Special Education

Pupil Personnel Services

Department Head: Pupil Personnel Services, Kathryn Baillie


Audiologist: Erin Lopata
The NYSSD educational audiologist is responsible for overseeing the care and maintenance of each students’ hearing health. This includes hearing examinations, as well as daily equipment checks for students with hearing aid(s) and/or cochlear implant(s). The audiologist works in conjunction with classroom teachers to develop appropriate classroom acoustics and ensure the appropriate functioning of all classroom soundfield systems. As a member of the NYSSD multidisciplinary team, the audiologist helps develop and implement students’ Individual Education Programs’ (IEPs), evaluates applicants, and makes recommendations related to students’ educational hearing status and needs. The NYSSD audiologist establishes and maintains contact with each students’ home audiologist to support current device settings, as well as troubleshoot any questions or concerns.
Audiology Brochure PDF file

Speech-Language Therapy

Speech Language Pathologists: Katie Recio, Rachel Wojnas
NYSSD speech-language pathologist’s (SLPs) collaborate with teaching teams to best meet students' communication needs. Diagnostic and intervention services for students with speech and language needs are provided to support students' access and success with curriculum. NYSSD SLPs work collaboratively with teaching teams to support students' growth in the following areas: speech intelligibility, receptive language, expressive language, pragmatic language, auditory/listening, communication breakdown problem solving, fluency, and vocabulary. Speech-language therapy services are provided to students as determined necessary.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapist: Mandy Sapp
The NYSSD physical therapist works in collaboration with the teaching team to promote students’ growth in gross motor skills in order to access the educational environment safely and independently. Physical therapy services are provided to students’ as determined necessary.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapist: Rochelle Delia
The NYSSD occupational therapist works in collaboration with the teaching team to promote students' growth in fine motor skills, activities of daily living skills, and sensory regulation. At NYSSD, special attention is given to the fine motor needs of students to form appropriate hand shapes for American Sign Language (ASL). Occupational therapy services are provided to students’ as determined necessary.


School Counselors: Katrina Bratge, Chris Kimball
School Psychologist: Ashlee Feldman-Alguire

NYSSD has school counselors and a school psychologist who work together to provide guidance in areas of career and social/emotional development, academic achievement, and behavioral support services. Providers specialize in working with students who are deaf and hard of hearing. School-wide supports include ongoing social emotional instruction, Positive Behavior Intervention Services (PBIS), and support for students during a temporary crisis. If a students’ social-emotional health and/or behavior is having an adverse impact on his or her educational performance, individualized counseling services may be provided as determined necessary.

Teacher of the Visually Impaired and Orientation and Mobility services are available for students with significant vision loss as determined necessary.

Last Updated: December 12, 2022