Religious and Independent Schools

Reminder to Nonpublic Schools: Reporting of Exams Administered

Reporting the exams administered in the 2008-2009 school year pursuant to the established deadlines for each exam will help facilitate the payment of a school’s Mandated Services Aid (MSA).

The Office of Information and Reporting Services provides the MSA online system with the number of exams reported for all elementary and secondary exams administered by a non-public school. If these numbers differ from what the school claims on the MSA-1, there may be a delay in the approval and payment of the MSA claim for the 2008-2009 school year.

Elementary/Middle-level State Assessments

For the 2008-2009 school year, non-public schools must have contracted with a Regional Information Center (RIC) to report results in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) for all 3-8 ELA/Math exams. Schools should adhere to deadlines for submitting data established by the RIC, and maintain copies of any documentation received from the RIC.

Schools may also contract with the RIC for Grades 4 & 8 Science and Grades 8 Social Studies to report results in SIRS or they may submit directly to the Department aggregated school-level results. The Test Report Form and instructions for filing are available at

This form must be received by June 26, 2009. Schools are advised to retain documentation demonstrating that they have sent testing information to the Department.

Grade 5 Social Studies exams administered by a Non-public school can either be reported by the RIC or directly to the Department. Schools should submit complete, scored answer sheets and the Classroom Roster. The established due date for filing was March 31, 2009. If you have not submitted, please do so immediately and be sure to confirm the receipt of your documentation by SED.

Secondary Exams


The Non-public Secondary Examination Report is a Scannable Booklet that is mailed annually to the school. It must be filed with the Department pursuant to reporting instructions and due dates. The due date for filing exams administered in the 2008-09 school year is July 17, 2009. This includes exams administered in August 2008, January 2009, and June 2009.


Student answer sheets and the Classroom Roster must be sent to the Department for scoring by the required deadline. The filing deadline for exams administered in the 2008-09 school year was May 29, 2009. If you have not yet submitted, please do so immediately.

Last Updated: February 3, 2012