However, moving forward after this date, please note we will require that any BESS be removed completely from an energy performance contract.

A BESS may be submitted as a regular (non-EPC) aid- eligible capital project, since it is not required to meet the EPC regulation.

A BESS may also be submitted as part of EV bus charging infrastructure eligible for transportation aid according to the guidance for Zero Emissions Bus Charging Infrastructure posted 7-12-2023.

Memo Issued – ‘Use of Building Aid to Support Expansion of UPK/SUFDPK Spaces’ (3/27/2024)

Zero Emission Bus Charging Infrastructure Project Submissions (3/25/2024)

  • Any work that would otherwise require an OFP permit must still be submitted for review, approval, and permit prior to the work being bid. (Also see exemption for charger installations identified in #7 of the Q/A.)
  • Transportation Aid eligible components of the project must be submitted as a separate project number for accounting purposes.
  • The drawings and specifications may be combined with other non-transportation aid eligible scopes of work, but a separate project number and paperwork submission is required.
  • When the totality of the work within a submitted package of drawings and specifications is limited to that required for the EV bus charging infrastructure, OFP will expedite the review of the project.
  • Please email your expedite request to the District’s OFP Fiscal Associate (listed here) when your EV Bus Charging Infrastructure project has been submitted and has received a review number.

Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Charging Infrastructure Permit Exemptions

As many districts are actively working on the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Initiative, SED has received some questions regarding when a permit is required. All ZEB charging infrastructure projects are required to be submitted to NYSED's Office of Facilities Planning (OFP) for review, approval, and permitting. However, electric bus charger installations are exempt from review and permitting by OFP provided they meet all the following requirements:

  1. The existing electrical service, switchgear, and distribution panels have adequate capacity and do not require any upgrades to install the charger(s).
  2. The electrical bus charging equipment is hard-wired to an electric service distribution panel per manufacturer's installation instructions.
  3. New alternative energy systems (e.g. solar panels); energy storage systems (e.g. batteries); and/or generators are not being added; these installations require a building permit application to OFP.
  4. The electrical bus charging equipment shall be listed and the labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) for the intended use, and shall bear it's label.
  5. The electric bus charging equipment is installed by an electrician authorized by the district to perform such work.
  6. Proper markings are provided for the equipment per 2017 NEC 625.15
  7. For questions related to ZEB Charging Infrastructure Transportation Aid, please check out NYSED Q&A document here: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/mgtserv/docs/zero-emission-bus-infrastructure-qanda-20240222.pdf.

    Publication of the Revised MOU with Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation:

    • NYSED has entered into a revised agreement with OPRHP that is set to stand for five years.
    • The agreement clearly identifies categories of work that are exempt from review by OPRHP for specific building construction and rehabilitation activities associated with New York State Public Schools Capital Construction and Public Library Construction Grant programs.
    • This joint effort is established to protect NYS’s historic resources while maintaining the safety of students, staff, and the public.
    • The MOU can be accessed here and is effective January 10, 2024.
    • With questions regarding impacts to Schools, please contact Office of Facilities Planning at EMSCFP@nysed.gov.
    • With questions regarding impacts to Libraries, please contact Natalie McDonough at natalie.mcdonough@nysed.gov, or reference State Aid for Library Construction.
    • Contact information on the State Historic Preservation Office can be accessed here.


    The 2023 Building Condition Survey (BCS) must be submitted by 03/01/24.

    The 2024 Building Condition Survey (BCS) must complete review of each building by 12/31/24, and submitted by 3/01/25.

    The 2022 Visual Inspection (VI) should have been submitted in 2023. Contact our office via email to BuildingConditionSurvey@nysed.gov if you have any questions. There are no scheduled Visual Inspection (VI) requirements for 2023 or 2024.

    Please reference the website, Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection:


    Submitting Building Condition Survey - refer to the Building Condition Survey webpage under the tab ‘Forms and Manuals’.

