


Transmittal Letter


Instructions and Definitions


Sampling Guidelines for Federal Indicator Number Seven


Table 1


Table 2



Official Seal of the New York State Education Department THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234

Tel. (518) 474-7965
Fax (518) 408-3363
E-mail: dataquest@nysed.gov


To: Special Education Data Managers of Public School Districts
Superintendents of Public School Districts

Date:  March, 2006

From: Inni Barone
Subject: PD- 10 – Public School District Report of Early Childhood Outcomes - 2005-2006 School Year

Important: Due Date is Between September 1 October 1 and September 15 October 16, 2006.

The PD-10 is a new report that requests data to evaluate the performance of the State and school districts on State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator #7 stated below. This and other federal indicators are described in detail in the SPP that is required under section 616(b) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). To review New York’s SPP, go to http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/spp/home.html. Also, please see February 2006 memo regarding Indicator #7 at the same website. The February memo provides a description of the roles and responsibilities of approved preschool evaluators, Committees on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and school districts in implementing the requirements of this indicator. It also provides the Child Outcomes Summary Form, which will be used by approved evaluators and school districts to summarize evaluative information on every preschool child who receives an initial evaluation for preschool special education programs and/or services on or after March 1, 2006. The PD-10 report requests aggregate results from the last page (page 15 of the above referenced memo) of the Child Outcomes Summary Form.

Indicator 7:
Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

The data collected in the PD-10 report during 2005-06 school year will provide important information regarding results of initial evaluations (or entry assessments) of three- and four-year old preschool children upon initial entry into preschool special education programs and/or services. In subsequent years, the PD-10 report will collect information regarding the progress of preschool children with disabilities between entry into preschool special education and exit from such programs. Detailed information regarding roles and responsibilities and procedures for collecting “exit” assessment information on preschool children will be provided in a separate memorandum. The data provided in the PD-10 report will be used to evaluate program performance and will be used for public reporting.

The State Education Department (SED) is requesting data for this indicator from a sample of school districts that is representative of the State. During the 2005-06 school year, approximately one-sixth of the school districts in the State will submit data for this indicator. Over the next six years, all school districts will submit these data. Please see the schedule of the school year in which your school district is assigned to submit these data at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/data.htm.

School districts may submit data for this indicator for all eligible students. However, if reporting data on fewer students reduces the data-reporting burden, data may be submitted for a sample of eligible students. If school districts choose to use sampling to report these data, the sampling guidelines provided in the general directions must be followed. The minimum number of eligible students to be included in the sample for this indicator will be provided to school districts when school districts enter the number of eligible preschool children requested in column B of Table 1. School districts may also use the sampling calculator for Indicator #7 to determine the minimum number required to be in the sample. This calculator is posted at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/. Documentation of the sampling process, including worksheets, must be maintained and made available upon request for any future audits of these data.

Data for SPP Indicator #7 is due to SED between September 1, and September 15, 2006. These data must be submitted through the PD website at http://pd.nysed.gov or through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) process. Paper copies of the PD-10 report will not be accepted. The web-based PD data entry system provides immediate feedback on any data reporting errors and allows school districts to make any necessary corrections. A User ID and password to access the web-based system has been mailed to the current contact person identified on the PD website. If your school district has a new contact person, or if this information was not received, please contact the Strategic Evaluation Data Collection Analysis and Reporting (SEDCAR) Unit.

During 2005-2006, SEDCAR Unit personnel may be available to conduct a limited number of regional training programs regarding the various special education data forms (i.e., the PD forms). If you feel that such training would be useful to the data managers in your area, please contact your local Special Education Training and Resource Center (SETRC). The data collected through the PD forms are used in the following reports and activities:

If you have any questions or are in need of assistance in completing this report, please contact the SEDCAR Unit using the contact information provided on the letterhead.
Thank you.


The University of the State of New York
Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID)
Strategic Evaluation Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
One Commerce Plaza - Room 1613
Albany, NY 12234-0001

PD-10 – Public School District Report of Early Childhood Outcomes – 2005-2006



  1. Please determine if your school district must submit data for federal indicator #7 during the 2005-06 school year by checking the schedule for submitting data for some federal State Performance Plan indicators. The schedule is posted at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/data.htm.
  2. If required to do so, please submit these data electronically at http://pd.nysed.gov or through the FTP process. The due date for data submission is between September 1, 2006 and September 15, 2006. Paper copies of this report will not be accepted.
  3. Retain one copy (and supporting documentation) in your school district for reference and audit purposes. The required retention period ends September 15, 2013.
  4. Carefully read the Instructions and Definitions on the following pages.

  6. If you have questions about this report, please call (518) 474-7965, or e-mail your questions to dataquest@nysed.gov.


School District Information

(Enter 12-digit SED Code Below)





Contact Person Information*






*All correspondence from SEDCAR will be directed to the contact person identified in the PD web based data entry system at http://pd.nysed.gov. Please keep the school district contact person information current, including the e-mail address, as most communication will occur via e-mail.

