Ed Management Services

New York State Property Tax Report Card

****Please use Chrome or Firefox when entering the Business portal to complete the PTRC. Internet Explorer is NOT recommended.*****

New for 2020-21: Pursuant to a December 27, 2019 update to 20 NYCRR (Regulations of the Commissioner of Tax and Finance), Capital Expenditures for BOCES paid for through its component school districts will now be included in the calculation of each school district’s Capital Local Expenditures excluded under the Property Tax Levy Cap. The term “Capital Local Expenditures” will now include any allowable share of BOCES Capital Expenditures. [20 NYCRR (Regulations of the Commissioner of Tax and Finance)].

Establishment of TRS Reserve - The Enacted Budget allows school districts to establish a reserve fund for NYS Teachers’ Retirement Contributions, effective immediately. BOE and/or trustees should approve a resolution establishing the reserve which is a sub-fund of the Retirement Contribution Reserve. Contributions into the TRS Reserve in a fiscal year may not exceed 2% of the total compensation or salaries of the teachers employed by the school district who are members of the NYS Teachers’ Retirement System paid during the prior fiscal year. Additionally, the balance of the TRS Reserve may not exceed 10% of the total compensation or salaries of teachers employed and who are members of the NYS teachers’ retirement system paid during the prior fiscal school year. This reserve is authorized under GML §6-r. This reserve, if applicable, should be reported in the Schedule of Reserves under “Other Reserve” and with a description that says: “To fund employer retirement contributions to the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS.)”

Our colleagues at the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO New York) have allowed us to share additional materials External Link with you. This includes a quick reference guide (how to put a TRS sub-fund in place), webinar, Q&A and sample resolution. We hope they are helpful.

Schedule of Reserves Requirement and the Property Tax Report Card

Chapter 514 of the Laws of 2016 required schools to report elements necessary to calculate a Property Tax Levy Limit and amended requirements concerning reporting elements on the Property Tax Report Card. One of the new requirements was an addition to the annual Property Tax Report Card of a Schedule of Reserve Funds, setting forth the name of each reserve fund, a description of its purpose, the balance as of the close of the third quarter (3/31) of the current school district fiscal year and a brief statement explaining any plans for the use of each such reserve fund for the ensuing fiscal year. The Schedule of Reserves was added to the end of the existing Property Tax Report Card form filled out in the State Aid Management System (SAMS) on the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Business Portal.

In addition to the proscribed elements listed above, NYSED added another field to capture an estimate of the school districts’ anticipated ending reserve fund balances on June 30 of the current Fiscal Year. NYSED is aware that there are quite often significant changes between the end of the third quarter and the year-end balances. This is not a required field but is for districts to provide context and transparency to this new requirement. There are additional drop-down rows for multiple Capital, Property Loss and Liability Reserves, if needed. Also, there is a row for any other Reserve Funds not covered in the form.

Some suggestions to keep in mind as you complete this new requirement:

  • Use actual balances as of March 31.
  • Best estimates for June 30.
  • Be brief and specific, including the coming year appropriation, for the description of planned use.
  • Consider any Board actions to establish new reserves or provide additional funding.
  • Mention if any capital expenditures will need to be voted upon in the upcoming Budget Vote.

Please refer to both NYSED's Guidance and OSC's Guidance External Link on Reserve Funds for further descriptions of the listed reserve funds.

Property Tax Report Card is due by COB of the next business day after approval by trustees, but no later than April 28, 2025.

See the 2025 Budget Deadlines PDF ICON for additional information.

Both the School District Budget Notice and the Property Tax Report Card are designed to closely align both forms with each other and the Tax Cap Form filed with the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). The order of entries are consistent with the Tax Cap calculations and break apart each component piece of the total tax levy being presented to voters.

We have observed two issues in accurately calculating whether a district’s proposed levy is subject to the statutory requirement to achieve a 60% or greater vote to be approved.

  • The handling of separate propositions:
    • Propositions for capital expenditures, including transportation, are excluded under the cap just as they would be under the general budget itself, allowing districts to raise their allowable tax levy limit to account for these costs.
    • Propositions for educational programs or additional transportation services are not excluded under the cap, just as they would not be under the general budget itself. Districts must fit these costs and their associated levy under their tax levy limit.
    • The levy for these non-excludable propositions was to be included in the Total Proposed Year Tax Levy previously. However, to make it explicit, it is now a separate line in the form that will be automatically added into the total levy.
    • As the OSC Tax Cap Form does not have a separate line for these non-excludable propositions, be sure to include the levy required for them in the Proposed Levy, Net of Reserve line on that form.
  • The comparison between the proposed tax levy and the calculated tax levy limit to determine the need for a 60% approval:
    • Due to regulatory requirements, the Property Tax Report Card and the Budget Notice compare the Total Proposed Tax Levy without Exclusions to the Tax Levy Limit without Exclusions. The OSC Tax Cap form compares the Proposed Levy plus Exclusions to the Tax Levy Limit including Exclusions. While both calculations result in the same determination of the required level of affirmative vote, it can lead to miscalculations between the forms.

