Grade 8 English
In New York City, the percentage of eighth-graders meeting all the standards increased on the new test. Since 1999, however, there has been little change overall. In the other categories, there was little change this year compared with the 2005 test.

The percentage of students scoring at Levels 3 and 4
	New York City	Large City	Urban-Suburban	Rural	Average	Low
1999	35.3%		28.8%		37.1%		45.8%	55.8%	69.2%
2000	32.5%		24.3%		33.5%		41.8%	52.4%	67.5%
2001	33.1%		24.3%		34.5%		41.0%	51.8%	68.6%
2002	29.5%		19.3%		33.5%		43.2%	53.3%	70.5%
2003	32.6%		22.5%		36.7%		41.0%	53.1%	69.6%
2004	35.6%		23.3%		37.3%		42.9%	54.8%	71.1%
2005	32.8%		23.5%		38.9%		45.3%	58.1%	75.2%
2006	36.6%		24.2%		38.3%		44.7%	57.9%	74.7%