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2019-20 Title I School Improvement Grant 1003 Targeted Support Grant
Announcement of Funding Opportunity

Grant Application Documents

Application in PDF Adobe PDF | Application in Word Word document

Purpose of Grant

For the 2019-20 school year, the New York State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) is providing Target Districts with identified schools that have been in accountability status for multiple consecutive years the opportunity to receive additional support and on-site technical assistance to assist these schools in meeting their annual identified targets.   

Title I School Improvement Grant 1003 TARGETED SUPPORT Grant funds will be provided to support these programs.  These funds will be separate from the Title I School Improvement Grant 1003 BASIC funds that districts are currently using to advance their improvement initiatives and Title I School Improvement 1003 ENHANCED funds that are being provided to districts participating in the Department’s High School Redesign, Enhancing Principal Leadership, and Instructional Coaching Consortium programs. 


Target Districts that completed the Targeted Support to Long-Term Identified Schools Notice of Intent and have at least one identified school that meet the criteria below are eligible to submit applications for this grant:

  1. Currently identified CSI schools that were previously identified as Priority Schools from 2015 to 2018; or
  2. Currently identified TSI schools that were previously identified as Priority Schools from 2012 to 2018.

 A full list of eligible schools can be found in Attachment C – SIG TARGETED Eligible Schools.


The Department is providing $150,000 per eligible school.

Allowable Uses of Funds

The Department has established guidance and parameters for districts regarding the use of these funds:

  1. The funds must directly connect to established Demonstrable Improvement Indicators (DIIs) for all eligible CSI schools and established School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) goals for all eligible TSI schools.
  2. The funds must support activities and expenses that will increase the likelihood of the school reaching its DIIs or SCEP goals.
  3. Due to the size of these grants, the Department will support districts that choose to fund staff positions with these funds, provided these staff positions directly connect to established DIIs or SCEP goals.  Any staff position funded through this program must comply with federal “supplement, not supplant” guidelines and should not be used to fund core instructional positions.  The Department envisions providing similar levels of funding in subsequent years. This approach will allow participating districts to establish staff positions that can be supported as long as the district has eligible schools participating in the support.
  4. Districts must complete a School Spending Plan (see Attachment A) for each eligible school as part of a single LEA application.  If a district envisions directing these funds for any single purchase designed to support multiple eligible schools, then the district should apportion the expense in each school’s individual expense plan based on the percent of the expense directed toward that specific school.  For example, if the district were to fund a staff position that will support one eligible school three days a week and a different eligible school two days a week, the district should apportion 60% of the costs associated with this position to one school and 40% of the costs associated to the other school.
  5. SIG TARGETED SUPPORT funds cannot be used to support schools within the district that are not listed in Attachment C as an eligible school.  If the district wishes to fund an expense that would support eligible and non-eligible schools, SIG TARGETED SUPPORT funds could only be used for the portion that will go toward eligible schools.  The remaining amount for the portion that will support non-eligible schools must be covered by a different funding stream, which could include SIG Basic. 
  6. Please refer to Attachment B for an example of how to complete the application.

Project Period

January 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020

Application Deadline

Completed applications are due by February 7, 2020 and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. LEAs are encouraged to submit completed applications as soon as possible to expedite the review and approval process.

Submission Instructions

To receive SIG TARGETED SUPPORT funding, eligible Districts must submit:

  1. One signed original and two copies of the Cover Page;
  2. One original and two copies of Attachment A for each participating school
  3. One signed original and two hard copies of the FS-10 budget form.

LEAs are required to send the signed original and two hard copies to:

NYS Education Department - Office of Accountability
Attn: Title I SIG 1003 TARGETED SUPPORT Grant
Room 320 EB
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234

For additional information or assistance please contact: fieldsupport@nysed.gov.

Grant Application Documents

Application in PDF Adobe PDF | Application in Word Word document

Last Updated: January 22, 2020