New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)
The New York State Alternate Assessment is administered to students whom the district Committee on Special Education has designated as having severe cognitive disabilities as defined by the Office of Special Education. (
- 2015-16 NYSAA Item Maps – Science and Social Studies [Access database] (2.7MB)
- 2015-16 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- ELA & Mathematics DLM Welcome Letter
- 2015-16 NYSAA-Science Social Studies Data Repository Instructions (49KB)
- 2015-16 NYSAA Not Tested Form
- 2015-16 A 2014-15 Administration Period for Science and Social Studies: December 7, 2015 to February 12, 2016
- 2015-16 A 2014-15 Administration Period for ELA and Math: March 21, 2016 to June 3, 2016
- 2015-16 Scoring Period for Science and Social Studies: February 29, 2016 to March 18, 2016
- 2015-16 Scoring Period for ELA and Math: not applicable (computer based assessment and scoring)
- Age Ranges for Students with Disabilities Participating in the 2015-16 NYSAAA
- Changes to the New York State Alternate Assessment Beginning with the 2015-16 School Year
- 2014-15 NYSAA Data Repository Directions (27KB)
- 2014-15 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database] (1.50MB)
- 2014-15 NYSAA Not Tested Form (12KB)
- 2014-15 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- 2014-15 A 2014-15 Administration Period: September 29, 2014 to February 27, 2015
- 2014-15 Scoring Period: March 16, 2015 to May 1, 2015
- Age Ranges for Students with Disabilities Participating in the 2014-15 NYSAAA
- Interpreting Scores on the 2013-14 New York State Alternate Assessment
- 2014 NYSAA Data Repository Directions (28KB)
- Memo regarding Medically Excused from NYSAA (47KB)
- 2013-14 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database] (7.59MB) [updated 4/8/2014]
- 2013-14 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- 2013-14 NYSAA Not Tested Form (12KB)
- 2013-14 Administration Period: September 30, 2013 to February 7, 2014
- 2013-14 Scoring Period: March 10, 2014 to May 1, 2014
- Age Ranges for Students with Disabilities Participating in the 2013-14 NYSAAA (39KB)
- The Transition of the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) to Measure the P12 Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) (37KB)
- 2012-13 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database] (15.8MB)
- 2013 NYSAA Data Repository Directions (39KB)
- 2012-13 New York State Assessment (NYSAA) File Layout (355KB)
- 2012-13 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- 2012-13 Age Criteria
- 2012-13 NYSAA Cut Scores (26KB)
- 2012-13 NYSAA Not Tested Form (14KB)
- Age Ranges for Students with Disabilities Participating in the 2012-13 NYSAA
- 2012-13 Administration Period: October 1, 2012 - February 8, 2013
- 2012-13 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 11 to May 2, 2013
- 2011-12 NYSAA Cut Scores (26KB)
- 2011-12 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database] (15.8M)
- 2012 NYSAA Data Repository Directions (12KB)
- 2011-12 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- Letter to NYSAA Teachers regarding survey (50KB)
- 2011-12 NYSAA Not Tested Form (14KB)
- 2011-12 Administration Period: October 3, 2011 - February 10, 2012
- 2011-12 NYSAA Scoring Period: March 12 to May 3, 2012
- 2011-12 Age Criteria
- 2011-12 New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) File Layout (127KB)
- 2010-11 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database] (15.8M)
- 2010-11 NYSAA Cut Scores (27KB)
- 2010-11 NYSAA Not Tested Form (34KB)
- 2010-11 Administration Dates: October 4, 2010 - February 11, 2011
- 2010-11 Scoring Dates: March 14, 2011 - May 5, 2011
- 2010-11 Age Criteria
- 2010-11 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- 2011 NYSAA Data Repository Directions (73KB)
- 2010-11 New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) File Layout (53KB)
- 2009-10 NYSAA Not Tested Form (17KB)
- 2009-10 Administration Dates: October 5, 2009 - February 12, 2010
- 2009-10 Scoring Dates: March 15, 2010 - May 6, 2010
- 2009-10 Age Criteria PDF (58KB)
- 2009-10 Application for Exception to NYSAA One Percent Cap
- 2009-10 NYSAA Cut Scores PDF (77KB)
- 2009-10 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database (15.7MB)]
- 2009-10 Repository Directions PDF (62KB)
- 2009-10 NYSAA File Layout PDF (125KB)
- 2008-09 NYSAA Cut Scores (41KB)
- 2008-09 NYSAA Assessment Records Due to Level 2 of Student Information Repository System: June 5, 2009
- 2008-09 Scoring Dates: March 16, 2009 - May 8, 2009
- 2008-09 Administration Dates: October 6, 2008 - February 13, 2009
- 2008-09 Repository Directions | PDF (44KB)
- 2008-09 NYSAA File Layout | PDF (125KB)
- 2008-09 Collecting Testing Accommodation and AGLI Numbers PDF (48KB)
- 2008-09 NYSAA "Not Tested" Form (17KB)
- 2008-09 Age Criteria PDF (57KB)
- 2008-09 NYSAA Item Maps [Access database (13.7MB)]
Last Updated:
March 8, 2016