    Zero Emission Bus Charging Infrastructure: State Aid Q&A (NEW 7-12-2023)

    Please see the Q&A document here, which outlines the use of Transportation Aid in projects submitted to OFP related to ZEB Charging Infrastructure. Please pay particular attention to the last question which clarifies how these projects must be submitted.

    Preliminary Review Submissions and BAU Recalculations (Updated 3-1-2024)

    Beginning today, June 16, 2023, all submissions for Preliminary Reviews and BAU Recalculations will be prescreened. The submissions should not be mailed to the Office of Facilities Planning until an LOI has been sent in, a project number has been assigned, and all the items in the PDF checklist (link below) are complete. A review number will not be assigned, and the PR submission will not be put in the PR review queue, until all the items on the check list are received and deemed complete. Upon paper submission, please also email the submission package, EXCEL document with the room list, and any questions to the Fiscal Associate assigned to your district.

    Preliminary Review Checklists Field Updated 3-1-2024 (PDF)

    SED Fiscal Associate List Updated (06-16-2023)

    The Fiscal Associate List has been updated and can be found here: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/documents/PMbyDistrict_001.htm

    For architectural related questions please contact Fran Kramer (Francis.Kramer@nysed.gov).

    For engineering related questions please contact Dan Lim (Dan.Lim@nysed.gov)

    Project specific inquiries regarding procedures and financial matters please contact the School District’s Fiscal Associate:

    For general inquires please email EMSCFP@nysed.gov.

    Notice of Amended Regulations for Construction Documents to Include the Design Professional’s Registration Expiration Date (NEW 06-13-2023)

    Please be advised the NYS Department of State, in coordination with the NYSED Office of the Professions, recently amended its regulations, effective December 30, 2022 to require the design professional’s registration expiration date accompany their stamp on all locations their stamp occurs on construction documents (i.e. ALL stamped drawings, and ONLY the cover/certifications page of the project manual).

    The notice is available at: https://www.op.nysed.gov/releases/advisory-notices/imporant-information-to-include

    Please note, OFP will be enforcing the State Boards for Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Engineering/Land Surveying/Geology Practice Guidelines accordingly:

    Revision to the FIRE SAFETY MANUAL (NEW 3-28-2023)

    • The revised manual provides additional guidance and explanation of the requirements for reporting and explains the process of obtaining temporary Occupancy Certificates. Until the next version of the Building Code is adopted, the code being enforced is the 2020 New York State Building Code based on the 2018 International Building Code.
    • This reflects NYSED's clarifying conversation with the NYS Department of State, which promulgates the Fire Code. As a result of this conversation, monthly fire drills are no longer required.
    If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties, our office is available to assist you as always. Please send an e-mail to firesafety@nysed.gov.

    Suspending the Third Party Review (TPR) Expedited Program (3-8-2023. Info emailed to Districts 2-16-2023)

    • The voluntary Third Party Review (TPR) Program run through CiTi BOCES has been outsourcing the technical reviews for eligible capital project submissions since 2018.
    • The receipt of projects submitted to the TPR Program will be suspended as of March 31, 2023.
    • The full submission for any projects requesting a TPR must be received by the Office of Facilities Planning prior to March 31, 2023, and a corresponding request placed to thirdpartyreview@nysed.gov.
    • Review queues have remained stable for the last several years and thus the program suspension will be effective thereafter until further notice.
    • Any questions should be addressed to thirdpartyreview@nysed.gov.

    Revision to 2022 Manual of Planning Standards (REVISED 3-29-2023)

    Due to some valuable comments from the field, select sections of the 2022 Manual of Planning Standards have been revised. Please see the link below for the revised document. Paragraphs containing changes are highlighted in grey, and mostly occur in Part VI: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Requirements and in Part VIII: Electrical Work (note some sections and tables have been removed). To accommodate these last minute changes, we will be postponing the implementation of the 2022 MPS.