General Instructions for PD-9

  1. During the 2005-06 school year, one Statewide representative sample of school districts will complete the PD-10 report, which collects “entry” assessment data required for federal Indicator #7. This indicator is “Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.” Over the next six years, all school districts will submit these data. See schedule of the school years in which school districts will submit these data at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/data.htm.

  2. Data for Indicator #7 may be submitted for all students who meet the eligibility criteria. However, if reporting these data on fewer students reduces the data-reporting burden, data may be submitted for a sample of students. If school districts choose to use sampling to report these data, the sampling guidelines included with these directions must be followed. Documentation of the sampling process, including worksheets, must be maintained by school districts and made available upon request for any future audits of these data.

  3. For federal Indicator #7, include all preschool students (or minimum number required for the sample) who received an initial evaluation between March 1, 2006 and August 31, 2006 and were determined to be eligible for preschool special education programs and/or services. Please note that in 2006-07 and in subsequent school years, school districts will report progress data on students who received “entry” assessments, participated in preschool special education programs and/or services for at least six months and ended their preschool program participation between September 1 and August 31. Detailed information regarding roles and responsibilities and procedures for collecting “exit” assessment information on preschool children will be provided in a separate memorandum.

  4. Please follow instructions provided above each table, as well as within the description of each line of data requested in Tables 1-2.

Sampling Guidelines for Federal Indicator Number Eleven

Indicator 7:

Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.

Eligible population of preschool children:

Identify all preschool children who were initially evaluated and were found to be eligible for preschool special education programs and/or services between March 1, 2006 and August 31, 2006. In subsequent years, progress data will be collected on preschool children who received entry assessments, participated in preschool special education programs and/or services for at least six months and left preschool special education between September 1 and August 31.

Minimum number of students to be included in the sample:

School districts may provide data on all students identified under the Eligible Population of Preschool Children heading above or they may choose to provide data on a sample of eligible students. If school districts decide to provide data on a sample of eligible students, they must enter the number of eligible students in Table 1 to determine the minimum number of students that must be included in the sample. School districts may also use the sampling calculator for Indicator #7 to determine the minimum number of children who must be included in the sample. The sampling calculator is posted at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/.

Method of selecting students for the sample:

  1. Assign all students who meet the criteria described in the Eligible Population of Preschool Children heading above a sequential number or use a number that already exists in your database. These numbers may be student identification numbers, social security numbers, or other randomly or sequentially assigned numbers. Sort all eligible students in numerical order.

  2. Use the random number table and directions posted at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/ to select one number on a table as a beginning point. Use the first three or four digits of the first random number and find the student with the corresponding matching number on your list of eligible students. After picking the first student to be included in the sample proceed in order on the random number table from top to bottom and left to right and select the next student to be included in the sample by matching the first three or four digits of the number from the random number table with the student number. If the first three or four digits of the random number do not match any student number, skip to the next random number. Repeat this process until the required numbers of students have been selected for the sample.

Maintain documentation of how the sample was selected:

  1. Maintain documentation for a period of seven years, counting the reporting year as the first of the seven years.

  2. Documentation must include the list of all student names and numbers who were included in the eligible population, copy of the Random Number Table, the beginning number for selecting students, and a list of all students and their numbers who were selected for the sample.

Table 1- Number of Eligible Children Early Childhood Outcomes

Directions: Enter below in Column B, the number of preschool children who meet the definition stated in Column A. Column C will display the minimum number of children who must be included in the school district’s sample of children for whom data must be provided in Table 2. As an alternative, school districts may provide data in Table 2 for all preschool children in Column B. If this school district chooses to report data on the minimum number of children reported in Column C, it must adhere to the sampling guidelines provided in the general direction for completing this report.

Description of Eligible Children to be Reported in Table 2

Number of Children

Minimum Number of Children for Sampling

Number of preschool children who received initial evaluations and were determined to be eligible for preschool special education programs and/or services between March 1 and August 31, 2006.   PD data entry system will fill this cell.

Table 2 - Number of Eligible Children by Their "Entry" Assessment Rating

Line 1- Report in Line 1 below the number of preschool children reported in Column B or Column C of Table 1 above. Report the number from Column B if the school district will report data on all eligible preschool children. Report the number from Column C if the school district will report data on a minimum sample of eligible preschool children.
Lines 2-4- Report the number of children in Line 1 by their “entry” assessment rating on each preschool outcome area. The total number of children reported in each Line (2, 3, 4) must equal the total number reported in Line 1. See the February 2006 Memorandum Regarding Indicator #7 for description of preschool outcome areas and definition of outcome ratings at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/spp/home.html.

1 Number of Eligible Children For Whom Data is Provided  
  Preschool Outcome Area

Number of Eligible Preschool Children by Their Rating on "Entry" Assessment in Each Preschool Outcome Area

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2 Positive Social - Emotional Skills              
3 Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills              
4 Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Their Needs              

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