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Regents Proposal on State Aid to School Districts for 2006-07

January 2006

The Regents proposal for State Aid to school districts for school year 2006-07 represents the third year in a five-year proposal aimed at helping school districts close the gap in preparing all students to meet State learning standards. It includes: 

The following tables and charts illustrate the impact of the proposal.  Exhibit A shows the dollar amounts the Regents propose in specific areas.  Exhibit B shows that the Regents recommend that 80 percent of the proposed increase go to high need school districts around the State.  Exhibits C and D show the distribution of the proposed increase to groups of school districts in the 2006-07 school year and at full implementation.  Exhibit E shows that computerized State Aid per enrolled pupil increases for each group of districts, with the greatest increases going to high need school districts.  The Technical Supplement describes the technical features of the proposal.

Exhibit A
Regents State Aid Proposal
New York State
(all figures in millions)
Program 2005-06
School Year
Regents Proposal
Regents Proposal -
Change from Base
General Purpose $9,840 $10,894 $1,054
  Flex Aid 1 $8,460 N/A  
  Sound Basic Education Grant $325 N/A  
  Extraordinary Needs Aid $29 N/A  
  All Other Programs $769 N/A  
     Foundation Grant Subtotal $9,583 $10,414 $831
  Limited English Proficiency Aid 1 $5 $132 $127
  Universal Prekindergarten Aid 2 $252 $348 $96
Support for Pupils with Disabilities $2,615 $2,725 $110
  Public Excess Cost Aid $2,397 $2,496 $99
  Private Excess Cost Aid $218 $229 $11
BOCES/Career and Technical Programs $687 $815 $128
  BOCES Aid $546 $603 $57
  Special Services - Career Education Aid $102 $165 $63
  Special Services - Computer Admin. Aid $39 $47 $8
Instructional Materials $252 $253 $1
  Textbook Aid $187 $187 $0
  Computer Software Aid $46 $47 $1
  Library Materials Aid $19 $19 $0
Expense-Based $2,731 $2,927 $196
  Building Aid $1,506 $1,587 $81
  Building Reorganization Incentive Aid $15 $1 ($14)
  Transportation Aid $1,205 $1,329 $124
  Summer Transportation Aid $5 $10 $5
Computerized Aids $16,125 $17,614 $1,489
All Other $205 $208 $3
  Full-Day Kindergarten Planning Grants $0 $3 $3
  Other Programs $205 $205 $0
Total General Support for Public Schools $16,330 $17,822 $1,492
  Prior Year Adjustments & Fiscal Stabilization Grants 2 $28 $28 $0
Grand Total $16,358 $17,850 $1,492

1  The base year estimate for Limited English Proficiency reflects the fact that LEA Aid was consolidated into FLEX aid.

 2 The Regents proposal includes funding for targeted prekindergarten grants and prior year adjustments which were funded outside of General Support for Public Schools in 2005-06.  They are included in the 2005-06 estimates for comparability.

Exhibit B

Exhibit B

Exhibit C



Exhibit D


Exhibit E



Regents Proposal on State Aid
To School Districts for School Year 2006-07

The University of the State of New York
The State Education Department
State Aid Work Group
Albany, New York

January 2006


Regents Conceptual Proposal

Statement of Need
Enact a Foundation Program
Special Education Funding
Strengthen Accountability for the Use of Funds
Improve Data and Information Systems
Enhance Audit Capacity
Regional Services for the Big Five City School Districts
Strengthening Preschool Education
Simplified Cost Allowance for State Building Aid
Emergency School Needs

Technical Supplement

Need/Resource Capacity Definitions
High Need School Districts 2005-06 School Year
Aids and Grants to be Consolidated and Other Aids Under the Regents Proposal
Formula Components
Regional Cost Adjustment Based on Professional Salaries
Summary of Aids and Grants as Requested in the 2006-07 Regents State Aid Proposal
Analysis of Aid Changes Under the 2006-07 Regents State Aid Proposal

Exhibits and Figure

A. Regents State Aid Proposal New York State
B. Computerized State Aid Increases - How They Are Distributed
C. Regents Proposal First Year Impact
D. Regents Proposal Fully Implemented
E. Distribution of Computerized Aid per Enrolled Pupil
1.  Share of Computerized Aids as Enacted


The Regents State Aid proposal for 2006-07 will request the resources and funding system needed to provide adequate resources through a State and local partnership so that all students have the opportunity to achieve State learning standards.  This is the third year of a multi-year proposal recommending transition to a foundation program based on the costs of successful educational programs.   

Statement of Need 

This proposal pursues two Regents goals: to close the gap between actual and desired student achievement; and to ensure that public education resources are adequate and used by school districts effectively and efficiently.

The Regents Annual Report to the Legislature and Governor on the Educational Status of the State’s Schools (Chapter 655 Report) cites numerous examples of improvement in student achievement since 1996 when the Regents began to raise standards for all grade levels and imposed graduation requirements aligned with the new standards.  For example, the report notes that there is progress to report:

(The Chapter 655 Report.  A Report to the Governor and the Legislature on the Educational Status of the State's Schools, New York State Education Department, Albany, NY, July 2005.)

While there have been many positive changes in the last 17 years since the Regents have reported on the educational progress of the State’s schools, one disturbing aspect of the report has remained the same.  The report continues to document a pattern of high student need, limited resources, and poor performance in many districts. Generally, these districts can be described as having high student needs relative to their capacity to raise revenues.  These high-need districts include the Big 5, 46 smaller districts with many of the characteristics of the Big 5, and 156 rural districts. Large gaps in performance exist between these high-need districts and low-need districts, those which both serve children from more affluent families and have generous local resources to draw on. 

The results of the middle-level mathematics assessment illustrate these performance gaps between high and low-need districts.  Test results for 2004 showed significant improvements in total public results and in results for each Need/Resource Capacity Category and racial/ethnic group. Nevertheless, the performance gap between low- and high-need districts, such as New York City, remains: 

We can relate this contrast to the resources available to schools in each group:

But the differences between New York City and the low-need districts do not stop there:  The average expenditure per pupil in New York City was over $2,000 less than that in low-need districts.

Similar relationships among performance, resources, and student need can be seen in comparisons between the performance of White students and that of Black and Hispanic students.  White students were about twice as likely as Black or Hispanic students to be proficient in middle-level mathematics.

The majority of Black and Hispanic students attend high-minority schools; the majority of White students attend low-minority schools. One reason that students in low-minority schools are more successful is that they spend more time in school. 

In addition, high-minority schools had a:

The significance of these gaps in performance and resources between high- and low-minority schools is heightened by the fact that, while overall public school enrollment decreased by nearly 3,000 students between Fall 1998 and Fall 2003, enrollment in high-minority schools increased by 47,000 students. 

