News and Notes Archive
From Deputy Commissioner Ken Slentz
December 22, 2011
Quick links to headlines in this edition of News and Notes:
- Commissioner King: The Work Ahead
- Updated Information Released on Grade 3-8 Assessment Guide and Schedule
- November Meeting of the Board of Regents
- December Meeting of the Board of Regents
- Network Team Institute – November 29-30
- Please Welcome Anita Murphy
- What we’re Reading
- RFP: Effective Teacher and Principal Practice Video Production
- RFP: Longitudinal Data System Training Institute and Technical Assistance Center
- Curriculum Modules RFP (SA-03A) - Reissued
- ARRA Quarterly Reporting System Now Open for 2011 - Quarter 4 Period
- NCLB Title III AMAO Status for 2010-2011 School Year
- Teacher and Principal Practice Rubric Variance Process
- Long Island Special Education Parent Center
- Reminder: Revised Funding Structure for the State-Supported Schools for Blind and Deaf Students (4201 Schools)
- Slideshow from the Commissioner's Presentation at the Annual NYSSBA Convention
- Dignity for All Students Act Update
- Green Ribbon Schools Program
- Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) 2012 Teen Video Challenge
- 2012 Summer Reading at New York Libraries School Library Partner Manual
- Mandate Relief Relating to Special Education Requirements
Commissioner King: The Work Ahead
On November 22nd, Commissioner King sent a letter to over 175,000 educators across the state about our past successes and the work ahead.
Read the Commissioner’s letter, check out EngageNY.org, and follow the Commissioner on Twitter!
Updated Information Released on Grade 3-8 Assessment Guide and Schedule
The Department has released information on the 2012 administration of the grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics assessment.
Key changes in the release:
- the move from a two-day testing window to three days
- the embedding of field test items
- a distinction between estimated time for completion and scheduled times for the duration of each portion of the assessment. For more information, see: http://www.oms.nysed.gov/press/Assessment.2012.FINAL.html.
November Meeting of the Board of Regents
See the November 2011 Committee Reports for a summary of all Board of Regents actions and discussions, including charter school actions.
At its meeting on November 14, the Board of Regents acted in support of the following initiatives:
Mandate Relief – Special Education Requirements
The Board directed staff to develop the following:
- proposed legislation to amend sections 4402 and 4410 and repeal section 4402(1)(d) of Education Law relating to CSE and CPSE membership;
- proposed legislation to repeal a requirement in section 4410(4)(b) and amend section 4410(9-a) of Education Law and to develop proposed regulations to amend section 200.16(c), (e), and (f) of the Commissioner’s Regulations relating to Preschool Evaluations;
- proposed regulations to repeal a requirement in section 200.4(b)(2) of the Commissioner’s Regulations relating to Individual Evaluations;
- proposed legislation to repeal section 4402(1)(b)(3)(h) and repeal a requirement in section 4402(1)(b)(3)(d-2) of Education Law relating to Planning and Reporting Requirements;
- proposed legislation to repeal section 4403(18) of Education Law relating to Approval of Certain EI Services; and
- proposed legislation to repeal certain requirements in section 4201 of Education Law, as described above, relating to Commissioner’s Appointments to State-Supported Schools.
See the Regents item on Mandate Relief – Special Education Requirements for more information.
Update on New York State’s Next Generation Accountability System
The Board directed the Commissioner and the Department to use the guiding principles in Attachment A of the Regents item to prepare the ESEA Flexibility Request for submission by mid-February 2012. Attachment A provides a set of suggested principles to guide the modification of the current State accountability system; the timeline to which states must adhere in order to receive ESEA flexibility; and the status/timeline for development of New York’s flexibility waiver. The Department is currently developing easy-to-understand materials that can be used to explain the waiver opportunity to stakeholders and to encourage them to provide feedback on the waiver application as it is developed.
In developing a flexibility request, New York is not seeking to decrease the levels of accountability for districts and schools, but rather to ensure that interventions and supports are now anchored to the more rigorous standard of college and career readiness. At the same time, the Department remains cognizant of the fiscal constraints under which most districts are currently operating and will strive to ensure that the waiver flexibility maximizes the use of existing resources to accomplish its goals.
