Ed Management Services

Budgeting Handbook

Appendix A


Activity - Completion Date

  • Budget calendar adopted by school board - October
  • Budget development guidelines and budget forms distributed to budget developers with deadline date for return to the business office - October
  • Separate current year budget into three components; administrative, program & capital. Calculate current year administrative and contingent budget caps - October/November
  • Board of Education study session - approve budget format and guidelines - November
  • Preliminary Transportation budget due in business office - December
  • Preliminary Plant Operations and Maintenance budget due in business office -December/January
  • All budget detail including non-instructional staffing, equipment requests, supply needs and contractual expenditures due from budget developers in business office - December/January
  • Transportation, Plant Operations and Maintenance Budgets for Review with Board of Education - December/January
  • General Support section of budget for review with Board of Education - January/February
  • Board study session to review Transportation, Plant Operations and General Support sections of proposed budget - January/February
  • Debt Service and Employee Benefits section of budget for review with Board of Education - February
  • All instructional staffing for the proposed budget finalized - February
  • Board study session to review Debt Service and Employee Benefits Sections of proposed budget - March
  • Instruction Section of budget completed for review with Board of Education - March
  • Board study session to review instructional section of proposed budget - March
  • Presentation and review of estimated revenues and tax projection for the proposed budget - March
  • Board study session for final review of proposed budget prior to adoption and publication of newsletter to publicize the popular budget - March/April
  • Arrange for the pickup and return of voting machines with the Board of Elections or contractor - March/April
  • First publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Budget Vote (Annual Meeting) dates...within 7 weeks of date set for Annual Meeting with first publication 45 days before date of Annual meeting - * April
  • Second publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates - April
  • Prepare absentee ballot applications, absentee ballot, related envelopes, and directions. Obtain and use locked ballot box for absentee ballots - April
  • Deadline for submission of petitions for nominations of Board candidates (30 days before election, 20 days in sm. city) - ** April
  • Inform candidates of legal requirement for candidates for election to BOE to file sworn statements of campaign expenses and distribute informational material - April
  • Deadline for submission of petitions for propositions to be placed on ballot (30 days preceding meeting date) - ** April
  • Date for drawing by District Clerk for determination of order for listing Board candidates on ballot or voting machine - April
  • Board of Education meeting to adopt proposed budget - April
  • Third publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates, including availability of budget - April
  • Appointment of Clerks and Inspectors of Elections - April
  • Prepare packet of poll list sheets for each table (original and 1 copy) - April
  • Budget available upon request at each polling place seven (7) business days before Budget Hearing date - April/May
  • Arrange for Notary Public to swear in Inspectors of Elections at opening of the voting session prior to the vote - April/May
  • Prepare paper ballot and written directions for its use. Prepare envelopes with voter affidavit (Ed Law 2019a). Obtain locked ballot box for paper ballots - April/May
  • Prepare supplies needed for the day of the election: pens, pencils, string, registration forms, tally sheets, stapler, tape, letter opener, etc - April/May
  • Prepare declaration (Ed Law 2019) for voters - who are challenged as unqualified - April/May
  • Final date for budget adoption by Board (at least seven (7) days prior to Budget Hearing to meet publication requirement) - April/May
  • Fourth Publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates - May
  • Budget Hearing (at least seven (7), but no more than fourteen (14) Days before the vote date (Annual Meeting) - May
  • Receive sworn statements by candidates for membership on the Board of Education. These statements must be submitted to the District Clerk on the 30th day preceding the election. The second statement must be submitted to the District Clerk on the 5th day preceding the election.  The third statement must be submitted to the District Clerk within 20 days succeeding the election - April/May/June
  • Prepare voting machine inserts and transmit to County Board of Elections 5-6 days prior to the election. Physically examine voting machines for ballot placement and sign statement at the Board of Elections - May
  • Post a listing of those residents who were given applications for absentee ballots in the Office of the District Clerk (five (5) days prior to the vote date) - May
  • Annual Meeting (Budget vote and election of Board of Education Candidates) - Third Tuesday in May

On the day of the Vote/Election

  • Post at the voting place a list of those residents who were given absentee ballots
  • Post a sample ballot
  • Post Distance Marker signs 100 feet from the polling place stating that persons are forbidden from electioneering within a distance of 100 feet and post signs indicating where the election is taking place.
  • Obtain key to office used by the Board of Registration for telephoning the Board of Elections
  • Record voting results on schedule showing each machine total, verified by the Chief Inspector of Elections with the required signatures

* If 45 days from the date of Annual Meeting falls on a Saturday, run first ad on the Friday preceding.

** If 30 days from the date of the Annual Meeting falls on a Sunday, move deadline for the submission of petitions to the Monday following.


