Frequently Asked Questions Concerning RESCUE Aid
Question. Must my district have completed the building condition survey, five-year capital plan and safety rating system enacted in 1998/99 in order for projects to be eligible for RESCUE funding?
Answer. No, however the Comprehensive Public School Safety Program was adopted by the Regents and must be adhered to by school districts.
The building condition survey is not due until November 15, 2000 and the five-year capital plan is due July 1, 2001.
Question. How will the Accounting work for the RESCUE funds?
Answer. According to the N.Y.S. Comptroller’s Office this aid may be accounted for in the capital fund using revenue account code H3297, Capital Fund Revenues from State Sources,". Expenditures may be charged to: H1620.293, "General Construction."
Question. How will the application process work?
Answer. There are three possible scenarios as follows:
- For projects previously approved by Facilities Planning, submit a separate letter indicating the amount of RESCUE funds and the purpose for which these funds will be used. In addition, districts must submit form FPFI, Request for Revision of Financial Information.
- For projects pending approval at Facilities Planning, districts must submit a separate letter as described above and re-submit Form FP-F, Application for examination and Approval of Final Plans and Specifications.
- For new Applications district must submit Form FP-F as above and clearly indicate the use of RESCUE funds on the application.
Question Are districts going to be capped at the projected 2000-01 levels based on form 405 estimates?
Answer. Form 405 was used to estimate the yearly district expenditure of RESCUE funds. Districts are not capped at the amounts estimated on Form 405, and could apply for the full apportionment at any time. Currently, there is nothing in the legislation that mandates that RESCUE aid be capped at the district estimated levels of yearly expenditure.
Question Does the RESCUE allocation have to be spent on one project?
Answer. The district allocation can be applied towards any number of eligible projects at any funding
- level per eligible project as the district chooses within the total district allocation subject to
- one restriction: districts with an aid ratio below 90% must have a minimum of 5% local
- share; districts with an aid ratio of 90% or above must have a minimum of 2% local share.