See the Regents item on New York State’s Next Generation Accountability System for more information.
Issuance of the Charter School Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
The Board directed the Commissioner and the Department to develop and issue the Charter School Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and to conduct an application review process on behalf of the Board of Regents.
See the Regents item on the Issuance of the Charter School Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for more information.
Proposed Regents State and Federal Legislative Priorities for 2012
Each year, the Regents identify policy issues that require legislation for implementation. The Board approved the 2012 state and federal legislative proposals highlighted in the Regents item.
See the Regents item on the Proposed Regents State and Federal Legislative Priorities for 2012 for more information.
The Board of Regents also discussed and considered policy questions for several crucial issues:
Development of 2012-13 Regents State Aid Proposal
The Board discussed the goal and approach for the Regents proposal on State Aid to school districts, as outlined in the Regents item (see below). Staff prepared a report to continue the development of the Regents State Aid proposal for school year 2012-13. The report describes the goal of the proposed Regents proposal, background on state revenue available to support education funding, and the elements of a proposed approach for distributing funds.
See the Regents item on the Development of the 2012-13 Regents State Aid Proposal for more information.
Raising the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs)
The Board discussed current regulations related to English language learners (ELLs) and the need to review these regulations in light of the latest research and data on the recent performance of ELLs in New York State based upon the types of programs, services, and supports they have received. As the Regents move forward with implementing their reform agenda, now is an opportune time to review whether these regulations should be amended to better align with the goal of ensuring that all students receive an education that prepares them to achieve success in college and careers. At a future meeting, the Board will continue this discussion and further define the specific sections of CR Part 154 to be targeted for possible revision.
See the Regents item on Raising the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs) for more information.
Implementation of the Common Core Standards
The Board was given an update on the statewide implementation of the Common Core standards and the tools, resources, and training that are currently being used or are under development by the Department to better prepare teachers and principals for effective instruction aligned with the Common Core standards. Additionally, the Department will be aligning State assessments to the Common Core beginning with the 3-8 ELA and Math assessments in the 2012-13 school year. Staff will periodically provide updates to the Board relating to the implementation of the Common Core standards and all issues related to the Regents Reform Agenda.
See the Regents item on Implementation of the Common Core Standards for more information.
See the presentation on Common Core Implementation from the Regents meeting.
See also the latest in materials and resources to support the implementation at EngageNY.org.
December Meeting of the Board of Regents
See the December 2011 Committee Reports for a summary of all Board of Regents actions and discussions, including charter school actions.
At its meeting on December 12-13, the Board of Regents acted in support of the following initiatives:
Shared Learning Collaborative
The Board endorsed the Department’s execution of a non-binding memorandum of understanding to secure New York State’s participation in the Shared Learning Collaborative in order to increase the benefits and long-term sustainability of the State’s Race to the Top (RTTT) data, curriculum, and instructional improvement initiatives. This item was included as part of the RTTT Section C instructional support system discussion.
See the Regents item on the Shared Learning Collaborative for more information.
Update on New York State’s Next Generation Accountability System
The Board directed the Commissioner and the Department to use the responses outlined in Attachment A of the Regents item as the basis to develop the initial draft of New York State’s ESEA Flexibility Request. Comments received from the Regents will be incorporated into the draft and presented for further review at the January 2012 Regents meeting.
See the Regents item on New York State’s Next Generation Accountability System for more information.
Selection Process for Charter School Student Applicants
The Board voted to amend section 119.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to the Random Selection Process for Charter School Student Applicants, effective January 4, 2012. The Board received an Assessment of Public Comment on the proposed amendment at the meeting as well as revised draft language based on that public comment. The revisions were made in section 119.5 (c)(2) of the proposed amendment. That section, as approved by the Board, reads:
"The lottery shall be held in a space that is open and accessible to the public and capable of accommodating the reasonably anticipated number of attendees. If the reasonably anticipated attendance exceeds capacity, separate grade level lotteries may be held in separate locations provided that each lottery is publicized in a manner consistent with the requirements of Public Officers Law section 104. Nothing herein shall be construed to require or exclude attendance at the lottery by parents, persons in parental relationships, guardians and/or students participating in the admissions process."
