Tel. (518) 474-7965
Fax (518) 408-3363


November 30, 2007

Last updated:  June 19, 2008 *


Superintendents of Public School Districts
Chief School Officers of Child Care Institutions with Affiliated Schools
    that Provide Educational Services Pursuant to Article 81
Chief Administrators of Selected State Agencies
Superintendent of the New York State School for the Blind
Superintendent of the New York State School for the Deaf
PD Contact Persons for the Schools Listed Above
Special Education Directors of the Schools Listed Above
Chief Information Officers of the Schools Listed Above


Inni Barone, Special Education Data Manager


Special Education Data Required for 2007-2008 School Year

This memo contains important and timely information regarding special education data collection for the 2007-08 school year. Please review the information provided below and if you have any questions regarding reporting special education data for the 2007-08 school year, contact the SEDCAR unit by telephone at (518) 474-7965 or by sending an e-mail message to

  • All materials related to requirements for reporting special education data to the State for the 2007-08 school year are posted at and/or at Please refer to the following materials for information regarding reporting special education data for the 2007-08 school year through the Student Information Repository System (SIRS):
    • 2007-08 SIRS Policy Manual (version 3.0 dated October 31, 2007)
    • 2007-08 Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements (version 3.0 dated October 31, 2007)
    • Guidelines for Data Extracts for 2006-07 School Year at (The Department will update this document as soon as possible for the 2007-08 school year.)
    • Guidelines for Data Extracts for 2007-08 for the three new templates for special education at The Department will make some changes to this document and incorporate it into the complete Guidelines for Data Extracts document for the 2007-08 school year.

  •  The due date for the December 1, 2007 snapshot data (child count, least restrictive environment and preschool services data) for preschool and school age students is extended from December 17, 2007 to February 8, 2008. The Regional Information Centers will establish an earlier due date for these data to be submitted to the RICs so that they may submit the final data to the Level 2 warehouse by February 8, 2008. The verification and certification period for these data will be from February 18, 2008 to March 7, 2008. This extension was necessary to allow all school districts, State agencies, child care institutions with affiliated schools, New York State School for the Blind, New York State School for the Deaf and the Regional Information Centers (RICs) sufficient time to modify their processes and procedures to accommodate reporting all special education data for the first time this year through SIRS. For data that are required by February 8, 2008, please review the requirements and instructions provided in the materials listed under the previous bullet. Specifically, please see the SIRS policy manual for description of the data to be submitted to SIRS on pages 20-32 and the SIRS Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements for the following templates: District; Location; School Enrollment; Programs Fact; Special Education Snapshot; Student Lite and Student. Please contact the RIC located in your region for instructions regarding procedures for submitting these data to them for all students. The contact information for the RICs is available in appendix I of the SIRS Policy Manual and is also posted at

    Please begin submitting these data to the Level 1 warehouse as soon as your Regional Information Center is ready to accept 2007-08 school year data. Since December 1, 2007 is on a Saturday, we will use students who are enrolled as of December 3 to calculate the total child count of preschool and school age students with disabilities provided special education services in New York State. This year especially, it may take extra time to accurately submit complete data, so please begin to do this early, and don’t wait until its close to the final due date.
  • All school districts must submit special education personnel data and suspension/expulsion data for the 2007-08 school year by submitting the PD-6 and PD-8 reports, respectively, through the PD data reporting system. This process is the same as in the previous school years. Also, the SEDCAR-1 and SEDCAR-2 processes are the same as in the previous years. The PD-6, PD-8, SEDCAR-1 and SEDCAR-2 forms to be used during the 2007-08 school year are available at

  • All school districts and other programs required to submit data through SIRS must report the date that students made application for Vocational Rehabilitation services while still enrolled in high school. These data are submitted by using the Special Education Events template. See page 24 of the SIRS Policy Manual and pages 11-14 of the Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements. These data are due on October 1, 2008.

  • All school districts are required to report data on the evaluation of parentally placed students who are referred to the CSE for the determination of eligibility for special education, outcome of the evaluation and the provision of special education services. These data are submitted by using the Special Education Events template. See page 23 of SIRS Policy Manual and pages 11-14 of the Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements. These data are due on October 1, 2008.

  • All school districts must submit enrollment records for students who end their enrollment anytime during the 2007-08 school year. An enrollment exit date must be provided as well as a reason for ending enrollment code. The “School Enrollment” template is used to report this information. See pages 21 to 25 of the SIRS Policy Manual and page 9 of the Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements. These data are due by July 25, 2008.