For a graphic representation of the differences, please see the crosswalk diagram. PDF ICON (27KB)

Chapter 97 of the Laws of 2011 requires school districts to report data elements necessary to calculate a Property Tax Levy Limit and amends requirements concerning reporting elements on the Property Tax Report Card. Required reporting elements from the tax levy limit calculation include:

  • tax levy limit (without including the levy for permissible exclusions from the tax levy limit)
  • permissible exclusions from the tax levy limit
  • proposed tax levy (not including the levy for permissible exclusions from the tax levy limit), and
  • total proposed tax levy (including any proposed levy above the tax levy limit and the levy for permissible exclusions from the tax levy limit).

Each of these elements is discussed in greater detail below. Please see Educational Management Services for additional guidance.


Note: Any quantitative changes to these tax levy limit data elements prior to the statewide voting day should be amended both in this form and the Real Property Tax Form filed with the Office of the State Comptroller. External Link

Subdivision 7 of Section 1608 and Sections 1716(7), and 2601-a (3) of the Education Law require that each year, commencing with the proposed budget for the two thousand-two thousand one school year, the trustee or board of trustees shall prepare a property tax report card, pursuant to regulations of the commissioner, and shall make it publicly available by transmitting it to local newspapers of general circulation, appending it to copies of the proposed budget made publicly available as required by law, making it available for distribution at the annual meeting, and otherwise disseminating it as required by the commissioner. Such report card shall include:

  • the amount of total spending and total estimated school tax levy that would result from adoption of the proposed budget and the percentage increase or decrease in total spending and total school tax levy from the school district budget for the preceding school year, and
  • the district’s tax levy limit determined pursuant to section two thousand twenty-three-a of this title, and the estimated school tax levy, excluding any levy necessary to support the expenditures pursuant to subparagraphs (i) through (iv) of paragraph i of subdivision two of section two thousand twenty-three-a of this title, that would result from adoption of the proposed budget; and
  • the projected enrollment growth for the school year for which the budget is prepared, and the percentage change in enrollment from the previous year; and
  • the percentage increase in the consumer price index, from January first of the prior school year to January first of the current school year. A copy of the property tax report card prepared for the annual district meeting shall be submitted to the department in the manner prescribed by the department by the end of the business day next following approval of the report card by the trustee or board of trustees, but no later than twenty-four days prior to the statewide uniform voting day. The department shall compile such data for all school districts whose budgets are subject to the vote of the qualified voters and shall make such compilation available electronically at least ten days prior to the statewide uniform voting day.
  • the estimated amount of the appropriated fund balance, the reserved fund balance, and the retained unreserved, unappropriated (undesignated) fund balance and its percentage of the total proposed budget, and the actual amount and percentage of the unappropriated, unreserved fund balance retained in the previous year.

Special Note: Please submit an electronic version (Word or PDF) of your completed Budget Notice to: emscmgts@nysed.gov

Data Elements on the Property Tax Report Card


The amount of total spending included in the budget, as defined in Section 1608 of the education law, as amended by section 111 of chapter 474 of the laws of 1996 and the closing paragraph as added by section 157 of chapter 474 of the laws of 1996. Such amount shall not include any separate propositions.


Represents the levy necessary to support General Fund expenditures. Include any prior year reserve for excess tax levy, including interest. It should equal the sum of the two amounts calculated on the Office of the State Comptroller Real Property Tax Calculation Form and shown as:

  • Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce 2026 Levy, and
  • 2026 Proposed Levy, Net of Reserve

For 2024-25, report the actual levy for school purposes authorized by the trustee, board of trustees or board of education.


District must enter this amount, if applicable


Tax Levy associated with educational or transportation services propositions are not eligible for exclusion and may affect voter approval requirements.


District must enter this excess reserve amount, including accrued interest, if applicable. As shown on the Office of the State Comptroller Real Property Tax Calculation Form as:

  • Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce 2026 Levy


The form will automatically calculate the sum of these items. It should also equal the sum of the two amounts calculated on the Office of the State Comptroller Real Property Tax Calculation shown as:

  • Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce 2026 Levy
  • 2026 Proposed Levy, Net of Reserve

For 2024-25, report the actual levy for school purposes authorized by the trustee, board of trustees or board of education.

The amount under Contingency Budget for the 2025-26 School Year must equal the 2024-25 Total School Year Tax Levy. If no budget is approved at the initial vote or upon re-vote, the Contingency Budget may not include a levy higher than the prior year’s levy (0% levy growth.)