See the Regents item on the Selection Process for Charter School Student Applicants for more information.
Mathematics Requirements for Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
The Board approved amendments to make technical changes to Section 100.5(b)(7)(v)(a) of the Commissioner’s Regulations relating to Mathematics Requirements for the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
See the Regents item on Mathematics Requirements for Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation for more information.
The Board of Regents also discussed and considered policy questions for several crucial issues:
Preschool and School-Age Individual Evaluations
The Board discussed regulations relating to preschool and school-age individual evaluations. The proposed regulations would repeal the requirement that a school psychologist prepare a written report of his/her determination of the need to administer an individual psychological evaluation as part of a reevaluation of a school age student, while retaining the requirement for the written report for an initial evaluation. The proposed amendments will come back before the Board of Regents at a later meeting for adoption.
See the Regents item on Preschool and School-Age Individual Evaluations for more information.
Raising the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs)
The Board discussed current regulations relating to English language learners and the need to review these regulations in light of the latest research and data on the recent performance of ELLs in New York State based upon the types of programs, services, and support they have received. As the Regents move forward with implementing their reform agenda, now is an opportune time to review whether these regulations should be amended to better align with the goal of ensuring all students receive an education that prepares them to achieve success in college and careers. The Board directed Department staff to engage with the field and collect input from key stakeholders for the purpose of making recommendations to the Regents on possible revisions to enhance and strengthen Part 154 of Commissioner’s Regulations. Department staff will keep the Regents updated on outreach and progress prior to returning in spring 2012 with proposed policy revisions.
See the Regents item on Raising the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs) for more information.
Testing Integrity Update
The Board was given an update on issues relating to testing integrity, including the ongoing advocacy for $2.1 million to secure enhanced testing integrity. Associate Commissioner Anita Murphy is leading a workgroup to discuss best practices and local issues with the field, and she will present findings and recommendations to the Board in early 2012. Special Investigator Hank Greenberg began work with the Department in November and will present findings and recommendations to the Board in February.
RTTT Assurance Area Updates
The Board updated on Race to the Top Section B (Standards and Assessments), Section C (Data Systems to Support Instruction), and Section D (Great Teaches and Leaders). Staff provided examples of accomplishments, challenges, and next steps for each section. Due to time constraints, Section E/F (Turning Around the Lowest-Achieving Schools/General) will be discussed at a future meeting.
Developing a Framework for Effective Transition from School to Work
The Board was updated on the actions taken in response to the recommendations cited in the June 2011 Regents Report on transition planning and services for students with disabilities. The following initiatives have been developed in response to the recommendations:
- Enhance stronger collaborations among the Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES), the P-12 Office of Special Education, schools, Independent Living Centers (ILCs), community-based partner providers, and employers to increase the likelihood of work experience and post-school employment for youth with disabilities;
- Identify Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) staff to work collaboratively with each of the Regional Special Education Technical Assistance and Support Centers (RSE TASCs) Transition Specialists on regional technical assistance planning;
- Work with ILCs to identify staff that can act as liaisons to the regional consortiums that already exist or are under development through the RSE TASC Transition Specialists;
- Revise community work study programs with employers in the Community Policy 1380.00 to promote the active participation of high school students with significant disabilities in paid and unpaid work experiences;
- Allocate VR staff to assure adequate coverage of all school districts across the State;
- Advocate for additional resources for transition services with the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Rehabilitation Act, and the Workforce Investment Act; and
- Include the linkage of VR data as a component of the creation of a P-20 Longitudinal Data System.
The Board was also advised on next steps that will be taken to continue the initiative on transition planning for students with disabilities.
See the Regents item on Developing a Framework for Effective Transition from School to Work for more information.
A memo is available from the Office of Special Education providing guidance to school districts regarding transition planning and services for students with disabilities and information about resources that can assist school districts to meet their responsibilities in this area.
Please find more information at the following link: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/transitionplanning-2011.htm
Additional News
Network Team Institute – November 29-30
On November 29 and 30, the Department sponsored the latest Network Team Institute. The focus of this Institute was on the Common Core Standards with a particular emphasis on the Instructional Shifts in ELA and Mathematics. The ELA sessions were facilitated by Doug Lemov, author of Teach Like a Champion; Dr. Marilyn Jager Adams, visiting scholar in the Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences Department at Brown University; and Diane August and Peter Kozik, who focused on ways to improve instructional outcomes for English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities. The day-long math session was facilitated by Dr. Andrew Chen, who is an active member on the Common Core State Standards Development Team in Mathematics.