Figure 1 shows that the State Aid increase school districts have experienced has had a relatively small impact on the share of total State Aid that each district category receives. Even big changes of redistribution in an increase are unlikely to have a major short-term influence on overall shares.  Thus, despite increases to high-need school districts, the relative share of education revenues received by high-need city school districts has increased by approximately one to three percentage points over the past eight years.  The relative share declined for high-need rural school districts (almost one percentage point), average need school districts (approximately three and a half percentage points), and for low-need school districts (about half a percentage point).  Figure 1


Four principles guide this Regents proposal. They include:

  1. Adequacy—Effective distribution across all districts will ensure adequate resources for acceptable student achievement.

  2. Equity—School funding will equalize differences in school districts’ fiscal capacity, pupil need and regional costs to maintain comparable levels of local effort in school districts across the State.

  3. Accountability—The education system will measure outcomes and use those measures to ensure that financial resources are used effectively. As part of the Regents goal that education resources will be used or maintained in the public interest, the Regents employ a two-prong strategy. The Department will give greater flexibility to districts with acceptable student achievement and will work closely with districts not yet meeting State standards to ensure the most efficient and effective use of resources.

  4. Balance—The State should balance stability in funding and targeting aid to close student achievement gaps. It should drive aid based on current needs, and use hold-harmless provisions to provide stability.


The Regents recommend changes in the following focus areas for their 2006-07 proposal.

Enact a Foundation Program

The proposed foundation aid would consolidate approximately 30 existing aid programs and adjust for regional cost differences and pupil needs. It would identify an expected local contribution for each school district, based on ability to pay. The foundation level is based on the cost of educating students in successful school districts.

The proposal for a foundation program represents a dramatic simplification over the current system. It would replace 29 different aid programs, each with many different components or aid drivers, with one formula with four moving parts.

The foundation formula is based on the cost of educating students in successful school districts, adjusted for regional cost differences and differences in each district’s concentration of needy pupils. An expected local contribution is calculated based on each district’s actual value per pupil, adjusted by income per pupil. State Aid is calculated as the foundation cost less the expected local contribution. The proposal would hold school districts harmless against loss for the group of aids combined into foundation aid and would be phased in over five years.

The foundation formula approach has several advantages. It sets aid independent of any decisions by districts on how much to spend. It also provides certainty to districts regarding how much funding they will receive. And, most significantly, it explicitly links school funding to the cost of educating children and drives dollars where they are most needed.

Special Education Funding

The Regents explored options for improving the funding of special education in a series of meetings around the State with educators and the public. Participants considered how funding can best support program goals of improved student achievement and education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Three options were discussed that provide special education funding separate from the foundation program and respond to policy concerns voiced at public forums on special education funding.

Understanding a proposal requires understanding the existing system that is to be changed. Current laws provide school districts State Aid to help meet the excess costs of educating students with disabilities--that is, districts receive operating aid for each student including those with disabilities, and, in addition, excess cost aid for those costs that are above and beyond the costs of a non-disabled student. In addition, the laws provide:

The proposed approach maintains a separate special education funding stream based on a count of students with disabilities. It aligns that funding with the Regents proposal for foundation aid for general education instruction.

The general direction of the proposal is this: Calculate the foundation amount for general education students (e.g., General Education Foundation Cost x Pupil Needs Index x Regional Cost Index). This would be divided into an expected local contribution and State Aid in order to provide support for general education instruction, as it was proposed in the 2004-05 and 2005-06 Regents State Aid proposals.

For Public Excess Cost Aid, that same foundation amount would be multiplied by a single weighting for all classified students with disabilities to determine an expense upon which to base excess cost aid per pupil. Thus, each student with a disability would generate operating aid based on a portion of the general education foundation amount and, separately, excess cost aid based on a portion of the special education weighted general education foundation amount. The excess cost aid would be tied to the cost of education in successful districts by basing it on the foundation amount from our original successful schools study. High-cost aid and private excess cost aid could be continued separately and the Regents proposal for a current-year aid for new high-cost students with disabilities would be carried forward.

The following is an example of this proposal in a hypothetical school district. The amounts used are made up and are intended to illustrate how the formula might work and not its specific details.

Calculate the foundation amount for general education students (e.g., $1,000 x Pupil Needs Index x Regional Cost Index or by example a district with moderate pupil needs and moderate costs, $1,000 x 1.5 x 1.2 = $1,800/pupil). Divide this into State Aid and an expected local contribution to provide State support for general education instruction. For this hypothetical school district, assume the expected local contribution was $1,000 per pupil and State Aid was $800 per pupil.

Take the same foundation amount ($1,800/pupil) multiplied by a single weighting for all classified students with disabilities to determine excess cost expense per pupil. (For example, $1,800 x 1.1 = $1,980 of excess cost expense per special education pupil.) A State and local share of this expense can then be calculated. Thus, each student with a disability would generate foundation aid and excess cost aid.

Strengthen Accountability for the Use of Funds

The Regents have examined ways to strengthen the education system to be able to answer the question: How do we know if resources are well spent? They recommend continued support for state-of-the-art systems for processing State Aid and gathering and reporting information on students and resources. They recommend a strengthened State Education Department capacity to provide technical assistance to school districts in fiscal or programmatic crisis and to audit school districts. They have reviewed statutory and/or regulatory barriers to improving student achievement and have made recommendations for removing them in a separate legislative proposal on streamlining school district planning and reporting.

Legislative action for 2005-06 has enacted two bills related to fiscal accountability of school districts. One requires six hours of training for all newly elected or appointed school board members in the fundamentals of school district fiscal oversight, audit committees for school boards, and all school districts to conduct a risk assessment and put in place internal controls as part of an internal audit review. The other provides the State Comptroller with funds to audit all school districts over a five-year period. The Regents applaud these actions to strengthen the fiscal accountability of school districts. The following recommendations address other key aspects of the financial accountability of school districts.

Specific recommendations are as follows:

Improve Data and Information Systems

  1. Financial Condition Indicator System. The State must also improve data and information systems to support school improvement. The State needs a school district financial indicator system (“FCIS”) that would ensure proper stewardship of dollars that pay for public education. The FCIS would include an early warning system for school districts to prevent financial distress; fiscal benchmarks and best financial practices; a public reporting tool providing information about the management of public funds to achieve educational goals; and a long-range financial planning tool for school districts.

Currently no such system exists. The Department’s Office of Audit Services collects data to assess the short-run financial condition of school districts, but this does not assess long-term financial condition and cannot be used as a tool for long-range planning by school districts. Only limited information on school district finances is readily available so the public lacks the necessary knowledge to analyze and interpret school districts’ fiscal data.

  1. Student Data Information System. A statewide student data system must be implemented to assess if reform is taking root. SED has already begun to build such a system, which will create greater capacity to track students, measure their progress, and thus raise the achievement of all students in New York. These efforts could be accelerated with additional funds. The current system can only analyze information for entire groups of students, but the tracking of individual students over time will allow us to follow individual students through the system and analyze the effectiveness of State strategies and programs. For example, we will be able to measure the benefit of using smaller class sizes with certain groups of students. Such programs often involve the allocation of billions of education dollars without reliable data on their impact on student achievement. An individual record system will also help us to better meet many federal reporting requirements, including those of NCLB.