As calculated on the Office of the State Comptroller Real Property Tax Calculation Form and shown as:

  • Total Exclusions


As calculated by the Office of the State Comptroller Real Property Tax Calculation Form and shown as:

  • Tax Levy Limit Before Adjustments/Exclusions


The form will automatically calculate.


The form will automatically calculate the difference between the Tax Levy Limit, Excluding Levy for Permissible Exclusions (Line G) and the Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy, Excluding Levy to Support Library Debt and/or Levy for Permissible Exclusions (Line H.) If the proposed levy is higher than the tax levy limit, resulting in a negative remainder, the budget needs to be approved by 60 percent or more of the eligible voters at the time of the vote.

Note: Separate propositions for educational programs or additional transportation services are subject to the property tax limit and the tax levy associated with such propositions must be included on Line C.) when determining the level of voter approval necessary for approval of the budget and the separate propositions.


Enrollment of pupils as defined in subparagraph two of paragraph n of subdivision one of section 3602 of the education law. Pursuant to section 2856 of the education law, resident charter school pupils also should be included in the enrollment reported on the property tax report card. Do not include enrollment of pupils in pre-Kindergarten.

"Public school district enrollment" shall mean the sum of the number of children:

  • on a regular enrollment register of a public school district on the date which enrollment for BEDS purposes is taken;
  • eligible to receive home instruction in the school district on such date;
  • for whom equivalent attendance must be computed pursuant to this subdivision on such date;
  • with handicapping conditions who are residents of such district who are registered on such date to attend programs under the provisions of paragraph c of subdivision two of section forty-four hundred one of this chapter;
  • eligible to receive educational services on such date but not claimed for aid pursuant to subdivision seven of section thirty-two hundred two of this chapter; and
  • registered on such date to attend programs pursuant to subdivision two of section three hundred fifty-five of this chapter, or pursuant to an agreement between the city school district of the city of New York and Hunter College pursuant to section sixty-two hundred sixteen of this chapter.


For the 2025-26 Property Tax Report Card, report actual 2024-25 balances based upon the June 30, 2024 ending fund balance and estimated June 30, 2025 balances for the proposed 2025-26 budget year, as approved by the Board of Education.

Actual fund balances reported for 2024-25 are determined as follows:

  • Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance: Final June 30, 2024 amount, as reduced or increased, if applicable, after the adoption by the Board of Education of the estimated balance on the 2024-25 Property Tax Report Card.
  • Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance: The actual amount listed on the tax warrant (August 2024).
  • Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance: The final amount retained as of June 30, 2024.

Estimated fund balances reported for 2025-26 are as of the time of School Budget and Property Tax Report Card preparation:

  • Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance: The estimated June 30, 2025 final balance, which will be the 2025-26 school year beginning balance.
  • Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance: The amount estimated for subsequent school years’ taxes.
  • Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance: The estimated final amount to be retained as of June 30, 2025. This is the fund balance amount that is limited by law to no more than 4% of the estimated total 2025-26 budget; however, during the year it may be used to increase reserves or be appropriated for unanticipated ordinary contingent expenses.

The data collection form is submitted via SAMS (State Aid Management System) on the NYSED Application Business Portal and contains revised fields to collect this data.

Property Tax Report Card is due by COB of the next business day after approval by trustees, but no later than April 28, 2025.

If you have questions about the Property Tax Report Card form, please contact David Elliott in the Office of Educational Management Services by email or call (518) 474-6541.

2024-25 Property Tax Report Card Re-Vote Data Excel Icon

2024-25 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2024-25 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2023-24 Property Tax Report Card Re-Vote Data Excel Icon

2023-24 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2023-24 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2022-23 Property Tax Report Card Re-Vote Data Excel Icon

2022-23 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2022-23 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2021-22 Property Tax Report Card Re-Vote Data Excel Icon

2021-22 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2021-22 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2020-21 Property Tax Report Card Re-Vote Data Excel Icon

2020-21 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2020-21 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2019-20 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2019-20 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2018-19 Property Tax Report Card Data Excel Icon | 2018-19 Schedule of Reserve Data Excel Icon

2017-18 Excel Icon

2016-17 Excel Icon

2015-16 EXCEL ICON

2014-15 EXCEL ICON

2013-14 EXCEL ICON

2012-13 XLS ICON

2011-12 EXCEL ICON

2010-11 EXCEL ICON

2009-10 EXCEL ICON

2008-09 EXCEL ICON

2007-08 EXCEL ICON

2006-07 EXCEL ICON

2005-06 EXCEL ICON

2004-05 EXCEL ICON

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Last Updated: December 13, 2024