Please Welcome Anita Murphy
Anita Murphy was appointed by the Board of Regents as Associate Commissioner for Curriculum, Instruction and Field Services in September, and she began her position on November 1. She brings extensive knowledge and experience in the field of P-12 education and instruction. Prior to this position, Ms. Murphy was the Deputy Superintendent of Schools for the Syracuse City School District and Director of Information Technology for the City of Syracuse. In that role, Ms. Murphy led the Syracuse City School District's testing, accountability, and data programs. Additionally, Anita is an Adjunct Professor at Le Moyne College in the Certificate of Advanced Study program. Ms. Murphy also served as Director of Instruction at City School District of Albany and Director of Instructional Data at the Binghamton City School District. Anita began her career in education as a Middle School Social Studies teacher. Her extensive experience in the field of instruction and operations will be an asset as she serves in this role.
What we’re Reading
Have you ever known what was needed to make something better and yet your head couldn’t convince your heart to act? Change is hard. Read Dan and Chip Heath’s Switch for a terrific perspective on the change process and how you can develop a deeper understanding of how to think about, act on, and manage the change.
RFP: Effective Teacher and Principal Practice Video Production
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is seeking proposals for the production of a video resource library that will serve as a professional development resource for educators across the State. As a Race to the Top winner, the New York State Education Department is implementing a reform agenda that requires major shifts in teacher and leader practice. NYSED seeks a video production partner to select representative highly effective educators and leaders working across the state, prepare them for filming, and produce hundreds of high-quality video clips.
For more information, please visit: http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/rfp/gt-15/
RFP: Longitudinal Data System Training Institute and Technical Assistance Center
NYSED is seeking proposals for the Longitudinal Data System Training Institute and Technical Assistance Center to provide training and assistance to District Data Coordinators and Level 1 Regional Data Centers in support of the New York State Education Department’s collection and reporting of enrollment, assessment, State and No Child Left Behind accountability, career and technical education, graduation rate, post-graduation plans, teacher/principal evaluation, and school staff data for school districts, public schools, charter schools, and nonpublic schools in New York State (except New York City and Yonkers). The immediate focus of this proposal is the Teacher-Student Data Link collection/roster verification initiative, but the vendor will be required to provide training to support the other NYSED data collection and reporting functions. A virtual center is acceptable provided it complies with all the requirements in this RFP. The Center does not currently exist in any form.
For more information, please visit: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/compcontracts/ds-06/
Curriculum Modules RFP (SA-03A) - Reissued
NYSED is seeking proposals to develop curriculum (ELA & Literacy P-2 only) and curriculum modules with associated statewide professional development aligned to the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, which for English Language Arts & Literacy and Mathematics include the Common Core State Standards.
This RFP has been reissued to address feedback received from potential applicants through the original RFP's question and answer process related to intellectual property and Creative Commons License requirements. The content changes in this RFP clarify the agency’s position regarding intellectual property ownership, as well as how deliverables should be bundled and transmitted to NYSED. Slight changes have also been made to the bidding requirements for those bidding on the P-2 Competitive Subsection for both ELA & Literacy and Mathematics. In addition, some adjustments have been made to the schedule and timetable for deliverables to accommodate the re-release of this RFP. The bulk of the RFP content remains unchanged from the original version.
For more information, please visit: http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/rfp/sa-03/
ARRA Quarterly Reporting System Now Open for 2011 - Quarter 4 Period
The ARRA Reporting System for the period of Quarter 4, 2011 (the period ending December 30, 2011) is open. Reports are due from all sub-recipients by December 30, 2011. The system also remains open for available applications, budget summaries, amendments, and final expenditure reports.