  2. State Aid and Grants Management Systems. The Regents are implementing a unified State Aid management system to address the shortcomings of the current system. This improved system would provide a single point of access to all State Aid data, and be capable of analyzing districts’ fiscal needs. It would enable SED to more effectively collect information from school districts across the State, and would streamline the method for distributing to districts State and federal funds. The proposed system would provide timely feedback to users in school districts and SED and would facilitate modeling of State Aid formulae for the Legislature and Executive Branch. The current system is a mix of older systems that are not efficient, flexible or as exacting as the proposed system.

An improved data system would include two final components: an update of the web-based system to improve the efficiency of the grant awards process and provide improved reporting capability, and the elimination of redundant State reporting requirements, freeing districts to engage in more comprehensive planning and reporting. Streamlining plans, applications and reports that school districts submit to SED will reduce administrative burden and increase the focus of planning and reporting to support real gains in student achievement.

Enhance Audit Capacity

A uniform system of State accountability must use accurate, consistent and trustworthy data on local finances, demographic information and indicators of student performance that can be validly compared across districts of the State. Such a system contributes to equal educational opportunity for all by ensuring that policy decisions are data-driven and equitably applied.

Approximately $16 billion in State Aid is devoted to public schools in New York State, and that sum is primarily allocated on the basis of information provided by the districts themselves. If aid is to be distributed appropriately, that information must be accurate and verifiable. In order to ensure this, the State Education Department staff must implement a rigorous data quality assurance program.

The Regents Plan calls for enhanced State oversight of school district fiscal transactions to ensure the integrity of district finances. SED would significantly expand its current audit capacity to: focus more resources on districts with indications of poor student performance, fiscal stress, or inadequate management controls; conduct more frequent audits of school districts and review of school district financial statements; and conduct more random audits of districts that have no known problems or issues. State Education Department audits would complement those provided by the State Comptroller.

Regional Services for the Big Five City School Districts

This proposal recommends that the existing practice of excluding large city school districts from accessing BOCES services be discontinued. It recommends that the large four city school districts (Yonkers, Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo) be given the authority to contract with neighboring BOCES for services in critical service areas that are strong in BOCES and weak in the city district.

A program should be established authorizing the Big Four city school districts to participate in BOCES and purchase services from BOCES. A corresponding increase in aid should be provided to the New York City school district to allow it to fund similar programs within the city district. Such regional services can include:

Strengthening Preschool Education  

In the spring of 2005, the Board of Regents approved going forth with the development of a strong early education policy.  Among other items, it is expected to call for full access to high-quality pre-kindergarten programs for all four-year-olds.  A strong statewide pre-kindergarten program will be key to establishing a sound foundation for closing the achievement gap.  Strong pre-kindergarten programs will provide advantages for preschool students with disabilities to get services integrated with their nondisabled peers.  Establishing pre-kindergarten as a child’s first year of public education is needed to ensure that all children attain skills necessary for a successful academic experience.  In order for the Board of Regents to attain its goal of achieving a statewide pre-kindergarten program, school funding must be examined to establish the funding necessary for all districts.  The Regents will recommend funding for districts in support of Regents policy.  For a copy of the Regents policy see http://www.regents.nysed.gov/2005Meetings/July2005/0705brd5.htm

Need For Statewide Pre-kindergarten Programs 

The need for statewide pre-k programs is evident in the following facts: 

Status of Regents Policy Paper 

The Regents have recently adopted their early childhood policy.  Staff presented a draft policy to the Regents at their July 2005 meeting.  The draft policy will be disseminated to the field (principals, pre-k directors); organizations (NYSUT, NYSSBA, NYSAEYC, SCAA, IHE); departments in SED (VESID, Higher Education, Teacher Certification, State Aid Work Group).  The Regents approved the policy in January 2006. 

Policy Directions 

The Regents draft paper on early childhood policy advanced the following policy directions for the State.

Early Childhood Education Funding Issues 

In order to support the move to universal access to pre-k and quality early childhood education, the Regents support aligning funding for pre-kindergarten education programs with the Regents foundation aid proposal for elementary and secondary education programs.   

Because the majority of pre-k programs are operated by private providers, including community-based organizations (approximately 65 percent in 2003-04), and because attendance in pre-kindergarten is not mandatory, a consolidation of funding for pre-k programs and funding for elementary and secondary education programs is neither practical nor desirable.

Funding Directions 

A more practical direction that is compatible with the Regents goal of providing a simplified and adequate funding stream for educational programs, while emphasizing the importance of early childhood education, is to propose two parallel funding programs: one to support pre-k programs and one to support K-12 elementary and secondary education.   

For example, pre-k grants can be appropriated based on a State share of the general education foundation amount multiplied by a count of pre-k pupils.   Grants between school districts and private providers would provide a portion of these funds to nonpublic program providers.  This will help to ensure that districts can use the funds without a local match, thus alleviating any potential burden on school district’s local funding. 

The advantage of an early childhood education funding stream, compared with a pre-k-12 funding stream, is that it focuses public and school district attention on the importance of early childhood education.  It targets funding for those programs, helping school districts to support these programs in times of fiscal stress.  Enrollment trends and facility needs will be considered as pre-k programs grow.  The Regents may amend their State Aid proposal following adoption of the Regents early childhood education policy in January 2006.  In addition, the Regents will consider advancing a long-term funding approach to support universal pre-kindergarten programs in subsequent proposals. 

There will be an added cost to requiring attendance of all five-year-olds in full-day kindergarten programs.  In January 2006, the Regents approved a supplemental proposal concerning the funding of implementing full-day kindergarten programs around the State.  In 2006-07, this proposal would provide $2.8 million in planning grants for the additional classrooms needed by school districts to provide full-day kindergarten programs.  This amount has been added to the Regents State Aid proposal for school year 2006-07. 

The proposal further estimates that one-third of eligible children will be phased into full-day kindergarten programs in each of three years beginning in 2007-08.  In addition, the Regents recommend that the list of eligible expenditures for Textbook Aid be expanded, for kindergarten only, to include educationally-based materials such as developmentally appropriate games and hands-on manipulatives that promote early learning.  The Regents recommend that this change occur in 2006-07 and affect aid in 2007-08.  The Regents will incorporate these subsequent-year changes in future aid proposals. 

Simplified Cost Allowance for State Building Aid  

The Regents recommend that the State simplify the maximum cost allowance formula for State Building Aid. The State sets a reasonable cost ceiling for all capital projects. The current system is an overly complex and inefficient process that, in some cases, forces a district to compromise the desired educational goal in order to achieve maximum reimbursement. It is proposed that the State calculate a cost allowance based on a certain allotment of space and cost per enrolled pupil, according to the following formula: 

Cost Allowance = Projected Pupil Enrollment x Allowed Square Feet

Per Pupil x Allowed Cost per Square Foot x Regional Cost Factor  

Allowable costs would be updated monthly by the current New York State Labor Department Cost Index. Unlike the Regents Regional Cost Index proposed for foundation aid, which is fundamentally a professional wage index, the New York State Labor Department cost index is based solely on the wages of three major occupational titles critical to the building industry.  A simplified formula would offer greater educational flexibility, ease of understanding and transparency. 