    The current 1998 version will be superseded by the revised 2022 MPS with a grace period to allow facilities currently being designed to be submitted complying with the 1998 version. All projects received by our office after April 1, 2023 must be in compliance with the revised 2022 MPS. If you have questions about the new MPS, please email EMSCFP@nysed.gov. Thank you for your patience.

    SED Fiscal Associate List Updated (01-26-2023)

    The Fiscal Associate List has been updated and can be found here:  https://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/documents/PMbyDistrict_001.htm

    For architectural related questions please contact Fran Kramer (Francis.Kramer@nysed.gov).

    For engineering related questions please contact Dan Lim (Dan.Lim@nysed.gov)

    Project specific inquiries regarding procedures and financial matters please contact the School District’s Fiscal Associate:

    For general inquires please email EMSCFP@nysed.gov.

    Permit Application Submission Deadlines for Federal Stimulus Projects (01-26-2023)

    Please see the memo linked below regarding submission deadlines: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/federal-education-covid-response-funding/construction-deadlines-1-23-23.pdf

    Break out Federal Stimulus Fund Supported Projects (11-16-2022)

    REVISED PROCEDURE: State Educational Agencies (SEAs) & Lead Educational Agencies (LEAs) have a short timeframe to obligate federal stimulus funds. To that end, SED will only expedite review of federally funded projects.

    SED is prioritizing review of federally funded projects, but several A/E firms are submitting large project(s) with only a small percentage of federal funding, or are bundling mixed-funding projects, some of which contain no federal funding. To ensure the highest priority is assigned to federal fund projects, please break out the federal stimulus work as a separate project according to the guidelines below.

    For bundled submissions (i.e. containing multiple project numbers) that include non-stimulus project numbers, A/E firms shall separate the federal funded projects from projects which have no federal funding. Each federal stimulus project submitted to our office should have at least 40% federal funding (i.e. stimulus funds allocated for the project divided by total project cost) to be eligible for an expedited review.For example, if a federal fund project involves only HVAC work, but is part of a larger project and is less than 40% of the total project cost, the HVAC scope should be broken out as a separate project, such that completion of the design, bid or construction of a larger mixed fund project, doesn’t jeopardize completion of the federal fund project by the deadline.

    Following this procedure will allow OFP to give the immediate attention that federal fund project(s) deserve. If you have questions, please contact us.

    Electronic Project Submissions (Revised 03-21-2022)

    REVISED PROCEDURE: We no longer require an email to be sent to emscfp@nysed.gov advising when an electronic review is “ready for review”! We will monitor internally when electronic submissions need to be moved in Laserfiche after receiving their review number assignment(s). Please see Requesting Mailed and PDF Copies of All SED Submission Paperwork (Revised 12-08-2021) below for Project File submission requirements. Please note - an electronic pdf version of SED paperwork is still required to be emailed to emscfp@nysed.gov.

    School Security and Door Hardening Memo (02-17-2022)

    Please see the memo linked here: School Security and Door Hardening Memo_2022

    AHERA 2022 Re-inspection Reminder (02-17-2022)

    The federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires all public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to be re-inspected for all known or assumed asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in all facilities which are owned, leased, or otherwise used as a school building every three years. The 2022 triennial re-inspection must be completed no later than July 8, 2022 and submitted to the Commissioner of Education no later than September 1, 2022. Please see the attached letter for further instructions.

    2022 AHERA Triennial Reinspection Survey Cover Letter

    Federal Stimulus Funding Supported Projects - CRRSA and ARP Funding (REVISED 01-14-2022)

    The Office of Facilities Planning is now accepting CRSSA and ARP funded capital projects which have filed FS-10s / other documents as required by the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs.

    These projects will require all the submittal items of a regular project, but the process will be modified as follows:

    LOI’s will continue to be emailed to the LOI mailbox. Please type/print “Federal Stimulus Funding” on the LOI letter AND in the subject line of the email.