  • All school districts must report data on students with disabilities who are declassified or when their disability category is changed. This is reported by submitting reasons for ending disability in the Programs Fact record. See pages 15 to 17 and page 68 of the Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements. These data are due on July 25, 2008.

  • Information related to all special education indicators described in New York State’s special education State Performance Plan is available at:

  • Please refer to the schedules of the school years for which school districts are assigned to initially report or re-submit special education data on the six State Performance Plan indicators listed below. These schedules are posted at Listed for each indicator below is a brief description regarding how data for these indicators will be collected for the 2007-08 school year. Please review the additional materials and instructions that are referenced below for reporting data on these indicators.

    • Indicator 7 - Preschool outcomes: Please see special education policy memos on the requirements for conducting entry and exit level evaluations on preschool children with disabilities at School districts assigned to report data on this indicator for the 2007-08 school year are required to report entry and exit level preschool evaluation results on the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) on all (no sampling except in New York City) preschool children with disabilities who entered preschool special education since March 2006 and who exited preschool special education between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008 after receiving preschool special education programs and/or services for at least 6 months. Data are to be submitted by using the Assessment Fact Template to report each child’s level of functioning at entry and at exit in each of the three early childhood outcome areas of the COSF. For additional information regarding reporting these data, please see the SIRS Policy Manual (Version 3.0 dated October 31, 2007) on pages 24-26, SIRS Data Dictionary (Version 3.0 dated October 31, 2007) on page 23. Please note that the Department will revise Appendix 7 on page 88 to include three additional codes to capture the response to whether the preschool child learned at least one new skill since entry into preschool special education program in each of the three early childhood outcome areas. These data are due to the Department on October 1, 2008.

    • Indicator 8 -Parental involvement: Please see instructions and procedures for administering the parent survey to collect data on parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. These materials are posted at under Indicator 8. Surveys must be sent to parents of all preschool and school age students with disabilities (no sampling is allowed except in New York City). Parent survey results for the 2007-08 school year are due by August 31, 2008.

    • Indicator 11 - Child find (timely completion of evaluations of preschool and school age students for determination of eligibility for special education services): School districts assigned to report data on this indicator for the 2007-08 school year are to provide individual student level data by using the Special Education Events Template. See pages 24-26 of the SIRS Policy Manual, pages 11-14 of the Dictionary for Reporting Data Elements. Data are to be provided on all students that meet reporting requirements (sampling is not permitted except in New York City). These data are due to the Department on October 1, 2008.

    • Indicator 12 - Transition of children from Early Intervention to preschool and implementing IEPs of children transitioning by their third birthday. School districts assigned to report data on this indicator for the 2007-08 school year are to provide individual student level data by using the Special Education Events Template. For additional information, see pages 24-26 of the SIRS Policy Manual, pages 11-14 of the Dictionary of Reporting Data Elements. Data are to be provided on all students that meet reporting requirements (sampling is not permitted except in New York City).These data are due to the Department on October 1, 2008.

    • Indicator 13 -Transition IEPs: Please see instructions and procedures for conducting the review of a sample number of IEPs of secondary students and reporting data on results of this review and information regarding status of compliance with requirements related to transition IEPs. These materials are posted at under Indicator 13. These data are due by August 31, 2008.

    • Indicator 14 –Post school outcomes for students with disabilities one year after leaving high school. The data for this indicator are collected over a two year period. School districts assigned to report on this indicator for the 2006-07 school year will receive post school outcome results based on student interviews which will be conducted at the end of the 2007-08 school year from the Potsdam Institute of Applied Research (PIAR). See directions to school districts at School districts will verify students’ local identification numbers and submit the electronic file of post school outcome results to their RIC. School districts assigned to report on this indicator for the 2007-08 school year will report school district contact information to PIAR by December 15, 2007 and submit list of students who leave school during the 2007-2008 school year to PIAR by February 15, 2008 and July 2, 2008. School districts will submit Student Demographic and Contact Data Form to PIAR by April 30, 2008 and August 15, 2008. See PIAR’s website provided above for directions to school districts.

This memo will be posted at and will be revised to include the latest page references as changes to the documents listed in the first bullet are made. Also, for your information, we will indicate on the website version of this memo the date when this memo is revised.


Regional Information Centers
Special Education Computer Management Companies


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* Date Change under Indicator 14, see highlighted changes