Emergency School Needs 

Needs continue to be assessed related to energy costs of school districts, especially in light of significant recent increases in costs for diesel fuel and heating oil.  The New York State Education Department will work with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to ensure that best practices for reducing energy consumption are shared with schools.  In addition, the Department has acted affirmatively to ensure that any students displaced as a result of Hurricane Katrina are received by school districts without records or charge, as is done for homeless children.  More than 400 students have relocated to New York State schools at the time of this writing.  The needs of school districts in responding to these students will continue to be assessed.



Need/Resource Capacity Definitions
High Need School Districts for 2005-06 School Year
Aids and Grants to be Consolidated Under the Regents Proposal
Formula Components
Regional Cost Adjustment Based on Professional Salaries
Summary of Aids and Grants as Requested in the 2006-07 Regents State Aid Proposal
Analysis of Aid Changes Under the 2006-07 Regents State Aid Proposal

Need/Resource Capacity Category Definitions

The need/resource capacity index, a measure of a district's ability to meet the needs of its students with local resources, is the ratio of the estimated poverty percentage (expressed in standard score form) to the Combined Wealth Ratio (expressed in standard score form).  A district with both estimated poverty and Combined Wealth Ratio equal to the State average would have a need/resource capacity index of 1.0.  Need/Resource Capacity (N/RC) categories are determined from this index using the definitions in the table below.

Estimated Poverty Percentage: A weighted average of the 2000-01 and 2001-02 kindergarten through grade 6 free-and-reduced-price-lunch percentage and the 2000 Census poverty percentage. (An average was used to mitigate errors in each measure.) The result is a measure that approximates the percentage of children eligible for free- or reduced-price lunches.

Combined Wealth Ratio: The ratio of district wealth per pupil to State average wealth per pupil, used for 2000-01 aid.

Need/Resource Capacity Category


High N/RC Districts

      New York City

New York City

      Large City Districts

Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers


All districts at or above the 70th percentile (1.188) which meet one of the following conditions:  1) at least 100 students per square mile; or
2) have an enrollment greater than 2,500 and more than 50 students per square mile.


All districts at or above the 70th percentile (1.188) which meet one of two conditions:  1) fewer than 50 students per square mile; or 2) fewer than 100 students per square mile and an enrollment of less than 2,500.

Average N/RC Districts

All districts between the 20th (0.7706) and 70th (1.188) percentile on the index.

Low N/RC Districts

All districts below the 20th percentile (0.7706) on the index.

High Need School Districts for 2005-06 School Year

Albany County

010100  ALBANY             
010500  COHOES


Allegany County

020601  ANDOVER

020801  BELFAST
022001  FILLMORE
022401  SCIO

Broome County

031301  DEPOSIT

Cattaraugus County

041101  FRANKLINVILLE            
041401  HINSDALE
042400  OLEAN
042801  GOWANDA
043001  RANDOLPH

Chautauqua County

060701  CLYMER
060800  DUNKIRK
062301  BROCTON
062401  RIPLEY
062601  SHERMAN
062901  WESTFIELD 

Chemung County

070600  ELMIRA

Chenango County

080101  AFTON
080601  GREENE
081003  UNADILLA
081200  NORWICH
081501  OXFORD

Clinton County


Columbia County

101300  HUDSON 

Cortland County

110200  CORTLAND
110304  MCGRAW
110901  MARATHON 

Delaware County

120701  FRANKLIN
120906  HANCOCK
121601  SIDNEY
121701  STAMFORD
121702  S. KORTRIGHT
121901  WALTON 

Dutchess County

130200  BEACON

Erie County

140600  BUFFALO

Essex County

150901  MORIAH

Franklin County

161501  MALONE

Fulton County


Genesee County

180300  BATAVIA

Greene County

190401  CATSKILL

Herkimer County

210501  ILION
210502  MOHAWK
210601  HERKIMER
211103  POLAND

Jefferson County

221301  LYME
222201  CARTHAGE 

Lewis County

230901  LOWVILLE
231101  SOUTH LEWIS 

Livingston County


Madison County

250301  DE RUYTER

Monroe County


Montgomery County

270701  FORT PLAIN

Nassau County

280209  FREEPORT
280401  WESTBURY 

New York City


Niagara County


Oneida County

410601  CAMDEN
411800  ROME
412300  UTICA 

Onondaga County

421800  SYRACUSE 

Ontario County

430700  GENEVA

Orange County

441600  NEWBURGH
441800  PORT JERVIS 

Orleans County

450101  ALBION
450801  MEDINA 

Oswego County

460500  FULTON
460701  HANNIBAL
461801  PULASKI

Otsego County

470501  EDMESTON
470801  LAURENS
471101  MILFORD
471201  MORRIS

Rensselaer County

491700  TROY 

Rockland County

500402  EAST RAMAPO 

St. Lawrence County

511201  HAMMOND
511602  LISBON
512001  MASSENA

Schenectady County


Schoharie County


Schuyler County


Seneca County


Steuben County

570101  ADDISON
570201  AVOCA
570302  BATH
570401  BRADFORD
571800  HORNELL

Suffolk County

580105  COPIAGUE

Sullivan County

590901  LIBERTY

Tioga County

600101  WAVERLY
600903  TIOGA 

Tompkins County

610901  NEWFIELD 

Ulster County

620600  KINGSTON

Warren County


Washington County


Wayne County

650101  NEWARK
650501  LYONS
651201  SODUS
651501  N. ROSE-WOLCOT
651503  RED CREEK        

Westchester County

662300  YONKERS 

Yates County

680801  DUNDEE


Aids and Grants to be Consolidated and Other Aids Under the 2006-07 Regents Proposal

Aids and Grants Replaced by the Proposed Regents Foundation Formula

2005-06 Aids and Grants Regents Proposal for 2006-07
Computerized Aids
Flex Aid
Comprehensive Operating Aid
Operating Aid
Tax Effort Aid
Tax Equalization Aid
Transition Adjustment/Adj. Factor
Teacher Support Aid
Computer Hardware Aid
Early Grade Class Size Reduction
Educationally Related Support Services Aid
Extraordinary Needs Aid
Full Day Kindergarten Conversion Aid
Gifted and Talented Aid
Minor Maintenance and Repair Aid
Operating Growth Aid
Operating Standards Aid
Operating Reorganization Incentive Aid
Small City Aid
Sound Basic Education Aid
Summer School Aid
Tax Limitation Aid
Other Aids and Grants
Categorical Reading Programs
Fort Drum Aid
Improving Pupil Performance Grants
Magnet Schools Aid
Shared Services Savings Incentive
Tuition Adjustment Aid
Urban-Suburban Transfer Aid
Foundation Aid
(Replaces all aids to the left.)

