School Governance, Policy, and Religious and Independent Schools

Degree Of Cost-Effectiveness Reported by School Districts

Not Cost Effective

1. Use of Shared Decision-Making Councils

2. Multi-Disciplinary Curriculum

3. Block Scheduling

4. Other Uses of Instr. Technology

5. Scheduling Alternatives

1. Shared Pers. for Cap. Constr.

2. Other Central Admin. Staff

3. Records Management

4. Legal Services

5. Restructuring Central Admin.

Marginally Cost Effective

1. Homework Help Line

2. Teacher Centers

3. Programs Which Maximize Student


4. School-to-Work Programs

5. Scheduling Alternatives

1. Alternative Energy Sources

2. Custodial Services

3. Copying/Printing

4. Records Management

5. Shared Personnel for Cap. Constr.

Moderately Cost Effective

1. Summer Remedial/Enrichment Programs

2. Teacher Centers

3. Programs to Maximize Student


4. Systems Change Project

5. Site Based Budgeting

1. Telephone Service

2. In-House Personnel for Cap. Constr.


4. Other: O & M

5. Food Service Manager

Highly Cost Effective

1. Returning Spec. Ed. Students to Dist.

2. Consolidated Summer School

3. Shared Special Education Services

4. Use of Volunteers

5. Library Automation

1. Self-Funded Workers’ Comp.

2. Direct Purchase of Natural Gas

3. Business Official

4. Health Insurance Consortium

5. Co-op. Liability Insurance

QUESTION: How would you rate a particular cost-effectiveness initiative?

Last Updated: June 2, 2011