Mandate Relief
The following list of mandates for NYS School Districts has been compiled after requests to the field and our partner organizations to provide us with those mandates that represent the greatest challenges to districts in terms of financial burden and required time/human capital. The list is by no means exhaustive as we know that such a list would need to be based on a common definition of and experience with mandates. It would also require that we vet all statutes, regulations and policies against any such definition. It is not our intent at this time to enter into such a project.
In reviewing the list, we would ask that you do two things: first, if you find that there is a mandate which places the burden on your district as noted above, that you notify us by email of the mandate and the cost both in time and money that it imposes on your district; second, we would ask that provide us with your estimate of the impact on students; and third, we would ask that you provide us with the estimated costs of the listed mandates in terms of fiscal and human capital impact. Working with our critical partners, we will continue to review those items submitted for addition to the list which will be updated on the website periodically.
Thank you for your continued assistance with the effort.
List of Mandates Frequently Raised in Discussions with School Administrators, Board Members, and the Public (49 KB) - Updated 8/4/10