Other Aids and Grants

Building Aid
Grants for Overcrowded Schools
Building Reorganization Incentive Aid
Limited English Proficiency Aid
Private Excess Cost Aid
Public Excess Cost Aid
Textbook Aid
Learning Technology Grants
Library Materials Aid
Computer Software Aid
Special Services – Career Education
Special Services – Computer Administration
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Aid
Bilingual Education Grants
BOCES Spec Act, <8, Contract Aid
Transportation Aid
Bus Driver Safety Training Grants
Comptroller Audits
Division for Youth Transportation
Education of OMH/OMR
Education of Homeless Youth
Employment Preparation Education Aid
Incarcerated Youth
Native American Building Aid
Prior Year Adjustments
Special Act Districts Aid
Teacher Centers
Teacher-Mentor Intern
Building Aid
Grants for Overcrowded Schools
Building Reorganization Incentive Aid
Limited English Proficiency Aid
Private Excess Cost Aid
Public Excess Cost Aid
Textbook Aid
Learning Technology Grants
Library Materials Aid
Computer Software Aid
Special Services – Career Education
Special Services – Computer Administration
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Aid
Bilingual Education Grants
BOCES Spec Act, <8, Contract Aid
Transportation Aid
Bus Driver Safety Training Grants
Comptroller Audits
Division for Youth Transportation
Education of OMH/OMR
Education of Homeless Youth
Employment Preparation Education Aid
Incarcerated Youth
Native American Building Aid
Prior Year Adjustments
Special Act Districts Aid
Teacher Centers
Teacher-Mentor Intern


2006-07 Regents Proposal Formula Components

Foundation Aid 

Foundation:  Foundation Operating Aid is the greater of $500 or Formula Foundation Aid multiplied by Selected Total Aidable Pupil Units (TAPU).  The Foundation Aid is the product of $4,731, the Regional Cost Index (see explanation following) and a Pupil Need Index, less the Expected Local Contribution.  The Pupil Needs Index, which ranges from 1.0 to 2.0, is the sum of 1.0 plus the product of the Extraordinary Needs percent (changed to exclude a Limited English Proficiency count) multiplied by the concentration factor.  The concentration factor (maximum of 0.855) is 0.4275 + (0.4275 x [(EN percent - 10 percent)/70 percent]).  The Expected Local Contribution is the product of 0.015 multiplied by the Alternate Pupil Wealth Ratio multiplied by the Selected Actual Value (AV) per 2003-04 TWPU.  Selected AV is the lesser of the 2003 AV or the average of 2002 AV and 2003 AV.  Selected TAPU, Total Wealth Pupil Units (TWPU), and TAPU for Expense have been changed to be based on average daily membership (instead of average daily attendance), eliminate the 0.25 additional weightings for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and secondary pupils and continue the 0.12 weighting for summer school pupils (in TAPU).  TWPU excludes weightings for students with disabilities.  TAPU for Expense applies a single 1.32 weighting for students with disabilities.  Aid for New York City is on a citywide basis.  Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA) is used only for Building Aid. 

The following aids and grants are eliminated, as well as four aids and grants that do not appear on the computerized aid estimates, Tuition Adjustment Aid, Urban-Suburban Transfer Aid, County Vocational Education Extension Board (CVEEB) and Shared Services Savings Incentive: 

          Flex Aid
          Comprehensive Operating
          Operating Aid
          Transition Adjustment
          Sound Basic Education
          Tax Effort
          Tax Equalization
          Tax Limitation
          Gifted & Talented
          Minor Maintenance and Repair
          Operating Standards
          Extraordinary Needs
          Summer School
          Early Grade Class Size Reduction
          Educationally Related Support Services
          Computer Hardware
          Operating Growth
          Operating Reorganization Incentive
          Full Day Kindergarten Conversion
          Teacher Support
          Small Cities
          Improving Pupil Performance
          Categorical Reading
          Magnet Schools
          Fort Drum    

Transition Adjustment: The base includes the 2005-06 aids listed above which appear in the computerized aid estimates.  All districts are guaranteed a 2 percent increase over their 2005-06 consolidated base aids.  A district's Foundation Aid is capped at a need-adjusted 10.50 percent over 2005-06 aids.  The cap is: 0.1050 x (Need/Resource Index, but not less than 1.0) with a minimum of 0.1050 and a maximum of 0.1125.  The Need/Resource Index is the district’s Extraordinary Needs Ratio (i.e., district Extraordinary Needs percent divided by the State average of 52.6 percent) divided by its Combined Wealth Ratio (CWR).  

Support for Extra Time and Help 

Limited English Proficiency: Aid is based on the 2005-06 LEP pupils multiplied by Foundation Operating Aid per pupil multiplied by 0.152. 

Universal Pre-Kindergarten:  The grant per pupil for unserved four-year olds is based on 0.50 multiplied by the 2006-07 Foundation Operating Aid per pupil.  The unserved count is phased-in at the product of the unserved four-year olds multiplied by 67 percent.  If the resulting count is at least 1.0, the district receives aid.  No district receives less than the sum of its 2005-06 Universal Pre-kindergarten grant and the 2005-06 allocations for Targeted Pre-Kindergarten (including summer). 

Support for Students with Disabilities 

Excess Cost - Public: Basic Public Excess Cost Aid equals the foundation operating aid per pupil multiplied by weighted students with disabilities.  A single 1.32 weighting is provided for pupils who require special services or programs, consistent with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), for: 60 percent or more of the school day; at least 20 percent of the school week but less than 60 percent of the school day; and, direct or indirect consultant services at least 2 hours per week.  Pupils are aided by district of attendance.  Declassification Aid is included based on 50 percent of the basic Public Excess Cost Aid per pupil. All districts are guaranteed a 2 percent increase over their 2005-06 aid per pupil, excluding high cost aid.  A district's basic and declassification aids are capped at a need-adjusted 10.50 percent over 2005-06 aid per pupil, excluding high cost aid.  Aidable high cost expense per pupil must exceed 2.32 times the greater of district 2004-05 Approved Operating Expense/TAPU for Expense or the foundation expense per pupil.  Tier 1 high cost aid per pupil is the product of: (a) tier 1 ratio (i.e., district foundation aid per pupil divided by district foundation expense per pupil) and (b) tier 1 expense (i.e., the lesser of district aidable high cost expense per pupil or the State average aidable high cost expense per pupil).  Tier 2 high cost aid per pupil is the product of: (a) aidable high cost expense per pupil in excess of tier 1 expense per pupil and (b) tier 2 ratio, with a minimum of .25 and maximum of .90 (i.e., [1 + (aidable high cost expense per pupil/State average aidable high cost expense per pupil)] x tier 1 ratio).  High Cost Aid is the sum of tier 1 and tier 2 high cost aids per pupil.  No additional aid is provided for students in integrated settings (i.e., pupils who receive special education services or programs by qualified personnel, consistent with an IEP, for 60 percent or more of the school day in a general education classroom with non-disabled students). 

