Social Studies Resource Guide

This page contains old information and should be used for reference only.

The Social Studies Resource Guide is presented as a working draft to provide opportunity for review and comment by the field. It is available on the WEB for those who have the capability to use this medium. One paper copy will be provided to each school district and BOCES as soon as they are printed.

In order to make the electronic version of the document easier to use and faithful to the format of the printed document we have:

  1. broken the large document into several sections with connecting links (below) to take you directly to each section. (This will prevent tying up your modem connection for extensive time.)
  2. placed the document in PDF format to preserve the actual format of the written document. See note below.

Hardware Requirements

Some of the learning experiences sections are very graphically intensive in order to show the detail of student work. As an example, the 28 Learning Standards file (1310K) took 10.5 minutes to download on a 486/66 PC using a 28.8 modem and Windows 3.11. It took 35 minutes to print on a Canon 600 InkJet printer. It took less than 5 minutes on a laser printer. Your experiences may vary. If you have lower end equipment, your experience will be considerably slower. Many older printers with limited graphics capabilities may not be able to print these sections. Other printers may run out of memory. You may be able to get around this by printing in smaller pieces.

We invite you to send comments to the State Education Department using the Reaction form provided in the last section (Review & Comment).

Click this link for information about PDF formatting. Use your browser's back function to return here.

Regents, Acknowledgements, Foreword & Introduction 237K
Curriculum Essentials 301K
Scope and Sequence 598K
Learning Experiences: Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic, Colonial Times to Our Times, & Museum/School Partnership 1067K
Learning Experiences: Recipes for Revolution, Geography, & Geography Booklet 1166K
Learning Experiences: Law and Life in Two Ancient Societies, Cookie Factory, & Study of Gender Equity 951K
Learning Experiences: Getting Inside the Heads of Famous People, Women's Issues in the Progressive Era, & USA's Involvement in Conflicts in the 20th Century 1179K
Learning Experiences: Student Investigation of a Key Public Policy in Participation in Government and Economics 526K
Learning Experiences: World War I: Learning Stations Project 1344K
Learning Experiences: World War I: The Versailles Treaty 505K
Assessment Models 1238K
Social Studies Standards and Reaction Form 469K

SED Home Page

*** Last update 10/28/97 (emc) ***