    Please email PDFs of SED paperwork for all final project submissions to emscfp@nysed.gov, in addition to the paper copy that must be mailed in. Please use the subject “<District name> Federal Stimulus Paperwork”. The body of the email message should include all SED project numbers associated with the submission. Please use the full 15-digit SED Project Number (i.e. SED Project #XX-XX-XX-XX-X-XXX-XXX). All SED project numbers are required so that we can pull the appropriate project folders.

    REVISED PROCEDURE (01-06-2022): We no longer require an email to be sent to emscfp@nysed.gov advising when an electronic review is “ready for review”! Since we require the paper format of the SED paperwork be submitted before assigning review numbers, the processing for electronic reviews can be streamlined to reduce emails. We will monitor internally when electronic submissions need to be moved in Laserfiche after receiving their review number assignment(s).

    Please mark with the transmittal (paper submission) and cover sheets of the drawings and project manual with “Federal Stimulus Funding”. These projects will receive an expedited review.

    Please see the Federal Stimulus Funding Q&A document in the link below.

    Link Q&A. PDF

    RESOURCES (revised 01-14-2022): Please see the attached document which lays out considerations to help states analyze the allowable use of ESSER funds to pay for construction, renovation, and minor remodeling projects.

    Eligibility for State Reimbursement of Federal CRRSA and ARP Expenditures PDF Image Icon

    CCSSO memo on ESSER funds for construction December 2021 PDF Image Icon

    Statement Regarding Ionization Air Cleaners (New 12-14-2021)

    Facilities Planning, in consultation with the Department of Health, has been fielding many questions regarding ionization air cleaners and the marketing of such products to use in schools. Please see the attached letter for guidance.

    Statement Regarding Ionization Air Cleaners 12.14.21 PDF Image Icon

    Forms and Checklists New 10-22-2021)

    Facilities Planning has updated the Final Submission Forms Workbook! In addition, Facilities Planning has created a new PowerPoint presentation to aid the school districts and A/Es in the completion of these forms. In order to accommodate projects currently preparing for submission, a grace period will be provided until January 1, 2022. During this grace period both versions of the forms will be accepted. Starting January 1, 2022, all project submissions must use the most updated version below.

    Bonfire and Fireworks Permits (10-05-2021)

    Bonfires: In compliance with the 2020 NYS Fire Code Section 307 Open Burning, the Office of Facilities Planning requires a permit application for bonfires on district owned property. For each planned bonfire event, please use the form link below to submit to FireSafety@nysed.gov. For bonfire related questions, please contact Louis Fiorese at 518-473-8992 or louis.fiorese@nysed.gov

    Bonfire Permit Application PDF Image Icon

    Fireworks: In compliance with 2020 NYS Fire Code Section 5608 Fireworks Display, the Office of Facilities Planning requires a permit application for fireworks on district owned property. For each planned fireworks event, please use the form link below to submit to FireSafety@nysed.gov . For firework related questions, please contact Louis Fiorese at 518-473-8992 or louis.fiorese@nysed.gov

    Fireworks Permit ApplicationPDF Image Icon

    It continues to be true that NYSED is only approving the bonfire or fireworks display as required by the Fire Code. It is not under NYSED’s jurisdiction to authorize the district to have a large gathering on-site. That authorization must be obtained from the appropriate governing authority during times of applicable limitations due to the COVID pandemic. Please coordinate with current requirements of State and Local Health Departments.

    Requesting Mailed and PDF Copies of All SED Submission Paperwork (REVISED 12-08-2021)

    To help us serve you faster, the Office of Facilities Planning is requesting PDFs of SED paperwork for all final project submissions to be emailed to emscfp@nysed.gov, in addition to the paper copy that must be mailed in. The review number will be assigned upon receipt of the paper submission. Please scan all SED paperwork as double-sided. For a submission that includes multiple project numbers submitted as a single package, please create a separate PDF for each individual project number that contains the SED paperwork for that project. Paperwork should be scanned and submitted in the order listed on the SED FP-CL form for each project number.