The calculation of the additional 1.32 weighting for students with disabilities used in the Excess Cost Aid formula is based on the set of 316 districts meeting the Regents criteria for successful school districts identified in the Regents state aid proposal for 2004-05. That proposal established a foundation amount based on the average cost per pupil for general education among those 316 districts. For the 2006-07 proposal, the ratio of special education expenditure per pupil to general education expenditure per pupil for these 316 districts was calculated, yielding an additional 1.32 weighting per student receiving special education services.  That is, a pupil with a disability will be counted as 1.0 for Foundation Aid and 1.32 for Excess Cost Aid, resulting in a total pupil count for aid purposes equal to 2.32. 

Excess Cost - Private:  Aid is for public school students attending private schools for students with disabilities.  Net tuition expense is multiplied by the Aid Ratio (1 - (.15 * CWR), with a .5 minimum).  

BOCES/Career and Technical Education 

BOCES:  BOCES Aid is included for administrative, shared services, rental and capital expenses.  Save-harmless is continued.  Approved expense for BOCES Administrative and Shared Services Aids is based on a salary limit of $30,000.  Aid is based on approved 2005-06 administrative and service expenses and the higher of the millage ratio or the AV/2004-05 TWPU Aid Ratio:  (1 - (.51 * Pupil Wealth Ratio)) with a .36 minimum and .90 maximum.  The millage ratio factor remains 8 mills.  Rent and Capital Aids are based on 2006-07 expenses multiplied by the AV/2004-05 TWPU Aid Ratio with a .00 minimum and a .90 maximum.  Payable aid is the sum of these aids. 

Special Services Computer Administration: Computer Administration Aid equals the higher of the millage ratio or the AV/2004-05 TWPU Aid Ratio (1 - (.51 * Pupil Wealth Ratio)) with a .36 minimum multiplied by approved expenses not to exceed the maximum of $67.30 multiplied by the Fall 2005 public school enrollment with half-day kindergarten weighted at 1.0. 

Special Services Career Education: Career Education Aid equals the higher of the millage ratio or the Aid Ratio (1 - (.51 * PWR)) with a .36 minimum multiplied by $4,731, multiplied by the 2005-06 Career Education pupils including the pupils in business and marketing sequences weighted at 0.16.

Instructional Materials Aids 

Textbook:  Aid is based on 2005-06 approved textbook expenses up to the product of $57.30 multiplied by the 2005-06 resident public and nonpublic enrollment. 

Computer Software:  Aid is based on 2005-06 approved computer software expenses up to the product of $14.98 multiplied by the 2005-06 public and nonpublic enrollment. 

Library Materials:  Aid is based on 2005-06 approved library materials expenses up to the product of $6.00 multiplied by the 2005-06 public and nonpublic enrollment. 

Expensed-Based Aids 

Building:  Aid is equal to the product of the estimated approved building expenses multiplied by the highest of the 1981-82 through the 2003-04 AV/RWADA Aid Ratios or the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio.  For projects approved by voters on or after July 1, 2000, expenses are multiplied by the higher of the Building Aid Ratio used for 1999-00 aid less .10 or the Current AV/RWADA Aid Ratio.  Up to 10 percent of additional building aid is provided for projects approved by voters on or after July 1, 1998.  Building expenses include certain capital outlay expenses, lease expenses, and an assumed debt service payment based on the useful life of the project and a statewide average interest rate.  The low income aid ratio option is discontinued, however the high need supplemental building aid ratio option is continued.  Aid is not estimated for those prospective and deferred projects that had not fully met all eligibility requirements as of the fall 2005 database. 

Simplified Building Aid Calculations: The Regents propose to simplify the calculation of the maximum cost allowance that is used to determine Building Aid.  The changes described below will allow school administrators to accurately predict Building Aid prior to building design. The new formula would be: 

Maximum Cost Allowance = Projected Enrollment X Allowed Square Feet per Student X Allowed Cost per Square Foot x Regional Cost Factor 

  1. The projected enrollment would continue to be the enrollment projected five years out for grades PreK-6, seven years for grades 7-9 and ten years for high school. 

  2. The “allowed per square feet per pupil” is based on the median values of New York State school buildings constructed in the last five years.  The values are:

  1. The “allowed cost per square foot” is set at a level to ensure reasonable construction costs for instructional facilities will be fully covered – the average maximum cost allowance for new buildings will not change under the new simplified formula. The values are:

The allowed cost per square foot would be adjusted monthly by the change in the construction cost index. The construction cost index can be found at: http://www.nysed.gov/fmis/facplan/projects/costind.htm

  1. The current regional cost factor methodology would remain unchanged. The construction cost regional cost factors can be found at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/facplan/articles/rci03-04.html.  

Recognition of Extraordinary Construction Costs: the formula would include adjustments to recognize the increased costs of building in extremely dense urban areas.  Extraordinary costs related to multi-story construction, site security, increased costs due to constricted traffic flows and limited staging areas, and the site acquisition and environmental remediation of sites in high-density urban areas will be eligible for aid even when such costs are in excess of the maximum cost allowance. 

Building Reorganization Incentive:  Building Reorganization Incentive Aid on capital outlay, lease and debt service is subjected to the same requirements as regular Building Aid.  Aid is provided for reorganization projects that have been approved by voters within five years of district consolidation and where the project is contained in the five-year capital reorganization plan. 

Transportation:  Non-capital aid is based upon estimated approved transportation operating expense plus capital expenses multiplied by the selected Transportation Aid Ratio with a .9 maximum and a .065 minimum.  Aid for capital expenses (regular and summer) is computed as above but based on the assumed amortization of purchase, lease and equipment costs over five years, at a statewide average interest rate.  The selected Aid Ratio is the highest of 1.263 multiplied by the State Sharing Ratio or 1.01 - (.46 * Pupil Wealth Ratio) or 1.01 – (.46 * Enrollment Wealth Ratio), plus a sparsity adjustment.  The sparsity adjustment is the positive result of 21 minus the district’s 2004-05 enrollment per square mile, divided by 317.88.  The State Sharing Ratio is the greater of: 1.33 – (1.085 * Combined Wealth Ratio) or .915 – (0.56 * Combined Wealth Ratio) or 0.53 – (0.238 * Combined Wealth Ratio), with a maximum of 1.00. 

Summer School Transportation:  Transportation Aid for summer school programs is based on estimated approved transportation operating expense multiplied by the selected Transportation Aid Ratio with a .9 maximum and a .065 minimum.  Aid is no longer prorated to remain within a $5.0 million appropriation.  This proposal combines summer school and regular transportation aid.  Aid is shown separately in a subsequent table for the purpose of comparison to the base year.

Regional Cost Adjustment Based on Professional Salaries

A regional cost index was generated using an approach first developed by education finance researchers in the state of Oregon.  Their method recognized that school districts are often the dominant purchasers of college-educated labor in a community. As such, they exercise unusual market influence over the price they pay for such services, so that differences in cost may be the result of choices school districts make.  For this reason, teacher salaries were specifically excluded from the construction of the index, and selected professional salaries used as a proxy for the purpose of determining regional cost differentials.     

