Similar Schools Group #22
The New York State School Report Card
for School Year 2001-2002
All schools in this group are middle level schools in large cities other than New York City. The schools in this group are in the lower range of student needs for middle level schools in these districts.
Student Needs Statistic for these schools ranges from 69.1 to 143.1
For more detail about similar school groups, please refer to the following material:
Please select a public school name to access its New York State School Report Card.
If you have difficulties using these links, please read these tips.County (link to County Page) |
School District (link to District Page) |
School Name (links to School Page) |
School Enrollment (K-12) | ELL Percent | Free-Lunch Percent | Need Statistic |
354 |
0.0% |
29.1% |
69.1 |
382 |
0.0% |
54.2% |
128.7 |
581 |
0.0% |
60.2% |
143.1 |
465 |
6.9% |
49.7% |
124.9 |
This page last updated on 04/11/2002.
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