    REVISED PROCEDURE: Please use the subject “<District name> SED Paperwork”; please note the SED project number should no longer be included in the subject line. The body of the email message should include all SED project numbers associated with the submission. Please use the full 15-digit SED Project Number (i.e. SED Project #XX-XX-XX-XX-X-XXX-XXX). All SED project numbers are required so that we can pull the appropriate project folders.

    To clarify, this request does not apply to the submission of the design drawings and specifications. If you have any questions please contact us.

    REVISED PROCEDURE: Please use the subject “<District name> SED Paperwork”; please note the SED project number should no longer be included in the subject line. The body of the email message should include all SED project numbers associated with the submission. Please use the full 15-digit SED Project Number (i.e. SED Project #XX-XX-XX-XX-X-XXX-XXX). All SED project numbers are required so that we can pull the appropriate project folders.

    To clarify, this request does not apply to the submission of the design drawings and specifications. If you have any questions please contact us.

    Updated COVID 19 FAQs (09-23-2021): The following Q&A are intended to provide clarifications and additional information to the NYSED Health and Safety Guide for the 2021-2022 School Year

    COVID FAQs Fall 2021 PDF Image Icon

    Post Bid Addenda and Energy Performance Contract Amendments (08-05-2021)

    We have written previously (Newsletter#105 – November 2010) about post-bid addenda and the difficulties they cause our office – these difficulties are magnified by our reduced staffing levels.

    As a reminder, in order for a PM to allow for the submission of an addendum, it must meet the following requirements

    • The work in the addendum must be related to the original scope.
    • The addendum scope must be authorized under the project’s proposition/authorization and funding is available.
    • Confirmation will be required that the addendum scope is covered by the SEQRA Resolution, the project’s FP-OPRHP-LOR or SHPO Determination Letter, and the project’s Asbestos Letter.
    • In addition to the addendum, the following will be required to be emailed to the PM: A revised FP-F, FP-SC, SGIS and FP-AP

    In an effort to clarify our procedures following project permitting, please note:

    • NYSED will no longer accept project addenda following our receipt of the Certificate of Substantial Completion (CSC) form.
    • NYSED will no longer accept contract amendments or change orders for Energy Performance Contract (EPC) projects which have been approved and received a building permit.

    In these cases, a new project must be submitted for review and approval.

    Federal Stimulus Fund Supported Projects (06-07-2021)

    The Office of Facilities Planning, in collaboration with NYSED’s Chief Financial Officer and the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs, is developing guidance regarding capital construction projects based on the United States Department of Education (USDE) recently issued FAQs for this federal program.  The Use of Funds FAQ (released May 26, 2021) may be of particular interest, since it discusses construction and combination of funds. Links to the federal program website are below:

    Districts which intend to do federally funded work using CRRSA and/or ARP-ESSER funds must first file FS-10s and other documents as required by the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs. If a project would normally require a building permit if supported by state/local funds, it must also have a building permit if supported by federal funds (or a combination of funding streams). Facilities Planning forms are under development at this time.

    We will update the Facilities Planning home page as additional information becomes available.

    Changes to Policy on Prescreening and Addressing Incomplete Design Submissions (05-27-2021)

    To devote limited engineering resources to conduct more timely reviews, we are suspending prescreening, which was originally designed to prevent “placeholders” or incomplete submissions from entering our queue. Incomplete submissions waste our reviewers time and is unfair to those who submit complete bid ready submissions. Going forward, our architects and engineers will conduct a careful review of SED paperwork and the design documents for completeness.

    For the time being, we are trusting that Architects and Engineers will continue to submit 100% bid ready construction documents as required.

