Ed Management Services



Any change in the date for the 2011 annual budget vote and board of education elections will occur only for those districts that request such a change by the Commissioner due to a conflict with religious observances.  All other districts statewide will still hold their annual budget vote and board of education election on the third Tuesday in May.    

Any districts who are considering requesting a change should have their request, with supporting documentation, into the Office of Educational Management Services, Attn: Jay O’Connor, 876 EBA, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234 by Monday, February 1, 2011 in order to allow sufficient time for processing and issuance of an order by the March 1, 2011 deadline established by the Education Law.  Along with the letter of request, the district must submit the following:

  • Resolution of the Board of Education, duly adopted, that a conflict exists with their voter’s religious observance of _________________________ on the third Tuesday of May, 2011;
  • Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Education confirming adoption of the resolution; and
  • District clerk certification of the minutes of such meeting.

The Office of Educational Management Services has samples of suggested wording for the board resolution.  For a copy of a sample, or for more information, please contact our office at 518-474-6541.

Last Updated: January 27, 2011