For more information, please visit: http://usny.nysed.gov/arra/quarterly_reporting/q4.html
NCLB Title III AMAO Status for 2010-2011 School Year
To comply with U.S. Department of Education No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title III requirements, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) must inform Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and consortia of their Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) status by the beginning of each school year. In addition, LEAs and consortia must implement the required improvement or corrective action plans in the school year in which the LEA or consortium has been identified for improvement. In order to transition to these new timelines, starting in the 2011-12 school year, NYSED will require LEAs or consortia that have been identified for having failed to meet Title III AMAOs for two years or for four or more consecutive years to develop and implement an Improvement Plan (IP) or Corrective Action Plans (CAP), respectively.
For more information, please visit: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/docs/AMAOMemo11-1-11.pdf
To find an LEA's or consortium's current and previous AMAO status, please visit: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/NEWTIII.html
Teacher and Principal Practice Rubric Variance Process
In general, the Department discourages LEAs from making any adaptations to other providers’ rubrics. Any change by an LEA to the content of a rubric on the Department’s Approved List (including deletions, additions, or other edits) constitutes an adaptation for which a variance would be required. The LEA is responsible for securing any necessary approvals or permissions from the rubric provider prior to making any adaptations.
An LEA is NOT required to request a variance for procedural differences in implementation of a rubric on the Department’s Approved List. Procedural differences include but are not limited to:
- providing additional or more detailed guidance on how to implement the rubric that is not available from the original rubric provider; or
- maintaining all components of the rubric but choosing to emphasize certain components of the rubric over others.
For more information, see the Rubric Variance application http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/teachers-leaders/rubricvariance/
Long Island Special Education Parent Center
The P-12 Office of Special Education announces an award to Long Island University for the operation of a Special Education Parent Technical Assistance Center (TAC) in the Long Island region of New York State.
Please find more information at the following link: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/techassist/announceLIPC.htm
Reminder: Revised Funding Structure for the State-Supported Schools for Blind and Deaf Students (4201 Schools)
In contrast to the previous funding structure in which the State directly pays the State-supported schools for blind and deaf students (§4201 schools) for allowable costs, Chapter 58 of the laws of 2011 amended sections 4204, 4204-a, 4204-b and 4207 of the Education Law to require school districts, beginning with the 2011-12 school year, to pay tuition for the ten-month school year based on a per pupil charge to the §4201 schools in the first instance. The school district that is responsible for paying tuition is the student’s district of residence at the time the student is admitted to the §4201 school. The State will reimburse a school district for the positive difference between its tuition payments and basic contribution. The State will reimburse a school district during the last quarter of the 2011-12 school year for tuition incurred through December 31, 2011 provided the school district submits a claim to the Department on or before June 1, 2012. The State will continue to pay the §4201 school directly for their ten-month school year deaf infant program and maintenance (room and board) costs. The State will also continue to pay the Dormitory Authority for the debt service costs of the §4201 schools. The funding structure for the summer school special education programs of the §4201 schools remains the same.
A chart of the 2011-12 prospective per pupil tuition charges of the state-supported schools for blind and deaf students is available at the following link: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/docs/per-pupil-charge-chart.pdf
Slideshow from the Commissioner's Presentation at the Annual NYSSBA Convention
See Commissioner King's slide presentation to school board members about the Regents Reform Agenda, College and Career Readiness, and the role of school boards in the current climate of economic hardship and education reform.
The slide show is available at the following link: http://usny.nysed.gov/docs/nyssba2011.pdf
Dignity for All Students Act Update
The Dignity for All Students Act (Dignity Act) will take effect on July 1, 2012. The goal of the Dignity Act (Chapter 482 of the Laws of 2010) is to provide students in public elementary and secondary schools (including BOCES and public charter schools) with a safe and supportive school environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying.
The Dignity Act Task Force, made up of SED staff, school administrators, school board members, teachers, parents, mental health professionals, advocacy groups, and other state agencies, was charged with the responsibility of developing and distributing materials to assist with the implementation of the Dignity Act. Four work groups, Local Policy and Implementation, State Policy and Implementation, Professional Development, and Curriculum and Instructional Design, have been working to develop resources to assist schools, students, and families to make them aware of the protections and responsibilities of the Dignity Act. A fifth work group, Outreach, was added in October 2011 to assist in ensuring the materials developed by the original work groups are distributed to the field through multiple channels. These channels include an SED Dignity Act website, a Facebook page hosted by the New York State Center for School Safety, and coordination of the many presentations at statewide conferences and regional outreach sessions conducted by Task Force members.