    For your reference, projects where the design documents are grossly incomplete at time of review start, as determined by management, will be posted to our website listing the school district project and the architect/engineer as “Waiting for adequate documentation”.

    Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathroom Facilities (03-26-2021)

    ACTION REQUIRED: Law in Effect March 23, 2021

    Legislation relative to single-occupancy bathroom facilities became Law December, 2021.

    The new Education Law Section 409-m, requires all schools to develop policies and procedures “requiring that all single occupancy bathroom facilities (toilet rooms) are designated as gender neutral for use by no more than one occupant at a time or for family or assisted use”. Simply stated, existing single-user toilet rooms which do not have signs which indicate gender neutral must be provided with new signs with the words “all gender” (preferred) or “gender neutral”. To comply with the new legislation and the Building Code of New York State refer to the following guidance:

    Gender neutral toilet signs FAQ 3-24 PDF Image Icon


    On Tuesday, November 17th the attached memo was distributed to school leaders: Fire Drills Clarifications Memo

    On Friday, December 4, 2020, a revised PUBLIC SCHOOL FIRE-SAFETY REPORTING FORM was published.

    • The revised form eliminates reporting of the monthly evacuation fire drills as described in the NYS Fire Code. This reflects NYSED’s clarifying conversation with the NYS Department of State, which promulgates the fire code. As a result of this conversation, monthly fire drills are no longer required.

    If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties, our office is available to assist you as always.  Please send an e-mail to firesafety@nysed.gov

    COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (09-04-2020)

    • TO OUR CUSTOMERS: This emergency will significantly impact normal business activities and services provided by the New York State Education Department. Please expect delays in services, wait times, and responses. We appreciate your patience.
    • VISITORS: We are now accepting in-person delivery of submissions at the security entrance desk at Hawk Street; please contact the main office number at 518-474-3906 ahead of time to let us know when you are coming. When you arrive, please ask security to call our main office number and staff will come down to retrieve the documents. Please note, access to the interior of all State Education Department buildings will be restricted to visitors until further notice. Building access will be limited to state employees who have official duties within the buildings.
    • Please visit the NYSED dedicated COVID-19 web page for guidance and resources. We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.


    Please find REVISED guidance addressing the use of plastic Sneeze Guards in schools. Please review the revised guidance and work with district consultant of record to provide written evaluation and statement of code compliance for specific proposed products. Plastic Glazing for Sneeze Guards (Revised)


      • Preliminary Submissions will be accepted, hard copy only please.
    • CHANGE ORDERS (06-03-20)
      • Change Orders/Contingency Allowance Authorizations will be accepted in hard copy only please.
    • FIRE SAFETY (06-03-20)
      • The Office of Facilities Planning will allow PDFs of the Fire Safety Report (FSR) and Certificate of Substantial Completion (CSC) (maximum 8-1/2x11 size) to be submitted for occupancy of new buildings and additions to existing buildings. Please send PDFs of both forms to firesafety@nysed.gov
      • Certificates of Substantial Completion for reconstruction projects will be accepted in hard copy or in the electronic (pdf) format.
      • Please send an email to emscfp@nysed.gov with the subject “Certificate of Substantial Completion for <District name>”. The body of the email message should include all SED project numbers associated with the submission. Please use the full 15-digit SED Project Number (i.e. SED Project #XX-XX-XX-XX-X-XXX-XXX). All SED project numbers are required so that we can pull the appropriate project folders.
      • Attach a fully completed PDF copy of the SED Certification of Substantial Completion Form to the email.

    Please view our news page for additional news items...

    Our mission is to ensure safe, healthy, comfortable, and acceptable educational facilities which promote effective and efficient learning for all New York students regardless of where they live.

    We will accomplish our mission by establishing clear expectations and standards for school facilities. We will work with parents, teachers, administrators, designers, facility directors, contractors and the community to set in motion mechanisms for school improvement statewide.

Last Updated: August 1, 2024