
Prekindergarten through Grade 12 Education

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Questions and Answers

Carl D. Perkins IV Career & Technical Education

  1. Since funding can only be used to support a major effort for three years, I know that I must develop new major efforts this year (i.e., year four of the grant). Should these efforts relate to our original five-year plan? Is it allowable to plan another three-year major effort?

    Answer: Major efforts can be one, two, or three years in length depending on the activities. Three years is a maximum length for implementation of improvement efforts. Sustaining the same activity for more then three years is maintenance, which is contrary to the funding intent. Major efforts in year four must not be a continuation of the same activities in the efforts funded in the previous years, but they still must relate to your five-year plan. Perkins recipients are obligated to develop five-year plans to ensure thoughtful long range planning. The five-year period coincides with the length of the reauthorization period for Perkins IV funds. Due to the uncertainty of future funding, wise planning would involve having major efforts end when the current authorization period ends, June 30 2013.

  2. I heard that federal Perkins funding is being cut, does this mean our allocations for the 2011-12 year could change?

    Answer: Grantees should plan activities according to allocations that are posted for the 2011-12 year.

  3. The "Perkins Performance Report" no longer has a Enrollment column, the enrollment column in the past was utilized for us to complete the major effort proposed population and expenditures forms. Why was it dropped? Is the information available elsewhere on the NYSED site? While we can get this information from our local district, .it is much easier if it would remain as part of the report.

    Answer: Most CTE data reporting to the U.S. Education Department is now done through the EdFacts system. This transition brought some changes to the structure of the data tables provided by our vendor. While last year's enrollment levels might serve as a baseline for proposing enrollments in the coming program year, it is preferable to provide a forward projection of enrollment based on the targets of the specific major effort being described. This form is meant to collect enrollment levels only for the students to whom the major effort is targeted—not your overall CTE enrollment. We expect different major efforts to serve different numbers and populations of students.

    The major effort forms do not collect actual enrollments at the time of application for funds. These forms are meant to collect
    proposed enrollment levels for the coming program year. Actual enrollment levels are collected on the Final Narrative Form, when all of the facts from the past program year are known.

  4. The SED allocation list for the 2011-12 shows that charter schools receive an allocation of $0. Besides the mandatory requirements to be eligible for Perkins funding, is there a minimum number of students that a school must have in their three CTE programs in order to receive the minimum $15,000 allocation? Is there any way for charter high schools with at least three CTE programs to access some of the allocation provided to their local school district? Do you ever anticipate having an allocation for charter schools?

    Answer: Charter schools show no allocation much in the same way that the BOCES show no allocation. BOCES enter into consortia with their component districts because their student population is comprised of students from surrounding districts.
Last Updated: May 13, 2011