The Dignity Act website currently contains general information about the law and related regulations, a downloadable brochure, information about the Task Force, and links to a variety of resources. The site will expand as additional resources are finalized. Resources in development include questions and answers for teachers/administrators and students/families, a rubric for school administrators to use in assessing their school climate concerning harassment and discrimination, a promising practices guide to implementation, a model code of conduct, and lesson plans and templates for incorporating Dignity Act principles into the classroom. Please bookmark the website and check back frequently for updates.
Questions about the Dignity for All Students Act may be directed to the Student Support Services Office at (518) 486-6090 or dasa@mail.nysed.gov.
You can also find some classroom resources on bullying on Public Television’s VITAL New York website:
- http://www.teachersdomain.org/search/?q=%22digital+nation%22&
fq_grade=PK&fq_grade=PS - http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/midlit11.soc.splbully/
VITAL New York on Teachers’ Domain is a free digital media service for educational use, brought to you by the New York State public broadcasting stations and their partners. You’ll find thousands of media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities. To see everything that is available on VITAL, visit http://vital.thirteen.org/. Free registration is required.
- http://www.teachersdomain.org/search/?q=%22digital+nation%22&
Green Ribbon Schools Program
New York State is participating in the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program this year and will invite public and private schools to apply for this national recognition.
The Green Ribbon Schools program recognizes schools that save energy, reduce costs, feature environmentally sustainable learning spaces, protect health, foster wellness, and offer environmental education to boost academic achievement and community engagement. The recognition award is part of a larger effort to identify and disseminate knowledge about practices proven to result in improved student engagement, academic achievement, graduation rates, and workforce preparedness, as well as a government-wide aim to increase energy independence and economic security.
The Green Ribbon Schools recognition award will be given to schools that have achieved or are making demonstrable progress toward:
- having a net zero environmental impact;
- improving the health and performance of students and staff; and
- ensuring the environmental and sustainability literacy of all graduates.
For more information, please visit: http://www.oms.nysed.gov/press/GreenRibbonSchProgram.html
Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) 2012 Teen Video Challenge
The New York State Library announces its participation in the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) 2012 Teen Video Challenge.
New York State, as part of “Summer Reading at New York Libraries,” is very pleased to be participating in this competition where teens create a video promoting libraries and reading to their fellow teens.
- Download the New York State Entry Form and a small poster (8 1/2" X 11") and print them for distribution and posting in your school.
- Teens are directed to submit entry forms to their local public library by March 5, 2012. One winner will be selected from NYS and will receive $275 plus $150 worth of prizes for their public library. The winning video from NYS will also be included as a CSLP official promotional video for summer reading 2012.
- All information and entry forms for the New York State 2012 Teen Video Challenge are available at: http://www.summerreadingnys.org/index.php/Teens/menu/category/
video_challenge/. You can also visit the site to view the 2011 New York State winner and finalists.
For further information please contact Karen Balsen, coordinator of Summer Reading at New York Libraries, at kbalsen@mail.nysed.gov or 518-486-2194.
2012 Summer Reading at New York Libraries School Library Partner Manual
The New York State Library is pleased to announce the release of the 2012 Summer Reading at New York Libraries School Library Partner Manual.
The manual contains complete information on partnering with a public library, or public library system, to help all students gain the full advantage of summer reading. It also has full resource lists for books, recordings, and websites related to the 2012 theme, Night, and slogans, “Dream Big READ” (children) and “Own the Night” (teens).
The manual can be downloaded from the list of downloadable resources on the NYS Library Summer Reading website at: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/summer/facts.htm
Also available on the “downloadable materials” page are summer reading flyers and brochures to share with educators and parents.
For further information contact Karen Balsen Summer Reading at New York Libraries coordinator, kbalsen@mail.nysed.gov, 518-486-2194.
Mandate Relief Relating to Special Education Requirements
A memo is available that provides clarification regarding actions taken related to mandate relief and special education. The memo is available at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/publications/mandaterelief-dec2011.htm
Have you engaged today? Go to EngageNY.org for the most up to date information on the common core standards and resources for implementation.