The index includes 63 titles for which employment at the entry level typically requires a bachelor’s degree, and excludes teachers and categories that tend to be restricted to federal and state government.  The wage data are provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and are drawn from the 2001 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey. The OES survey is an establishment survey and according to U.S. Department of Labor analysts, “wages and earnings tend to be more accurately reported in establishment surveys as they are based upon administrative records rather than recall by respondents.”  (“Inter-area Comparisons of Compensation and Prices,” Report on the American Workforce, 1997, p. 73.)  Additionally, the survey is administered on a three-year cycle where each year one third of the establishments are surveyed and wage data are aggregated using a technique known as wage updating.  Thus, the approximations of wages become increasingly accurate and are most precise in the third year. Unchanged from the 2004-05 Regents proposal, the RCI calculations are based on the third and most accurate data-year in the cycle. The triennial nature of the data means that the RCI need only be updated in those years in which the most accurate data in the cycle are available.  (For a detailed discussion of regional cost and the construction of the Regents Cost Index see, Recognizing High Cost Factors in the Financing of Public Education: A Discussion Paper and Update Prepared for the New York State Board of Regents SA (D) 1.1 (Sept., 2000) and the technical supplement entitled Recognizing High Cost Factors in the Financing of Public Education: The Calculation of a Regional Cost Index (Nov., 2000). Copies can be obtained by contacting the Fiscal Analysis and Research Unit at (518) 474-5213 or visiting their web site at http://www.oms.nysed.gov/faru/articles.html.)  The next scheduled update of the data would occur in 2006.

Method of Calculation 

The index was calculated as the weighted median annual wage for a given labor force region divided by the weighted median annual wage for New York State ($65,189). The index was truncated to three decimal places then divided by the North Country value of .731.  Index values range from 1.000 for the North Country to 1.496 for the Long Island/New York City Region.  The accompanying table lists the counties included in each labor force region.  The weighted median wage for New York State and for each labor force region was calculated as follows:

Weighted Median Hourly Wage = The sum of: (Title Weight * Median Annual Wage) for all 63 titles making up the index.  

  1. Title Weight = the number of employees in a given title statewide divided by the number of employees in the 63 titles statewide.  Applying title weights to each labor force region prevents the index from being skewed by variations in occupational mix across regions.   

  2. Median Annual Wage = median annual wage rate reported for each title in each labor force region and statewide. 

A separate index was created for each labor force region based on a subset of 46 of the 63 titles.  These 46 occupations represent those titles for which there were no missing data in any of the labor force regions.  This index was then used to estimate the median annual wage of titles with missing data in any given labor force region.  This was done by multiplying the statewide median annual wage for the title with missing data by the 46-title index for the specific labor force region for which the salary data was missing.   

For the purpose of index construction, the New York City and Long Island labor force regions were treated as a single labor force region.  The New York City/Long Island weighted median wage was calculated as follows:  

NYC/LI Weighted Median Wage = The sum of (Title Weight * NYC/LI Median Annual Wage) for all 63 titles making up the index

  1. Title Weight = same as above. 

  2. NYC/LI Median Annual Wage = for each title:  

[(# of emp LI * LI median annual wage)+(# of emp NYC * NYC median annual wage)] / (# of employees in LI + # of employees in NYC)


Regional Cost Index - Counties in Labor Force Regions

Capital District


Central New York


Finger Lakes


Hudson Valley


Long Island/New York City

      New York City

Mohawk Valley



North Country

      St. Lawrence

Southern Tier


Western New York





Aid Category 2005-06
School Year
School Year
Amount Percent

(---------------Amounts in Millions---------------)

I.  General Purpose Aid
Flex Aid/Foundation Aid * $8,460.24 $11,266.58 $2,806.34 33.17
Gifted & Talented 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Operating Standards 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Academic Support 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Tax Effort 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Tax Equalization 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Tax  Limitation 135.06 0.00 -135.06 -100.00
Extraordinary Needs 28.95 0.00 -28.95 -100.00
Summer School 0.75 0.00 -0.75 -100.00
Early Grade Class Size Reduction 139.39 0.00 -139.39 -100.00
Minor Maintenance & Repair 2.70 0.00 -2.70 -100.00
Educationally Related Support Services 1.64 0.00 -1.64 -100.00
Computer Hardware 28.84 0.00 -28.84 -100.00
Operating Growth 16.60 0.00 -16.60 -100.00
Operating Reorganization Incentive 15.88 0.00 -15.88 -100.00
Full Day Kindergarten Conversion 3.82 0.00 -3.82 -100.00
Teacher Support 67.48 0.00 -67.48 -100.00
Small Cities 81.88 0.00 -81.88 -100.00
Improving Pupil Performance (IPP) 66.35 0.00 -66.35 -100.00
Categorical Reading 63.95 0.00 -63.95 -100.00
Magnet Schools 137.60 0.00 -137.60 -100.00
Fort Drum 3.00 0.00 -3.00 -100.00
Sound Basic Education 324.87 0.00 -324.87 -100.00
Plus: Cap on Losses/Minimum Increase 0.00 996.05 996.05 NA
Less: Cap on Increases 0.00 -1,848.57 -1,848.57 NA
     Foundation Grant Subtotal 9,578.99 10,414.06 835.08 8.72
Limited English Proficiency * 5.41 132.01 126.60 2339.08
Universal Prekindergarten ** 249.11 348.21 99.10 39.78
Sum 9,833.51 10,894.28 1,060.78 10.79
II. Support for Students with Disabilities
Public Excess Cost Aid 2,397.11 2,495.91 98.79 4.12
Private Excess Cost Aid 218.03 229.32 11.29 5.18
Sum 2,615.14 2,725.22 110.08 4.21
III. BOCES/Career and Technical Education Aid
BOCES 546.37 602.81 56.45 10.33
Special Services Computer Administration 39.21 46.71 7.50 19.13
Special Services Career Education 102.29 165.18 62.89 61.48
Sum 687.87 814.70 126.84 18.44
IV. Instructional Materials Aids
Computer Software 46.00 46.73 0.73 1.58
Library Materials 19.27 19.31 0.04 0.23
Textbook 186.29 186.51 0.22 0.12
Sum 251.56 252.55 0.99 0.39
V. Expense-Based Aids
Building Aid 1,505.94 1,586.96 81.02 5.38
Building Reorganization Incentive 14.86 0.40 -14.47 -97.34
Transportation 1,204.57 1,329.86 125.28 10.40
Summer Transportation 5.00 10.39 5.39 107.76
Sum 2,730.38 2,927.60 197.22 7.22
Computerized Aids Subtotal 16,118.46 17,614.36 1,495.90 9.28
VI. All Other Aids
Replaced by Foundation Formula:
County Vocational Ed. Extension Boards (CVEEB) 0.92 0.00 -0.92 -100.00
Shared Services Savings Incentive 0.20 0.00 -0.20 -100.00
Tuition Adjustment Aid 1.18 0.00 -1.18 -100.00
Urban-Suburban Transfer 1.13 0.00 -1.13 -100.00
Additional Pre-K and Class Size 3.26 0.00 -3.26 NA
Remaining Aids and Grants:
Full-Day Kindergarten Planning Grants 0.00 2.80 2.80 NA
Bilingual Education 11.20 11.20 0.00 0.00
Education of OMH/OMR Pupils 34.00 34.00 0.00 0.00
Homeless 6.25 6.25 0.00 0.00
DFY Transportation 0.23 0.23 0.00 0.00
Employment Preparation Edn. (EPE) 96.00 96.00 0.00 0.00
Incarcerated Youth 16.5 16.5 0.00 0.00
BOCES Spec Act, <8, contract 0.68 0.68 0.00 0.00
Bus Driver Safety Training Grants 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00
Less: Local Contribution due for certain students -31.00 -31.00 0.00 0.00
Comptroller Audits 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA
Native American Building 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
Roosevelt 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
Special Act Districts 2.20 2.20 0.00 0.00
Mentor Teacher 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
Teacher Centers 31.00 31.00 0.00 0.00
Teachers for Tomorrow 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00
Learning Technology Grants 3.29 3.29 0.00 0.00
Sum 211.93 208.04 -3.89 -1.84
Total General Support for Public Schools 16,330.38 17,822.40 1,492.01 9.14
Prior Year Adjmts & Fiscal Stabilization Grants ** 28.00 28.00 0.00 0.00
Grand Total $16,358.38 $17,850.40 $1,492.01 9.12
*  The base year estimate for Limited English Proficiency reflects the fact that LEP Aid was consolidated into Flex Aid
**  The Regents proposal includes funding for targeted prekindergarten grants and prior year adjustments which were funded outside of General Support for Public Schools in 2005-06.  They are included in the 2005-06 estimates for comparability.





