Information and Reporting Services

New York State Education Department Special Education Enrollment by Age and Disability Statewide Report as of 12/3/07*
Disability Age
Autism 1,520 7,915 2,134 2,978 912 15,459
Emotional Disturbance 555 10,741 6,532 15,695 2,491 36,014
Learning Disability 536 52,527 33,319 72,668 11,657 170,707
Mental Retardation 326 3,586 2,159 5,066 2,725 13,862
Deafness 73 508 233 475 178 1,467
Hearing Impairment 133 1,494 642 1,126 188 3,583
Speech or Language Impairment 10,959 56,779 9,494 8,924 843 86,999
Visual Impairment 80 644 258 446 109 1,537
Orthopedic Impairments 224 1,381 348 574 84 2,611
Other Health Impairments 1,967 21,911 8,696 15,556 1,619 49,749
Multiple Disabilities 971 7,848 3,232 6,222 2,834 21,107
Deaf - Blindness 1 3 4 4 1 13
Traumatic Brain Injury 21 365 191 565 160 1,302

*These data provide the number of school-age students with disabilities provided special education programs and services on December 1, 2006. The students reported were the responsibility of the school district’s Committee on Special Education (CSE), had a current Individualized Education Program, and received special education programs or services that met State standards.

School districts of residence reported information for all students with disabilities for whom the district had CSE responsibility for, including those students placed in the State-operated schools in Rome and Batavia, students with disabilities enrolled in Charter Schools and students with disabilities who were residents of the school district at the time they were placed by the courts or State agencies in out-of-State approved residential schools. School districts of residence also reported students with disabilities who were placed by the school district in BOCES, Special Act School districts, State-supported schools, approved private schools and in out-of-State schools as Emergency Interim Placements.

Last Updated: February 10, 2010