Grade 8 English
More eighth-graders in New York City, Rochester, and Yonkers met the Standards than on the 2005 assessment.

Percentage of Students Scoring at Levels 3 and 4
	New York City	Buffalo	Rochester	Syracuse	Yonkers
1999	35.3%		31.3%	23.8%		30.4%		29.0%
2000	32.5%		22.6%	26.6%		21.3%		27.6%
2001	33.1%		23.3%	25.1%		22.5%		27.8%
2002	29.50%		19.80%	18.30%		18.50%		21.70%
2003	32.6%		22.0%	17.7%		23.8%		29.6%
2004	35.6%		25.9%	18.5%		21.3%		28.0%
2005	32.8%		26.0%	17.6%		22.3%		29.6%
2006	36.6%		20.9%	26.3%		21.3%		31.8%