Activity - Completion Date

    Budget calendar adopted by school board - October
  • Budget development guidelines and budget forms distributed to budget developers with deadline date for return to business office - October/November
  • Separate current year budget three components, administrative, program & capital. Calculate current year administrative and contingent budget caps - November
  • Board of Education study session - approve budget format and Parameters - November
  • Preliminary Transportation budget due in business office - December
  • Preliminary Plant Operations and Maintenance budget due in business Office - December/January
  • All budget detail including non-instructional staffing, equipment requests, supply needs and contractual expenditures due from budget developers in business office - December/January
  • Transportation and Plant Operations and Maintenance Budgets for Review with Board of Education - December/January
  • General Support section of budget for review with Board of Education - January
  • Board study session to review Transportation, Plant Operations and General Support sections of proposed budget - January
  • Debt Service and Employee Benefits section of budget for review with Board of Education - February
  • All instructional staffing for the proposed budget finalized - February
  • Board study session to review Debt Service and employee Benefits Sections of proposed budget - February
  • Instruction Section of budget completed for review with Board of Education - March
  • Board study session to review instructional section of proposed Budget - March
  • Presentation and review of estimated revenues and tax projection for the proposed budget - March
  • Board study session for final review of proposed budget prior to adoption and publication of newsletter to publicize the popular budget - March/April
  • First publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Budget Vote (Annual Meeting) dates...within 7 weeks of date set for Annual Meeting with first publication 45 days before date of Annual meeting - April
  • Second publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates - April
  • Prepare absentee ballot applications, absentee ballot, related envelopes, and directions. Obtain and use locked ballot box for absentee ballots - April
  • Deadline for submission of petitions for nominations of Board candidates (30 days before election, sm city 20 days) - **April
  • Inform candidates of legal requirement for all candidates for election to BOE to file sworn statements of campaign expenses and distribute informational material - April
  • Deadline for submission of petitions for propositions to be placed on ballot (30 days preceding meeting date) - **April
  • Date for drawing by District Clerk for determination of order for listing Board candidates on ballot or voting machine - April
  • Board of Education meeting to adopt proposed budget - April
  • Third publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates, including availability of budget - April
  • Appointment of Clerks and Inspectors of Elections - April
  • Budget available upon request at each polling place seven (7) days before Budget Hearing date - April/May
  • Final date for budget adoption by Board (at least seven (7) days prior to Budget Hearing to meet publication requirement) - April/May
  • Arrange for the pickup and return of voting machines with the Board of Elections or contractor - April/May
  • Arrange for Notary Public to swear in Inspectors of Elections at opening of the voting session prior to the vote - April/May
  • Prepare paper ballot and written directions for its use. Prepare envelopes with voter affidavit (Ed Law 2019a). Obtain locked ballot box for paper ballots - April/May
  • Conduct voter registration with Board of Registration (Ed Law 2014) OR Exercise option of voters registering during the school day...Not more than 14 days or less than 5 days before election, 4 consecutive hours between 7AM & 8PM. Board of Registration not required to meet when the district exercises this option - May
  • Prepare supplies needed for the day of the election: pens, pencils, string, registration forms, tally sheets, stapler, tape, letter opener, etc - May
  • Prepare affidavit (Ed Law 2019a) for voters whose names do not appear in the registration books, registered voters whose cards are filled and have voted, and registered voters whose cards are filled and have not voted. (Pre-number all forms) - May
  • Prepare declaration (Ed Law 2019) for voters - who are challenged as unqualified - May
  • Type/order name tags "Assistant Clerk", "Chief Inspector of Elections", and "Inspector of Elections" in bold colors - May
  • Fourth Publication of Legal Notice of School Budget Hearing and Vote (Annual Meeting) dates - May
  • Budget Hearing (at least seven (7), but no more than fourteen (14) Days before the vote date (Annual Meeting) - May
  • Receive sworn statements by candidates for membership on the Board of Education. These statements must be submitted to the District Clerk on the 30th day preceding the election. The second statement must be submitted to the District Clerk on the 5th day preceding the election.  The third statement must be submitted to the District Clerk within 20 days succeeding the election - April/May/June
  • Prepare voting machine inserts and transmit to County Board of Elections 5-6 days prior to the election. Physically examine voting machines for ballot placement and sign statement at the Board of Elections - May
  • Post a listing of those residents who were given absentee ballots in the Office of the District Clerk (five (5) days prior to the vote date) - May
  • Annual Meeting (Budget vote and election of Board of Education Candidates) - May

On the day of the Vote/Election:

  • Post at the voting place a list of those residents who were given absentee ballots
  • Post a sample ballot
  • Post Distance Marker signs 100 feet from the polling place stating that persons are forbidden from electioneering within a distance of 100 feet and post signs indicating where the election is taking place.
  • Obtain key to office used by the Board of Registration for telephoning the Board of Elections
  • Record voting results on schedule showing each machine total, verified by the Chief Inspector of Elections with the required signatures

* If 45 days from the date of Annual Meeting falls on a Saturday, run first ad on the Friday preceding.

** If 30 days from the date of the Annual Meeting falls on a Sunday, move deadline for submission of petitions to the Monday following.

Last Updated: December 14, 2010