Ed Management Services

C4E Calendar for 2014-15



 April 4, 2014

2014-15 C4E Contract Amounts posted on C4E website: https://www.p12.nysed.gov/mgtserv/C4E

 May 16, 2014

C4E Forms and Guidance posted on C4E website

 May - June

Districts consult with parents/guardians, teachers, administrators

 By June 13, 2014

Deadline for districts to certify and submit draft Contracts to NYSED for preliminary review and consultation.
Email to: emscmgts@mail.nysed.gov

 By June 16, 2014

School Districts publicize proposed 2014-15 C4E plan and post for 30-day comment period

 By July 16, 2014

Public comment period ends.

 By July 17, 2014

Districts post assessment of C4E public comments, if any

 By July 25, 2014

Deadline for formal C4E submission of applications from districts

 By August 15, 2014

Recommendations on approval submitted to the Commissioner

 September 2, 2014

Districts report C4E final expenditures for 2013-14 school year

 October 15, 2014

2013-14 Auditing Reports due for Rest of State (ROS) districts

 January 1, 2015

2013-14 Auditing Reports due for Big Five districts

 January 15, 2015

2013-14 Corrective action plans due for ROS districts

 April 1, 2015

2013-14 Corrective action plans due for Big Five districts


Last Updated: April 4, 2014