VR 14 - Parentally Placed Students with Disabilities in Nonpublic Schools Located in the School District Who Were Evaluated During the 2008-09 School Year for Initial Determination of Special Education Eligibility and Services for those Found to be Eligible
(Based on Referrals Received Between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, and Status of the IEP Implementation as of August 31, 2009.)
This report is your school district's report of the numbers of parentally placed students in nonpublic schools located in your school district who received initial evaluations for special education eligibility determinations and the numbers who were found to be eligible and whose IEPs were implemented. The data elements that are displayed in this report are from the Special Education Events template for one chain that begins with Event Type Code CSENP01 (receipt of initial referral to the CSE of a parentally placed student in a nonpublic school). The following templates (or tables) are also used: Student_Lite (Student Demographics); and School_Enroll (Enrollment). Students with the following records are included in this report:
Enrollment Records:
- Enrollment record between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 with reason for beginning enrollment code 5905; and
- Building of Enrollment code is a valid code in SEDREF; and
Any of the following special education event records are submitted:
CSENP01- receipt of initial referral of a parentally placed school-age student in a nonpublic school
CSENP02 - receipt of written parent consent to evaluate the student
CSENP03 - CSE meeting to discuss evaluation results
CSENP04 - IEP or IESP or SP implementationThis report includes a listing of students who are included in the report, which are those students that meet the above criteria and a listing of students who are excluded from the report, which are those students that meet some of the above criteria but not all (including students with some missing records). School districts should use these lists to verify the accuracy of data submitted for each student. The reports with aggregate numbers provide the results the State will use in all Statewide and district level aggregations for reporting and analysis.
Below is a description of the criteria for including student records in each cell of the four rows of data in this report.
Line Number Program / Services A Number of Students 01 The number of parentally placed students in nonpublic schools located in the district who were referred for eligibility determination for special education services during the 2008-09 school year. The number of CSENP01 records 02 Of the students reported in Line 01, the number of students for whom parents provided consent to evaluate. The number of CSENP02 records 03 Of the students reported in Line 02, the number of students who were determined to be eligible for special education services. The number of CSENP02 records and the Event Outcome Code = Y 04 Of the students reported in Line 03, the number of students whose IEP or IESP or SP was implemented. The number of CSENP02 records and the Event Outcome = Y and there is a CSENP04 record. There are no reasonability checks for this report, this year.
VR 14 - Parentally Placed Students with Disabilities in Nonpublic Schools Located in the School District Who Were Evaluated During the 2008-09 School Year for Initial Determination of Special Education Eligibility and Services for those Found to be Eligible
Line Number Program / Services A Number of Students 01 The number of parentally placed students in nonpublic schools located in the district who were referred for eligibility determination for special education services during the 2008-09 school year. 02 Of the students reported in Line 01, the number of students for whom parents provided consent to evaluate. 03 Of the students reported in Line 02, the number of students who were determined to be eligible for special education services. 04 Of the students reported in Line 03, the number of students whose IEP or IESP or SP was implemented.
Statement of Assurance that will need to be checked:
I have reviewed the individual student data in the list of included and excluded students for the VR-14 report and provide this assurance that as of the last date of the verification period, all student information contained in the lists is accurate and complete and includes records for all parentally placed students in nonpublic schools who received an initial evaluation to determine special education eligibility between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. A copy of this report has been printed and provided to the superintendent of the school district as a record of our district's final data for this report for the 2008-09 school year.