VR-11 Notification to School District of Compliance Rate on State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator #11 - Percent of Children with Parental Consent to Evaluate, who were Evaluated and Eligibility Determined
Within State Established Timelines

(Based on Parent Consent to Evaluate the Child Received Between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, and Status of the Eligibility Determination Process as of August 31, 2009.)

This report is your school district's compliance report for State Performance Plan Indicator 11, which is the percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within State established timelines. Once you verify your data as complete and accurate, this becomes your compliance notification and you must take the actions identified in the report.

The data elements that are displayed in this report are from the Special Education Events template for two chains that begin with Event Type Codes CPSE01 (receipt of initial referral to evaluate a preschool child for special education eligibility) and CSE01 (receipt of initial referral to evaluate a school-age student for special education eligibility). The following templates (or tables) are also used: Student_Lite (Student Demographics); and School_Enroll (Enrollment). Students with the following records are included in this report:

Enrollment Records:

Any of the following special education event records are submitted:
Chain 1:

Chain 2:

This report includes a listing of students who are included in the report, which are those students that meet the above criteria and a listing of students who are excluded from the report, which are those students that meet some of the above criteria but not all (including students with some missing records). School districts should use these lists to "verify" the accuracy of data submitted for each student. The reports with aggregate numbers provide the results the State will use in all Statewide and district level aggregations for compliance determinations, reporting and analysis.

Below is a description of the criteria for including student records in each cell of the five rows of data in this report. Data for Indicator #11:

Data for Indicator #11:

  Preschool Children School-Age Students
  1. Number of students for whom parental consent to evaluate was received (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
The number of preschool students that have a CPSE01 and CPSE02 record The number of school-age students that have a CSE01 and CSE02 record
  1. Number of students whose evaluations were completed within State established timeline.
The number of preschool students that have a CPSE01 and CPSE02 record and Number of Days =<30 The number of school-age students that have a CSE01 and CSE02 record and Number of Days =<60
  1. Number of children whose evaluations were not completed within State established time lines, but for reasons that are considered to be in compliance with State requirements.
The number of preschool students that have a CPSE01 and CPSE02 record and Number of Days > 30 and there is a Reason Code = CPSER01 or CPSER02 or CPSER03 or CPSER05 or CPSER06 or CPSER07 or CPSER09. The number of school-age students that have a CSE01 and CSE02 record and Number of Days > 60 andthere is a Reason Code = CSER01 or CSER02 or CSER03 or CSER05 or CSER06 or CSER08 or CSER10.
  1. Number of children whose evaluations were not completed within State established time lines, but for reasons that are considered to be NOT in compliance with State requirements.
The number of preschool students that have a CPSE01 and CPSE02 record and Number of Days > 30 and there is a Reason Code = CPSE04 and CPSE08 or CPSER10 The number of school-age students that have a CSE01 and CSE02 record and Number of Days > 60 and there is a Reason Code = CSE04 or CSER07 orCSER09
  1. Compliance Rate [Line 2 divided by (Line 1 minus Line 3)*100]

Reasons for Exceeding the Timeline Provided by the School District*

Reasons in Compliance with State Requirements (for children included in Row 3 of the above table) Number of Preschool Children Number of School-Age Students
CPSER01 or CPSER02 or CPSER03 or CPSER05 or CPSER06 or CPSER07 or CPSER09 or CSER01 or CSER02, CSER03 or CSER05 or CSER06 or CSER08 or CSER10 Number of preschool children with each Reason Code that is in compliance with State requirements. Number of school-age students with each Reason Code that is in compliance with State requirements.
Reasons NOT in Compliance with State Requirements (for children included in Row 4 of the above table)  
CPSER04 or CPSER08 or CPSER10 or CSER04 or CSER07 or CSER09 Number of preschool children with each Reason Code that in not in compliance with State requirements. Number of school-age students with each Reason Code that is not in compliance with State requirements.

*Only the reasons provided by the school district will be included in this table.

There are no reasonability checks for this report, this year.

VR-11 Notification to School District of Compliance Rate on State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator #11 - Percent of Children with Parental Consent to Evaluate, who were Evaluated and Eligibility Determined
Within State Established Timelines

(Based on Parent Consent to Evaluate the Child Received Between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, and Status of the Eligibility Determination Process as of August 31, 2009.)

Date of Notification: ______________________________

Your district is assigned to report data for the 2008-09 school year on State Performance Plan Indicator 11, which is percent of children (preschool and school age) with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated within State established timelines. You have submitted data for this indicator through the Special Education Events template in two chains, CPSE01 and CSE01. This indicator requires that you report on all preschool children regardless of the source of referral. This means children who are referred from Early Intervention are included in the CPSE01 chain. Also, all school age students for whom your district has CSE responsibility should be included regardless of where students were enrolled at the time of referral (e.g., Charter school, parentally placed in a nonpublic school, home-schooled, etc.).

This report is your school district's compliance report. Once you verify your data as complete and accurate, this becomes your notification and you must take the actions identified below.

Your district's report indicates that _____ percent of preschool children and _____ percent of school-age students received their evaluations and eligibility determinations within the State's required timelines. Provided below are data that were used to compute these rates. The State target for this indicator as stated in NYS' State Performance Plan is that 100 percent of students referred for an initial evaluation for whom parental consent for evaluation has been obtained will be evaluated for initial determination of eligibility for special education within the required State timelines.

School districts are required to take steps to correct any noncompliance as soon as possible but no later than one year from notification of noncompliance (the date on this notice). The reasons reported by your district for delays in completing the evaluations on time may assist you in addressing issues leading to noncompliance.

Your district must take the actions identified in the section indicated by an X:

_____ None. Your school district has a 100 percent compliance rate for both preschool and school-age students for this indicator or 0 preschool and school-age students were referred during the 2008-09 school year for special education eligibility determination. Thank you for your efforts in ensuring timely evaluations of children referred for special education services.

_____ Your school district's compliance rate is 90 percent to less than 100 percent for either preschool and/or school-age students.

_____ Your school district's compliance rate is below 90 percent for either preschool and/or school-age students.

Data for Indicator #11:

  Preschool Children School-Age Students
  1. Number of students for whom parental consent to evaluate was received (July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009).
  1. Number of students whose evaluations were completed within State established timeline.
  1. Number of children whose evaluations were not completed within State established time lines, but for reasons that are considered to be in compliance with State requirements.
  1. Number of children whose evaluations were not completed within State established time lines, but for reasons that are considered to be NOT in compliance with State requirements.
  1. Compliance Rate [Line 2 divided by (Line 1 minus Line 3)*100]

Reasons for Exceeding the Timeline Provided by the School District

Reasons in Compliance with State Requirements Preschool Children School-Age Students
Reasons NOT in compliance with State Requirements    

Please contact your Special Education Quality Assurance Office (SEQA)
(https://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/contactseqa.htm) for assistance in addressing issues of noncompliance.

If you have questions regarding the data and procedures included in this report, please submit your questions to SEDCAR at datasupport@nysed.gov or call (518) 474-7965.

Statement of Assurance that will need to be checked:
I have reviewed the individual student data in the list of included and excluded students for the VR-11 report and provide this assurance that as of the last date of the verification period, all student information contained in the lists is accurate and complete and includes records for all preschool and school age students for whom parent consent to evaluate children for special education eligibility determination was received during the 2008-09 school year. A copy of this report has been printed and provided to the superintendent of the school district as a record of our district's final data for this report for the 2008-09 school year.