Appendix 4 of Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements
(Reasons for Ending Enrollment Codes)

Code Reason
High School Graduates
799 Graduated (earned a Regents or local diploma) Credential Type Description must be provided as a data element in the Student Lite template.
High School Completers
085 Earned an IEP diploma
629 Previously earned an IEP diploma
816 Earned a High School Equivalency Diploma (GED)
Transfer to Other Schools
153* Transferred to another school in this district or to an out-of-district placement
170* Transferred to another NYS public school outside this district with documentation. Note: documentation of transfer is not required for preschool students with disabilities
204* Transferred to a NYS nonpublic school with documentation
221* Transferred to a school outside NYS with documentation. Note: documentation of transfer is not required for preschool students with disabilities.
238* Transferred to homebound instruction provided by this district
255 Transferred to home-schooling by parent or guardian
272 Transferred to postsecondary school prior to earning a diploma
5827 Leaving a school under NCLB-a victim of a serious violent incident
5938 Leaving a NYC community district under NCL B- a victim of a serious violent incident

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