Student Support Services

School Safety

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is committed to promoting safe learning environments where students and teachers work collaboratively in pursuit of academic excellence and social and emotional growth. The Department invites you to visit each of the following web pages which provide information and resources regarding an aspect of school safety:

New York State Center for School Safety is a contracted technical assistance center of the NYS Education Department.  They provide professional development, technical assistance and direct support to school and district personnel and parents and students in creating and maintaining safe and healthy learning environments for all New York State students.

SAVE - The Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act requires schools to develop building-level emergency response plans and districts to develop and adopt district-wide school safety plans.  The SAVE legislation requires the adoption of a Code of Conduct.

SSEC - School Safety and Educational Climate (formerly VADIR and DASA)

School Climate - Information about NYSED's efforts to build and maintain positive and healthy school climates

SDFSC - Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities

Corporal Punishment - Requirements for school districts, BOCES, and charter schools and forms

Last Updated: September 11, 2024