Need/Resource Index


Decile Range

2005-06 Enrollment 2006-07
2005-06 BASE Change Percent Change % of Total Increase Change
per Pupil
1 0.000 0.045 190,389 406,114,821 395,003,091 11,111,730 2.81 0.74 58
2 0.046 0.168 241,767 755,022,949 738,032,753 16,990,196 2.30 1.14 70
3 0.169 0.371 247,667 1,043,976,095 1,020,359,353 23,616,742 2.31 1.58 95
4 0.372 0.747 234,267 1,203,043,362 1,134,739,569 68,303,793 6.02 4.57 292
5 0.748 1.123 197,161 1,111,296,594 1,049,150,254 62,146,340 5.92 4.15 315
6 1.124 1.530 133,735 972,131,944 892,020,514 80,111,430 8.98 5.36 599
7 1.531 2.080 123,034 968,446,548 895,012,856 73,433,692 8.20 4.91 597
8 2.081 2.610 123,640 1,091,148,219 989,964,355 101,183,864 10.22 6.76 818
9 2.611 3.405 89,937 869,468,057 784,461,890 85,006,167 10.84 5.68 945
10 3.406 8.882 96,235 1,000,798,662 900,533,039 100,265,623 11.13 6.70 1,042
STATE (Excl. BIG 5)     1,677,832 9,421,447,251 8,799,277,674 622,169,577 7.07 41.59 371
New York City   1.589 1,033,599 6,886,203,590 6,144,964,261 741,239,329 12.06 49.55 717
Big 4 Cities 1.142 4.490 124,623 1,306,710,776 1,174,215,272 132,495,504 11.28 8.86 1,063
STATE 2,836,054 17,614,361,617 16,118,457,207 1,495,904,410 9.28 100.00 527


Need/Resource Index

2005-06 Enrollment 2006-07
2005-06 BASE Change Percent Change % of Total Increase Change
per Pupil
NYC 1,033,599 6,886,203,590 6,144,964,261  741,239,329 12.06 49.55 717
Big 4 124,623 1,306,710,776 1,174,215,272 132,495,504 11.28 8.86 1,063
Urban/Suburban High Need 233,125 1,892,297,602 1,710,249,382 182,048,220 10.64 12.17 781
Rural High Need 174,315 1,677,737,121 1,532,871,741 144,865,380 9.45 9.68 831
Average Need 864,197 4,854,968,839 4,584,572,459 270,396,380 5.90 18.08 313
Low Need 406,195 996,443,689 971,584,092 24,859,597 2.56 1.66 61
STATE 2,836,054 17,614,361,617 16,118,457,207 1,495,904,410 9.28 100.00 527





Need/Resource Index


Decile Range

2005-06 Enrollment 2006-07
2005-06 BASE Change Percent Change % of Total Increase Change
per Pupil
1 0.000 0.045 190,389 324,553,424 314,070,830 10,482,594 3.34 0.81 55
2 0.046 0.168 241,767 582,471,453 572,775,605 9,695,848 1.69 0.75 40
3 0.169 0.371 247,667 809,712,770 791,392,621 18,320,149 2.31 1.41 74
4 0.372 0.747 234,267 939,037,379 891,587,283 47,450,096 5.32 3.65 203
5 0.748 1.123 197,161 877,843,269 831,489,855 46,353,414 5.57 3.57 235
6 1.124 1.530 133,735 787,737,278 724,346,807 63,390,471 8.75 4.88 474
7 1.531 2.080 123,034 793,193,182 724,429,149 68,764,033 9.49 5.29 559
8 2.081 2.610 123,640 910,630,199 817,182,668 93,447,531 11.44 7.20 756
9 2.611 3.405 89,937 726,829,295 651,415,595 75,413,700 11.58 5.81 839
10 3.406 8.882 96,235 835,274,839 739,815,187 95,459,652 12.90 7.35 992
STATE (Excl. BIG 5)     1,677,832 7,587,283,088 7,058,505,600 528,777,488 7.49 40.72 315
New York City   1.589 1,033,599 5,959,845,869 5,300,421,299 659,424,570 12.44 50.78 638
Big 4 Cities 1.142 4.490 124,623 1,139,632,721 1,029,150,776 110,481,945 10.74 8.51 887
STATE 2,836,054 14,686,761,678 13,388,077,675 1,298,684,003 9.70 100.00 458


Need/Resource Index

2005-06 Enrollment 2006-07
2005-06 BASE Change Percent Change % of Total Increase Change
per Pupil
NYC 1,033,599 5,959,845,869 5,300,421,299 659,424,570 12.44 50.78 638
Big 4 124,623 1,139,632,721 1,029,150,776 110,481,945 10.74 8.51 887
Urban/Suburban High Need 233,125 1,637,587,144 1,471,381,325 166,205,819 11.30 12.80 713
Rural High Need 174,315 1,368,901,900 1,234,480,034 134,421,866 10.89 10.35 771
Average Need 864,197 3,801,817,643 3,591,462,231 210,355,412 5.86 16.20 243
Low Need 406,195 778,976,401 761,182,010 17,794,391 2.34 1.37 44
STATE 2,836,054 14,686,761,678 13,388,077,675 1,298,684,003 9.70 100.00 458

