Announcement of Funding Opportunity
2024-25 Title I School Improvement Grant 1003 Coaching for Excellence
Grant Application Documents
Grant Announcement in PDF – Revised 6/28/24
Grant Announcement in Word – Revised 6/28/24
Project Purpose
For the 2024-25 school year, the New York State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) is providing Target Districts with schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) model at the beginning stages of implementing instructional coaching the opportunity to receive funding to support the employment of an instructional coach to allow the school to participate in the NYSED Coaching for Excellence (CFE) program.
Target Districts with at least one non-Receivership school in the CSI or ATSI support model are eligible to submit an application for the 2024-25 Title I 1003 School Improvement Grant (SIG) Coaching for Excellence (CFE) funds to support the participation of the school identified for the CSI or ATSI support model in the Foundational Coaching path of the Coaching for Excellence Supplemental Support if the following criteria are met:
- The specific school did not have a school-based instructional coach during the 2023-24 school year.
- The specific school has registered for the Coaching for Excellence Foundational Path Supplemental Support.
- The specific school agrees to move to the instructional coach position, an existing teacher who meets the criteria below:
- the individual identified has not served as an instructional coach or as an administrator during the 2022-23 or 2023-24 school years;
- the individual identified is tenured; and
- the individual identified has at least three years of teaching experience within the school identified for the CSI or ATSI model; OR at least one year experience within the school identified for the CSI or ATSI model AND five years’ teaching experience total.
- he school agrees to address before September 2, 2024, any staffing needs that arise from moving the teacher to the instructional coach position.
- The school is familiar with the Coaching for Excellence Program Theory of Action
- The school agrees to fulfill the Coaching for Excellence Program Participation Expectations
Schools that had an instructional coach during the 2023-24 school year are ineligible for New Coach funding; however, schools are able to use SIG BASIC funding to support the employment of an instructional coach and participate in the CFE Foundational path program in 2024-25. Only schools identified for CSI and ATSI that are not under Receivership are eligible for this grant to support the employment of a new coach. A school does not have to receive funding though this grant to participate in the CFE Foundational path. Any coach, including those not supported through SIG CFE New Coach funding, that completes the CFE Foundational path in 2024-25 will be eligible for CFE Bridge funding to support that coach’s participation in CFE Elevate during the 2025-26 school year provided the coach continues at the school identified for additional support.
Bridge Funding (Returning CFE Coaches)
Target Districts with at least one non-Receivership school in the CSI, ATSI or TSI support model that participated in the NYSED CFE program during the 2022-23 or 2023-24 school year are eligible to receive CFE Bridge Funding to support the continued employment of previous CFE coaches if the following criteria are met:
- The coach that participated in CFE continues as at least a 0.5 FTE instructional coach at the school.
- The school has enrolled the coach in the CFE: Elevate Supplemental Support.
- The school agrees to fulfil the Coaching for Excellence Program Participation Expectations.
New Coaches
The Department will provide Districts with up to $125,000 in funding to support the salary and benefits for the employment of up to 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) instructional coach that participates in the CFE: Foundational Path.
The funding available may only support the costs associated with the new coach’s salary and benefits. Although an individual district’s salary and benefits for the instructional coaching position may be less than $125,000, the CFE Grant cannot be applied to other school activities. However, reasonable and necessary resources to support the success of the new instructional coach may be covered through the SIG Basic grant.
The grant will cover the costs of a new instructional coach to allow the school to participate in the CFE: Foundational Path Supplemental Support for the 2024-25 school year only.
Bridge Funding
The Department will provide Districts with funding to support the continued employment of 2022-23 and 2023-24 CFE coaches that participate in the CFE: Elevate path (CFE Year 2) for the 2024-25 school year.
The Department will provide up to $50,000 in funding to support the salary and benefits for the employment of the 1.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) instructional coach or, in secondary schools only, two 0.5 FTE instructional coaches in conjunction with participation in the CFE: Elevate path.
For secondary schools that are in the CSI, ATSI, or TSI model that continue to employ a previous CFE participant as an instructional coach for 0.5 FTE at the same school and have the coach participate in the CFE Elevate Path, the Department will provide up to $25,000 to support the salary and benefits for the employment of that individual participated in CFE.
Project Period
September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025
Application Deadline
Completed CFE applications are due by July 15, 2024. No extensions will be provided. Schools that have not finalized coverage of the new CFE coach’s current responsibilities (e.g. hired a replacement teacher) will be granted conditional programmatic approval; however, their application will not be sent to the Grants Finance office until coverage is finalized (e.g. the replacement teacher is hired). To mitigate instability in classroom staffing and ensure a smooth start to the school year for students, after Monday, September 2, 2024, applications will no longer be eligible for review. At that point, any school that has not finalized coverage for the CFE Foundation path coach will be ineligible to receive CFE grant funding to support their coach’s participation. Substitute teacher coverage will not be accepted as an appropriate means of covering the coach’s previous responsibilities.
LEAs are encouraged to submit completed applications as soon as possible to expedite the review and approval process.
Submission Instructions
To initiate the programmatic review process for this grant, eligible Districts must submit a blue ink signed Application Cover Page; and a School-Level Plan for each participating school to by July 15, 2024.
Districts that receive programmatic approval will be provided a Project Code for the FS-10 and assigned access for submission through the NYSED Business portal.
For additional information or assistance please contact: fieldsupport@nysed.govGrant Application Documents
Grant Announcement in PDF – Revised 6/28/24
Grant Announcement in Word – Revised 6/28/24