2009 NYSAA Data Repository Directions
February 2009
From: Jeffrey
M. Williams
Subject: 2009
NYSAA Data Repository Directions
Directions for storing raw scores and summed
scores in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) are
included in this memorandum. The
Item Maps that are needed to store the data in the Repository
were sent to RIC/Big 5 coordinators by Tom Kumiega of Erie I
BOCES and will be posted on the State Education Department’s web site
at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/ .
Performance levels for the 2008–09 New York
State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) will not be
assigned by the RICs/Big 5 or by Measured Progress, the contractor responsible
for developing the assessment. They will be determined in Level 2 of the repository.
NYSAA is offered in four content areas: English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science and social studies. Students eligible for the NYSAA in a content area are assessed on two grade-level specific Alternate Grade Level Indicators (AGLIs) in that area.
General Rules for Determining Standard
Achieved or Not Tested
Performance Level
Can be Determined: A Performance Level (Standard Achieved
Codes “21,” “22,” “23,” and “24”) can be determined if one or more AGLI is completed
for a student in a particular content area. However, for each completed AGLI, “Y” must be
indicated for AGLI Selected from
the Appropriate Grade Level, Task
Connects to AGLI, and VE (Verifying
Evidence) Connects to Task; and a score of 1 to 4 must be indicated for both Performance: Level of Accuracy and Performance: Level of Independence for
at least one date for that AGLI in a content area.
For each content area (ELA, mathematics, science and social studies),
sum the scores for the three dates for Accuracy for
the first AGLI. If a student was
assessed on fewer than three assessment dates for one or both AGLIs in a
content area, sum the scores for the completed dates. The result
should be a number from 1 to 12. Sum the scores for the three dates for
2. Sum the two Accuracy totals for the two AGLIs to produce an Accuracy Total from 1 to 24 for each content area. Do the same for Independence Total. These totals will also be stored in the Repository.
Administrative Error: If AGLI Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task Connects to AGLI or VE Connects to Task has an “N” or blank value for all AGLIs attempted in a content area, no Performance Level can be calculated for the AGLIs and the result is administrative error for that student (Standard Achieved Code “97”).
If AGLI Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task Connects to AGLI and VE Connects to Task are all “Y”, there must be a score for both Performance: Level of Accuracy and Performance: Level of Independence for at least one date for a valid score to be determined. If an “NS” is indicated for either Level of Accuracy or Level of Independence for all completed dates, the result is administrative error for that student (Standard Achieved Code “97”).
Not Tested:
If a “Y” is indicated for AGLI Selected
from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task
Connects to AGLI, or VE Connects
to Task, or an Accuracy or Independence bubble is filled in for an
AGLI in a particular content area, and a not-tested bubble (Absent, Not
Enrolled, Administrative Error, Took Another Assessment, or Medically Excused)
is also filled in, the scores must override a Not Tested condition. This applies even if only one of the AGLI Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task
Connects to AGLI, VE Connects to Task, Accuracy,
2. The Repository uses two Not-Tested condition codes: “Medically Excused” and “Administrative Error.” These conditions are identified on the Not Tested Forms. Medically Excused is a Standard Achieved Code of “93.” Administrative Error is a Standard Achieved Code of “97.” “Not Enrolled at Time of Test Administration” and “Absent” will be captured using enrollment and assessment record data (student is enrolled on a certain date or range of dates, has a NYSAA program service record (0220), has an appropriate date of birth, but has no assessment record for NYSAA). “Took Another Assessment” will be captured when the score for that assessment goes into the Repository.
3. If more than one “not tested” condition is indicated, let “Not Enrolled at Time of Test Administration” override all of the others. Let “Medically Excused” override the rest. Let “Took Another Assessment” override “Absent” and “Administrative Error,” and let “Absent” override “Administrative Error.”
Storing Data in the Repository
Assessment Response Template (New York State Student Information Repository
System (SIRS) Manual: Reporting
Data for the 2008-09 School Year p. 99)
Ø Contains one row for each potential data element (“bubble”) on the score sheet. For example, this template contains a single row for the Accuracy data for each date for each AGLI reported. If there is a score from 1 to 4 indicated on the score sheet for that date, then 1 to 4 would go in the numeric value field (#9) in that row in the Assessment Response Template.
Item Maps indicate what data will go in each row. Accuracy data
for each AGLI require rows for first, second, and third dates and the sum
across those three dates (e.g., Item Map Item Response Description (field
#7): 11101.A.1, 11101.A.2, 11101.A.3, and 11101.A.S). Each
AGLI for
Complete Datafolio: If AGLI
Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task
Connects to AGLI, and VE Connects
to Task are all “Y” for an AGLI and a score of 1, 2, 3, or 4 is indicated
for both Accuracy and Independence for at least one date, then a 1, 2, 3, or 4 will be
stored in the numeric value field (#9) FOR EACH “DATE” (first, second, third)
for Accuracy and for Independence for each AGLI. In the case
of an “NS” for Accuracy or
Admin Error (Accuracy or Independence): If AGLI
Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task Connects to AGLI and VE
Connects to Task are all “Y” for an AGLI and “NS” is indicated for Accuracy and/or Independence, NS will go in the alpha field and zero in the numeric
field for the “date(s)” that shows an “NS.” The
summary across dates will show NS in the alpha field and zero in the numeric
field if an “NS” is indicated for either Level of Accuracy or Level
of Independence for all completed dates. The total summary
rows will also show NS in the alpha field and zero in the numeric field if
an “NS” is indicated for either Level
of Accuracy or Level of Independence for
all completed dates for both AGLIs.
Admin Error (Appropriate Grade Level or Task and VE Connect): If AGLI Selected from the Appropriate Grade Level, Task Connects
to AGLI, and/or VE
Connects to Task is “N” or blank for an AGLI,
put NYY, YNY, YYN, NNY, NYN, YNN or NNN in the Summary for Accuracy and Summary
for Independence alpha field and zero in the numeric field. (The first
character represents AGLI Selected
from the Appropriate Grade Level, the second
character represents Task Connects
to AGLI, and the third character represents VE
Connects to Task. For example, if AGLI
Selected from the Appropriate
Grade Level is “Y” and Task Connects to AGLI is “Y”
and VE Connects to Task is “N”
or blank, then the alpha field should show YYN.) Place no data in the Accuracy and
Assessment Fact Template (New York State Student Information Repository
System (SIRS) Manual: Reporting
Data for the 2008-09 School Year p. 91)
Ø Contains one row per grade level per subject per student.
Ø Field #15 (Assessment Status) will store a Y (for Yes) or N (for No) for the question on the score document that asks “Was a collegial review of this datafolio conducted?”
Ø Field #17 (Standard Achieved Code) will store a 97 for administrative error, a 93 for medically excused and N/A for any assessment for which Level 2 will assign a performance level.
Ø Field #34 (Testing Modification) will store a 1 for flexibility in scheduling/timing, a 2 for flexibility in setting, a 3 for method of presentation (excluding Braille), a 4 for method of response, a 5 for other, or a 6 for Braille for the IEP Accommodations collected on the score document.
Ø Field #46 (Survey Completion Indicator) will store a Y (for Yes) or N (for No) for the question on the score document that asks “Was the Parent/Family/Guardian Survey completed?”
If you have any questions with regard to these instructions, contact Jeffrey Williams at (518) 474-7965. If you have any questions with regard to storing NYSAA data in the Repository, contact Tom Kumiega at (716) 821-7166. Thank you for your continued assistance with this project.
cc: Candy Shyer
Clara Browne