RFQ #15-004
Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics Providers
RFQ Documents
Rubrics Providers RFQ Document in PDF (751 KB) | Rubrics Providers RFQ Document in Word (184 KB)
To implement the provisions of Education Law §3012-d relating to annual professional performance reviews of classroom teachers and building principals, the New York State Education Department (“NYSED” or “Department”), is soliciting application for Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics that will be used as part of teacher and principal evaluations. THIS SOLICITATION WILL NOT RESULT IN A CONTRACT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. NYSED will use the objective criteria specified within to review such proposals and will generate a new list of Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics Under §3012-d. This list will be available at: https://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/teachers-leaders/practicerubrics/home.html.
On April 13, 2015, the Governor signed Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2015 to add a new Education Law §3012-d to establish a new evaluation system for classroom teachers and building principals. As a result, during the June 2015 meeting of the Board of Regents, Subpart 30-2 was amended and a new Subpart 30-3 of the Rules of the Board of Regents was added as an emergency adoption in order to implement Education Law §3012-d.
The new law requires teachers and principals to be evaluated based on two categories: the Student Performance Category and the Observation/School Visit Category. The Observation/School Visit Category is made up of three subcomponents, required observations/school visits by supervisors or other trained administrators, required observations/school visits by impartial independent trained evaluator(s)1, and optional observations/school visits by trained peer educators. Section 30-3.9 of the Rules of the Board of Regents requires the Commissioner to evaluate teacher and principal practice rubrics based on the criteria outlined in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Such rubrics include those previously placed on the list of “Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics” pursuant to Education Law §3012-c. Rubrics approved under the previous list will be deemed as approved for use under Education Law §3012-d unless disqualified by the Department or withdrawn by the provider. For new rubrics, or updates to rubrics approved under Education Law §3012-c, submissions must be made to this RFQ in order to be approved for use under Education Law §3012-d. All applicants, both new and those with rubrics approved under the previous list, are encouraged to complete and submit Form F to provide supplemental information about how their rubrics align with Education Law §3012-d.
All approved providers who meet the criteria specified in this RFQ will be included in this list. The list will be maintained by NYSED. No funding is directly associated with this application for approval.
The approved list will be updated at least annually. There will be an opportunity for new applicants to demonstrate that their organization meets the requirements on a schedule to be determined and published by NYSED. Providers of teacher and/or principal practice rubric services may also be removed from the list subject to the conditions specified within this RFQ.
This RFQ is specific to those rubric providers who are seeking to be placed on NYSED’s list of Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics. The State Education Department has developed a separate Rubric Variance process to evaluate rubrics submitted by LEAs who are seeking to utilize tool(s) other than those in the list approved for local use, but who do not wish to be placed in the list of Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics for Statewide use.
Entities eligible to apply to provide teacher and principal practice rubric services may include, but are not limited to:
- Community based organizations;
- Charter management organizations;
- Libraries;
- Private companies;
- Institutions of Higher Education;
- Family literacy programs/Even Start programs;
- Faith-based organizations;
- Teacher or administrator unions;
- Nonprofit organizations; and
- A partnership between eligible rubric provider entities.
All applicants shall submit all required materials. For inclusion on the Department’s list of Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics, materials from applicants must be received by the New York State Education Department at the address listed below. Applications are being accepted on a continuous and ongoing basis. The Department will review submissions and update the approved list on a quarterly basis, approximately during the months of April, July, October, and January, as follows:
- Submissions received between January 1-March 31 will be reviewed and a determination made by April 30
- Submissions received between April 1-June 30 will be reviewed and a determination made by July 31
- Submissions received between July 1-September 30 will be reviewed and a determination made by October 31
- Submissions received between October 1-December 31 will be reviewed and a determination made by January 31
Facsimile submissions are not acceptable. Applicants must adhere to the submission method detailed below.
Acceptable Submission Method:
Applicants may either: 1. Submit electronically by emailing an application packet containing a copy of the full application in Microsoft Office (.doc(x), .xls(x), .ppt(x)) and/or portable document format(.pdf). Also, if possible, include a single PDF containing all application materials / appendices / attachments to RubricRFQ@nysed.gov; or 2. Address of hand-deliver an application packet containing:
to the following address: New York State Education Department |
An applicant must present all the information requested and required in this RFQ in order to be considered for approval and placed on the New York State Education Department’s list of Approved Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics. Applicants that fail to submit all required information may be contacted by NYSED and provided five (5) business days from notice to submit the requested information. Applicants that fail to adhere to this deadline will not be approved.
Any questions concerning this RFQ must be emailed to: RubricRFQ@nysed.gov. Answers to questions received by October 21 will be posted no later than November 4. Thereafter, questions and responses will be posted on a quarterly basis. The submitted questions and responses will be made available on the Questions and Answers page.
RFQ Documents
Rubrics Providers RFQ Document in PDF (751 KB) | Rubrics Providers RFQ Document in Word (184 KB)