New York State School Report Cards for the 2009-10 School Year
2009-10 Statewide Report Cards
2009-10 District/School Report Cards
- Accountability and Overview Report & Comprehensive Information Report
- Fiscal Accountability Supplement & Information about Students with Disabilities
New York State Report Card Database
- 2009-10 Database
- Database Read Me
Use of 2009-10 3-8 ELA and Math Cut Scores
For the 2009-10 school year results, the New York State Education Department raised the grades 3-8 English language arts (ELA) and mathematics cut scores for the Basic and Proficient performance levels. Raising the bar has caused a statewide drop in the percent of students scoring at proficiency levels 3 and 4. Additional information can be found at:
In addition, the 2008-09 time adjusted cut scores were applied to 2009-10 elementary/middle-level ELA and mathematics assessment results to make 2010-11 accountability status determinations. Additional information on accountability calculations can be found at: (106KB)
Data Accuracy
School and district data reported on this web site were submitted by local school district officials. School superintendents were provided with an opportunity to review and correct summary reports based upon this data. Therefore, data reported on this web site reflect information, including any local corrections, received by the New York State Education Department by its reporting deadline. After the deadline, district officials may have notified the Department of errors in the data. Interested individuals should contact the district to be sure that they have the latest data available.