Press Release - October 11, 2006
- Press Release Memo HTML Version | Word Version (54KB)
- Commissioner's Press Conference HTML Version | Text Only Version | PowerPoint (227KB)
- Media File Grades 3-8 Grade 8 Mathematics
- Database in ZIP file (1.8MB)
- Database in Microsoft® Access 97 (2.9MB)
- Database in Microsoft® Access 2000 (1.1MB)
Explanation of the asterisk in the "New Dist Tot" column:
* Federal law prohibits the release of personally identifiable
information. Therefore, if fewer than five students in a
school or district were tested, their results are not printed.
District totals for a grade level are the sum of the printed
school counts plus the count of students placed out-of-district,
if the latter count was equal or greater than 5. Districts
where some student results are excluded are indicated with
an asterisk.
District, Building and County Aggregates
Last Updated:
June 4, 2009