Dear C4E Superintendent,
The online C4E system is now active, and you may begin to input information. Your complete Contract for Excellence must be submitted by August 15, 2008. Please enter your Contract by way of the NYSED portal at Your password is the same as that used for State Aid and other official online SED business. You may call the State Aid Management System hotline at 518-474-2977 if you are having trouble with your password. Guidance is attached and also available at Click on:
Guidance for Completing a C4E (UPDATED) (1.71MB)
One of the first tasks in completing your C4E is the statutory requirement that districts make their proposed Contract public, in order to ensure that there is an opportunity for input. The regulations defining how districts must meet this requirement are very specific. The regulations themselves and guidance on the "Public Information Process on C4E" will detail these requirements:
If your district has already made public its proposal for C4E, please check the attached document to ensure that you have met all the requirements, e.g., allocations are listed by school, c4e allowable program area, targeted student group, with expected student achievement gains for each school with a c4e allocation. If you have not yet made your proposed C4E public, it is imperative that this be done very soon, in order to meet the 30 day period and complete your C4E on time. Please note that you will not be able to submit your C4E and the Commissioner will not approve it until you have met all public reporting requirements.
The C4E website provides a wealth of information, including a recently posted document, "Frequently Asked Questions" with a wealth of guidance about questions raised by C4E districts. The C4E Web address is Please check this site often.
Finally, should you wish to designate another person within your district to also receive C4E correspondence, please let me know. I have attached a list of districts, designees and coordinators. Your coordinator will be checking in with you to see how he or she can best assist you in this process.
Please feel free to contact your coordinator or me if you have any questions, concerns, or need online support in developing your C4E application. Thank you.
Best regards,
Deborah H. Cunningham, PhD
Coordinator for Educational Management Services
New York State Education Department. Room 876 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
(518) 474-6541
(518) 474-1983 (fax)