Grade 4 English
The percentage of students meeting all the standards in 2006 decreased in each category compared with 2005. The decrease was smallest in New York City and Low Need Districts.
Percentage of Students Scoring at Levels
3 and 4
NewYork City Large City Urban-Suburban Rural Average Low 1999 32.8% 28.6% 39.2% 49.3% 59.3% 72.4% 2000 41.7% 38.2% 53.3% 60.1% 70.5% 83.9% 2001 43.9% 40.7% 56.8% 60.4% 71.1% 85.8% 2002 46.50% 42.20% 57.20% 60.00% 71.90% 86.00% 2003 52.5% 44.3% 60.3% 61.2% 72.8% 85.1% 2004 49.6% 43.5% 58.0% 59.1% 71.3% 83.8% 2005 59.5% 54.2% 66.6% 67.1% 77.5% 88.1% 2006 58.9% 49.2% 61.7% 62.5% 75.3% 87.0%